CIESC Journal
• 化工学报 • 上一篇 下一篇
Bao Qinai (Research Laboratory of Anqing Petrochemical Works)
摘要: 在大量循环冷却水模拟试验的基础上,对冷却水在换热器水侧所产生的污垢热阻进行了探讨.提出用一个可进行线性回归的、能反映诱导期的指数函数R_f=R_f~e-A/t-t.来描述污垢增长的规律.经将60轮模拟试验数据进行回归分析表明,这个指数函数能很好地与实验数据相符合.采用新的模式,就能由实验所得的R_f和相应的t值,直接回归出极限污垢热阻R_f~.
Abstract: Extensive experimentation on a simulated fouling test facility showed that cooling water initially fouled quite rapidly but ultimately the rate of fouling diminished to some constant, asymptotic values. Frequently it was observed that an induction period existed before the formation of any deposit, and an implicit solution of the Kern-Seaton equation could thus not be obtained satisfactorily by the trial-and-error method. Based on a large set of data, a new model was postulated to show the above mechanism of fouling: This exponential model involves an induction period, and linearized regression could be used to solve for the parameters Rf and A. Results of regression analysis of 60 runs with a TI-59 programmable calculator indicated that most correlation coefficients for the new model were greater than 0.9. With this new equation, the asymptotic fouling resistance could be estimated directly from experimental data.
鲍其鼐. 估量冷却水成垢的新模式 [J]. CIESC Journal.
Bao Qinai (Research Laboratory of Anqing Petrochemical Works). A Model for Predicting Fouling Behavior of Cooling Water[J]. .
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