Oxidative degradation of nitrogen-heterocyclic compounds(NHCs)under microwave electrodeless excilamp in the presence of H2O2
YE Zhaolian1,ZHANG Renxi 2,CHEN Xian1,XI Zhinan1
(1Department of Environmental Engineering,Jiangsu Teachers University of Technology,Changzhou 213001,
Jiangsu,China;2 Institute of Environmental Science,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China)
YE Zhaolian1,ZHANG Renxi 2,CHEN Xian1,XI Zhinan1. Oxidative degradation of nitrogen-heterocyclic compounds(NHCs)under microwave electrodeless excilamp in the presence of H2O2[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progree, 2012, 31(02 ): 440-447.