Subscription RatesCIESC Journal (ISSN 0438-1157)Subscription for the year 2023,Volume 74,12 issuesAnnual subscrition rate (for all the countries except China) is US$460 for institutions and US$230 for individuals (including air mail extra charge).Order FormSubscriptions are accepted on a prepaid basis only, and delivery will take place after receipt of payment. Subscriptions are on a calendar year basis(January-December), and expire with the last issue of the last volume listed. Requests for subscriptions should be sent to the editorial department . Private subscribers should declare that the subscription is for their personal use only and that it will not be put at the disposal of any library.Required year of copies□institution □ individualDelivery address:NameAddressCity Postal/Zip code CountryTel FaxE-mailSignature DateCheck please make payable to Ms. Zhou XinyuReturn mail to:CIESC JournalChemical Industry PressNo.13 Qingnianhu South Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100011, China
2012-02-14 Visited: