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Hydrogen generation from reforming of lower alcohols aqueous solution by glow discharge plasma under liquid

YAN Zongcheng;CHEN Li;WANG Honglin   

  • Online:2006-06-25 Published:2006-06-25



  1. 华南理工大学化工与能源学院,广东 广州 510640

Abstract: The reforming process of lower alcohols aqueous solution by cathodic glow discharge plasma,in which hydrogen was produced across a gaseous envelope over the cathode,was studied.The experiments using water and lower alcohols water mixture as reforming raw materials to generate hydrogen-rich gas were conducted.The experimental results showed that lower alcohols molecules were more active than water molecules.The cathodic liberated gases were mixtures of hydrogen,carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and the concentration of hydrogen was about 95%.The energy consumption per cubic meter gas was 2.690×103 kJ•m-3.The influence of voltage across the circuit on the composition of cathodic gas and power consumption per cubic meter gas was analyzed.It was found that plasma density increased with the increase of voltage,and the quantity of decomposed solvent molecule and solute molecule increased in the course of voltage increasing.The influence of lower alcohols concentration in solution on the composition of cathodic liberated gas and power consumption per cubic meter gas was investigated.

摘要: 探讨了阴极液下辉光放电等离子体重整低碳醇水溶液制氢反应过程.比较了水溶液和低碳醇水混合溶液中阴极等离子体重整制氢实验,发现以低碳醇水溶液为等离子体重整介质时,低碳醇分子在阴极等离子体层中表现出明显高于水分子的反应活性,阴极气体单位体积能耗可以降至2.690×103 kJ•m-3,生成气体中氢气含量达95%,并有一氧化碳和二氧化碳.分析了电压对阴极生成气单位体积能耗和气体组成的影响,发现电压越高等离子体密度越大,阴极生成气单位体积能耗降低,被等离子体分解的溶剂溶质分子也越多.比较了不同浓度低碳醇溶液的产气情况,低碳醇浓度对生成气组成和单位体积能耗有重要影响.