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Demineralization of Hainan coconut shell and its residue for preparing high surface area activated carbon

YAO Boyuan;HUANG Guangmin;DOU Zhifeng;LIN Baiyun   

  • Online:2006-06-25 Published:2006-06-25



  1. 海南大学海南省精细化工重点实验室,海南 海口 570228

Abstract: As raw materials for preparing high surface area activated carbon(HSAAC), there are distinct differences between coconut shell and petroleum coak.For preparing high quality HSAAC, coconut shell and its residue must be demineralized.The result of orthogonal test indicated that the ash content of coconut shell and its residue treated under optimal conditions of 10% H3PO4 and 3h at room temperature,could be decreased to 0.42% and 0.75%,respectively.After improving the process of coconut shell acid hydrolyzation, the ash content of coconut shell residue could be decreased to 0.40%.Therefore, they can be excellent raw materials for preparing HSAAC.After the products were treated with acid, the iodine number of the products made from these materials increased by 9% and the specific surface area of the products could be also increased by 11% via floatation to remove free ash.

摘要: 椰壳、椰壳渣与石油焦性能差异明显,必须脱灰处理才能作为高比表面积活性炭优质原料.正交实验结果表明:采用10%的H3PO4,常温下处理3 h,椰壳灰分可脱至0.42%,椰壳渣可脱至0.75%.改进椰壳酸水解工艺后,椰壳渣灰分也可脱至0.40%,满足制备高比表面积活性炭优质原料要求.活化后产品酸洗脱灰可提高吸附性能9%,浮选脱灰可提高吸附性能11%.