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Lumped kinetics model and its on-line application to commercial catalytic naphtha reforming process

HOU Weifeng;SU Hongye;HU Yongyou;CHU Jian   

  • Online:2006-07-25 Published:2006-07-25



  1. 浙江大学先进控制研究所,工业控制技术国家重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027

Abstract: Based on the lumping theory and the reaction network with seventeen lumped components reported earlier, a new kinetic model involving twenty lumped components and thirty-one reactions was developed for catalytic reforming process.The subdivision of 8-carbon aromatics and all the hydrocracking reactions of the paraffin lumps were considered in this model.The 20-lumped kinetics model was used to simulate commercial continuous catalytic reforming (CCR) unit.Fair agreement between the calculated and operating data was obtained and the simulation precision of cracking products by the 20-lumped kinetics model was better than that by the 17-lumped model.By adopting an on-line prediction and correction strategy, the 20-lumped model was also used to on-line calculate aromatics yield, yield of each aromatics lump, and RON (octane number of reformate) of the CCR process.The trend and precision of on-line prediction were very good.The average deviations between on-line predicted and actual aromatics yield and RON were 0.52%(mass) and 0.36 respectively,nearly equivalent to the off-line prediction performance.

摘要: 按照集总理论的指导原则,在原17集总反应网络的基础上,提出了一种包含20个集总组分、31个反应的催化重整动力学模型.该模型进一步细分了八碳芳烃组分,并考虑了烷烃组分的所有加氢裂化反应.在某工业连续重整装置上的验证结果表明,所建立的20集总模型可以精确地模拟包括八碳芳烃4个异构体在内的反应产物组成;与原17集总模型相比,裂化产物的预测精度明显提高.随后,采用特定的在线预测和校正策略,将该模型用于在线预测此连续重整过程的总芳烃收率、各芳烃组分收率以及重整油辛烷值,在进料和反应操作条件较大的变化范围内,在线预测趋势和预测精度均令人满意.总芳烃收率和重整油辛烷值的平均预测偏差仅分别为0.52 %和0.36,与离线模拟精度相当.