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Mixing and transport of partcles in rotating cone

HU Guoxin;CHEN Hongwen;GONG Xiwu   

  • Online:2006-07-25 Published:2006-07-25



  1. 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,上海 200030;江西环保股份有限公司,江西 南昌 310000

Abstract: An experimental apparatus was set up to investigate the particles mixing and transport in a rotating cone.The effects of cone rotational frequency,feed rate and the cross section of overflow gate on the hold-up and residence time of particles in the cone were examined for different conditions.The results showed that it was absolutely possible for the rotating cone to control particles transport and ensure a suitable residence time of particles simultaneously by proper structural design and operational means.The erected ring wall could prolong the residence time of particles in the cone.The blender was important to particles mixing and transport in the rotating cone.The particle hold-up in the rotating cone tended to increase with the increase of feed rate and with the decrease of cone rotational frequency.The residence time was inversely proportional to feed rate and cone rotational frequency.The increase of the overflow gate cross section tended to reduce hold-up and the residence time of particles in the rotating cone.

摘要: 采用带竖立环壁的旋转锥体床,并在环壁上设置溢流口,在锥体内设置固定搅拌器.研究颗粒在这种新型的旋转锥体内的混合和输运规律,探讨锥体旋转速率、颗粒给料速率、溢流口面积等参数对锥体内的颗粒混合、动态存料量以及停留时间的影响.结果表明,通过增设竖立环壁将大大延长颗粒在锥体的停留时间,而搅拌器的设置对于保证颗粒在锥体内的充分混合起着关键作用.在设置搅拌器的情况下,锥体内的动态存料量与给料速率成正比,而与锥体旋转速率成反比;停留时间与锥体旋转速率和给料速率成反比.增加溢流口面积,将缩短颗粒停留时间和降低锥体内的存料量.研究结果对于设计耦合旋转锥体床的煤热解气化炉具有一定的参考价值.