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Model test of underground coal gasification of Xinhe coal

LIANG Jie;WU Meiyunting; LI Wenjun;ZHAO Ming


  • Online:2006-12-25 Published:2006-12-25



  1. 中国矿业大学(北京)化学与环境工程学院,北京 100083

Abstract: Based on the model test of “rich-oxygen-steam” underground coal gasification (UCG) of Xinhe coal, the basic regularities of the UCG process was studied and the reasonable parameters were established for a power generation project by using the UCG technology.The proximate analysis,ultimate analysis and reactivity test of Xinhe coal were made.From the tests, the change of effective gas composition and heat value under different technical conditions was investigated.The result showed that a normal fuel gas can be obtained by blasting pure oxygen at the beginning of the test because there was some water in the coal bed.In the“rich-oxygen-steam”process, when the ratio of steam to oxygen was kept between 1.5∶1 and 2∶1, a fuel gas(effective composition about 70%,heat value about 10 MJ·m-3)could be achieved.The average productivity of Xinhe coal was 1950 m3·t-1 and the gasification rate of the coal seam was 74.6%.

摘要: 为了探索烟煤地下气化过程的基本规律,为新河“煤炭地下气化发电示范工程”制定合理的工艺参数,测定了新河烟煤反应活性,并进行了富氧-水蒸气地下气化模型实验;研究了不同工艺条件下,出口煤气有效组分含量、热值的变化规律.实验结果表明,气化初期因煤层中含水,纯氧直接气化,可获得合格的煤气;在保持汽氧比在1.5∶1~2∶1之间时,新河烟煤采用富氧-水蒸气正向供风、辅助孔供风和反向供风连续气化可获得有效气体组分在70%、热值在10 MJ·m-3左右的煤气;新河烟煤的产气率平均为1950 m3·t-1,煤层气化率可达到74.6%.