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05 January 2012, Volume 31 Issue 01
    Research advance in resource recovery treatment of sewage sludge by pyrolysis
    JIN Zhengyu1,ZHANG Guochen2,WANG Kaijun1
    2012, 31(01 ):  1-9. 
    Abstract ( 2191 )  
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    Pyrolysis,as a new kind of thermochemical treatment in the field of waste treatment,can convert the material into stable and transportable form of energy. In this article,the fundamental principle,classification and kinetics of sewage sludge pyrolysis are introduced. Characteristics,development and state-of-art of different kinds of sewage sludge pyrolysis processes are also described according to phases of their target products,along with their possible effective usages. Additionally,Hybrid pyrolysis processes and future trends of pyrolysis process in sewage sludge treatment are discussed.
    Research development in reactors for hydrogen production from methane
    CHEN Hengzhi,GUO Zhengkui
    2012, 31(01 ):  10-18. 
    Abstract ( 1570 )  
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    As a great potential clean energy,pure hydrogen produced by methane had attracted great attention,and the reactor is a key issue for the process of hydrogen production. The reactors for hydrogen production,such as fixed bed,fluidized bed,membrane reactor,plasma reactor,solar reactor and microchannel reactor were reviewed in this paper. Merits and limitations of various reactors and their development trends were also discussed.
    Numerical study of the effect of polymer additives on heat transport in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection
    JIANG Huahong,LI Changfeng,ZHENG Chenhui
    2012, 31(01 ):  19-24. 
    Abstract ( 1283 )  
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    In this study,the Reynolds-Averaged-Navies-Stokes(RANS)model combined with the Cross Viscosity Equation is applied to the soft turbulence region(Ra =5×105~4×107)and hard turbulence region(Ra>4×107)of Rayleigh-Bénard convection(RBC). The relation curves between heat transport(Nusselt number)and other parameters,as well as flow pattern changes of RBC are obtained with different Rayleigh number and the concentration of the polymer additive. The simulations show that the presence of polymer additive can lead to an enhancement of the heat transfer with larger effect area in the hard turbulence region than in the soft turbulence region. It is also shown that the shorter reversal cycles with higher reversal frequencies occur in the soft turbulence region,and the symmetric vortices in the diagonal corner of enclosed space are reduced accordingly.
    Optimization of water-using network in a batch processe system with multiple contaminants
    DU Jian1,HONG Shuihong1,CHEN Li2
    2012, 31(01 ):  25-29. 
    Abstract ( 1427 )  
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    The optimization of water-using network in a complete batch process system with multiple contaminants was studied in this paper. A superstructure of water-using network and the NLP(non-linear programming)mathematical model are constructed,and the quantity of flow in each water-using process is limited between the minimum and maximum in order to accelerate convergence. In this study,storage tanks are used to bridge the time gap. First,the key contaminant in each water-using process was ascertained,and then the superstructure was simplified by eliminating the reuse and recycle of the water resource with maximum concentration of the key contaminant. Second,the model is solved by GAMS(General Algebra Model System),and then the minimum fresh water and waste water discharge are gained as well as the number and volume of central storage tanks. Third,the optimized water-using network is obtained. Two examples in literature are solved to illustrate the validity and advantages of the proposed approach,which requires fewer cycle periods of calculation and smaller number of central storage tanks than before.
    Research of water cushion increased resistance effect of jet impact area during the process of high-speed water jet crushing
    WAN Jiwei1,NIU Zhengming1,NIU Zhunong2
    2012, 31(01 ):  30-34. 
    Abstract ( 1305 )  
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    In order to understand the characteristics of high-speed water jet impact zone and effect of material crushing,the research on water cushion in impact zone and influence of material crushing has been conducted according to the theoretical analysis,numerical computation and high pressure water jet smash experiment results obtained from a self-designed afterward mixing facility with coal as main crushing material. The result shows that there is a water cushion with about 10 times of r0 in the range of target body impact area of high-speed water jet. The water cushion of the jet impact zone is unfavorable for the crushing. There is certain effect on the crushing efficiency especially  on the reduction of the low size fraction level product with increased resistance of water cushion. It is more efficient without increased resistance of water cushion. Research about increased resistance of water cushion to the reduction mechanism of water jet impact zone provides certain theory and design reference to the research practice on water jet crushing technology and equipment.
    Cost analysis on three separation processes in microbial production of 1,3-propanediol
    WANG Jiyan,TENG Hu,XIU Zhilong
    2012, 31(01 ):  35-40. 
    Abstract ( 1737 )  
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    The preliminary design for the bioconversion of 1,3-propanediol from glycerol with annual production capacity of 1000 tons was achieved by three separation processes operated sequentially,which were an aqueous two-phase extraction,an alcohol precipitation and an electrodialysis.The process simulation software,ProⅡ,was used to simulate the three downstream processes.Based on energy and material balance,the raw material,utilities and equipments costs of these three processes were calculated.The cost analysis indicated that the total costs of alcohol precipitation,aqueous two-phase extraction and electrodialysis were 14793,14201 and 14345(RMB/t),respectively.The economic sensitivity analysis showed that the price of glycerol was the key factor influencing the unit costs.The increasing of the concentration and yield of 1,3-propanediol will help to reduce production costs and improve process economic efficiency.
    Numerical simulation of gas-solid two-phase flow in the feeding pipe of superfine classifier SCX
    DIAO Xiong,LI Shuangyue,HUANG Peng,LI Liangchao
    2012, 31(01 ):  41-46. 
    Abstract ( 1636 )  
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    The numerical simulation of gas-solid two phase flow field was performed for the improved feeding pipe of superfine classifier SCX based on the two-phase flow theory. The distribution regularities of gas-solid two-phase flow in the feeding pipe were obtained by analyzing the distribution of the pressure,velocity,turbulent kinetic energy of the gas phase,and the particle concentration distribution of the solid phase. Numerical results show that the radial gradient of the pressure,velocity and turbulent kinetic energy of the gas phase reduce,and the channel flow phenomena weakened by installing guide vanes. Guide vanes can impede the lateral movement of solid particles and change the particle trajectory,thus particle concentration distributions are evenly distributed,facilitating the subsequent classification.
    Research progress of dye-sensitized solar cells
    SUN Xuhui1,2,BAO Tana1,ZHANG Lingyun1,ZHANG Guohua1,WANG Weiguang1
    2012, 31(01 ):  47-52. 
    Abstract ( 1509 )  
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    Recently,dye-sensitized solar cells(DSSC)have attracted much attention because of its simple process,low price and high efficiency. In this paper,the construction and principle of DSSC were described. The development of DSSC was reviewed,and the method for preparation and modification of photoanode semiconductive film was summarized. Requirements were addressed for the sensitized dyestuff and redox electrolyte,as well as their characteristics and classification. The main development trend in the future should be the research on the high performance of semiconductive film,the stable and broad spectral responsive sensitized dyestuff,and the highly efficient total solid electrolyte.
    Research progress of detoxification methods in inhibitors in lignocellulosic material-pretreated hydrolysate for ethanol production
    ZHANG Qiang,SUN Lizhi,WANG Yidong
    2012, 31(01 ):  53-56. 
    Abstract ( 1066 )  
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    The research on fuel ethanol from lignocellulosic material is a hot topic. Research progress of detoxification methods in inhibitors in lignocellulosic material-pretreated hydrolysate was reviewed. Formation of fermentation inhibitors,mechanism of inhibitors,the effect of inhibitors on microbial growth and ethanol fermentation and development of detoxification methods were introduced. Appropriate pretreatment and detoxification methods and the selection of tolerant-inhibitor strains are the focus of further research.
    Analysis of bio-oil from pyrolysis of wheat stalk under microwave-irradiation
    YAN Caihui1,2,ZHAO Wei1,2,LIU Dan1,2,WU Xiaona1,2,YANG Huamei1,2,ZHAO Jing2,TAO Xin2,SHENG Chen1,2
    2012, 31(01 ):  57-61. 
    Abstract ( 1458 )  
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    In this study,wheat stalk was pretreated using dilute sulphuric acid and then pyrolyzed under microwave irradiation to produce bio-oil. The products were extracted with cyclohexane,ethyl acetate,methanol and tetrahydrofuran sequentially,and the extraction solutions were analyzed with GC/ MS. The results showed that only a small number of bio-oil components existed,so it easy to separate the high added-value chemicals from the bio-oil. The relative content of 5,6-dihydropyran-2-one in the extractive by cyclohexane was 45.0%,and the relative content of furfural in all of the bio-oil was 45.6%. In addition,the relative content of acids in the bio-oil was 16.0 %,which demonstrated that the bio-oil cannot be used as fuel oil directly due to its high acid content.
    Research advance in the measurement of intracrystalline diffusivities in zeolites
    LAN Xuefang1,2,ZHAO Ruiyu1,2,ZHAO Yusheng3,ZHAO Yuansheng3,LIU Chenguang1,2
    2012, 31(01 ):  62-68. 
    Abstract ( 1799 )  
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    Fundamental theory and experimental technology of intracrystalline diffusion characterization are greatly significant in research of zeolites and their application in catalysis and adsorption field. This review summarizes the intracrystalline diffusivity measurements worldwide. Classification and influence factors of intracrystalline diffusion are introduced. Strengths and weaknesses of these methods are analyzed and different characterization results are compared. Macro-method is suitable for industry research, while micro-method possesses advantages in theoretical research. Finally, the development trend and challenge in intracrystalline diffusivity characterization are proposed.
    Photocatalytic research progress of Cu-based semiconductor oxides
    KANG Yuanli,WANG Guiyun,LIU Zongyuan,WANG Yanji
    2012, 31(01 ):  69-73. 
    Abstract ( 1878 )  
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    It is a hot point in material research area,that semiconductive materials are used to split water for hydrogen evolution and degrade pollutants,in recent decades. From the point of the development range of photocatalyst material,the basic properties,preparation method and the photocatalytic application of the containing copper semiconductor oxides are summarized. The oxides discussed in this paper include two kinds of oxides,the first type containing Cu(Ⅰ) named cuprous oxide and delafossite oxides,and second type containing Cu(Ⅱ) named copper oxide and spinelle composite oxides. Composing Cu-based semiconductor oxides with n-type semiconductor material to obtain p-n heterogeneity composite oxides should be a promising research direction.
    Research progress in glycerol dehydration to acrolein
    HUANG Shixue1,CUI Hongyou1,QIAN Shaosong2,GU Junfeng1,BU Xiaomeng1
    2012, 31(01 ):  74-82. 
    Abstract ( 1765 )  
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    With the increasing of biodiesel production,a large volume of byproduct glycerol has led to a market surplus. Dehydration of glycerol to acrolein is considered to be an efficient and effective route to improve the economic efficiency of biodiesel production. The reaction characteristics of glycerol dehydration to acrolein under the liquid phase,gas phase and sub-/supercritical water conditions are analyzed. The emphasis is given to the catalysts for glycerol dehydration in gas phase. Effects of microstructure,acidity of the active phase and redox site on the catalytic activity,selectivity and longevity are discussed. The causes for catalyst deactivation are also involved. Moreover,the reaction mechanisms of glycerol dehydration proposed in the literature are presented and the research work in glycerol dehydration to acrolein in the future is proposed.
    Research advance in shape-controlled synthesis of sulfide-based photocatalysts for water splitting and pollution cleaning
    ZHANG Bo,YAO Weifeng,SONG Xiulan,XU Qunjie,ZHOU Xiaolü
    2012, 31(01 ):  83-90. 
    Abstract ( 1487 )  
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    The functional performance of the inorganic nano-materials was impacted by many factors,such as the crystal structure,dimensions,morphology,particle size,etc. CdS,ZnS,and their composites have special properties in optical,electrical,magnetic,catalytic,and mechanical aspects,which are closely related to their crystalline forms and morphologies. Preparation of sulfide-based semiconductor nanomaterials with controlled particle size,shape,crystallite orientation,and study on the effect of structure and morphology on photocatalytic properties are of great significance in the development of new highly efficient photocatalytic materials. The recent results of the shape-controlled synthesis of the sulfide-based photocatalysts are summarize for water splitting and organic dye degradation in this paper. The morphology of sulfide-based photocatalysts includes nanowires,nanorods,spherical,leaf shape,flower and etc. Synthesis methods of the sulfide-based catalysts can be divided into the following categories:template method,hydrothermal,solvothermal,precipitation,sol-gel method,etc. The methods for controlling the particle morphology mainly include:①control of the crystal nucleation and growth,②control of the reaction conditions,③template aggregation and④application of surfactants. The effect of the catalyst morphology on the photocatalytic activity of the sulfide-based photocatalysts was discussed. Current problems and future perspectives for the shape-controlled synthesis of sulfide-based photocatalysts were also indicated in the paper.
    Advance in the research on chromium based catalyst for ethylene polymerization
    WANG Jun1,LI Yun1,LI Cuiqin1,ZHANG Huaizhi2
    2012, 31(01 ):  91-97. 
    Abstract ( 1114 )  
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    Recent developments of chromium based polyethylene catalyst are described in both heterogeneous catalyst system and homogeneous catalyst system. The main progress and application of new active components and carriers are introduced. Synthesis and application of new homogeneous metal complex catalyst with different Cr active centers,including Cr(Ⅱ)、Cr(Ⅲ)、Cr(Ⅳ),are discussed. The development prospects of chromium based catalysts for polyethylene is also proposed.
    Research advances in selective catalytic reduction of NOx over transition metal-based zeolite catalysts
    JIANG Jianqing1,PAN Hua2,SUN Guojin1,SHAO Zhenhua1,SHI Yao1
    2012, 31(01 ):  98-106. 
    Abstract ( 1736 )  
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    A general review is given over the research advances in SCR of NOx with ammonia or hydrocarbons over transition metal-based zeolite catalysts in last 10 years. In NH3-SCR system,Cu and Fe based zeolite catalysts are particularly addressed,the deactivation reasons of these catalysts is discussed as well. In HC-SCR system,the effects of different metals,zeolite types,reducing agents,water vapor,sulfur dioxide on the activity of catalysts are summarized,and the well accepted reaction mechanism of HC-SCR is introduced. The future research directions for SCR over zeolite-based catalyst are also included.
    ZrO2 doped Pd/Al2O3 catalyst and its catalytic performance on anthraquinone hydrogenation
    WANG Feng1,XU Xianlun2
    2012, 31(01 ):  107-111. 
    Abstract ( 1334 )  
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    ZrO2 doped Pd/Al2O3 catalyst,in which H2PdCl4 and Zr(NO3)4 were used as a precursor and an added component respectively,was prepared. Different two step impregnation methods were used for catalyst preparation,and its catalytic activity on anthraquinone hydrogenation was investigated in different reaction conditions. It was found that the catalytic activity was influenced by the preparation methods. When the support with ZrO2 was calcinated appropriately,the load of Pd was 0.3% and reduction temperature was blow 300 ℃,the catalyst activity is about 20% higher than that of catalyst without ZrO2. The structure,specific surface area,surface topography and interaction in the components of catalyst were analyzed by X-ray diffraction(XRD),BET surface area,X ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS),transmission electron microscopy(TEM),and temperature-programmed reduction(TPR) respectively. The promotion of catalytic properties is attributed to the ZrO2 which could enhance the heat stability of Al2O3,improve the interaction in the components and make Pd diffused on the surface of catalyst.
    Preparation of micro/mesoporous ZSM-5/MCM-41 composite molecular sieve and its catalytic performance on the dehydration of ethanol
    JIANG Jianzhun,KANG Yu,ZHANG Mingsen
    2012, 31(01 ):  112-116. 
    Abstract ( 1983 )  
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    Micro/mesoporous ZSM-5/MCM-41 composite molecular sieves were prepared with commercial ZSM-5 zeolite as silica-alumina sources by the treatment of aqueous NaOH solution and with further hydrothermal crystallization using cetyltrimethylammonium bromide(CTMAB)as a structure-directing agent. The influence of various parameters,especially the temperature of the treatment and/or that of the crystallization processes on the crystallization and the morphology of the micro/mesoporous composites has been investigated. The obtained composite materials were further prepared to become catalysts and their catalytic performance on the dehydration of ethanol was carefully illustrated. The results show that micro/mesoporous ZSM-5/MCM-41 composite can be successfully obtained by a two-step method and the optimal condition is that ZSM-5 zeolite was firstly treated at 110 ℃ in a 2.0 mol/L aqueous NaOH solution for 20 h and further crystallized under 110℃ for 20h. H-type catalysts were prepared by ion exchange of the prepared micro/mesoporous ZSM-5/MCM-41 composite with NH4NO3 solution. They show wonderful catalytic performance on the dehydration of ethanol. The conversion of ethanol and the selectivity of ethylene is up to 99% and 96% respectively when the reaction temperature ranges from 240 to 255 ℃ under 0.5 h-1 weight hourly space velocity(WHSV)of ethanol.
    Preparation of [BMIM]HSO4/Al2O3 and its application in acrolein synthesis from glycerol dehydration
    ZHANG Yue,LU Le,LIU Jianwu,YAN Shenghu,SHEN Jiefa
    2012, 31(01 ):  117-121. 
    Abstract ( 1866 )  
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    The ionic liquid[BMIM]HSO4 was synthesized by two steps and the immolized ionic liquid catalyst [BMIM]HSO4/Al2O3 was prepared by impregnation method. The catalyst was characterized by TG-DTG,BET,SEM and etc. In the synthesis of acrolein from glycerol,the effects of the load content of ionic liquid,the reaction temperature,the airspeed and the catalyst stability were studied in a continuous fixed bed reactor under atmospheric pressure. The results showed that the better condition was as follows:the temperature 300 ℃,the load weight content of ionic liquid 40% and airspeed 6 h-1. The acrolein mole selectivity reached 90.22% and glycerol conversion rate reached 100%. After 100 hours,the yield can reach 75% by using the catalyst.
    Effect of La2O3 on the properties of Ni/γ-Al2O3/cordierite structured catalysts for hydrogenation of MDN to MPDA
    LIU Shaowen1,2,TU Wenyan 2,BAO Chuanping 2
    2012, 31(01 ):  122-125. 
    Abstract ( 1272 )  
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    The effects of adding La2O3 to Ni/γ-Al2O3-cordierite structured catalysts on their performance of the hydrogenation reaction of m-dinitrobenzene to m-phenylenediamine were investigated. The Ni catalysts modified by La2O3 were prepared by a coating method and an impregnation method. The catalysts were characterized by BET,XRD,TPR and XPS. It was found that the active components of the catalyst before and after adding La2O3 were in the form of NiAl2O4 ,the forms of NiAl2O4 and Ni,respectively. Adding La2O3 to the catalysts could increase the quantity of the easily reduced Ni,and further improved the catalytic activity. Although adding La decreased the surface areas of the catalysts,the pore structure was improved. The catalyst activity depended on the contents of La2O3. Ni/γ-Al2O3-cordierite structured catalysts with La2O3 of 3% exhibited better catalytic activity and selectivity.
    Research advance in controlled crystallization of isotactic polypropylene based on α/β compounded nucleating agents
    XIN Zhong,SHI Yaoqi
    2012, 31(01 ):  126-132. 
    Abstract ( 1912 )  
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    Three kinds of well studied α/β compounded nucleating agents(NAs),phosphate/amide,sorbitol/amide,and phosphate/carboxylate were selected to investigate their influence on the crystallization kinetics,crystallization morphologies,and mechanical proprieties of isotactic polypropylene(iPP). It can be summarized the key factor of affecting the α/β compounded NAs is the crystallization temperature(TC). The NA with higher TC plays a leading role in the crystallization process. Competitive nucleation will occur when the difference of TC between two NAs is not pronounced. According to this rule,the optimization method for compounding α and β NAs can be developed. An example of adjusting the stiffness and toughness of isotactic polypropylene based on different of α/β compound nucleating agents was employed.
    Recent progress in noble metal/WO3 composite nanostructures for gas- sensing and photocatalytic applications
    YIN Li,CHEN Deliang,LI Tao,ZHANG Yi,ZHANG Rui
    2012, 31(01 ):  133-143. 
    Abstract ( 1677 )  
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    WO3-based composite nanostructures have been used as the promising materials for gas-sensing and photocatalytic applications. The performance of WO3 composite nanostructures modified by noble metals can be greatly improved compared to individual WO3 material. In this paper,the recent progress in the gas-sensing and photocatalytic properties of noble-metal-modified WO3 composite nanostructures is reviewed. Effects of preparation methods and noble metal dopants on the gas-sensing properties to various gases,such as NOx,H2S,H2 and etc.,have been discussed in detail. The gas sensing mechanisms of noble-metal-modified WO3 composite nanostructures have been introduced. The photocatalytic properties of noble-metal-modified WO3 composite nanostructures are reviewed according to the species of noble metals(such as Au,Ag,Pt and Pd nanoclusters). The recent achievements in improving the photocatalytic performance of noble-metal-modified WO3 composite nanocatalysts and the related photocatalytic mechanisms have been summarized. Some existing issues and future trends in development of the noble-metal-modified WO3 compositephotocatalysts have been also included.
    Research advance in grafting lactones to cellulose by ring-opening polymerization
    ZHANG Guangzhi,HUANG Dan,HOU Xiuliang
    2012, 31(01 ):  144-150. 
    Abstract ( 1304 )  
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    Cellulose,as an important,low cost and wide available natural products,might be the most valuable biomass resources as the substitute for petroleum. The study on chemistry of cellulose materials has been developed rapidly and has become a hot topic in recent years. In this area,the investigation of graft copolymer of cellulose has drawn great attention. In this paper,the applications and developments of the graft method for the ring-opening polymerization(ROP)of lactones and lactides with cellulose and cellulose derivatives are introduced. Furthermore,this review also includes the latest scientific research development and the future potential in this field.
    Preparation and characterization of interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels based on konjac glucomannan with various molecular weights and poly (acrylic acid) for controlled release
    YAO Xue,LUO Xuegang,HAN Benchao
    2012, 31(01 ):  151-155. 
    Abstract ( 1643 )  
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    In this paper,a pH-sensitive interpenetrating polymer network(IPN)hydrogels designed for colon targeted drug delivery were prepared by using konjac glucomannan(KGM)with different molecular weights(1.070×106(KGM-1),8.272×105(KGM-2),7.329×105(KGM-3),and 6.012×105(KGM-4))and poly(acrylic acid)(PAA)with N,N-methylene-bis-(acrylamide)(MBAAm)as a cross-linker. The structure of the hydrogels was characterized by FTIR and SEM. The swelling ratio of these hydrogels had sensitive respondence to the environmental pH value variation. Hydrogels composed of higher molecular weights KGM had bigger swelling ratio than those hydrogels composed of lower molecular weights KGM. The enzymatic degradation tests showed that the IPN hydrogels retain the enzymatic degradation character of KGM,and hydrogels composed of lower molecular weights KGM can release drug more stably. These results showed that KGM with lower molecular weights could be a more suitable polymeric carrier for controlled release.
    Mechanism of the synthesis of ordered Fe-containing mesoporous carbon composite materials in one-pot
    LING Xiaofeng,GU Juan,LI Jiansheng,SUN Xiuyun,HAN Weiqing, SHEN Jinyou,WANG Lianjun
    2012, 31(01 ):  156-162. 
    Abstract ( 1633 )  
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    Ordered Fe-containing mesoporous carbon composite materials(Fe/OMC)have been synthesized via soft-templating routes by using triblock copolymer F127 as a template agent,resorcinol (R)-formaldehyde(F)as a carbon precursor,inorganic iron salts having complex reaction with phenols as a metal precursor in one-pot. The main strategy of this approach was to utilize the acidity self-generated from the hydrolysis of inorganic salts in the aqueous solutions as the catalyst for RF polymerization,where no addition of mineral acids was necessary. The resultant Fe/OMC materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction,Transmission electron microscopy. The influences of the aging time,the dosage of iron nitrate and the molar ratio of R/F on the structure of the obtained materials were investigated. Results show that the ordered mesoporous structure can be obtained under the synthetic condition of the aging time≥60 h,n(Fe)/n(R)=0.05—0.2,n(R)/n(F)=1/1.5—1/2.0. Moreover,a possible mechanism of the synthesis of Fe/OMC was proposed.
    Preparation and swelling kinetics of PAAm-g-PEG/PVPpH-responsive semi-IPN hydrogels
    WEI Qingbo,GAO Loujun,FU Feng,ZHANG Yuqi,MA Rongxuan
    2012, 31(01 ):  163-168. 
    Abstract ( 1191 )  
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    Polyacrylamide grafted poly(vinyl alcohol)/polyvinylpyrrolidone semi-interpenetrating network hydrogels(PAAm-g-PEG/PVP)were designed and prepared via a simple free radical polymerization route initiated by a PEG-(NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 redox reaction technique. The swelling,and diffusion behavior as well as swelling kinetics were examined in various pH buffer solutions,and the structure and thermal properties were analyzed by Fourier transfer infrared spectra and thermal analysis system. The experimental results showed that the swelling ratios and diffusion mode of the PAAm-g-PEG/PVP hydrogels depended on the pH value of buffer solutions. The equilibrium swelling values were reduced with the increasing of pH values,which agreed with maximal theoretical water contents S∞ fitted by swelling kinetic data. The swelling behavior of the PAAm-g-PEG/PVP hydrogels might be controlled and modulated by PEG with different molecular weights.
    Research advances in enzyme-catalytic synthesis of sugar ester in non-aqueous phase
    GUO Yanxia1,HU Yi1,WANG Ying2,JIANG Ling1,ZOU Bin1,SONG Ping1
    2012, 31(01 ):  169-175. 
    Abstract ( 1889 )  
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    The recent research progress of enzymatic synthesis of sugar ester is reviewed,by focusing on the methods for the synthesis of glucose ester,fructose ester, sucrose ester, maltose ester and xylitol ester. The impacts of enzyme, solvent and fatty acid on the yield of sugar ester are analyzed. The similarities and differences of enzymatic synthesis of different suger ester are compared. The outlook of enzyme-catalytic synthesis of sugar ester in the non-aqueous phase is also prospected. The enzymatic synthesis provides many advantages including mild reaction conditions,high selectivity, and low toxicity. New reaction medium, economic and environmental method of separation and purification are also emphasized.
    Progress in modification of waterborne acrylate pressure-sensitive adhesive
    WEI Xiaoli,FU Heqing
    2012, 31(01 ):  176-184. 
    Abstract ( 1388 )  
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    The latest progress in modification of waterborne acrylate pressure-sensitive adhesive(PSA) was summarized,including across linkage modification,organic silicon modification,tackifying resin modification,nanoparticle modification and reactive emulsifier etc. And proposed that there are mainly three aspects for the future application of waterborne acrylic PSA,including the high solids content waterborne acrylate PSA,multiple-modified high-performance waterborne acrylate PSA and the two-component acqueous acrylate PSA.
    Extracting method and hair care function of keratin from chicken feathers
    QI Jingbo1,2,LIANG Xiaoping1,2,WU Wei1,2
    2012, 31(01 ):  185-188. 
    Abstract ( 1496 )  
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    The keratin of chicken feather was extracted by reduction-C method. The influence of reaction time and temperature on the yield and the viscosity of the keratin were discussed,and the extractive was analyzed by FTIR. Then the moisture retention and UV-resistance of the dialyzed keratin on the hair were investigated. The results indicated that the keratin solution with ideal yield and viscosity could be obtained at 70 ℃and the reaction time for 4 h. The infra-red spectrogram showed β-sheet structure in the extractive of keratin. Hair conditioned with keratin protein had good moisture retention. The keratin solution with concentration of 6.7 g/L could absorb ultraviolet in 200~350 nm.
    Research on cyclization reaction of dichloropropanol in a micro-channel reactor
    ZHANG Yue,LI Jinshi,YAN Shenghu,LIU Jianwu,SHEN Jiefa
    2012, 31(01 ):  189-192. 
    Abstract ( 1930 )  
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    The paper is about the cyclization reaction of dichloropropanol preparing epoxy chloropropane in a micro-channel reactor. The influence of reaction temperature,the ratio of two materials,thedetention time on the yield of epoxy chloropropane are studied. The optimal parameters for reaction process are obtained as 50 ℃ reaction temperature,1∶1.2 for the ratio of dichloropropanol and NaOH,45 s detention time,20% weight concentration of sodium hydroxide solution,under which the yield of the epoxy chloropropane can reach up to 95.2%. The STC in micro-channel reactor is more than 100 times of that in a regular reactor. Comparing with traditional technological process,this new micro-channel reaction process makes the yield of epoxy chloropropane increased by 10% with less energy consumption,and the waste water discharge reduced by 45%.
    Research advance in sorption mechanisms of antibiotics in soil inorganic minerals
    CHEN Bingfa,WU Min,ZHANG Di,NING Ping,ZHONG Zhengyan,MAO Zhen
    2012, 31(01 ):  193-200. 
    Abstract ( 1251 )  
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    Antibiotics have been widely introduced into the environment. Their sorption/desorption behaviors control their transport,transformation and fate in the environment. Both soil organic matter and inorganic mineral have strong sorption to antibiotics. In this review,sorption mechanisms of antibiotic in inorganic minerals were focused on. The surface properties and structures of mineral(such as S—OH and 2∶1 and 1∶1)and the types of functional groups(such as —OH,—CHO,and —COOH)were highlighted. Ionic exchange and hydrophobic effect play a dominant role in the antibiotic adsorption in inorganic minerals. The effect of pH,ionic strength,and dissolved organic matter in antibiotics sorption were discussed,and viewpoints regarding antibiotics sorption were compared. Future research directions were also discussed.
    Technology of recovering urea from urea inclusion compounds producted in the separation of fatty acids using urea complexation
    Lü Wei,JIANG Jianchun,XU Junming
    2012, 31(01 ):  201-207. 
    Abstract ( 1737 )  
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    The technology using methanol-toluene binary solvent mixtures to recover urea and fatty acids from urea inclusion compounds was chosen as the best method through comparative experiments among five kinds of processes. The recovered yields of fatty acids and urea were 99.12% and 99.46% respectively,when the ratio of urea inclusion compounds - methanol - toluene was 1∶3∶3(g∶mL∶mL). Recovered fatty acids was analyzed using FT-IR,GPC and GC-MS. FT-IR spectroscopy identified the structure of recovery material,finding that both saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were contained. Relative molecular weight of recovery fatty acids was 443 with a content of 93.92%. Six kinds of fatty acids were identified and content of UFAs(93.96%)were detected in recovery fatty acids via GC-MS. In recovered urea,long needle-like cylindrical crystal structure was observed using SEM,with a better crystallinity. Recovered urea reused for isolating PUFAs were investigated six times. The contents and yields of PUFAs purified by recovery urea were among 81%~89% and 60%~72% respectively,and the purity of UFAs was 100%.
    Experimental study on affecting factors for the performance of denitrification using H2O2 solution in coal-fired flue gas
    BAI Yuan,LI Zhonghua,XUE Jianming,WANG Xiaoming
    2012, 31(01 ):  208-212. 
    Abstract ( 1450 )  
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    The process of flue gas purification with H2O2 for nitrogen oxide abatement has become a resource-economical and environment-friendly technology. The influences of H2O2 concentration,pH values,the initial concentration of NOx and temperature on the efficiency of denitrification were studied in a bubbling reactor. The feasibility of H2O2 matching different types of absorbent technology was also discussed in this paper and the optimal condition was achieved. The denitrification efficiency can be 43.96%,which were gained under the concentration of H2O2 50%,pH value about 3,the temperature about 363 K,the initial concentration of NOx about 450—500 mg/m3. The initial absorption efficiencies of 5% urea solution,slurry and water were 56.91%,51.77% and 50.12% respectively,where the flue gas was treated by 50% H2O2 solution. It was found that the efficiency declined with the time extended. Studies also showed that it could significantly slow the decline in the efficiency of denitrification when ethylenediamine was added in the urea solution.
    Experimental study on ammonia absorption for simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification
    FAN Xueyou,JIA Yong,ZHONG Qin
    2012, 31(01 ):  213-216. 
    Abstract ( 1552 )  
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    The study on simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification was carried out in a self-designed reactor using ammonia as the absorbent. The removal efficiency of SO2 was 100% and NOx removal rate was 72%. The condition for the absorption of SO2 and NOx was studied. It showed that SO32 concentration in the absorption solution is an important factor for desulfurization and denitrification. The combination of selective catalytic oxidation(SCO)and ammonia flue gas desulfurization were proposed. This method can be used to modify the existing ammonia flue gas desulfurization equipments to achieve simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification.
    Removals of nitrogen and phosphorus in the water by submerged hydrophytes
    ZUO Qili,LI Ziyan,YANG Xiaolin,LIU Kaiqing,DU Liang,DU Jinhong,QIU Li,JIANG Hao
    2012, 31(01 ):  217-221. 
    Abstract ( 1727 )  
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    Through static simulation test,three kinds of submerged plant including Elodea densaPlanch.Casp.Ceratophyllum demersum LCabomba Fanwort were studied. They were highly efficient in removing total nitrogen(TN),total phosphor(TP). The change of the biomass at the different nutritional levels was also investigated. The nutritional levels were described by mesotrophic concentration,eutrophic concentration,hyperbolic concentration and stress concentration. The research results indicate that three kinds of submerged hydrophytes are capable of removing nitrogen and phosphorus effectively at the different nutritional levels in the water. At mesotrophic concentration,eutrophic concentration and hyperbolic concentration,Ceratophyllum demersum L showed well TN removal efficiency in the water,Elodea densaPlanch.Casp.showed well removal efficiency on both TN and TP in the water at the different nutritional levels. At hyperbolic concentration and stress concentration nutritional levels,the removal efficiency of Elodea higher than Ceratophyllum demersum L,and Cabomba Fanwort.
    Separation of H2SO4/FeSO4 mixture by spiral wound diffusion dialysis
    HUA Wei1,LI Chuanrun2,3,ZHANG Xu2,WANG Huchuan3,YANG Weihua2,XU Tongwen2,WEI Fengyu1
    2012, 31(01 ):  222-226. 
    Abstract ( 1333 )  
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    Separation of synthetic titanium white waste liquor(H2SO4/FeSO4 system)by a self-made spiral wound diffusion dialysis module has been studied. Effects of H2SO4 and FeSO4 concentration,diffusion dialysis time,flow rate and flow rate ratio on the recovery of H2SO4 were investigated. The results showed that the spiral wound diffusion dialysis membrane module was an effective diffusion dialyzator. The acid recovery rate was more than 80% and the salt rejection rate was more than 90% when feed and water flow rate is 4.84 mL/(min?m2) and flow ratio of water to feed is 1. The recovered acid concentration was up to 70% of the acid concentration of titanium white waste liquor. Under the same operation condition,the spiral wound diffusion dialysis membrane module was more effective than the conventional plate-and-frame diffusion dialyzator.
    Adsorptive removal of Cr() ions by carboxymethylated-chitosan modified magnetic silicaparticles
    CHENG Changjing,LIU Dong,ZHANG Chang
    2012, 31(01 ):  227-232. 
    Abstract ( 1349 )  
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    A new magnetic nanoadsorbent(Fe3O4@SiO2@CMC)was fabricated by coating silica from the hydrolysis of sodium silicate onto the surface of magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles,and followed a covalent binding of high-deacetylated-degree carboxymethylated chitosan onto the surface of Fe3O4@SiO2 nanoparticles via carbodiimide activation. The obtained magnetic nanoadsorbent(Fe3O4@SiO2@CMC)was characterized by TEM,IR,XRD and VSM. And the adsorption properties of the adsorbent for Cr(Ⅵ) ions were also investigated. The results showed that the adsorption capability was significantly affected by pH,and the adsorption capacity was best at pH=2;Moreover,with the distributions of Cr(Ⅵ) species under corresponding pH conditions,the adsorption mechanisms of Cr(Ⅵ) including both ion exchange and electrostatic gravitation were discussed. In addition,adsorption equilibrium data were correlated with Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms to determine the adsorption potential. The results showed that the Langmuir isotherm was better relative to the Freundlich isotherm,and a maximum absorption capacity of 86.96 mg/g and a Langmuir adsorption equilibrium constant of 0.0174 L/mg at 298 K,pH 2 with volume of 5 mL.
    Implementation technology of virtual factory in process industry
    QI Lugang1,2,FU Gang1,2,Lü Wenxiang1,2,SHI Dapeng1,2,HUANG Dexian1,2
    2012, 31(01 ):  233-239. 
    Abstract ( 1212 )  
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    Due to the lack of enterprise-level simulation platform of process industries in current universities and institutes,the enterprise-level process simulation technology is studied,together with virtual reality technology and information interaction technology in this paper. Then through integrating these technologies,a visual and flexible virtual factory platform is developed. Taking a practical refining enterprise as a prototype,a whole development process of a virtual oil refinery on the platform is introduced in detail. Application result analysis shows that this platform provides a good experimental tool for integrating automation teaching and research with accuracy,low costs,strong visual instruction,high extensibility and compositionality.
    Development and commercial application of SRH liquid phase recycling hydrogenation technology
    SONG Yongyi1,2,FANG Xiangchen2,LIU Jihua 2
    2012, 31(01 ):  240-245. 
    Abstract ( 1717 )  
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    SRH liquid phase recycling hydrogenation technology takes the advantages of hydrogen,dissolved in liquid phase,to meet the hydrogenation reaction requirements,in which hydrogen concentration grads in the oil can act as the driving force for the reaction. SRH technology is characterized by its catalyst bed fully submersed in the liquid phase and close to isotherm operation as well as its high reaction efficiency and high target product yield. In addition,both the unit investment and operating costs are lower because of fewer high pressure devices adopted and less heat loss. The pilot plant results showed that SRH technology had strong adaptability to feed and can be applied to process different diesel under suitable process conditions. The products were also with good quality. Besides,the commercial application results from SRH diesel phase liquid recycling hydrogenation unit with capacity of 20×104 t/a in Chang-ling Refinery showed that:qualified 3# jet fuel can be produced using kerosene as feed;clean diesel with meeting national Ⅲ diesel specifications can be produced by blends of AGO,LCO as well as blends of AGO,CGO;clean diesel meeting national Ⅳ diesel specifications can be produced by AGO. Meanwhile,the longer stable running of this unit proves that SRH diesel products liquid recycling hydrogenation technology and key devices are mature and reliable.
    Current development review and market analysis on polypropylene industry
    AN Fangcheng
    2012, 31(01 ):  246-251. 
    Abstract ( 1357 )  
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    By analyzing the current development and tendency of polypropylene industry,both domestic and international situation of supply and demand are predicted. The analysis of current development,tendency and consumption structure of polypropylene industry in China are emphasized. At the same time,the future demand in domestic market is predicted and production expansion ability in the coming years is analyzed. The advices on the current equipment and production expansion of polypropylene industry are also given.