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31 August 2015, Volume 66 Issue S2
    CIESC Journal(HUAGONG XUEBAO)Vol.66 No.S2 May 2015
    2015, 66(S2):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 153 )   PDF (2278KB) ( 407 )  
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    Current situation and development tendency of CCHP systems in China
    YANG Gan, ZHAI Xiaoqiang, ZHENG Chunyuan, WANG Ruzhu
    2015, 66(S2):  1-9.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150684
    Abstract ( 543 )   PDF (2252KB) ( 1482 )  
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    Combined cooling heating and power (CCHP) system powered by natural gas can be applied for the energy cascade utilization, with the advantages of high energy utilization ratio and less pollutant discharge.The domestic and foreign application research status of CCHP system and the types of system equipment are introduced.CCHP systems built in Beijing and Shanghai are researched.Building types, selection of power system and situations of load matching are counted and analyzed in this paper.Some characteristics of the development of CCHP system in China are summarized and some opinions about application limitations and development prospect of CCHP system are given.

    Advances in mobile natural gas mini-liquefiers
    GONG Maoqiong, GUO Hao, SUN Zhaohu, CHENG Kuiwei, CHEN Gaofei, ZOU Xin, WU Jianfeng
    2015, 66(S2):  10-20.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150699
    Abstract ( 494 )   PDF (3297KB) ( 990 )  
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    Mobile natural gas mini-liquefiers have great advantages in application prospects in dealing with scattered and isolated well natural gas resources,pipeline gas redistribution,distributed peak-shaving and vehicle LNG fuel station,etc.In this paper,the various natural gas liquefaction technologies were first analyzed.It is pointed out that the mixed refrigerant liquefaction cycle(MRC)which is the dominant technology in world-wide LNG industry is still the best choice for the miniature scale natural gas liquefiers.The current development of mobile natural gas mini-liquefier is also reviewed.Based on the researches on MRC for 20 years,our team has successfully developed various skid-mount natural gas liquefiers.The idea of flexible liquefaction center and virtual pipe line network is proposed.Series air-cooled skid-mount liquefiers with various capacities from 10000 to 30000 m3·d-1 have been developed and commercialized which is driven by ordinary oil-lubricated screw compressors.The measured specific power consumption of the 30000 m3·d-1 mini-liquefier is almost equal to that of the large-scale LNG plant with 1000000 m3·d-1 in China.At present,several different capacities of liquefiers have been used in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia.

    Meet new needs of LNG industry: liquefaction technology selection and case study
    CHEN Fei, SCHMIDT William, YANG Shaojun
    2015, 66(S2):  21-29.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150729
    Abstract ( 448 )   PDF (940KB) ( 735 )  
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    For many years,large baseload LNG plants built on land have been the focus of the LNG industry.In recent years the industry has seen many changes which have brought new challenges and required revisiting technology selection considerations.The shale gas boom,the use of LNG as transportation fuel,and the development of liquefaction plants offshore and in arctic area,are few examples of challenges facing the industry.Modern LNG projects have different considerations related to unique feed gas compositions,driver systems and fuel requirements,and operation in an offshore motion environment,and therefore have different requirements for reliability,operability,efficiency and capacity.These new factors affect the technical decisions,and their interactions.This paper will review the key technical features of conventional large baseload plants,and discuss what needs to be re-considered to optimize CAPEX and OPEX and meet modern project needs.In addition,this paper will use two case studies to demonstrate how the right technology selection will ultimately lead to a successful project.

    Calculation of CO2 frost point temperature in CH4+CO2+N2/C2H6 ternary mixtures
    XIONG Xiaojun, LIN Wensheng
    2015, 66(S2):  30-39.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151069
    Abstract ( 329 )   PDF (903KB) ( 657 )  
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    When natural gas encounters low temperature processes,CO2 in natural gas mixtures easily forms into frost and causes plugging problems,so it is necessary to predict the frost point temperature of CO2 in natural gas mixtures.This paper employs three different methods to calculate the frost point temperature of CO2 in CH4+CO2+N2/C2H6 ternary mixtures.The first method is to build fugacity balance model based PR equation of state.The second method is to establish pressure balance model based Dalton's law of partial pressure.And the third method is using HYSYS software.The results by three different methods are all found to be in good agreement with the experimental results.Moreover,the comparison results of three methods show that the method by PR equation of state has the highest accuracy and the method by Dalton's law of partial pressure has the lowest accuracy.Despite that the method by Dalton's law of partial pressure is not as precise as the other two methods,it can be used for fast prediction in engineering because it is simple to calculate and achieve satisfactory precision.

    Simulation of falling film flow and heat transfer at shell-side of coil-wound heat exchanger
    LI Jianrui, CHEN Jie, PU Hui, LI Endao, DING Guoliang, ZHUANG Dawei, HU Haitao
    2015, 66(S2):  40-49.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150841
    Abstract ( 503 )   PDF (1658KB) ( 542 )  
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    The objective of this paper is to develop a numerical model to predict the two-phase flow,heat transfer and mass transfer at shell-side of coil-wound heat exchangers(CWHEs),which can predict the performance of heat exchangers and optimize the structure of CWHE.To achieve this goal,the mechanism of the status of shell-side two-phase flow should be analyzed.Then,a model for simulating flow pattern,including the droplet flow,the column flow and the sheet flow,is developed by employing the volume of fluid-continuous surface force method;the mass transfer model is developed and mass transfer rate can be predicted on tube surface and liquid-gas interface;then the latent heat during evaporation and condensation can be calculated based on the mass transfer rates;the forces and the heat and mass transfer rates are introduced into the control equations as the source terms.The proposed model is validated by the experimental data from the existing references.There is good agreement between experimental data and predictions.The validation results show that 89% of the predicted data can agree with the experimental data within a deviation of ±25%. The heat and mass transfer coefficients obtained by the model are also analyzed.

    Exploration of LNG cold energy utilization system for LNG-fueled fishing vessels
    SUN Nannan, TAN Hongbo, ZHANG Yang, LI Yanzhong
    2015, 66(S2):  50-55.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150697
    Abstract ( 411 )   PDF (1126KB) ( 317 )  
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    Liquefied natural gas(LNG)fueled fishing vessels have a wide horizon of development,in order to improve the LNG cold energy utilization efficiency of them,this paper compared the pros and cons of recycling LNG cold energy through refrigerated warehouse and power generation,and proposed a new LNG cold energy utilization system for LNG-fueled fishing vessels.The utilizing efficiency of cold energy and exergy in different Rankine cycle condensation temperature,evaporation temperature and secondary refrigerant outlet temperature were obtained in this paper.The results show that the utilizing efficiency of cold energy increases significantly when Rankine cycle condensation temperature decreases or evaporation temperature rises.As secondary refrigerant outlet temperature increases,the utilizing efficiency of cold energy increases slightly,but the flow rate of secondary refrigerant increases significantly.In this system,the maximum cold energy utilization efficiency and exergy utilizing efficiency can respectively reach 200.1% and 28.6%,improved significantly and energy-saving effect is remarkable.

    Heat transfer experiment of sub-cooled intermediate fluid vaporizer
    JI Xin, CHEN Shuangshuang, SONG Yang, LIN Wengsheng
    2015, 66(S2):  56-61.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151065
    Abstract ( 278 )   PDF (1293KB) ( 651 )  
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    Intermediate fluid vaporizer(IFV)is a crucial component for liquefied natural gas(LNG)floating storage and re-gasification unit(FSRU).Two-phase heat transfer process of propane is widely used in IFVs.To decrease the size of IFVs,the sub-cooled intermediate heat transfer process is presented in this paper.Taking propane as the intermediate fluid,an experiment was performed for the heat transfer characteristics of fluids,according to the practical using background,do the experiments to find out the factors which may affect the heat transfer process.The results show that the inclined channel may strengthen the heat transfer in a small scale;the temperature of seawater may change during a whole year,the heat provided by intermediate fluid may increase when the temperature of seawater is increased;the heat transfer coefficient will be larger under a larger velocity of seawater.

    Numerical simulation of heat transfer process within sub-cooled intermediate fluid vaporizer
    SONG Yang, JI Xin, LIN Wensheng
    2015, 66(S2):  62-65.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151066
    Abstract ( 344 )   PDF (797KB) ( 620 )  
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    Intermediate fluid vaporizer(IFV)is an essential component for liquefied natural gas(LNG)floating storage and re-gasification unit(FSRU).Two-phase heat transfer process of propane is widely used in IFVs.To decrease the size of IFVs,the sub-cooled intermediate heat transfer process is used in this paper.Taking propane as the intermediate fluid,the heat exchanging process within the heat exchanger was investigated.Numerical simulation of heat transfer process within sub-cooled IFV heat transfer was carried out to find out the factors which may affect the heat transfer process.The results showed that heat transfer was enhanced by increasing the seawater flow rate;temperature difference of propane and seawater between inlet and outlet increased in seawater inlet temperature.Conclusions were drawn that a larger amount of the seawater flow rate was essential to a higher efficiency of the heat exchanger.Further experiments are needed to make clear the effect of inclination angle on heat transfer enhancement.

    Investigation on heat transfer characteristics during flow boiling of liquid natural gas in vertical micro-fin tube
    XU Bin, SHI Yumei
    2015, 66(S2):  66-75.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150929
    Abstract ( 354 )   PDF (1720KB) ( 477 )  
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    This paper presents an experimental investigation on the heat transfer characteristics of liquid natural gas flow boiling in a vertical microfin tube.The effect of heat flux,inlet pressure and mass flux on the flow boiling heat transfer coefficients was analyzed.The Kim,Koyama,and two kinds of Wellsandt correlations with different Ftp coefficients were used to predict the flow boiling heat transfer coeffi-cients.The predicted results showed that the Koyama correlations were most adaptable under the whole experimental conditions.

    Heat exchanger network arrangement and multi-level matching characteristic of air separation system using LNG cold energy
    ZHENG Jieyu, LI Guangpeng, LI Yanzhong, SI Biao, YANG Yujie
    2015, 66(S2):  76-84.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150693
    Abstract ( 370 )   PDF (989KB) ( 839 )  
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    The common liquefied natural gas(LNG)cold energy utilization methods based on air separation system were analyzed and on the basis of varing character of LNG cold energy and safety requirement for air separation sytem,a better LNG cold energy utilization scheme was proposed;in line with the principe of scientific use of energy,4 kinds of LNG-N2 heat exchanger network arrangement schemes were proposed aiming at solving the problem of designing a series of heat exchanger network system of high power efficiency at various operation pressure.All the proposed scheme were simulated and the results showed that the new schemes tend to yield more liquid products compared to conventional air separation unit using no LNG and the prior art of that using LNG cold energy.The high pressure(HP)LNG +HP N2 scheme ends up with the unit liquid product power consumption of 0.217 kW·h·kg-1 and if LNG outlet pressure is not limited,the power consumption can be further decreased to 0.176 kW·h·kg-1 by using scheme 4,which is 15.9% and 31.8% less than that of the prior art,respectively.The arithmetic mean temperature difference(AMTD)was choosen as the indicator of the uniformity of heat exchange.The variation rules of AMTD along with LNG pressure also suggested that scheme 2 with low pressure(LP)N2+LP LNG was with the best uniformity of heat exchange,and some other suggestions were made for determination of a suitable pressure under different working conditions.

    Multi-zone dynamic model for multi-stream LNG spiral wound heat exchanger
    DUAN Zhongdi, REN Tao, DING Guoliang, CHEN Jie, PU Hui, MI Xiaoguang
    2015, 66(S2):  85-94.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150707
    Abstract ( 359 )   PDF (1546KB) ( 445 )  
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    In order to predict the dynamic performance of spiral wound heat exchanger applied in LNG Floating Production Storage and Offloading(LNG-FPSO),a multi-zone dynamic model of multi-stream LNG spiral wound heat exchanger was developed.A mathematic method by establishing 3(n+1)×3(n+1)diagonal matrices and interconnection matrices was proposed to express parameters in heat transfer calculation of multi-stream heat exchanger,which is capable of describing the heat transfer relationship between each stream and each zone.A heat transfer calculation model for fluid and tube wall based on multi-zone method was presented,considering the staggered arrangement of phase interface,which is capable of calculating heat transfer in the case of phase changes in both cold and hot streams.Case study showed that the presented model could be applied for dynamic simulation of multi-stream spiral wound heat exchanger,and was feasible to handle the transposition of phase interface.The results of presented model agreed well with the existed model,and the validation deviation was less than 4%.

    Design study of new throttle orifice applying to marine condensation regulating pipeline
    YANG Yuanlong
    2015, 66(S2):  95-100.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151202
    Abstract ( 345 )   PDF (3729KB) ( 628 )  
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    There is no reason in the design of orifice plate for condensation regulating pipeline,which could lead to cavitation downstream the orifice plate and brush pipeline with high fluid velocity.Severe vibration and brush corrosion were induced.Consequently,these affected the safety and stability of condensation pipeline extremely.Based on the mechanism of porous muffler with noise reduction,a new inclined hole hedge throttle orifice with the function of preventing cavitation and slow brush was proposed.The Bernoulli equation and block pressure difference method were introduced.Its aperture,and the thickness of the series were calculated and then two-stage inclined hole throttle orifice was obtained.The designed single-stage and two-stage throttle orifice were analyzed by means of numerical simulation.The calculated results show that the large scale vortex and the cavitation phenomenon would occur downstream single-stage throttle orifice,which caused the vibration for condensation pipeline easily.Two-stage throttle orifice not only could avoid cavitation from throttle orifice but also bring about fluid hedge jet effect.This may counteract jet energy from different inclined holes each other and slow fluid brush.The results of numerical simulation were basically consistent with theoretical design data. Therefore,the calculation method could provide theoretical support for the structural design of throttle orifice applying to marine condensation pipeline.

    Containment system of new independent type B LNG carrier and boil off rate calculation
    LI Guolong, JU Yonglin, FU Yunzhun
    2015, 66(S2):  101-107.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150694
    Abstract ( 371 )   PDF (2286KB) ( 318 )  
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    Based on the analyses of the containment system of a new independent type B liquefied natural gas(LNG)carrier with the total capacity of 17×104 m3,by comparing with the containment systems of traditional membrane-type and MOSS independent spherical type LNG carriers,the features of the new independent type B containment system are expressly highlighted.Based on the analyses of the hull and containment system structures of this LNG carrier,by taking into account of some reasonable and necessary simplification,a numerical simulation method is provided to calculate the heat transfer and the boil off rate of the containment system under different working conditions.And the effect of the thermal conductivity of reinforced polyurethane foam(RPUF)insulation material on boil off rate is studied.The following conclusions are obtained: (1)Given many advantages of the new independent type B containment system compared to traditional ones,this type of containment system has a promising application prospect in future.(2)When the thickness of insulation layer is 450 mm,the thermal conductivity of insulation material should be no larger than 0.03 W·m-1·K-1,in order to meet the requirement that the boil off rate is less than 0.1% per day.

    Design of coiled-wound heat exchanger in small plant of LNG
    LI Jingyao, GONG Maoqiong, TANG Qixiong, SUN Zhaohu, ZOU Xin, CHEN Gaofei, WU Jianfeng
    2015, 66(S2):  108-115.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151061
    Abstract ( 397 )   PDF (2703KB) ( 1197 )  
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    Coiled-wound heat exchanger has a wide range of applications in the area of liquefied natural gas(LNG),air separation and rectisol process.This paper presents a design method of coiled-wound heat exchanger,and based on the method,piecewise infinite simal method is used to write programs to design coiled-wound heat exchanger.An existing heat exchanger is check calculated with the programs to verify the reliability of the design method.Meanwhile,a coiled-wound heat exchanger used in small plant of LNG is designed,which provides a reference for engineering designing of multi-stream coiled-wound heat exchangers.

    Transient numerical analysis of steam generator thermal hydraulics during down load process
    ZHENG Lusong, ZHAO Yingjie, SUN Baozhi, QI Hongliang
    2015, 66(S2):  116-122.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151115
    Abstract ( 295 )  
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    Based on the actual operating process of the steam generator in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant,a transient simulation of load down from 100% to 50% operating condition was carried out by utilizing the CFD technologies to reveal the dynamic variation rule of steam generator heat-transfer characteristics in the load down process.The simulation results show that fluid thermal parameters of the primary and secondary sides decrease over time in the load down process.With the decrease of heat transfer intensity,the perturbation impact of tube support plates(TSPs)on steam quality,fluid velocity,and surface heat transfer coefficient in the secondary side decrease gradually.Corresponding to the operating condition of 100%,70% and 50%,the fluid temperature of primary outlet is 297.2,295.6 and 294.8℃ and the steam quality at the outlet of secondary outlet is 24.5%,16.7% and 12.1%,respectively,which are in consistent with actual operating parameters of steam generator in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant.These results can provide theoretical support to the safe operation and optimization design of steam generator.

    Experimental investigation of hybrid cryogenic heat pipe heat exchanger in LNG process
    WANG Gang, JU Yonglin
    2015, 66(S2):  123-131.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150772
    Abstract ( 300 )   PDF (3476KB) ( 569 )  
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    The utilization of natural gas in marginal reservoirs is a great challenge and opportunity in China.A small-scale LNG plant in skid-mount packages is an economical method instead of pipe lines or a conventional plant.But with small and compact structure,clogging problem always occurs in the heat exchanger(HE),owning to its narrow channels for heat transfer.But heat pipe(HP)can overcome this drawback with its inherent high heat transfer coefficient and nearly isothermality of the wall.Thus the heat pipe heat exchanger(HPHE)can be an alternative choice to replace the traditional plate-fin heat exchanger in small-scale LNG plants.In order to study the heat transfer performance of a HPHE in its different temperature zones,a module of a six-row HPs with fins was manufactured and tested under specific temperature,in which each row of the HPs were connected together to flatten the temperature in the cross section.The cryogenic heat pipes(thermosyphons)were respectively charged with propane,ethane and methane under low temperature to ensure the safety.Nitrogen gas with adjustable temperature(-100-295 K)was applied as the heat sink,while electrical heating films wounded around the evaporators were used as heat source.Thus the whole module can reach a stable state in a specified temperature zone with the cooperation of the heat sink and heat source.Temperature distribution along each row of HPs was measured under stable states,while the temperature of nitrogen gas was recorded at the same time.The result shows that the whole effectiveness of the 414-row HPHE can reach to 99.68%,as the average effectiveness of each row in all the modules is about 43.28%,under a heat flux of 860 W·m-2,which equals the thermal load of a small-scale LNG process with a flow rate of 50000 m3·d-1.It is also identified that heat can be transferred very fast from the cold point to other area in the cross section of HPHE,with this characteristic the HPHE can prevent its channels from clogging when the working condition changes sharply.

    Heat transfer analysis and numerical calculation for full containment LNG tank
    LI Zhaoci, GUO Baoling, WU Xin, ZHENG Mei
    2015, 66(S2):  132-137.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150862
    Abstract ( 421 )   PDF (3384KB) ( 817 )  
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    Due to the huge temperature difference between LNG and ambient temperature,the thermal insulation and structure of the full containment LNG tank are complex.The full containment LNG tank was selected as the example,and the heat transfer of each part of the tank were analyzed.The two-dimensional and three-dimensional steady temperature field numerical calculation models were built,and the temperature distribution of the bottom,the wall and the connecting parts of the tank were calculated.The research results has reference significance for LNG tank structure design.

    Simulation of pre-cooling of a liquefied natural gas storage tank
    KUANG Yiwu, ZHUAN Rui, WANG Wen, ZHU Juxiang
    2015, 66(S2):  138-142.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150960
    Abstract ( 342 )   PDF (3152KB) ( 770 )  
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    Before filling the liquefied natural gas(LNG)into the storage tank,a pre-cooling operation is needed to avoid the rapid dropping of temperature.In the present study,a numerical model of the pre-cooling of a LNG storage tank is presented in this paper.The heat and mass transfer during the pre-cooling process in the storage tank and the thermal conduction in the tank walls are taken into consideration in the current model.The simulation results show that the LNG droplets cannot cover the whole tank and there exists a maximum spray region.During the pre-cooling,the cool-down rate of the tank mainly depends on the LNG flow rate.The tank bottom part shows larger cool-down rate than the side wall.The maximum cool-down rate takes place at the center of the tank bottom.Due to backflow at the tank center,the wall temperature of this part will not decrease monotonically.

    Comprehensive performance of variable-pitch overlapped helical baffled heat exchangers
    DU Tingting, CHE Kai, WANG Danhua, CHENG Lin
    2015, 66(S2):  143-152.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150557
    Abstract ( 261 )  
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    Variable-pitch overlapped helical baffled heat exchangers were proposed and designed to improve the influence of leakage in triangle zone on the shell-side comprehensive performance.The comprehensive performance was analyzed based on numerical simulation.The results show that the main influence factors on variable-pitch helical baffled heat exchangers are helix angle combination,numbers of helix period and physical parameter of working medium.Variable-pitch helical baffled heat exchangers could improve the triangle leakage zone to some extent.Comprehensive performance of variable-pitch helical baffled heat exchanger is better than that of constant helical baffled heat exchangers with the same helix angle.When the comprehensive performance of the two kinds of helical baffled heat exchangers are the same,variable-pitch heat exchangers could enhance the heat transfer or save material of helical baffles and installing time.

    Simulation analysis on temperature field for B type LNG carrier
    FU Yunzhun, QI Liang, JU Yonglin, DU Xinghui
    2015, 66(S2):  153-157.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150728
    Abstract ( 417 )   PDF (4608KB) ( 402 )  
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    The structure of B type LNG carrier was introduced,and the calculation model was established.Then,the distribution of temperature field and velocity field and heat transfer calculation were analyzed in six kinds of conditions using the method of CFD numerical simulation.In addition,the boil-off rate in different conditions was calculated.The results show that the boil-off rate of the LNG carrier was no more than the goal of 0.1% per day when the thickness of the insulating layer was 350 mm and the LNG tanker system was intact.The research results provided an important reference and consulting for the supporting system of insulation design and innovation of LNG carrier.

    LNG continuous leakage and diffusion process simulation
    LI Zhaoci, ZHANG Wenhua, ZHENG Mei, WU Xin
    2015, 66(S2):  158-165.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150864
    Abstract ( 349 )   PDF (6377KB) ( 616 )  
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    The processes of LNG continuously leaking from pipeline and spreading were simulated by using the FLUENT software.The effect of pressure,different pipe leakage aperture and wind speed conditions on LNG continuous leakage and diffusion process were analyzed.The combustible explosive range and low temperature frostbite range expanding process with the LNG vaporous cloud spread were simulated and analyzed.The research results have reference value on LNG facility safety management.

    BOG recovery technology of LNG station based on a high power Stirling cryocooler
    ZHANG Ning, XU Ya, SHEN Qie, ZHANG Chong, SHAO Bin, SUN Daming
    2015, 66(S2):  166-171.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150756
    Abstract ( 345 )   PDF (1991KB) ( 916 )  
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    Three kinds of boil-off gas(BOG)recovery method of liquefied natural gas(LNG)filling station were comparatively analyzed and the recovery technology using a high power Stirling cryocooler was the best choice.This recovery method was not restricted by the nature gas pipeline network and compressed nature gas(CNG)and the "zero emissions" in LNG storage and transportation was performed.Its economy and social benefit were distinct.On the basis of the above analysis,refrigerating capacity of the single integral Stirling cryocooler and liquefaction capacity of BOG were discussed.The experimental and calculation results showed that the cooling capacity of cryocooler are 1 kW at 77 K and 2 kW at 110 K.The monthly liquefaction capacity of BOG is more than 8 t and meets the demands of cooling capacity of BOG recovery.

    Charging characteristics of marine steam accumulator under different operating conditions
    SUN Baozhi, GUO Jiamin, SHI Zhijun, YANG Longbin, SONG Fuyuan
    2015, 66(S2):  172-179.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150731
    Abstract ( 289 )   PDF (1046KB) ( 325 )  
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    The charging process of marine steam accumulator involves complex mass and energy transfer process of vapor liquid two-phase.The charging characteristics of marine steam accumulator is crucial to the launch process of aircraft.The experiments of charging characteristics were carried out under different operating conditions with the help of a small steam accumulator experiment system.The results showed that the temperature of the water working medium appeared stratification phenomenon that the temperature of bottom water was lower and the temperature of top water was higher during the charging process.The pressure of steam accumulator decreased firstly and then turned to stable with the transient process that the state of the working medium became equilibrium from non-equilibrium after the charging process.The pressure drop ratio caused by unbalanced potential difference increased along with the decrease of the storage water quality and the increase of the charging energy per unit time.The charged steam flow,the initial pressure of charging and the water level had a significant influence on the charging characteristics of steam accumulator,so these parameters should be set reasonably in practical application according to the requirements of the launch.

    In-situ simultaneous measurement of heat flux and temperature inside passive direct methanol fuel cell
    WU Shuo, YE Fang, LIU Jiaxing, GUO Hang, MA Chongfang
    2015, 66(S2):  180-185.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150533
    Abstract ( 272 )   PDF (2187KB) ( 455 )  
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    In order to study the relationship between heat transfer and mass transport in fuel cell,a micro thin film heat flux sensor,which can simultaneously measure the temperature and heat flux inside the fuel cell,has been designed and fabricated.The results show that the self-made sensor can detect the transient temperature and heat flux on the surface of membrane electrode assembly(MEA)and the sensor is slightly affect the performance of fuel cell.The simultaneous measurement indicates that the dynamic response of temperature is slower than that of heat flux during the fuel cell discharge process.The heat flux appears to be constantly changing with respect to temperature because of the variation of heat conductivity coefficient of MEA and the effect of methanol crossover.

    Sensibility analysis of feed gas in propane pre-cool mixed refrigerant liquefaction process feed gas
    PAN Hongyu, LI Yuxing, ZHU Jianlu
    2015, 66(S2):  186-191.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150733
    Abstract ( 358 )   PDF (1179KB) ( 508 )  
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    After liquefied at low temperature,the volume of the natural gas is only 1/625 of its original volume,greatly convenient for its conveyance and storage.Propane pre-cooled mixed refrigerant process is the most common gas liquefaction process by now,which is a combination of cascading liquefaction and mixed-refrigerant liquefaction process.Efficient as well as simple,more than 80 percent of the basic duty natural gas liquefaction plants are using this process in the world.Because of the actual situation that the pressure,temperature and component are likely to change in the inlet feed gas,it is necessary to do dynamic simulation analysis of the sensitivity of the feed gas.By adding the perturbation of pressure,temperature,component on feed gas separately,the dynamic response of the respective process system is obtained.The results show that:when the perturbation of pressure,temperature,component respectively react on propane pre-cooled mixed refrigerant liquefaction process,each system can regain stability after a period of time,and the stabilization time ranges from 20 to 250 minutes.In this way,the stability and reliability of propane pre-cooled mixed refrigerant liquefaction process are verified when the perturbation of feed gas exists.

    Experiments on phase-change heat transfer of propane intermediate fluid vaporizer
    CHEN Shuangshuang, JI Xin, LIN Wensheng
    2015, 66(S2):  192-197.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151091
    Abstract ( 337 )   PDF (1504KB) ( 565 )  
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    To simulate the heat process of propane in the intermediate fluid vaporizer(IFV),the test rig has been designed and built.Using water as the heat source,cold nitrogen as cold source,the boiling heat transfer and condensing heat transfer experiments of propane were conducted in two smooth concentric circular tubes.Inlet water temperature,water mass flow rate and gradient of tubes were analyzed to see how those factors affeted.With the increase of heat flux,the boiling heat transfer coefficient of propane increases and the tendency goes gentle.The boiling heat transfer coefficient is bigger in declining tubes.The experimental results show the same trend with prediction results from Cooper equation,with 30% of deviation.With the increase of wall sub-cooling,the condensation heat transfer coefficient of propane decreases and the tendency becomes gentle.The condensation heat transfer coefficient of propane is slightly bigger in declining tubes.The experimental results show the same trend with prediction results from Nusselt equation,with 40% of deviation.

    Operation characteristics and optimization of submerged combustion vaporizer
    QI Chao, WANG Bojie, YI Chongchong, KUANG Yiwu, WANG Wen, XU Jiawei, HUANG Yu
    2015, 66(S2):  198-205.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150688
    Abstract ( 415 )   PDF (1415KB) ( 733 )  
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    A heat transfer model of submerged combustion vaporizer(SCV)heat transfer tube was established and the calculation flow was also presented.The accuracy of this model was verified by the analysis of an engineering example.Based on a certain SCV,the curves of LNG temperature and heat transfer coefficient along the tube were calculated and analyzed in rated condition.The influence of LNG flow rate,LNG inlet temperature,LNG inlet pressure and fouling resistance coefficient on the water bath temperature was discussed.Based on the results above,a tube insert was recommended to enhance the heat transfer.When the heat transfer enhancement coefficient is 3.0,the bath water temperature could be decreased by 14.8℃ if the length of heat transfer tube keeps invariant.Meanwhile,the heat transfer area could be reduced by 23% if the bath water temperature keeps invariant.

    Numerical simulation of coupled heat transfer for LNG pipeline
    HU Zhuohuan, HUANG Tianke, ZHANG Leyi, YANG Mo
    2015, 66(S2):  206-212.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150712
    Abstract ( 307 )   PDF (2184KB) ( 862 )  
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    Coupled heat transfer was analyzed between liquefied natural gas(LNG)pipeline and environment,which including conduction,convection and radiative heat transfer.Conduction should be focused between pipeline and insulation.Convection and radiative was studied between insulation and environment.Cold exergy loss for LNG pipeline was discussed in addition.Then,numerical stimulation was adopted to analysis the flow and temperature filed around the pipeline.Different insulation materials,Reynolds number,environment temperature and solar radiation was investigated.The results showed the thermal resistance of insulation has a greater effect on the cold loss in LNG pipeline.With the increase of the thermal resistance of the insulation material,the influence of environment temperature,Reynolds number and solar radiation in cold exergy loss decreased.

    Mathematical modeling of LNG spills and pool spreading on water
    HE Sinian, CHANG Huawei, WEN Ke, SHU Shuiming
    2015, 66(S2):  213-219.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150703
    Abstract ( 324 )   PDF (1716KB) ( 523 )  
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    A calculation methodology has been developed to simulate cryogenic liquid spilling from various tanks,pool spreading and mass transfer on water.The shallow water differential equations have been used to illustrate the spreading process in this methodology.Not only the maximum radius and life of the pool can be calculated,but also the height profile of the pool is able to be presented.This methodology has been applied to simulating 12500 m3 LNG(liquefied natural gas)spreading on water which were supposed to be released from breach holes on various tanks.The simulation results have been analyzed in three aspects.First,breach diameters show a Boltzmann nonlinear relation with pool radius.Second,through researching the pool shape and tank configuration,it is found that it is adoptable to substitute cubic tank for spherical tank and substitute semicircle pool for shape-changing pool for the scenario modeled in this article.Finally,the contrastive analysis between this model and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC)model which is based on depth-averaged integral equations reveals that the averaged depth leads to a larger pool radius.

    Analysis of heat transfer to supercritical LNG in intermediate fluid vaporizer
    WANG Bojie, KUANG Yiwu, QI Chao, WANG Wen, XU Jiawei, HUANG Yu
    2015, 66(S2):  220-225.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150979
    Abstract ( 342 )   PDF (1045KB) ( 892 )  
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    Heat transfer characteristics about supercritical LNG in intermediate fluid vaporizer was investigated via numerical analysis and CFD simulation,and the influences of pressure and mass flow rate were studied.The result showed that the heat transfer coefficient and the wall temperature fluctuated as the LNG temperature increased,and changing mass flow fate seemed no use about this.In addition,the simulation result showed that the heat transfer deterioration occurred when LNG was near critical region,and the main reason was the properties' sharp change near critical region.Increasing the mass flow rate seemed a effective way to avoid heat transfer deterioration.

    Adsorption separation of CH4/N2 with carbon molecular sieve
    LIN Wensheng, XI Fang, GU Anzhong
    2015, 66(S2):  226-230.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151086
    Abstract ( 337 )   PDF (963KB) ( 434 )  
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    Coalbed methane(CBM)is a kind of unconventional natural gas.In China,CBM often contains air when it comes out of the well.Considering issues regarding safety,it is natural that oxygen must be removed firstly.Then,the effective enrichment of methane from methane-nitrogen mixture is one of the most important issues in the utilization of CBM.In this paper,a two-bed pressure swing adsorption(PSA)experimental apparatus was used to separate CH4/N2 mixture on a selected type of carbon molecular sieve(CMS)adsorbent.Owing to the kinetic separation mechanism on CMS,nitrogen is adsorbed on CMS,while methane with certain pressure is delivered out continuously.The influence of adsorption pressure,feed gas velocity and cycle time on the overall performance of the adsorption process was discussed.Feeding a mixture of 50% CH4/50% N2,methane purity of 95.45% was obtained;and 94.89% purity was obtained while feeding a mixture of 30% CH4/70% N2.The results show that all three parameters may affect the separation performance,and the later two have greater influences.It is easier to achieve methane purity above 90% at low adsorption pressure and low feed gas velocity.And the shorter the cycle time,the higher the methane purity is.

    Performance optimizations on a new small scale auto-cascade natural gas liquefier using a rectifying column
    WANG Hui, CHEN Fusheng, SONG Qi, REN Bin, WANG Qin, CHEN Guangming
    2015, 66(S2):  231-237.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150710
    Abstract ( 342 )   PDF (1073KB) ( 331 )  
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    In this study,a new small scale auto-cascade natural gas liquefier using a rectifying column was presented,and the system performance was simulated and optimized by HYSYS®.The influence of the concentrations of the refrigerant mixture and system pressures on the system performance was analyzed in detail.The results showed that,for different concentrations of refrigerant mixtures,when the inlet pressure arose,the variation trends of the quantity of LNG were divided into two types,the upward convex type and a little change type,and the corresponding variation trends of the energy consumption for the liquefaction of per unit LNG presented the downward concave type and a straight reduction type,while the compressor power and discharge temperature both decreased.Finally,the optimal concentration of the refrigerant mixtures and working condition were obtained aimed at the energy consumption for the liquefaction of per unit LNG.

    Properties and mathematical model of carbon dioxide solubility in aminopropyl ionic liquid aqueous solutions
    LI Song, YANG Cuilian, BI Yin, GUO Kaihua
    2015, 66(S2):  238-243.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150732
    Abstract ( 228 )   PDF (1132KB) ( 212 )  
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    Aminopropyl functional ionic liquids exhibit a good selectivity for carbon dioxide(CO2)absorption.In order to reveal the effects of water concentration on the CO2 solubility in 1-aminopropyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide([APMim]Br)aqueous solutions,the experiments based on an isochoric technique by using a high-pressure quartz glass cell were performed to test the solutions of 55.90%,65.78%,76.80% and 85.76% water mass fractions.The equilibrium data for CO2 solubility in these aqueous solutions were obtained in range of 278.15-348.15 K and 0.1-4.5 MPa.A mathematical model that can correctly reflect the experimental data changes was obtained by mechanism analysis of absorption.The results indicated that the chemical absorption mechanism is predominant at lower pressure while the CO2 solubility can be doubled comparing to the chemical one when the water concentration increased and the physical absorption ability prevailed.In 65%-85% water mass fraction,the solutions have an excellent CO2 absorption and release ability in considerable large temperature and pressure ranges and may have a promised future for engineering application.

    Methane adsorption on graphene sheets and activated carbon
    ZHU Ziwen, FENG Yulong, ZHENG Qingrong
    2015, 66(S2):  244-249.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150685
    Abstract ( 557 )   PDF (998KB) ( 911 )  
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    In observation of developing new kinds of adsorbent for the storage of natural gas by adsorption, comparison of adsorption equilibrium of methane was made between the graphene sheets and the activated carbon.The graphene sheets and the activated carbon, which respectively has a specific surface area about 300 and 2074 m2·g-1, were selected and performed adsorption equilibrium tests of methane within temperature-pressure range respectively about 273-293 K and 0-8 MPa.A lattice theory based adsorption model and 10-4-3 interaction potential function were employed to determine the maximum surface concentration and the interaction potential from the adsorbent as well as among the adsorbate molecules within the adsorption layer.It shows that the interaction energy among methane molecules confined within the adsorbed layer upon the surface of the graphene sheets was larger than that upon the activated carbon.Conclusions are drawn that a more compact state of adsorbed methane molecules can be obtained where the graphene sheets is used, and the graphene sheets having a higher specific surface area could be a promising medium for natural gas storage.

    Factors affecting decarbonization of natural gas with MDEA+MEA
    CHEN Jie, ZHANG Xinjun, CHU Jie, SHI Zelin, TANG Jianfeng
    2015, 66(S2):  250-256.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150698
    Abstract ( 374 )   PDF (1078KB) ( 1118 )  
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    Based on the independently designed amine deacidification experimental device, the experiment adopted the common-used oxyamine process and preliminary preferred amine formulation (2 mol·L-1+1 mol·L-1) to study the optimization of operating parameters of alcohol amine gas decarbonization.The result are will be used to guide the industrial production.This paper analyzed the influence of the operating parameters on the amine decarbonization process under the control variable method with 6% and 4% CO2 content and get the optimizing operating parameter.The results show that: the increase of the absorption temperature, the absorption pressure, and the amine solution circulation flow can improve amine absorption performance, the increase of the performance.However, all the parameters are influenced by the reaction mechanism,vapor-liquid equilibrium, the energy consumption, the nature of the amine solution and other factors, there is an optimal value; Under this experimental system, when the raw gas processing capacity is 50 Nm3·h -1,The optimization results of operating parameters are as follows: the absorption temperature is 55℃,the absorption pressure is 3.5-4 MPa, the amine solution circulation flow is 0.25 m3·h-1, the regeneration temperature is 120℃ and the regeneration pressure is 50 kPa.

    Preparation of tunable quaternary ammonium functionalized norbornene derivatives anion exchange membrane
    FENG Lei, ZHAO Yubin, XIE Xiaofeng, LV Yafei
    2015, 66(S2):  257-262.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151255
    Abstract ( 351 )   PDF (2073KB) ( 605 )  
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    In order to improve the anion-exchange membrane ion conductivity, an anion exchange membrane was prepared which the norbornene anhydride as a raw material monomer, two functional groups were introduced on the monomer for increasing the ion exchange capacity per unit volume.Materials Studio (MS) software was used to calculate energy barrier, analyze the feasibility of forming a judgment diquaternary monomers or not.Simulation and experimental results show that the molecular structure design and the experimental method is feasible.When the monomer and norbornene ratio of 1:2.5, the highest ionic conductivity σ reached 65.21 mS·cm-1, an ion exchange capacity of 2.56 mequiv·g-1, the water absorption was 22.6%.

    Robust design of linear active disturbance rejection decoupling control for forced-circulation evaporation system
    ZHANG Yuan, SUN Mingwei, CHEN Zengqiang
    2015, 66(S2):  263-270.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20141914
    Abstract ( 331 )   PDF (3122KB) ( 586 )  
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    For the strong nonlinear coupling between the level control and product density control loops of the forced-circulation evaporation system, a kind of linear time-invariant active disturbance rejection decoupling control based on particle swarm optimization is proposed.First, two virtual control variables are introduced to transform the system into two single-input-single-output subsystems, and a reduced-order extended state observer is designed for each loop of the system.Then two proportional controllers are employed to control the approximate integrators.At last, the time-invariant coupling matrix of the controller and the proportional gains are obtained by using particle swarm optimization in the possible operation envelope.Therefore, the dynamic coupling part is estimated and compensated by the observer, so the dependency of the controller on the refined mathematical model can be reduced considerably.The constant control gain matrix is optimized and there is no need to measure the temperature of the product.Therefore, the temperature sensor can be removed.These improvements can enhance reliability and the implementation is readily done by applying time-invariant control strategy.Simulation results show that the proposed method can not only decouple the loops effectively but also ensure performance robustness under external disturbances.

    SIL verification and re-validation for LNG receiving terminal in operation
    YUAN Xiaojun, LU Yi, ZHENG Shifu
    2015, 66(S2):  271-278.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150721
    Abstract ( 391 )   PDF (6066KB) ( 260 )  
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    As the earliest in-service LNG terminal in China, GDLNG terminal had adding/modifying some equipments and safety instrumented function (SIF) after five years' heavy duty operation.To ensure the integrity and reliability of the safety instrumented system (SIS) in terminal, and the availability under heavy duty operation, terminal had performed Hazard and operability study (HAZOP).Based on the hazardous scenarios identified in HAZOP, Safety integrity level (SIL) classification, SIL verification and SIL re-validation had been performed to LNG terminal.The SIL classification is using layer of protection analysis (LOPA) method, which is less conservative than risk graph method used in design phase.According to SIL verification result, some SIFs in the terminal can not match SIL classification requirement.Sensitivity analysis had been performed to those SIFs.Impacts of optimizing SIS system configuration (without component hardware change, i.e., proof test interval, proof test coverage etc.) to the probability of failure on demand (PFD) had been studied.According to the sensitivity study result, SIL level can be somehow modified without component hardware change.Under certain circumstance, it can help us to a more cost-effective approach to fulfill company SIL requirement or risk acceptance criteria.Key technical points/difficulties and its possible solutions with SIL verification study are summarized, as well as the prospective development of SIL study.

    Simulation and performance evaluation of CCHP using biomass as fuels
    WANG Hairong, LIANG Dong, HUANG Mozhi
    2015, 66(S2):  279-286.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151135
    Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (1519KB) ( 855 )  
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    In order to establish the combined-cycle of CCHP (combined cool heat and power) using natural gas and biomass as fuels, a series of thermodynamic parameters and boundary condition has been tested on ASPEN PLUS simulation plat.And the conversion process of thermal and power of the key part in the system have been discussed, as well as the distributions of material flow rate, pressure and temperature in the system.Besides, the effects of the inputting parameters on economic, technical and emission performance have been studied.The results show that the proportion of natural gas and biomass gasification has a very important impact on exhaust temperature and pressure of gas turbine, waste heat boiler.So does the energy gradient.Under certain blend ratio, with the increase in air, exhaust temperature of gas turbine and waste heat boiler will obviously decline.Though the total capacity utilization increases, relatively energy-saving rate, equivalent exergy efficiency and economy exergy efficiency of the system continue to decreases.And, the air temperature and the ambient temperature will result in overall energy efficiency of the system improved.

    Response pattern of marine steam power system under back-steam protection
    SHI Zhijun, ZHANG Guolei, LI Yanjun, SONG Fuyuan, LI Xiaoming, ZENG Shuai
    2015, 66(S2):  287-293.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150649
    Abstract ( 313 )   PDF (1101KB) ( 320 )  
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    The back-steam protection is an effective measure to improve the maneuverability of steam-powered ships through reducing the amplitude of the growth of drum pressure caused by the ship's emergency deceleration.The simulation models of the composition units and whole system for back-steam protection system were built and validated through the experimental date, including the supercharged boiler, main steam turbines, valves.The response pattern of marine steam power system on the different control of back-steam protection was researched.The results show that the rising amplitude of the drum pressure with the larger valve opening and the less opening valve time decreases, so the effect of the back-steam protection is more obvious.Also, the larger valve opening, the higher maximum condenser inlet temperature.Moreover, there is no significant influence on the maximum condenser inlet temperature in different opening valve time.

    Optimized enzymatic synthesis of astaxanthin succinates in organic solvents
    YIN Chunhua, HAN Ye, LV Le, XU Qianqian, YAN Hai
    2015, 66(S2):  294-299.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150509
    Abstract ( 343 )   PDF (1266KB) ( 600 )  
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    Astaxanthin succinates was synthesized via acylation of astaxanthin with succinic anhydride using Candida sp.lipase as catalyst,the enzymatic product was analyzed by ultra performance liquid chromatography/time-of-flight mass spectrometry(UPLC/Q-TOF-MS)equipped with an electro spray ion source,which indicated that it contains astaxanthin succinic acid monoester and astaxanthin succinic acid diester.The parameters affected the conversion yields of astaxanthin,such as enzyme sources,organic media,reaction temperature and substrates molar ratio in the reaction system,were investigated in detail.The results showed that Candida sp.lipase was the best lipase.The most suitable media for the reaction was DMSO,and the appropriate reaction temperature was 45℃.The molar ratio of succinic anhydride to astaxanthin was the most important parameter which not only determined the conversion yield but also affected the product composition.The enzymatic reaction can occur only when the substrate molar ratio was more than 40,and when it was higher than 150 dieaster can be formed. The influences of water content in the system and amount of lipase was also discussed in the paper,respectively.The experimental results indicate that there is a good possibility of the synthesis of astaxanthin succinates catalyzed by Candida sp.lipase.

    Scheme research of FLNG liquefaction technology and key device in the South China Sea
    CHEN Jie
    2015, 66(S2):  300-310.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150845
    Abstract ( 502 )   PDF (1627KB) ( 1150 )  
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    FLNG is a new type of FPSO device which integrates the function of liquefaction,storage,loading and unloading and outward transport of marine natural gas.With the advancement of deepwater oil and gas development,the research,design and localization of FLNG has become hot in the past decade,and FLNG has also become an important technology to the development of the deepwater natural gas in the South China sea.In this paper,in connection with the development of the deepwater natural gas in the south China sea,we develop and put forward a proposal of liquefaction technology and key device of FLNG topside for South China sea with appropriate capacity of 2 million ton/year which has proprietary intellectual property rights.It contains the new process of twin columns and two circulation of amine solution,the improved DMR liquefaction process particular for FLNG,use aviation derivative gas turbine to drive refrigerant compressor and power generation,the self-developed FLNG aluminum coil-wound heat exchanger(CWHE)is used as the pre-cooling and cryogenic main heat exchanger.It has the advantage of reliability,safety,high efficiency and operability.Two suggestions are put forward in order to advance the Chinese FLNG engineering implementation in the South China Sea:(1)Accelerate the localization design and test of the FLNG aluminum coil-wound heat exchanger(CWHE),(2)Improve the ability of FLNG engineering practice.

    Modeling of CCHP system and analysis of thermal storage strategy by using TRNSYS software
    ZHENG Chunyuan, ZHAI Xiaoqiang, WU Jingyi, YANG Gan
    2015, 66(S2):  311-317.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150708
    Abstract ( 523 )   PDF (1330KB) ( 768 )  
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    In building applications,electrical load and thermal load vary significantly.And they are not synchronized.Therefore,the mismatch issue between energy supply and demand should be solved.The use of thermal storage systems could help improving energy demand coupling with energy generation profiles.The former researches pay attention on the influence of the size of the thermal storage.In this paper,the influences of three thermal storage strategies(TSS)on CCHP system are evaluated and analyzed.Firstly,the dynamic and control model is built by using TRNSYS and MATLAB software.Secondly,the principle and distinction of these three TSSs are analyzed.The traditional thermal strategy(TSS1)determines the operation of power generation Unit(PGU)only by the energy demand of the building.The active thermal storage strategy(TSS2)determines the on-off operation of PGU only by the state of the storage tank.The novel thermal storage strategy(TSS3)determines the operation of PGU by both energy demand and the state of the tank.Lastly,the impacts of TSSs on the performance of CCHP system are evaluated and analyzed through a case study of a hospital in Shanghai.The results show that TSS3 has the best performance.Compared with TSS1 and TSS2,operation time of PGU is longer,and more electric and thermal energy are produced by PGU to satisfy the demand of building with the same size of the storage tank.It is said that the storage capacity of the tank is effectively used to improve the performance of the system.When electricity produced by CCHP system cannot sell to the grid,the energy saving potential of CCHP system is significantly limited.

    Process comparison of seawater desalination with LNG cold energy utilization
    LIN Wensheng, HUANG Meibin, GU Anzhong
    2015, 66(S2):  318-324.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151088
    Abstract ( 375 )   PDF (1134KB) ( 558 )  
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    The freezing desalination method is not being used widely,since it needs refrigeration system that consumes much electricity power.On the other hand,liquefied natural gas(LNG)will release a lot of cold energy during its vaporization process.Thus,combining the two processes of LNG vaporization and seawater freezing will produce freshwater while gasifying LNG.In this paper,two kinds of seawater freezing desalination methods are compared,which are the secondary refrigerant/seawater direct-contact method and the secondary refrigerant/seawater indirect-contact method.The indirect-contacting method is then chosen for further study because it is simple and easy to be applied.Two processes are presented with different refrigerant conditions.In the non-phase-change process,the secondary refrigerant remains as subcooled liquid in the whole cycle.In the phase-change process,the secondary refrigerant is vaporized when freezing the seawater,and is condensed when gasifying the LNG.Performances of the two systems at different refrigerating temperatures are analyzed.The study shows that the phase-change process has smaller refrigerant mass flow rate and power consumption.The results show that it is practical to achieve seawater desalination by recovery of LNG cold energy.

    Small scale BOG re-liquefaction system in skid-mounted in LNG filling station
    ZHU Tiejun, ZHANG Hua, JU Yonglin, YANG Chongwei, RUAN Weimin, HU Jianying, CHEN Shuai, LI Haibing
    2015, 66(S2):  325-331.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151057
    Abstract ( 467 )   PDF (3589KB) ( 1137 )  
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    Mainly for the problems such as fuel waste and environmental pollution resulted from BOG release of LNG filling stations and LNG tank vehicles,a small scale BOG re-liquefaction equipment in skid-mounted package has been designed and produced based on a high power PTC(Pulse Tube Cryocooler).Field experimental tests have been conducted to the small scale BOG re-liquefaction equipment,it is proved that the equipment can work with good stability,reliability and safety.It is showed from the experimental results that the net cooling capacity of the equipment is at least 550 W@120 K and its BOG re-liquefaction ability is as high as 106 kg·d-1.

    Exploration of desalinating synthetic seawater through an electrophoresis technology featuring vertical electric field
    XU Xiao, ZHU Xiaobing, ZHOU Jiti, LI Renzheng
    2015, 66(S2):  332-341.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150766
    Abstract ( 308 )   PDF (2901KB) ( 569 )  
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    Arising from more and more severe environmental pollutions,fresh water resources suffering from being lack of supply,becomes a problem.Exploration of new technologies is of importance to effectively solve this situation,in particular those for desalination of seawater.In this manuscript,a home-made electrophoresis apparatus of vertical electric field,was applied to investigate the desalinat-ing synthetic seawater,on basis of chlorine anion.Effect of initial concentration of chlorine anion,re-tention time and applied voltage on the desalination ratio,energy efficiency(mass of migrated chlorine anion at positive electrode region per electric power)and distribution ratio was investigated.The elec-trophoresis apparatus has four outlet regions of positive region,negative region,central region,and ad-jacent region between two electrodes,of which central region represents target collection region for desalinating synthetic seawater.It showed that with an increase in initial concentration of chloride ani-on at inlet,the desalination ratio at central region reduced and the energy efficiency gradually in-creased,and the distribution ratio at positive region decreased,but that at the rest three regions in-creased.When retention time increased,the desalination ratio at central region apparently increased up to 69.5%,the energy efficiency gradually reduced,the distribution ratio at central region and negative region decreased,but that of positive region and adjacent region between two electrodes increased.If the applied voltage increased,the desalination ratio at central region gradually increased up to 13.9%,the energy efficiency slowly reduced,the distribution ratio at positive region increased,that at negative region and adjacent region between two electrodes slightly decreased,and that at central region in-creased and decreased afterward.

    Effect of anode inlet gas humidification on PEM water contents and current density distribution
    WANG Xueke, WANG Shubo, PAN Yuan, XIE Xiaofeng, HUANG Haiyan, ZHU Tong
    2015, 66(S2):  342-348.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151254
    Abstract ( 345 )   PDF (3816KB) ( 804 )  
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    A three dimensional model was proposed to study water transport phenomena in the membrane as well as the performance of PEMFC under various relative humidity(RH)of anode inlet gas.This model couples the conservation equations of the water concentration in membrane and the catalyst layer using a set of internal boundary conditions at the interface.The model was realized based on the COMSOL software and the simulated polarization curves are found in good agreement with the experiments thus confirming the validity of the model.The numerical results show that the humidification strongly influences the current density so as to affect the cell efficiency.Under low humidification conditions of anode inlet gas,the membrane current density below rib is greater than the gas flow channel,however,under the high humidity conditions,membrane current density distribution is uniform.Using thicker film,such as Nafion 117,the membrane of anode side has the potential of dehydration under high current density even if anode inlet gas be humidified.

    Stress analysis of LNG storage tank for ships under inertial force
    WANG Xiaodong, HUI Hu
    2015, 66(S2):  349-353.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150719
    Abstract ( 227 )   PDF (5400KB) ( 301 )  
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    As transportable pressure vessel,LNG storage tank used in ships bears not only the static load,but also inertia force in the transport process.Compared with the traditional calculation of conventional design,the use of finite element method for analysis of structural strength of LNG storage tank will be more accurate and convenient.In this paper,the finite element model is established for LNG storage tank using the ANSYS software,stress analysis was done for tank inertial load,stress classification and safety assessment are made for the parts of stress concentration.Simulation results provide the reference and basis of design and manufacture of LNG storage tank.

    Finite element analysis of top inlet pipe for LNG storage tanks
    XU Zhiyue, HUI Hu
    2015, 66(S2):  354-359.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150715
    Abstract ( 288 )   PDF (2996KB) ( 431 )  
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    Cryogenic pipeline system structure is complex,it endures internal pressure,temperature and gravity loads while working.Besides,the components in the system are under mutual influence and restriction.So it's hard to analysis the stress of different parts in the system with the method of the traditional mechanics of materials and structural mechanics.ANSYS software is used to analysis the structural strength of the top inlet pipe for the LNG storage tank.The deformation and the stress of the top inlet pipe enduing pressure,gravity and temperature stress are got.Based on this,the arrangement of the top inlet pipe is adjust.The result of the research shows that:The maximum principal stress of the optimized design of the top inlet pipe is less than that of the original design of the maximum principal stress of the top inlet pipe 1/6,which greatly ensure the safety of storage tank in use process.

    Dynamic simulation of heating value fluctuations in mixing natural gas pipelines
    PAN Guojun, GUO Kaihua, WANG Guanpei, LIANG Jinfeng
    2015, 66(S2):  360-363.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150796
    Abstract ( 292 )   PDF (1507KB) ( 323 )  
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    In China,natural gas utilization has been become more and more important due to the growing challenge in energy and environment,and the multiple natural gas supplies with wide variation in heating value have been employed in the gas distribution network.Many industrial and commercial users have a high request for a stable gas quality,especially for those gas turbine power plants.The gas-fired units such as gas turbines are sensitive to the fluctuations of the gas heating value,and the variation range and speed are usually strictly restricted by the manufacturers.Thus the method for prediction of the variation speed of the gas composition in the gas network with multiple gas supplies needs to be studied.In this paper,a dynamic simulation model involving heating value fluctuation for the complex natural gas network with interchange of gas supplies which have different combustion properties has been established based on transient mass transfer model for a supplies-replace-type of gas pipeline,and the application of the developed simulation model for predicting heating value fluctuation at the down flow nodes of a real gas distribution network were displayed with a case study.

    Performance analysis of micro combined heat and power system based on building load
    LI Yanxue, RUAN Yingjun, LIU Qingrong
    2015, 66(S2):  364-370.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150709
    Abstract ( 292 )   PDF (2886KB) ( 470 )  
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    Micro combined heat and power(MCHP)is an effective way of energy conservation.This article mainly aims at establishing a thermodynamic model and analyzing the energy efficiency of micro congeneration system by setting the reference object.Analyze the impact of user's heat to power ratio and purchasing electricity quantity from public grid on CHP energy saving potential under integrating the building load.In this paper,analysis was carried out by importing the MCHP into an office building based on the measured heating and power load characteristics.Calculation was found that the average daily energy saving ratio can reach up to 22.76%-23.16%,the unit exergy efficiency can reach 48.06% in congeneration system during the heating season.

    Simulation of purification and liquefaction based on FLNG
    CAO Wensheng, HUANG Xing, Iqbal M. MUJTABA, LU Xuesheng
    2015, 66(S2):  371-378.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150747
    Abstract ( 304 )   PDF (3033KB) ( 329 )  
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    Pretreatment and liquefaction of natural gas are two key links of offshore LNG-FPSO.The pressure swing adsorption(PSA)as natural gas purification and CO2 pre-cooling air expander cycle as natural gas liquefaction are selected and simulated and analyzed.The results show that,the energy consumption of the double layers adsorbents PSA is low,and the disadvantage of liquid absorbent with the wave shaking can be avoided by the process operation of the gas; and there is no liquid produced in the precooling and refrigeration processes of the CO2 pre-cooling air expander cycle,indicating its high safety; the above purification and liquefaction processes are suitable for offshore LNG platforms.

    Influence of heavy hydrocarbons in mixed refrigerant on natural gas liquefaction processes
    JIA Rong, LIN Wensheng
    2015, 66(S2):  379-386.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151087
    Abstract ( 279 )   PDF (1928KB) ( 437 )  
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    Mixed refrigerant(MR)component is one of the most important factors that influence the performance of natural gas liquefaction process.In certain kinds of liquefied natural gas(LNG)plants,heavy hydrocarbons in MR,such as butane and pentane,are not welcome.In this paper,four kinds of MR components have been used in the single mixed refrigerant(SMR)process:MR with both i-butane(C4)and i-pentane(C5); MR without C4; MR without C5; MR without C4 and C5.The specific power consumption has been compared.The results show that compared with i-butane,i-pentane has greater contribution to the decline of power consumption and that the power required in condition 1 is 18% less than that in condition 4.Furthermore,the SMR liquefaction processes with different pre-cooling refrigerants have been proposed.Compared with condition 4,there is a 12% decline in power consumption for the process with propane pre-cooling.

    Comparative analysis and simulation of power cycle to recovery cold energy of LNG
    CHEN Yu, JU Yonglin
    2015, 66(S2):  387-391.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150716
    Abstract ( 333 )   PDF (1079KB) ( 905 )  
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    Cold energy utilization of liquefied natural gas(LNG)has tremendous values.Cold energy power generation is the most likely way to be large-scale used among the methods used to reclaim and utilize LNG cold energy.Based on pressure condition required of the natural gas network and the maximum pressure expander could endure,simulation studies of Rankine cycle with Propane as working fluid and combined method are carried out through HYSYS.The combined method is composed of two stage of natural gas direct expansion and the Rankine cycle with Propane as working fluid.The process parameters and the output electric powers are determined.If the annual evaporation is 1.5 million tons,the annual working hours of 8000 hours as a basis for analysis of LNG terminals,and industrial electricity price 0.55 CNY·(kW·h)-1,the combined method of annual generation revenue will be 4.87 million more than Rankine cycle.The values can be used as the basis of economic analysis of two cycles,and also provide a reliable basis for a comprehensive economic analysis of the two processes.

    Prediction method of city natural gas monthly consumption
    LIANG Jinfeng, GUO Kaihua, HUANGFU Lixia
    2015, 66(S2):  392-398.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150742
    Abstract ( 386 )   PDF (1050KB) ( 958 )  
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    A prediction model of city nature gas monthly consumption was established basing on city natural gas monthly consumption's limited growth and period of 12 months,the related parameters of different types of city of prediction model is analyzed,and example is applied.The results showed that the prediction model of city nature gas monthly consumption which was established basing on logistic and distribution curve,can be a good characterization of the growth of city gas in process characteristics and change rules; the characteristic value and its variation range of distribution curve was different from each type of city,and the width was different before and after the peak point curve.The peak and trough eigenvalue of distribution curve of natural gas monthly consumption was big difference when the city had central heating system,the peak and trough eigenvalue of distribution curve of natural gas monthly consumption was little difference when the city had non central heating system,the natural gas monthly consumption of complete production city had obvious individual characteristics.

    Dynamic simulation of pre-cooling processes for large-scale LNG storage tanks
    DENG Wenyuan, TIAN Lianjun, TONG Wenlong, LI Ning, GUO Kaihua, LI Wenfeng
    2015, 66(S2):  399-404.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150735
    Abstract ( 505 )   PDF (1050KB) ( 739 )  
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    LNG storage tank is one of the most important and expensive devices for LNG terminals.The process of pre-cooling the LNG storage tank is the most critical and most dangerous debugging session.Based on the principle of gas-liquid two-phase volume node,the large-scale LNG storage tank pre-cooling dynamic simulation model was established.Taking a 160000 m3 LNG tank as an example,the time required for the pre-cooling process and the total used LNG for the tank pre-cooling were computed and the pressure of the LNG storage tank,the amount of BOG generation and the temperature of the tank during the pre-cooling process were determined with the established dynamic model.The optimization of the pre-cooled process design for a large-scale LNG storage tank was provided in a theoretical basis.

    Design and test of LNG air mixing device for biogas peak shaving
    HUANG Xiaomei, LIU Xiaohe, ZHANG Jing
    2015, 66(S2):  405-412.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150764
    Abstract ( 254 )   PDF (1116KB) ( 542 )  
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    Using the gasified LNG mixing air as source gas of biogas peak shaving was proposed as a solution that the biogas output is unstable.In order to obtain the mixed gas,a LNG air ejector mixer was designed and processed,and the ejector mixer was investigated experimentally in the simulation of actual production for obtaining the operating characteristics.The results indicate that the air and gas mixing ratio markedly rises with the increase of inlet pressure when the outlet pressure is constant,but the result is opposite when the inlet pressure is constant.Under the condition of interacting by both the inlet and outlet pressure,the air and gas mixing ratio drops with the increase of outlet pressure when the inlet pressure increases,and the tendency of dropping is step-down.But the tendency is completely opposite when the outlet pressure increases.In order to match the outlet pressure of biogas fermentation tank,the ejector mixer should keep the inlet pressure of 0.25 MPa.

    A cold pulse tube engine for recovering LNG cold energy
    ZHU Shaowei
    2015, 66(S2):  413-417.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150822
    Abstract ( 381 )   PDF (1080KB) ( 573 )  
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    A pulse tube refrigerator is manly for cooling sensors in satellite.It is also important for ground using.A displacer pulse tube is one of the revisable pulse tube refrigerators which can operate at cold engine model to generate power by using the cooling energy of cooling sources such as LNG.A nodal analysis numerical model is used for the simulation of the cold pulse tube engine with the cooling energy of LNG.The basic working mechanism of the cold pulse tube engine is explained.It is shown that the optimum swept volume ratio of displacer over expander changes with the length of the pulse tube,the power of the cold pulse tube engine can be adjusted by the swept volume of the expander.

    Optimization analysis of booster-recondensation system in LNG receiving terminal
    KONG Lingguang, LU Yi
    2015, 66(S2):  418-424.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151063
    Abstract ( 283 )   PDF (1657KB) ( 690 )  
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    Stable operation of booster-recondensation system is critical for liquefied natural gas(LNG)receiving terminal.This paper illustrates the process and control scheme of Booster-Recondensation System.Based on the high-pressure pump inlet filter blocking scenario,paper discussed the interaction between high-pressure pump suction pressure and the filter pressure difference.Meanwhile paper demonstrates the potential impact to recondenser operation due to pump well vent line piping design.Optimization is proposed for stable operation.

    Indication of lower flammability limit area of LNG jet release based on visible vapor cloud
    ZHANG Qianxi, LIANG Dong
    2015, 66(S2):  425-429.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150691
    Abstract ( 336 )   PDF (3252KB) ( 759 )  
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    Liquefied natural gas(LNG)jet release is common in LNG leakage accidents.It is very difficult to judge the leakage diffusion area through the senses for natural gas is colorless and odorless.While jet release can make the water vapor in the surrounding air into a visible cloud of steam due to its low temperature.Through the establishment of LNG jet release computational fluid dynamics(CFD)model,numerical simulations under different environmental conditions and jet velocity have been carried out,and the temperature field and species concentration field at different conditions are obtained.According to the environmental conditions and the temperature field distribution,the visible vapor cloud area can be ranged.The relationship between the distances at the lower flammability limit(LFL)concentration occurs and that corresponding to the visible contour of LNG vapor clouds has been summed up.During an emergency,the work can be a helpful to indicate the danger of cloud ignition and exclusion distances forecast.

    Reliability,availability and maintainability(RAM)modeling to predict production performance of LNG storage terminal
    LU Yi, Edmund YAP, LIU Yirong, YUAN Xiaojun
    2015, 66(S2):  430-438.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150730
    Abstract ( 409 )   PDF (5183KB) ( 621 )  
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    LNG(liquefied natural gas)is natural gas(NG)which has been converted into liquid for storage and transport.Being a clean combustion gas,NG is widely used from power generation to domestic gas stove.This makes NG an essential for any country especially powerhouses like China which has growing energy needs.Interruption of natural gas to these users will have significant negative economic and social impact. Any interruption to this supply chain is often a result of an unplanned or planned maintenance activity on an equipment.Reliability,availability and maintainability(RAM)analysis can help to quantify the impact of these interruptions(the ability to supply gas)in terms of lost production over time. RAM analysis is a production-performance technique which can take into account all failure and repair rates of each of the equipment that compose a system along with its physical configuration in order to estimate the system's behavior over a given operational time.RAM analysis is typically undertaken using simulation software based on predictive/deterministic algorithms(such as Monte Carlo method)in order to obtain the distribution of probable outcomes. The common outputs from a RAM analysis are overall performance of the system and the number of predicted equipment failures for all equipments in the system with respect to operational time. RAM analysis is a technique which supports the production-assurance process recommended in ISO 20815/API 17N. This paper presents a RAM analysis performed on an LNG storage terminal during detailed engineering design.The LNG storage terminal is located in Southern China.The RAM analysis uses ReliaSuite,a Monte Carlo method based simulation software.

    Synthesis and characterization of a novel norbornene based copolymer
    FENG Zhiming, ZHAO Yang, LI Xue, XIE Xiaofeng, CHAI Chunpeng, LUO Yunjun
    2015, 66(S2):  439-444.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151256
    Abstract ( 472 )   PDF (1709KB) ( 724 )  
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    Ring opening metathesis polymerization(ROMP)of norbornene derivatives have many advantages,including mild reaction conditions,high reaction rate and controllable size.Besides,polymer chains have good thermal stability and resistance to acid and alkali resistance because of its unique structure.Here we prepared a novel random copolymer with 4-(bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-2-yl)benzene-1-sulfonylchloride(NBSC)and dimethyl 8,9,10-rinorborn-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylate(DCNM).And the structure of monomer and polymer were confirmed by NMR and FT-IR.Moreover,we studied the best reaction conditions via contrast experiments.GPC showed the best reaction conditions were the monomers ratio was 1:1,the catalyst was 1/450 of monomers' molar mass,the reaction time was 30 min and thetemperature was 40℃,under which the relative molecular mass was the largest,the relative molecular mass distribution was narrow and the yield was the highest.DSC showed that the glass transition temperature of DCNM was 60℃,while that of polymer increased to 80℃.TGA showed that the temperature of 5% mass lost was 145℃ and the temperature of the fastest loss of mass was 245℃,which implied the polymer had good thermal stability.From the point of comprehensive performance,the polymer were supposed to have the potential use in the field of proton exchange membrane for fuel cells.

    Properties of fluorinated poly fluorene ether oxadiazole proton exchange membrane
    FEI Zhejun, JUNG Minsuk, ZHANG Xuefei, WANG Shubo, XIE Xiaofeng, YUN Sukhwan, HUANG Haiyan
    2015, 66(S2):  445-449.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150633
    Abstract ( 281 )   PDF (1020KB) ( 302 )  
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    A new kind of partially fluorinated poly(fluorenyl ether oxadiazole)membrane was,ten-fluoro-oxadiazole polymer and bisphenol fluorene as monomers,synthesized.Sodium 4-hydroxyben-zenesulfonate was added to attack ortho C-F bond,bringing in the sulfonic acid group,to actualize functionality.The physical and electrochemical properties of membrane had been studied.Moreover,single cell had assembly.The results show that:the membrane had a higher ionic conductivity,stronger mechanical properties and lower methanol permeability.At 30 and 70℃,it reaches 58 mS·cm-1 and 137 mS·cm-1 respectively.Methanol permeability of the membranes were half of the Nafion® 117 membrane.The power density of the single cell reached 85 mW · cm-2.

    Analysis of chemical composition and structure characteristics of shells
    HE Peng, CHEN Jianxin, SU Min, HAN Jian, CHENG Kun
    2015, 66(S2):  450-454.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151154
    Abstract ( 1569 )   PDF (2078KB) ( 1007 )  
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    Natural fresh scallop and nacre were used in the present work.Chemical composition,structure characteristics and thermal analysis were investigated in details.Scallop and nacre were both consisted of ~95% CaCO3 and ~5% organic matrix.The inorganic phase of scallops was almost 100% calcite,and the inorganic phase of mother of pearl shells was consisting of 4.96% calcite and 95.04% aragonite.And organic matrix separated from scallop and nacre was different.The result of thermal analysis indicated that thermal analysis included degeneration and decomposition of organic matter and decomposition of calcium carbonate two stages.The difference is that polymorph conversion from aragonite into calcite in nacre at 400-500℃.It provides basic data for the biomineralization.

    Catalytic epimerization of hydrochloric acid-ferric chloride of sesamin to synthesis of asarinin and its mechanism
    WANG Xuede, HUANG Xue, LIU Shuai, CUI Yingde
    2015, 66(S2):  455-460.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151447
    Abstract ( 375 )   PDF (1004KB) ( 229 )  
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    Using hydrochloric acid,ferric chloride and hydrochloric acid-ferric trichloride as catalyst,the epimerization of sesamin and asarinin were preliminary investigated and attempt to probe into the possible mechanism.The structure of the composite was identified by NMR and MS.The results showed that the reaction reach to equilibrium with 20% hydrochloric acid;it didn't work with only ferric trichloride as catalyst which was easy to hydrolysis; Using hydrochloric acid-ferric chloride as catalyst,use less quantity(the mass fraction of 0.05%-0.5%)can achieve better catalytic effect,reaction temperature should be above the boiling point of the reaction system of ethanol,reaction can be completed within 10 min.Combined catalyst to reduce the activation energy of the reaction system,accelerate the sesamin isomerization process for asarinin.

    Synthesis and purification of [60] PCBM
    HU Hongchao, CUI Yingde
    2015, 66(S2):  461-465.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151495
    Abstract ( 643 )   PDF (957KB) ( 1199 )  
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    Using C60, p-toluene sulfonyl hydrazide and 4-benzoyl butyric acid as raw material, [60] PCBM was synthesized by one pot method by multiple steps, obtain the preliminary purification of [60] PCBM using silica gel as the carrier, toluene as the eluent. The structure of product is verified by IR and 1H NMR.For further purification of the product, combined with HPLC separation technology, get 99.5% purity of [60] PCBM. Through the by-products and the recycling of C60 back into synthetic system, inhibit by-products of new generation, make fresh C60 transformation to [60] PCBM to yield of 93.3%. These technology lay the foundation for high purity [60] PCBM costing reduction.

    Determination and analysis of conductivity of five synthetic ester-substituted imidazole ionic liquids
    FENG Lu, WANG Xiaoyi, LIU Chaoqing, CHEN Huimin
    2015, 66(S2):  466-472.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150023
    Abstract ( 348 )   PDF (925KB) ( 289 )  
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    The conductivity properties of ionic liquids reflects the conductive capacity of ionic liquids, which is closely related to the degree of ionization in the solvents and the ability of ion solvation. In order to study the conductivity of five synthetic ester-substituted imidazole ionic liquid which were synthesized by our lab, we used the DDS307 conductivity meter to determine the conductivities of [MIMCH2COOCH3]NTf2, [MIMCH2COOCH2CH3]NTf2, [MIMCH2COOCH2CH2CH3]NTf2, [MIMCH2C6H4COOCH3]NTf2 and [MIMCH2C6H4COOCH2CH3]NTf2 in the solvents of methanol, acetonitrile, DMSO, ethyl acetate, respectively. The results shown that within a certain concentration range, the conductivity of the ionic liquid increased with the increase of the liquid concentration, when other conditions remained the same. Moreover, within a certain temperature range, the conductivity of the ionic liquid increased with the increase of the temperature. Compared between the conductivities of the four solvents, the values of the conductivities ranging from small to large were in the order of ethyl acetate, DMSO, methanol and acetonitrile. Reflects the interaction of five kinds of ester-substituted ionic liquids and the ethyl acetate.

    Synthesis of quaternary ammonium salt antibacterial resin and evaluation of antibacterial performance
    HUANG Yinghong, ZHENG Cheng, MAO Taoyan, LIN Jing, CHEN Peng, CHEN Ruilan
    2015, 66(S2):  473-479.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150996
    Abstract ( 417 )   PDF (1196KB) ( 524 )  
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    A quaternary ammonium salt type antibacterial resin was synthesized by the polymerization reaction. The antibacterial properties was evaluated by means of the bacteriostatic ring test, antibacterial rate test and the influence of different environment on the paint film antibacterial effect test, and the mechanical properties of antibacterial resin paint film were investigated. Results showed that the coating had good mechanical properties, when the content of quaternary ammonium salt was 6%, the antibacterial rate of paint film to the staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli could reach more than 99%, and the coating had good resistance to bad environment, after wiping 1000 times, its antibacterial rate still more than 95%, and had good antibacterial effect performance.