化工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 72 ›› Issue (8): 4204-4214.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20201680
李虎(1996—),男,硕士研究生, 基金资助:
Hu LI1(),Zisheng ZHANG1,Jiuzhou CHEN2,Haoliang SHI2,Yongjie SHI2,Hong LI1,Xingang LI1,Xin GAO1(
李虎, 张自生, 陈久洲, 石好亮, 石永杰, 李洪, 李鑫钢, 高鑫. 新型银基低共熔溶剂制备及其在1-己烯/正己烷分离中的应用[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(8): 4204-4214.
Hu LI, Zisheng ZHANG, Jiuzhou CHEN, Haoliang SHI, Yongjie SHI, Hong LI, Xingang LI, Xin GAO. Preparation of novel silver-based deep eutectic solvent and its application in separation of 1-hexene/n-hexane[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(8): 4204-4214.
影响因素 | 各因素对1-己烯分离性能影响探究实验条件 | ||||
Ag-DES质量/ g | C6质量/ g | 1-己烯进料质量分数/% | Ag+与1-己烯摩尔比 | 温度/℃ | |
原料中烯烃浓度 | 11.106 | 4.48 | 10/30/50/70/90 | — | 25 |
银离子与烯烃摩尔比 | 11.106 | 5.04 | 50 | 1∶1/1∶1.5/1∶2/1∶2.5/1∶3 | 25 |
分离温度 | 11.106 | 5.04 | 50 | 1∶1.5 | 0/10/20/25/30/40 |
循环稳定性 | 11.106 | 5.04 | 50 | 1∶1.5 | 25 |
表1 1-己烯分离性能探究实验条件
Table 1 The experimental conditions for the separation performance of 1-hexene
影响因素 | 各因素对1-己烯分离性能影响探究实验条件 | ||||
Ag-DES质量/ g | C6质量/ g | 1-己烯进料质量分数/% | Ag+与1-己烯摩尔比 | 温度/℃ | |
原料中烯烃浓度 | 11.106 | 4.48 | 10/30/50/70/90 | — | 25 |
银离子与烯烃摩尔比 | 11.106 | 5.04 | 50 | 1∶1/1∶1.5/1∶2/1∶2.5/1∶3 | 25 |
分离温度 | 11.106 | 5.04 | 50 | 1∶1.5 | 0/10/20/25/30/40 |
循环稳定性 | 11.106 | 5.04 | 50 | 1∶1.5 | 25 |
图2 原料中烯烃浓度对1-己烯、正己烷分配系数及其选择性的影响(在25℃下,11.106 g Ag-DES中加入4.48 g 1-己烯质量分数10%~90%的C6混合物)
Fig.2 Effect of olefin concentration in initial feed on the distribution coefficient and selectivity of 1-hexene to n-hexane(Including 11.106 g Ag-DES and 4.48 g C6 with the mass ratio of 1-hexene in initial feed range 10%—90% at 25℃)
原料中烯烃浓度(质量分数) x0 | 有机相组成(摩尔分数) | 溶剂相组成(摩尔分数) | 分配系数 | 选择性 S1,2 | 1-己烯收率 η1 | |||||
x1 | x2 | x3 | x1 | x2 | x3 | D1 | D2 | |||
0.1 | 0.037 | 0.962 | 0.000 | 0.126 | 0.180 | 0.693 | 0.706 | 0.039 | 17.967 | 0.686 |
0.3 | 0.128 | 0.871 | 0.002 | 0.311 | 0.140 | 0.550 | 0.614 | 0.040 | 15.183 | 0.696 |
0.5 | 0.273 | 0.726 | 0.001 | 0.427 | 0.106 | 0.467 | 0.440 | 0.041 | 10.712 | 0.689 |
0.7 | 0.513 | 0.486 | 0.001 | 0.535 | 0.068 | 0.397 | 0.328 | 0.044 | 7.454 | 0.697 |
0.9 | 0.829 | 0.170 | 0.001 | 0.617 | 0.036 | 0.347 | 0.256 | 0.074 | 3.477 | 0.731 |
表2 1-己烯(1)-正己烷(2)-Ag-DES(3)三元两相体系在298.15 K时的相平衡数据
Table 2 Phase equilibrium data of 1-hexene(1)-n-hexane(2)-Ag-DES(3) in the ternary biphasic system at 298.15 K
原料中烯烃浓度(质量分数) x0 | 有机相组成(摩尔分数) | 溶剂相组成(摩尔分数) | 分配系数 | 选择性 S1,2 | 1-己烯收率 η1 | |||||
x1 | x2 | x3 | x1 | x2 | x3 | D1 | D2 | |||
0.1 | 0.037 | 0.962 | 0.000 | 0.126 | 0.180 | 0.693 | 0.706 | 0.039 | 17.967 | 0.686 |
0.3 | 0.128 | 0.871 | 0.002 | 0.311 | 0.140 | 0.550 | 0.614 | 0.040 | 15.183 | 0.696 |
0.5 | 0.273 | 0.726 | 0.001 | 0.427 | 0.106 | 0.467 | 0.440 | 0.041 | 10.712 | 0.689 |
0.7 | 0.513 | 0.486 | 0.001 | 0.535 | 0.068 | 0.397 | 0.328 | 0.044 | 7.454 | 0.697 |
0.9 | 0.829 | 0.170 | 0.001 | 0.617 | 0.036 | 0.347 | 0.256 | 0.074 | 3.477 | 0.731 |
图4 银离子与烯烃摩尔比对1-己烯、正己烷分配系数及其选择性的影响(在25℃下,将11.106 g Ag-DES含烯烃浓度50%的C6混合物按摩尔比(1∶1)~(1∶3)混合)
Fig.4 Effect of molar ratio of silver ion to olefin on the distribution coefficient and selectivity of 1-hexene to n-hexane (Including 11.106 g Ag-DES and C6 mixture with 50% olefin and the molar ratio of Ag-DES to 1-hexene ranging from 1∶1 to 1∶3 at 25℃)
图5 温度对1-己烯、正己烷分配系数及其选择性的影响(将11.106 g Ag-DES与5.04 g烯烃浓度50%的C6混合物分别于0~40℃各温度下混合)
Fig.5 Effect of temperature on the distribution coefficient and selectivity of 1-hexene to n-hexane(Including 11.106 g Ag-DES and 5.04 g C6 mixture with 50% olefin and the operating temperature ranging from 0 to 40℃)
图6 循环次数对1-己烯、正己烷分配系数及其选择性的影响(在25℃下,将11.106 g Ag-DES与5.04 g烯烃浓度50%的C6混合物混合)
Fig.6 Effect of recycle times on the distribution coefficient and selectivity of 1-hexene to n-hexane(Including 11.106 g Ag-DES and 5.04 g C6 mixture with 50% olefin at 25℃)
图9 AgCF3SO3(a)、DMBA(b)、Ag-DES (c)、Ag-DES-1-己烯(d)、Ag-DES-正己烷(e)在M062X/def2tzvp级别下的优化构型
Fig.9 The optimized geometry structures for AgCF3SO3 (a), DMBA (b), Ag-DES (c), Ag-DES-1-hexene (d), Ag-DES-n-hexane (e) at the M062X/def2tzvp level
E | Ag-DES-1-己烯 | Ag-DES-正己烷 |
EA/(kJ/mol) | -5431268.05 | -5431268.05 |
EB/(kJ/mol) | -619411.70 | -622637.68 |
EAB/(kJ/mol) | -6050813.59 | -6053982.20 |
EBSSE/(kJ/mol) | 3.09 | 4.22×10-4 |
EcintAB/(kJ/mol) | -130.75 | -76.47 |
?EcintAB/(kJ/mol) | 54.28 |
表3 Ag-DES(A)-1-己烯/正己烷(B)在M062X/def2tzvp级别下的相互作用能
Table 3 The interaction energies of the complexes Ag-DES(A)-1-hexene/n-hexane(B) at M062X/def2tzvp level
E | Ag-DES-1-己烯 | Ag-DES-正己烷 |
EA/(kJ/mol) | -5431268.05 | -5431268.05 |
EB/(kJ/mol) | -619411.70 | -622637.68 |
EAB/(kJ/mol) | -6050813.59 | -6053982.20 |
EBSSE/(kJ/mol) | 3.09 | 4.22×10-4 |
EcintAB/(kJ/mol) | -130.75 | -76.47 |
?EcintAB/(kJ/mol) | 54.28 |
图10 Ag-DES(a)、Ag-DES-1-己烯(b)、Ag-DES-正己烷(c)的AIM分析橘点:BCPs;红线:共价相互作用;橘线:非共价相互作用
Fig.10 The AIM analysis for Ag-DES(a), Ag-DES-1-hexene(b), Ag-DES-n-hexane (c)The BCPs are marked as orange dots, the coordination covalent bonds are linked by red lines and the hydrogen bonds are linked by orange lines
类型 | BCP | 原子标签 | ρ(BCP) | ?2ρ(BCP) | H(BCP) | H(BCP)/ρ(BCP) |
共价作用 | 72 | Ag9-O44![]() | 5.52×10-2 | 2.73×10-1 | -4.87×10-3 | -8.82×10-2 |
91 | Ag9-O22![]() | 5.15×10-2 | 2.48×10-1 | -4.47×10-3 | -8.69×10-2 | |
氢键 | 119 | C24—H27…O5 | 7.98×10-3 | 3.13×10-2 | 1.44×10-3 | 1.81×10-1 |
130 | C24—H26…F7 | 3.67×10-3 | 1.48×10-2 | 8.45×10-4 | 2.30×10-1 | |
101 | C12—H18…O3 | 1.22×10-2 | 4.72×10-2 | 2.27×10-3 | 1.87×10-1 | |
118 | C28—H29…O3 | 1.01×10-2 | 4.08×10-2 | 1.87×10-3 | 1.86×10-1 | |
114 | C21—N23…O3 | 7.50×10-3 | 3.13×10-2 | 1.52×10-3 | 2.03×10-1 | |
84 | C46—H48…O4 | 7.34×10-3 | 3.19×10-2 | 1.58×10-3 | 2.16×10-1 | |
85 | C43—N45…O4 | 9.86×10-3 | 4.14×10-2 | 1.80×10-3 | 1.83×10-1 | |
99 | C34—H40…O4 | 9.88×10-3 | 3.63×10-2 | 1.67×10-3 | 1.69×10-1 | |
115 | C34—H40…F6 | 7.00×10-3 | 3.05×10-2 | 1.68×10-3 | 2.40×10-1 |
表4 Ag-DES在BCPs处的拓扑参数
Table 4 Topological parameters of BCPs in Ag-DES
类型 | BCP | 原子标签 | ρ(BCP) | ?2ρ(BCP) | H(BCP) | H(BCP)/ρ(BCP) |
共价作用 | 72 | Ag9-O44![]() | 5.52×10-2 | 2.73×10-1 | -4.87×10-3 | -8.82×10-2 |
91 | Ag9-O22![]() | 5.15×10-2 | 2.48×10-1 | -4.47×10-3 | -8.69×10-2 | |
氢键 | 119 | C24—H27…O5 | 7.98×10-3 | 3.13×10-2 | 1.44×10-3 | 1.81×10-1 |
130 | C24—H26…F7 | 3.67×10-3 | 1.48×10-2 | 8.45×10-4 | 2.30×10-1 | |
101 | C12—H18…O3 | 1.22×10-2 | 4.72×10-2 | 2.27×10-3 | 1.87×10-1 | |
118 | C28—H29…O3 | 1.01×10-2 | 4.08×10-2 | 1.87×10-3 | 1.86×10-1 | |
114 | C21—N23…O3 | 7.50×10-3 | 3.13×10-2 | 1.52×10-3 | 2.03×10-1 | |
84 | C46—H48…O4 | 7.34×10-3 | 3.19×10-2 | 1.58×10-3 | 2.16×10-1 | |
85 | C43—N45…O4 | 9.86×10-3 | 4.14×10-2 | 1.80×10-3 | 1.83×10-1 | |
99 | C34—H40…O4 | 9.88×10-3 | 3.63×10-2 | 1.67×10-3 | 1.69×10-1 | |
115 | C34—H40…F6 | 7.00×10-3 | 3.05×10-2 | 1.68×10-3 | 2.40×10-1 |
类型 | BCP | 原子标签 | ρ(BCP) | ?2ρ(BCP) | H(BCP) | H(BCP)/ρ(BCP) |
共价作用 | 153 | Ag9-C69![]() | 4.30×10-2 | 1.35×10-1 | -4.83×10-3 | -1.13×10-1 |
147 | Ag9-O44![]() | 4.60×10-2 | 1.73×10-1 | -2.55×10-3 | -5.55×10-2 | |
169 | Ag9-O22![]() | 4.41×10-2 | 2.11×10-1 | -2.90×10-3 | -6.58×10-2 | |
氢键 | 104 | C24—H27…O5 | 6.80×10-3 | 2.43×10-2 | 1.15×10-3 | 1.69×10-1 |
124 | C34—H40…O5 | 7.08×10-3 | 2.57×10-2 | 1.21×10-3 | 1.72×10-1 | |
117 | C64—H66…O5 | 7.04×10-3 | 2.48×10-2 | 1.15×10-3 | 1.63×10-1 | |
120 | C12—H18…O3 | 6.47×10-3 | 2.23×10-2 | 1.07×10-3 | 1.66×10-1 | |
127 | C28—H29…O3 | 1.06×10-2 | 4.29×10-2 | 1.96×10-3 | 1.85×10-1 | |
130 | C21—N23…O3 | 7.21×10-3 | 2.77×10-2 | 1.36×10-3 | 1.88×10-1 | |
99 | C46—H49…O4 | 1.05×10-2 | 3.96×10-2 | 1.93×10-3 | 1.84×10-1 | |
79 | C34—H40…O4 | 1.03×10-2 | 4.30×10-2 | 1.95×10-3 | 1.89×10-1 | |
82 | C24—H26…F7 | 2.52×10-3 | 1.06×10-2 | 6.74×10-4 | 2.68×10-1 | |
114 | C34—H40…F6 | 6.24×10-3 | 2.65×10-2 | 1.47×10-3 | 2.35×10-1 | |
100 | C64—H66…F6 | 6.13×10-3 | 2.35×10-2 | 1.24×10-3 | 2.02×10-1 | |
85 | C61—H63…F6 | 4.38×10-3 | 1.69×10-2 | 9.23×10-4 | 2.11×10-1 |
表5 Ag-DES-1-己烯在BCPs处的拓扑参数
Table 5 Topological parameters of BCPs in Ag-DES-1- hexene
类型 | BCP | 原子标签 | ρ(BCP) | ?2ρ(BCP) | H(BCP) | H(BCP)/ρ(BCP) |
共价作用 | 153 | Ag9-C69![]() | 4.30×10-2 | 1.35×10-1 | -4.83×10-3 | -1.13×10-1 |
147 | Ag9-O44![]() | 4.60×10-2 | 1.73×10-1 | -2.55×10-3 | -5.55×10-2 | |
169 | Ag9-O22![]() | 4.41×10-2 | 2.11×10-1 | -2.90×10-3 | -6.58×10-2 | |
氢键 | 104 | C24—H27…O5 | 6.80×10-3 | 2.43×10-2 | 1.15×10-3 | 1.69×10-1 |
124 | C34—H40…O5 | 7.08×10-3 | 2.57×10-2 | 1.21×10-3 | 1.72×10-1 | |
117 | C64—H66…O5 | 7.04×10-3 | 2.48×10-2 | 1.15×10-3 | 1.63×10-1 | |
120 | C12—H18…O3 | 6.47×10-3 | 2.23×10-2 | 1.07×10-3 | 1.66×10-1 | |
127 | C28—H29…O3 | 1.06×10-2 | 4.29×10-2 | 1.96×10-3 | 1.85×10-1 | |
130 | C21—N23…O3 | 7.21×10-3 | 2.77×10-2 | 1.36×10-3 | 1.88×10-1 | |
99 | C46—H49…O4 | 1.05×10-2 | 3.96×10-2 | 1.93×10-3 | 1.84×10-1 | |
79 | C34—H40…O4 | 1.03×10-2 | 4.30×10-2 | 1.95×10-3 | 1.89×10-1 | |
82 | C24—H26…F7 | 2.52×10-3 | 1.06×10-2 | 6.74×10-4 | 2.68×10-1 | |
114 | C34—H40…F6 | 6.24×10-3 | 2.65×10-2 | 1.47×10-3 | 2.35×10-1 | |
100 | C64—H66…F6 | 6.13×10-3 | 2.35×10-2 | 1.24×10-3 | 2.02×10-1 | |
85 | C61—H63…F6 | 4.38×10-3 | 1.69×10-2 | 9.23×10-4 | 2.11×10-1 |
类型 | BCP | 原子标签 | ρ(BCP) | ?2ρ(BCP) | H(BCP) | H(BCP)/ρ(BCP) |
共价作用 | 124 | Ag9-O44![]() | 5.38×10-2 | 2.63×10-1 | -4.84×10-3 | -9.01×10-2 |
139 | Ag9-O22![]() | 5.23×10-2 | 2.55×10-1 | -4.23×10-3 | -8.09×10-2 | |
氢键 | 143 | C12—H18…O5 | 7.32×10-3 | 2.70×10-2 | 1.26×10-3 | 1.72×10-1 |
144 | C21—N23…O5 | 1.06×10-2 | 4.49×10-2 | 1.84×10-3 | 1.72×10-1 | |
136 | C28—H29…F7 | 2.24×10-3 | 8.75×10-3 | 5.07×10-4 | 2.26×10-1 | |
145 | C24—H26…F7 | 3.43×10-3 | 1.36×10-2 | 7.70×10-4 | 2.25×10-1 | |
142 | C12—H18…O3 | 8.03×10-3 | 3.02×10-2 | 1.56×10-3 | 1.94×10-1 | |
84 | C43—N45…O4 | 9.56×10-3 | 3.93×10-2 | 1.76×10-3 | 1.84×10-1 | |
88 | C34—H40…O4 | 9.70×10-3 | 3.62×10-2 | 1.63×10-3 | 1.68×10-1 | |
93 | C34—H40…F6 | 6.11×10-3 | 2.68×10-2 | 1.50×10-3 | 2.46×10-1 |
表6 Ag-DES-正己烷在BCPs处的拓扑参数
Table 6 Topological parameters of BCPs in Ag-DES- n-hexane
类型 | BCP | 原子标签 | ρ(BCP) | ?2ρ(BCP) | H(BCP) | H(BCP)/ρ(BCP) |
共价作用 | 124 | Ag9-O44![]() | 5.38×10-2 | 2.63×10-1 | -4.84×10-3 | -9.01×10-2 |
139 | Ag9-O22![]() | 5.23×10-2 | 2.55×10-1 | -4.23×10-3 | -8.09×10-2 | |
氢键 | 143 | C12—H18…O5 | 7.32×10-3 | 2.70×10-2 | 1.26×10-3 | 1.72×10-1 |
144 | C21—N23…O5 | 1.06×10-2 | 4.49×10-2 | 1.84×10-3 | 1.72×10-1 | |
136 | C28—H29…F7 | 2.24×10-3 | 8.75×10-3 | 5.07×10-4 | 2.26×10-1 | |
145 | C24—H26…F7 | 3.43×10-3 | 1.36×10-2 | 7.70×10-4 | 2.25×10-1 | |
142 | C12—H18…O3 | 8.03×10-3 | 3.02×10-2 | 1.56×10-3 | 1.94×10-1 | |
84 | C43—N45…O4 | 9.56×10-3 | 3.93×10-2 | 1.76×10-3 | 1.84×10-1 | |
88 | C34—H40…O4 | 9.70×10-3 | 3.62×10-2 | 1.63×10-3 | 1.68×10-1 | |
93 | C34—H40…F6 | 6.11×10-3 | 2.68×10-2 | 1.50×10-3 | 2.46×10-1 |
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