化工学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (4): 1355-1369.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20231204
刘恺轩(), 姜沁源(
), 汪菲, 李润, 朱平, 王康康, 臧永路, 赵彦龙, 张如范(
Kaixuan LIU(), Qinyuan JIANG(
), Fei WANG, Run LI, Ping ZHU, Kangkang WANG, Yonglu ZANG, Yanlong ZHAO, Rufan ZHANG(
刘恺轩, 姜沁源, 汪菲, 李润, 朱平, 王康康, 臧永路, 赵彦龙, 张如范. 高密度超长碳纳米管的可控制备:进展与展望[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(4): 1355-1369.
Kaixuan LIU, Qinyuan JIANG, Fei WANG, Run LI, Ping ZHU, Kangkang WANG, Yonglu ZANG, Yanlong ZHAO, Rufan ZHANG. Controlled synthesis of high-density ultralong carbon nanotubes: progress and prospects[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(4): 1355-1369.
图5 利用催化剂预沉积和多次生长提升超长碳纳米管阵列密度[56]
Fig.5 Improving the areal density of ultralong CNTs by utilizing the preloading of catalysts and multi-cycle growth[56]
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