CIESC Journal ›› 2019, Vol. 70 ›› Issue (4): 1635-1643.DOI: 10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20180944
• Process safety • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jie LIANG(),Yuxing LI(
),Cuiwei LIU,Jianlu ZHU,Shaoxiong WANG,Na LIU
Yuxing LI
<named-content content-type="corresp-name">梁杰</named-content>(1993—),男,硕士研究生,<email></email>|李玉星(1970—),男,博士,教授,<email></email>
CLC Number:
Jie LIANG, Yuxing LI, Cuiwei LIU, Jianlu ZHU, Shaoxiong WANG, Na LIU. Experimental study on leakage characteristics of buried gas pipelines[J]. CIESC Journal, 2019, 70(4): 1635-1643.
梁杰, 李玉星, 刘翠伟, 朱建鲁, 王少雄, 刘纳. 埋地输气管道泄漏特性实验研究[J]. 化工学报, 2019, 70(4): 1635-1643.
d / mm | P / kPa | Q /(m3/h) | 相对误差/ % | |
预测值 | 理论值 | |||
10 | 10 | 33.012 | 33.404 | -1.174 |
20 | 47.593 | 47.075 | 1.100 | |
30 | 58.051 | 57.453 | 1.040 | |
40 | 66.449 | 66.113 | 0.509 | |
50 | 73.581 | 73.665 | -0.114 | |
60 | 79.845 | 80.427 | -0.723 | |
70 | 85.471 | 86.586 | -1.288 | |
80 | 90.605 | 92.267 | -1.801 | |
90 | 95.345 | 97.555 | -2.266 | |
20 | 10 | 132.049 | 133.617 | -1.174 |
20 | 190.370 | 188.299 | 1.100 | |
30 | 232.204 | 229.813 | 1.040 | |
40 | 265.796 | 264.451 | 0.509 | |
50 | 294.325 | 294.662 | -0.114 | |
60 | 319.382 | 321.708 | -0.723 | |
70 | 341.886 | 346.346 | -1.288 | |
80 | 362.419 | 369.068 | -1.801 | |
90 | 381.379 | 390.221 | -2.266 |
Table 1 Prediction results of leakage and error analysis
d / mm | P / kPa | Q /(m3/h) | 相对误差/ % | |
预测值 | 理论值 | |||
10 | 10 | 33.012 | 33.404 | -1.174 |
20 | 47.593 | 47.075 | 1.100 | |
30 | 58.051 | 57.453 | 1.040 | |
40 | 66.449 | 66.113 | 0.509 | |
50 | 73.581 | 73.665 | -0.114 | |
60 | 79.845 | 80.427 | -0.723 | |
70 | 85.471 | 86.586 | -1.288 | |
80 | 90.605 | 92.267 | -1.801 | |
90 | 95.345 | 97.555 | -2.266 | |
20 | 10 | 132.049 | 133.617 | -1.174 |
20 | 190.370 | 188.299 | 1.100 | |
30 | 232.204 | 229.813 | 1.040 | |
40 | 265.796 | 264.451 | 0.509 | |
50 | 294.325 | 294.662 | -0.114 | |
60 | 319.382 | 321.708 | -0.723 | |
70 | 341.886 | 346.346 | -1.288 | |
80 | 362.419 | 369.068 | -1.801 | |
90 | 381.379 | 390.221 | -2.266 |
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