• 化工学报 • Previous Articles     Next Articles


C. L. PERNG   

  • Online:1952-01-25 Published:1952-01-25



  1. 吉林江南化工厂

Abstract: Although shale oil contains much high melting point paraffin wax, un-saturated hydrocarbons and other unstable compounds, it can produce a little that can be used for preparing transformer oil. We can separate this by distillation and dewaxing, and then by washing with acid and alkali, finally by teating with acitive green shale or clay. Thus, we can obtain a product with flash point above 140℃., and pour point below -20℃. and enough chemical stability required for transformer oil without adding any freezing-point-lowering agent and antioxydant. Furthermore, the lower viscosity of shale oil is much profitable to the cooling effect of transformer oil. In accordance with the following flow sheet, we can prepare a trans-former oil from shale oil with similar properties as those manufactured in the U.S S.R., U.S.A. and Japan. tapping adjustment of Flashing point & pouring point settling filtration product of transformer oil

摘要: <正> 在解放以前,我国所用的各种工业原料,多半仰赖于舶来品.解放以后,在全国普遍掀起经济建设的高潮当中,由于美英帝国主义对我们的封锁,使我们迫切地需要自给,特别是电气工业重要生产资料之一的变压器油;因此,两年来国内从事工业建设的同志纷纷向这方面努力研究,以求变压器油的自给,有以芝麻油来代替的,有试从豆油中来提炼的,我们也曾经以豆油和矿油混合来试制变压器油的代用品,但终因植物油本身的种种缺点尚没有成功.(如酸价大,化学性质不安定等)后来从国产页岩油中试制纯矿物性的变压器油,才得到初步的成功.