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The Calcuation of Effectiveness Factors of Spherical Catalysts by Weighted Residual Method

Lin Zhenguo, Shao Nianci and Li Tifei East China Institute of Chemical Technology   

  • Online:1984-03-25 Published:1984-03-25



  1. 华东化工学院 ,华东化工学院 ,华东化工学院

Abstract: The weighted residual method was used to calculate . the isothermal effectiveness factors of spherical for first- and second-order reactions. Dirac functions were chosen as the weight functions. Because of the simplicity of the form of the trial function, the calculation could be completed with a calculator. The results were very close to the analytic solution for first-order reactions and closer to the numerical solution than those from Satterfield. Kjaer and Bischoff-Aris-Petersen methods for second-order reactions.

摘要: 本文利用加权余量法计算了等温球形催化剂的有效因子,并对催化反应n=1,2的两种情况与其它简化法进行了比较.文中取Dirac函数作为权函数,形式简单,在袖珍计算器上就能完成计算.其结果:当n=1时,与解析解非常接近;当n=2时,优于其它三种简化解法,很接近数值解.