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A Simplified Model for Size-Dependent Growth Rate of Crystals

Qian Ruying Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry   

  • Online:1984-06-25 Published:1984-06-25



  1. 上海化学工业研究院

Abstract: For size-dependent growth rate of crystals, a simplified model: is derived, where G is the linear growth rate of crystals, L and L0 are characteristic lengths of crystals and nuclei respectively, G∞, and β are model parameters, G∞, being the linear growth rate of extremely large crystals, and β characteristic length of crystals for which linear growth rate equals G∞/2. Equations for crystal size distribution (CSD), suspension density MT and dominant crystal size LD are given. Compared with previous models, most of which are empirical, this model shows a comparable or better fit to the published CDS data for ammonium alum and potash alum. The calculated values of MT agree well with experimental results.

摘要: 本文导出了结晶成长线速率G与粒度L关系的简化模型G=(G∞L)/(L+β),L≥L_0>0.还给出了结晶粒度分布(CSD)公式、悬浮密度M_T公式和主要粒度L_D公式.用文献发表的典型的结晶实验(铵矾和钾矾)CSD数据来比较模型的计算值,本模型比以前各模型(大多数是经验模型)符合得更好或相当.悬浮密度的计算值与实验值相符.