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Influence of cell homogenization on interactions between biomass and adsorbent in expanded bed ion-exchange adsorption

DONG Jiannan;LIN Dongqiang;YAO Shanjing   

  • Online:2006-07-25 Published:2006-07-25



  1. 浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学系,浙江 杭州 310027

Abstract: For ion-exchange expanded bed adsorption, the biomass (cells and cell debris) existing in the feedstock would adhere to the adsorbent, which certainly influence the bed stability and adsorption efficiency for the targets.With E.coli DH5α as the model biomass and Streamline DEAE as the typical anion exchanger for EBA, the influence of cell homogenization processes on the biomass/adsorbent interaction in expanded bed was investigated by using the biomass pulse-response experiments.The biomass transmission index (BTI) was used as a quantitative parameter for evaluating the biomass adsorption in expanded bed.The results indicated that more intense homogenization caused higher BTI and weaker biomass/adsorbent interaction, with smaller size of cell debris and lower zeta potential of homogenate.Based on the theory of electrostatic interactions, a good linear correlation was found between BTI and (-ζAζBdB), which combined the influences of zeta potential of adsorbent (ζA), zeta potential of biomass (ζB) and biomass size (dB).When -ζAζBdB<100 mV2&#8226;μm, BTI response was more than 0.9, indicating no or very slight biomass/adsorbent interactions.This relation could be used to pre-evaluate the influence of biomasss and simplify the process design of EBA.

摘要: E.coli DH5α为模型生物质,Streamline DEAE为典型阴离子交换扩张床吸附剂,通过生物质脉冲响应法获得生物质穿透指数(BTI)作为生物质/吸附剂间相互作用的定量评价参数,考察细胞破碎方法对扩张床吸附的影响.结果表明,随着细胞破碎程度的加剧,碎片粒径减小,碎片zeta电位绝对值也减小,BTI增大,生物质与吸附剂间相互作用减弱.从静电相互作用理论出发,建立了BTI与生物质zeta电位(ζB)、离子交换介质zeta电位(ζA)和生物质颗粒大小(dB)三者乘积(-ζAζBdB)间良好的线性关系.当-ζAζBdB<100 mV2&#8226;μm时,BTI>0.9,该关系可用于预估生物质的影响,简化扩张床吸附的过程设计.