• 生物化学工程、制药、食品和天然产物加工 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Characteristics of poly(vinyl alcohol)degradation bacterium Xanthomonas sp.

ZHANG Xing;DU Guocheng;CHEN Jian   

  • Online:2006-07-25 Published:2006-07-25



  1. 江南大学工业生物技术教育部重点实验室,江苏 无锡 214036;中国矿业大学生物工程系,江苏 徐州 221008

Abstract: A bacterium,isolated from putrified poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) gum,could degrade completely poly(vinyl alcohol).It belongs to the genus of Xanthomonas and needs complex organic nitrogen for growth.The biodegradation rate of PVA was increased by addition of beef extract and peptone F403,in which peptone had more influence on PVA degradation.The bacterium could adapt to a broad pH range for PVA degradation.The polymerization degree of PVA did not show any significant influence on PVA biodegradation rate.The results of resting cells culture showed that PVA was firstly adsorbed and then degraded by the cells.1 g•L-1 of PVA could be completely degraded as expressed with TOC by 1 g•L-1 of resting cells after 52 h cultivation.However it was difficult to determine the activity values of PVA oxidase,dehydrogenase and total degrading enzyme in this strain.

摘要: 从腐败的PVA胶水中分离到一株能高效降解并矿化聚乙烯醇的细菌Xa-5,经初步鉴定属于黄单胞菌属(Xanthomonas sp.).该菌株生长需要复杂的有机氮,蛋白胨和牛肉膏可提高该菌对聚乙烯醇的降解速率,其中蛋白胨的加量对降解聚乙烯醇影响较大.该菌降解聚乙烯醇要求的pH范围较宽.不同聚合度的聚乙烯醇对其降解速率影响不大.该菌的降解过程可能是聚乙烯醇首先吸附在细胞表面,然后进行氧化降解.在静息细胞降解过程中,以TOC表示,1 g•L-1(DCW)菌体可在52 h内将1 g•L-1聚乙烯醇基本矿化,但该菌株的PVA氧化酶酶活、脱氢酶酶活和PVA降解总酶活则较难测出.