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Transport phenomena of charged membranes based on charge models

SHANG Weijuan;WANG Xiaolin;YU Yangxin   

  • Online:2006-08-25 Published:2006-08-25



  1. 清华大学化学工程系,北京 100084

Abstract: Transport phenomena of charged membranes based on the charge models (including the space charge model and the fixed charge model) are cataloged into the three kinds, that is,separation performance,electro-kinetic properties and transport characteristics with respect to the charge effect.Generally,separation performance is expressed by the rejections and permeation fluxes,electro-kinetic properties are specified by the membrane potential and streaming potential, while transport characteristics are summed up by six independent parameters (or coefficients): pure water permeability,reflection coefficient,electro-osmostic coefficient,solute permeability coefficient,electrical conductance and electrical transport number.In this article, the above-mentioned transport phenomena of charged membranes based on the charged models are reviewed in detail.The respective advantages of the space charged model and the fixed charge model applied to charged membranes are described, and the development trend is presented.

摘要: 根据电荷模型(空间电荷和固定电荷模型),将荷电膜传递现象分为膜的分离性能、电性质及传递参数3类.其中膜的分离性能用截留率和通量来表征;膜的电性质包括膜的电化学性质和膜的动电性质,膜的电化学性质用膜电位来表征,膜的动电性质用流动电位、Zeta电位和电滞效应等参数来表征;膜的传递参数则用反射系数、溶质透过系数、纯水透过系数、电导率、离子的迁移数及电渗系数6个系数来表征.概述了空间电荷和固定电荷模型描述电解质溶液在荷电膜中的传递现象的研究进展,介绍了两种模型在荷电膜中应用时的各自优势,展望了电荷模型在荷电膜体系中应用的发展方向.