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Optimum configurational characteristics of transport processes and proof of transport coefficients equipartition

ZHANG Xiaohui   

  • Online:2007-01-05 Published:2007-01-05



  1. 苏州大学热能工程系

Abstract: The method and concept of a heat-engine-like plant were extended to the generalized transport processes based on the analysis of configurational characteristics of reversible heat engine and heat-engine-like plant,and a better mathematical foundation was given.It was proven by means of the variational method that the transport coefficients equipartion was the basic characteristics of a linear transport process system which pursued entropy production minimization when the material was subjected to overall constraints.The new idea of optimum configurational characteristics was preliminarily verified.

摘要: 在已有热机构形优化特性以及类热机装置的构形优化特性分析基础上,将类热机模型推广到一般的传输过程模型,通过变分法导出了一般传输过程的构形优化准则,证明了对于线性传输模型,在有限尺寸约束条件下,传输过程(或装置)熵产最小时,传递系数等分是其基本特征,并初步验证了本文提出的构形优化特征。