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Simultaneous adsorption of copper ions and 2,4-dichlorophenol with

ZHENG Min,JIN Xiaoying,WANG Qingping,CHEN Zuliang   

  1. College of Chemistry and Materials Science,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,Fujian,China
  • Online:2010-11-15 Published:2010-09-25


郑 敏,金晓英,王清萍,陈祖亮   

  1. 福建师范大学化学与材料学院,福建 福州 350007


Humic acid refined from humus acid was used for the modification of bentoniteand then the modified bentonite was used for the simultaneous adsorption of copper ions and 2,4-dichlorophenol. Experimental results indicated that the optimum adsorption could be achieved with 4 g/L adsorbent under room temperature for 100 mg/L mixed solution with pH 46 in 60 minutesthrough which the maximum adsorption capacity for copper ions and 2,4-dichlorophenol was up to 23 mg/L and 16 mg/Lrespectively. The adsorption was fitted well with Langmuir isotherm and the pseudo-second-order model.


从腐殖酸中提取胡敏酸用于改性膨润土,并研究改性膨润土对铜离子和2,4-二氯苯酚混合液的吸附性能。实验结果表明:吸附剂量为4 g/L时,在室温和pH值为46的条件下,对100 mg/L的混合液吸附60 min后效果最好。改性土对铜离子最高吸附量达到23 mg/g,对2,4-二氯苯酚的最大吸附量达到16 mg/g。吸附符合Langmuir吸附等温方程以及伪二级动力学模式。