CIESC Journal ›› 2006, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (6): 1399-1402.

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Computer simulation of surface tension for fluoropolymer modified polyacrylate emulsion

LIU Yunhong;GUO Nan;LV Lei;WANG Hongyan;LIU Shuxia   

  • Online:2006-06-25 Published:2006-06-25



  1. 吉林大学化学学院,吉林 长春 130012

Abstract: A mathematical model of surface tension for fluoropolymer modified polyacrylate emulsion was established by using the statistic method in this paper.The surface tension for emulsion was relative to the volume fraction of mixed monomer,water and fluoropolymer powder dosage in the mathematical model.Attention was focused on the statistics of experimental data instead of the calculation of subtle complex thermodynamic processes.Good agreement was obtained between calculated data and experimental data.The relative error was less than 10%.As a practical method, the surface tension predicted by the mathematical model presented in this paper can be used to predict other important properties of emulsion film.

Key words: 氟聚合物, 乳液, 表面张力, 计算机模拟

关键词: 氟聚合物, 乳液, 表面张力, 计算机模拟