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05 October 2012, Volume 63 Issue 10
    Solubilities of MBr(M=Na,K)in aqueous systems containing ionic liquid[Bmim]Br
    REN Yingqian, LU Yiqun, PENG Changjun, LIU Honglai
    2012, 63(10):  3011-3016.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.001
    Abstract ( 1451 )   PDF (616KB) ( 565 )  
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    In order to understand the effect of ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromides([Bmim]Br)on the solubility of bromides MBr(M=Na,K)in aqueous solutions,isothermal solubilities of MBr in[Bmim]Br(1)+H2O(2)systems were measured in a temperature range of 298.15 K to 328.15 K at atmospheric pressure.It was found that the addition of [Bmim]Br triggered a remarkable decrease of salt solubilities in aqueous solutions.The results also showed that[Bmim]Br had more evident salting-out effect on KBr than NaBr.The solubility data were correlated and calculated with the Pitzer model.The interaction parameters of the mixed electrolyte solutions,the average activity coefficients of MBr in mixed solutions,and the osmotic coefficients of solvent were obtained by using experimental results.The Pitzer model gave a satisfactory prediction for the solubilities of KBr and NaBr in aqueous systems containing ionic liquid [Bmim]Br.Both the average activity coefficients of MBr in mixed solutions,and the osmotic coefficients of solvent increased with increasing ionic liquid concentration.
    Thermodynamic study of CO2 and N2 adsorption on modified activated carbon monolith
    CHEN Jianyu, LIU Ziwen, LI Ping, YU Jianguo
    2012, 63(10):  3017-3026.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.002
    Abstract ( 1284 )   PDF (1134KB) ( 675 )  
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    Activated carbon(AC)monolith has the advantages of higher specific surface area,multi channels of pores,higher adsorption and desorption rates and lower pressure drop.So it is generally considered as a promising adsorbent material to capture CO2.In this paper,two commercial coal/coconut AC monoliths were used as adsorbents to capture CO2 from flue gas.These adsorbent materials were soaked in K2CO3 solution to improve CO2 adsorption capacity and selectivity of CO2/N2.Adsorption equilibrium isotherms of CO2 and N2 on coal/coconut AC monoliths(before/after soaking in K2CO3 solution)were measured by using magnetic suspension balance.The experimental data were fitted with Langmuir,multi-site Langmuir and Virial models,respectively.Three models fitted well with the measured isotherms in the whole experimental range,and Langmuir model was the best one.
    Effect of velocity on behavior of droplet impacting superhydrophobic surface
    YANG Baohai, WANG Hong, ZHU Xun, DING Yudong, ZHOU Jin
    2012, 63(10):  3027-3033.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.003
    Abstract ( 1655 )   PDF (2303KB) ( 1282 )  
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    Superhydrophobic surface has been widely used both in industry and household products,and attracted intensive attention by researchers.In the present study,a water droplet impacting a superhydrophobic surface with the static contact angle of 156皐as experimentally studied at Weber number from 8 to 310.For capturing more information about the whole impacting process,a mirror was set underneath the transparent superhydrophobic surface to simultaneously obtain the images of both the top view and bottom view for the droplet impact and its motion in the air after rebounding.The experimental results showed that the advancing and receding angles as well as the velocity of triple-phase contact ring for the extended droplet on the surface,and the motion pattern in the air of the rebounding droplet were significantly affected by the initial velocity of water droplet.When a droplet impacted the superhydrophobic surface with a high velocity,three groups of satellite droplets were generated during the extension and retraction stages,and the coalescence of neighboring droplet fingers was observed to form a new larger droplet finger during the retraction stage.
    Natural convection heat transfer of horizontal cylinder with lateral shearing interferometry
    ZHU Jinrong, LV Wei, ZHOU Huaichun
    2012, 63(10):  3034-3039.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.004
    Abstract ( 2396 )   PDF (2153KB) ( 855 )  
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    The real-time interferometric fringes of natural convection around horizontal circular cylinder in infinite space with different wall temperatures from 400℃ to 13℃ were obtained based on lateral shearing interferometry with large shearing quantity,which was applied to temperature measurement and heat transfer analysis.The inversion of corresponding temperature fields was completed according to the assumption of one-dimensional infinite length.The temperature gradients along circumferential direction at different wall temperatures and the fitting criteria relationship between Rayleigh number and average Nusselt number were obtained.The experimental results show that the shadow caused by circular cylinder vertical obliquity results in a slight error in the detection of true fringe series near the wall at the angles close to 0°,but it does not have a significant impact on the heat transfer analysis.The comparison of mainstream criteria relationships obtained in this study and in literature shows that the data of natural convection heat transfer with high time and spatial resolution can be obtained via simple post-processing.Reference for future theoretical research and engineering applications of heat pipe is provided.
    Dual-path Schlieren technique on interfacial turbulence phenomena in gas-liquid mass transfer
    CHEN Jie, ZENG Aiwu, YUAN Xigang
    2012, 63(10):  3040-3044.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.005
    Abstract ( 1124 )   PDF (1048KB) ( 855 )  
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    The Schlieren technique with double optical path was established.With the new technique,the natural convection of CO2 absorption into and desorption from chlorobenzene in a quiescent cell was visualized from horizontal and vertical directions simultaneously.During the absorption process,the convection does not appear,and only dark stripes appear from the vertical direction.In the desorption process,evident convection emerges in both horizontal and vertical directions.At the beginning of the desorption process,the stratification appears in the vertical direction,and it is destroyed with the convection becoming more and more intense.The characteristic velocity of the horizontal convection is larger than that of normal one,then the convection appears in the horizontal direction.The convection structure tends to move to the center of the cell because of the heat effect from the mass transfer.The results show that the dual-path Schlieren technique can be used to observe tridimensional convections easily and simultaneously,based on which the mass transfer can be studied more deeply.
    Flow patterns of compartmentalized anaerobic reactor
    JI Junyuan, XING Yajuan, ZHENG Ping
    2012, 63(10):  3045-3051.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.006
    Abstract ( 1529 )   PDF (519KB) ( 512 )  
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    The compartmentalized anaerobic reactor(CAR)has outstanding potential in wastewater treatment engineering.The flow patterns of CAR were investigated through pulse stimulus-response technique using sodium fluoride as tracer,and were analyzed by means of the axial dispersion(AD)model and the tanks-in-series(TIS)model.The results showed that back-mixing was small and flow pattern tended to be plug-flow at normal loading rate,Peclet numbers of AD model under the condition with or without biogas production were 5.66 and 7.94 respectively,N numbers of TIS model under the condition with or without biogas production were 3.44 and 4.55 respectively.Back-mixing was large and flow pattern tended to be completely mixed flow at high or super-high loading rate,Peclet numbers of AD model under the condition with or without biogas production were 2.57,4.02 and 3.77,3.93 respectively,N numbers of TIS model under the condition with or without biogas production were 2.00,2.66 and 2.51,2.62 respectively.Average total dead space of CAR was 33.58%,of which average hydraulic dead space was 13.58%.Regression equation was established for parameters of hydraulic dead space(Vh),volumetric hydraulic loading rate(L)and volumetric biogas production rate(G).The effect of volumetric biogas production rate(G)on hydraulic dead space(Vh)was less than that of volumetric hydraulic loading rate(L)in CAR.
    Effects of tab gap and tab wing on mixing characteristic in HEV static mixers
    LING Jihong, TIAN Xiufang, ZHANG Hao, YE Tianzhen, XING Jincheng
    2012, 63(10):  3052-3056.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.007
    Abstract ( 840 )   PDF (1136KB) ( 428 )  
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    Mixing characteristics of HEV static mixer with different tab gaps and tab wing(the distance between the last tab and the outlet)were studied experimentally and numerically.The most widely used measure for the uniformity is the coefficient of variation(CV).Smaller CV value means more uniform mixture.The volume fraction of tracer fluid was measured at the outlet,and the results were compared with standard k-ε equation,RNG k-ε equation,realizable k-ε equation,SST k-ω equation and standard k-ω equation,based on which the most suitable equation was obtained.Using this model,the CV of tracer fluid with different tab wing was studied when the tab gap was from 0.8D to 2.0D,where D is the inner dimeter of HEV static mixer. The CV of the tracer fluid at different spacing at the same benchmark section was also studied.The results showed that RNG k-ε turbulent model was in a good agreement with the experimental results with the relative error of 3.37%.It was also found that the CV decreased rapidly as the tab gap increased when tab gap≤1.7D and increased as the tab gap increased when tab gap≥1.7D.The optimum tab gap is 1.7D.The attenuation of CV was fast as tab wing increased in a certain distance,and then became comparatively slow.
    Deformation behavior of nanofluid droplet on heated horizontal surface
    GUO Yali, XU Hehan, SHEN Shengqiang
    2012, 63(10):  3057-3061.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.008
    Abstract ( 1963 )   PDF (668KB) ( 771 )  
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    Heat transfer performance of nanofluid is superior to that of original pure fluid because the suspended nanoparticles remarkably increase the thermal conductivity of the mixture and improve its capability of energy exchange.The evaporation of nanofluid droplet will be widely applied in the field of vehicle,spaceflight,voyage,shipping and electron.The hydrokinetics,theories on heat and mass transfer and material science,and the behavior dynamics of free interface are involved in the evaporation process of nanofluid droplets.In this study,lattice Boltzmann method is applied to simulate the deformation of nanofluid droplet when it evaporates on a heated horizontal surface.A double distribution model is adopted,in which D2Q9 is used to calculate the velocity distribution while D2Q5 is used for calculation of temperature distribution.The results show that the nanofluid droplet experiences pinning and depinning stages.Because of the strong pinning action of nanoparticles,the ring sediment is specially investigated at the end of evaporation,which shows the characteristics of nanofluid as the result of strong pinning action with the Brownian motion and the interaction between the particles considered.The simulation results are in good agreements with the experimental results in literature.
    Flow field reconstruction in novel fluidized bed by CFD simulation
    WEI Chaohai, ZHU Jialiang, ZHANG Tao
    2012, 63(10):  3062-3069.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.009
    Abstract ( 1070 )   PDF (6941KB) ( 378 )  
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    A 2D numerical model was developed to describe the flow of liquid and gas phases in a novel triplet loop fluidized bed and multiplex loop fluidized bed,which had been developed in authors' early research.Local flow field,gas holdup distribution and liquid velocity distribution were analyzed to investigate the influence of internal loop numbers on hydrodynamic characteristics of the fluidized bed,in order to explore the best internal structure and operation factors for energy saving of fluidized bed.The simulation results showed that triplet loop and multiplex loop mostly affected the mixing of fluid from the riser and the downcomer compared with the simplex loop.Increasing internal loop number could shorten circulation distance and time consumed of the internal loop,which was beneficial to enhancing interface mixing and reaction.However the flow pattern in triplet loop and multiplex loop fluidized bed was still similar to plug flow,while microcirculation was scarely observed.Multiplex loop fluidized bed had better hydrodynamic characteristics than triplet loop fluidized bed,which meant that radial and axial homogenization of liquid velocity and higher oxygen transformation efficiency could be observed with larger internal loop numbers.This research implied that flow field reconstruction by means of structure reconstruction was favorable for the improvement of hydrodynamic characteristics,which should be one of the research and development tools of aerobic biological treatment of high organic load wastewater.
    Multi-sensors integration for flow characterization of dense phase pneumatic conveying of coal powder
    FU Feifei, XU Chuanlong, WANG Shimin
    2012, 63(10):  3070-3079.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.010
    Abstract ( 1575 )   PDF (3220KB) ( 856 )  
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    Multi-sensor integration including electrostatic sensor,pressure sensor and capacitance tomography system(ECT)were used to investigate the flow behavior of dense phase pneumatic conveying of coal powder under various operating conditions(transportation pressure difference,carrier gas and moisture content).Statistics and fractal method were applied to extracting the Hurst of electrostatic fluctuation signal and the variance of differential pressure signal.Experimental results showed that when CO2 was used as carrier gas,the complexity of micro-movement of individual particle increased with increasing total transportation pressure difference and the interaction between gas and particles was more intensified under pressure difference of 0.75 MPa.However,the macro-motion state of the coal particles kept stable.The increase of coal moisture content resulted in higher complexity of micro-motion of individual particle,and yet had no influence on the stability of macro-motion state of the whole coal particles.When N2 was used as carrier gas,coal average concentration over the cross section of the pipeline fluctuated obviously and the macro-motion state of the whole coal particles was unstable.But the micro- motion of individual coal particle was similar to that with carrier gas of CO2.
    ONB characteristics in porous media with internal heat source
    XU Guangzhan, SUN Zhongning, MENG Xianke, ZHANG Xiaoning
    2012, 63(10):  3080-3085.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.011
    Abstract ( 1137 )   PDF (1016KB) ( 433 )  
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    The onset of nucleate boiling(ONB)in the porous media with internal heat source was experimentally investigated.This paper adopted electromagnetic induction heating method to heat the pebble bed stacked with 8mm diameter steel balls.The inflexion of wall temperature was used to determine ONB.The influence factors of ONB were analyzed at the superficial velocity ranging from 0.025 m穝-1 to 0.050 m穝-1,heat flux ranging from 7.5 kW穖-2 to 52 kW穖-2.The temperature of wall had an inflexion clearly because of enhancement of heat transfer.The superheat of wall and heat flux required at ONB were smaller when the location was closer to the exit because temperature gradient decreased in the boundary layer.The superheat of wall and heat flux required at ONB were higher when velocity was higher because heat transfer was enhanced.
    Heat transfer characteristics of subcooled flow boiling in vertical annuli with wire coil inserts
    LUO Lincong, ZHANG Guanmin, TIAN Maocheng, TANG Yufeng, PAN Jihong
    2012, 63(10):  3086-3093.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.012
    Abstract ( 1800 )   PDF (980KB) ( 482 )  
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    Heat transfer characteristics of subcooled flow boiling water were experimentally investigated in a vertical evaporator with wire coil inserted.The evaporator was an annular channel consisted of an inner heater rod and an outer quartz pipe.Five kinds of helically wire coils with different coil pitches and different wire diameters were made and used in full length of the heated rod.For each inserted tube and the plain tube,16 testing runs were carried out with different mass velocities and heat fluxes separately.The influences of wire diameter and coil pitch on heat transfer coefficients were investigated and the mechanism was analyzed.The results indicate that the presence of wire coil causes the spiral and separation of fluid,increasing the nucleation site density in nucleate boiling and enhancing the subcooled boiling heat transfer.The heat transfer coefficients increases as the coil pitch decreases and as wire diameter increases,namely as pitch diameter ratio(P/e)reduces.The enhancement effect for the minimum 1.5 of P/e is the best.The maximum heat transfer enhancement of the wire coil inserted tubes over the plain tube is 109%. Four correlations are assessed by the mean absolute error based on the experimental data.The enhancement factor of the coiled wire inserted annuli is given in the form of diagram under different operation conditions.
    Performance of two-phase ejector in compression/ejection refrigeration cycle
    WANG Fei, LV Henglin, FENG Wei, SHEN Shengqiang
    2012, 63(10):  3094-3100.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.013
    Abstract ( 1925 )   PDF (586KB) ( 1014 )  
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    Taking into account of the phenomena of choking in entrained flow and condensation shock in mixing chamber,a thermodynamic model of two-phase ejector was established by using mass,momentum and energy balances.In the simulation,the mixing area in the mixing chamber is constant.With R141b as refrigerant,the pressure change in the ejector at various mixing pressures was studied,and the effects of mixing pressure on the performance of compression/ejection cycle,the entrainment ratio and exit pressure of ejector were analyzed.The variations of optimum suction chamber pressure drop,the corresponding ejector entrainment ratio,the system optimum performance coefficient and the corresponding performance improvement ratio with condensation temperature and evaporation temperature were presented.The results show that under the operation conditions in this study,no condensation shock occurs in the mixing chamber of two-phase ejector.The constant area model for mixing chamber is more appropriate than constant pressure model.It is important to choose appropriate mixing pressure for optimizing the system performance,and the optimum mixing pressure,at which the ejector has the highest entrainment ratio,is slightly lower than the pressure of entrained flow but far larger than the critical pressure entrained flow.
    Effect of particle gradation on flow field of feeding pipe in classifier
    DIAO Xiong, LI Shuangyue, HUANG Peng, REN Xihao
    2012, 63(10):  3101-3111.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.014
    Abstract ( 1682 )   PDF (4179KB) ( 428 )  
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    In order to investigate the effect of particle gradation on the flow field of the feeding pipe in a classifier,the computational fluid dynamics method was applied in the study of gas-solids two-phase flow field in the feeding pipe.After the model was verified,the effects of gas velocity,feeding concentration,particle gradation and density on the pressure difference of inlet and outlet,particle concentration distribution and dispersion were analyzed.The results showed that the pressure difference of inlet and outlet increased with increasing large size particle content of gradation.When gradation was with a high content of small size particle,concentration distribution was uniform and particle dispersion was good.The change of gas velocity,feeding concentration and particle density had less influence on particle dimensionless concentration distribution and dispersion.The operation parameters had significant effects on gradation with a high content of large size particle.With the increase of gas velocity,particle dimensionless concentration decreased,concentration non-uniformity decreased,and particle dispersion became better. With the increase of feeding concentration,concentration non-uniformity increased,and particle dispersion became worse.With the increase of particle density,concentration non-uniformity decreased,and particle dispersion became better.The dividing line between high and low dimensionless average concentration in the vertical section of the axial feeding pipe was Z=0.5 m,and it basically unchanged with the change of particle gradation and operation parameters.
    Impact of high-frequency pulse electric field parameters on polarization and deformation of water droplet
    SUN Zhiqian, JIN Youhai, WANG Lei, WANG Zhenbo
    2012, 63(10):  3112-3118.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.015
    Abstract ( 1855 )   PDF (1539KB) ( 806 )  
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    Based on theoretical analysis,micro-experiment was carried out and the impact of high-voltage high-frequency pulsed electric field parameters on deformation of water droplet was investigated.The results showed that polarization relaxation time decreased with increasing electric field strength,while the deformation of droplet,migration velocity of polarization charge and electric field frequency corresponding to maximum degree of deformation of water droplet increased.The lower the electric field frequency,the larger the emulsion capacitance and the smaller the polarization voltage,the less the polarization deformation.With electric field frequency deviating from natural frequency of water droplet,resonance effect and drop deformation were suppressed.With increasing duty ratio,electric field acting on the droplet and deformation of water droplet increased.Part of the electric field energy leaked through the oil phase when duty ratio was large,which resulted in smaller deformation of water droplet.The interaction between parameters of high frequency pulse electric field acting on polarized deformation of the droplet cannot be ignored.The research results laid good foundation for further investigation of high-voltage high-frequency electrostatic emulsion-breaking mechanism.
    Flow characteristics of deionized water in stainless steel microtubes
    LU Jinli, HAN Yafang, CHEN Yongping, HAO Yingli
    2012, 63(10):  3119-3124.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.016
    Abstract ( 1383 )   PDF (1493KB) ( 764 )  
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    The flow characteristics of deionized water in stainless steel microtubes were experimentally investigated in this study.The influences of relative surface roughness and inner diameter of tube on pressure drop were discussed.The inner diameters of microtubes were 543.3,654.4 and 737.2 μm,with the relative surface roughness 0.31%,0.16% and 0.1%,respectively.In experiments,long tube and short tube were used and compared to eliminate the effect of inlet and outlet.The relationships between pressure drop and Re with different diameters,between friction factor f and Re,and between Poiseuille number and Re were obtained.The results show that the variation of tube diameter affects the pressure gradient.With the decrease of tube diameter,the pressure gradient increases quickly.Large relative surface roughness(ε=0.31%,d=543.3 μm)results in higher friction factor and earlier transition point(Rec≈1500),while smaller relative surface roughness(ε=0.16%,d=650 μm)has little effect on the laminar flow characteristics.
    Flooding hydraulics characteristic in column with metal gauze corrugated packing
    JIN Weiya, ZHANG Feng, CHEN Bingbing, FANG Zhiming
    2012, 63(10):  3125-3130.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.017
    Abstract ( 1206 )   PDF (1988KB) ( 424 )  
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    Flooding hydraulics characteristic of air-water two-phase flow was studied in a miniature plexiglass structured packing column with an inside diameter of 220mm.The experiment used domestic CY700 type of stainless steel gauze corrugated packing and the differential pressure signal of the metal gauze corrugated packing layer was acquired by EJA120A miniature differential pressure transmitter at room temperature and atmospheric pressure.Distribution characteristics of the packing layer pressure was analyzed during different operation stages in the structured column.Fluctuation of the packing layer pressure showed normal distribution with distinctive feature in different experiment operation stages and a fluctuation degree of the pressure signal with standard deviationat was further studied at different spray densities in the packing column.There was a distinct difference between pre-flooding and post-flooding.The power spectral density characteristics of the packing layer pressure were obtained through the analysis of the pressure signals at different operation stages.The pressure signal power at the flooding stage was greater than at the loading liquid stage,and the pressure signal power at the normal operation stage was the minimum.Control of the differential pressure distribution characteristics signal at real-time monitoring could adjust the operation state of the packing columns in real time to predict and avoid the occurrence of flooding,improve operation performance and economic efficiency of the packing columns to realize energy saving and emission reduction.
    Deactivation kinetics of sulfur poisoning of nickel catalyst during ethylbenzene hydrogenation
    ZHENG Jinbao, ZHAO Yusheng, YI Xiaodong, LI Qingbiao, CHEN Binghui, FANG Weiping
    2012, 63(10):  3131-3137.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.018
    Abstract ( 1828 )   PDF (576KB) ( 679 )  
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    Based on the current power-kinetic model for catalyst deactivation,the apparent activity factor usually in a non-separable form was derived by taking the non-uniform distribution of catalyst active sites into account.Combined with the relatively comprehensive conversion relationship reported previously,a model correlating conversion with reaction time was proposed.Its validity was verified by fitting experimental data from ethylbenzene hydrogenation with Ni-B/SiO2 catalyst in the presence of thiophene.The results showed that the model with predictive capability could describe the nickel catalyst deactivation behavior,and the model parameters were endowed with physical meaning.
    Molecular simulation research on pyrolysis mechanism of isobutane
    ZHANG Hongmei, ZHANG Hanwei, GU Pingping, ZHAO Liang
    2012, 63(10):  3138-3142.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.019
    Abstract ( 2396 )   PDF (360KB) ( 738 )  
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    The pyrolysis mechanism of isobutane was researched using molecular simulation method.The reaction path was built.In order to determine the possibility and difficulty level of each reaction,thermodynamics and kinetics calculations were made for each elementary reaction.The results showed that the rate-controlling step was the breaking of C—C bond in the molecule of isobutane,and the products were CH3 free radical and em-C3H7 free radical.Formation of propylene was the main reaction path,which was supported by kinetics.The yield ratio of propylene and isobutylene was 1.40:1,which coincided with the experimental fact.
    Effect of temperature on forward osmosis and its numerical simulation
    ZHONG Ming, YOU Shijie, WANG Xiuheng, ZHONG Yijian
    2012, 63(10):  3143-3151.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.020
    Abstract ( 1310 )   PDF (678KB) ( 483 )  
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    Forward osmosis(FO)is a new membrane technology with the osmotic pressure of solution as the driving force.The water flux in FO process depends heavily on the temperature due to its effects on properties of solution and membrane and the interaction between them.In this study,the effect of temperature in FO process was investigated using numerical simulation and experiments.The results show that the FO water flux increases with temperature.In the presence of transmembrane temperature difference,the temperature of feed solution predominates the water flux over the temperature of draw solution,due to decreased solution viscosity and enhanced diffusion with elevated temperature.At different temperature profiles,water and heat flux increase with flow rate,resulted from the enhancement of mass and heat transfer within the depressed fluid boundary layer on the membrane surface.
    Carbon dioxide absorption in 1-aminopropyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide aqueous solutions
    YANG Tao, BI Yin, GUO Kaihua
    2012, 63(10):  3152-3157.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.021
    Abstract ( 2782 )   PDF (601KB) ( 771 )  
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    Experiments for the solubility and phase equilibrium of carbon dioxide in aqueous solution of 1-aminopropyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide([APMIm])with three water concentrations(16.04%,31.59% and 60.84%,mass fraction),at 278.15—348.15 K and pressure up to 6.5 MPa were performed by using a high-pressure reaction cell based on an isochoric saturation technique.The results indicated that water concentration could greatly enhance the absorption capacity and increase the absorption rate of carbon dioxide in[APMIm] aqueous solution.For the 60.84% aqueous IL solution at 5℃ and 120 kPa,CO2 solubility was up to 0.459 mol CO2·(mol IL)-1,close to the theoretical maximum absorption capacity of 0.5 mol CO2·(mol IL)-1.Under a higher pressure(3.9 MPa),maximum CO2 absorption was 1.894 mol CO2·(mol IL)-1.
    Computer aided design for entrainer in heteroazeotropic distillation by combining group contribution method with graph principle
    YANG Zhensheng, ZHAO Xianxing, LI Chunli, FANG Jing
    2012, 63(10):  3158-3164.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.022
    Abstract ( 1044 )   PDF (483KB) ( 497 )  
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    Heterogeneous azeotropic distillation is an effective technology to separate close boiling point or homogeneous azeotropic mixture.The first step is to select appropriate entrainers.A computer aided molecular design(CAMD)methodology for the entrainer in heterogeneous azeotropic distillation is presented in this study.The CAMD methodology is comprised of three step-by-step stages,which are molecular synthesis,molecular screening and molecular recognition.In the stages of molecular synthesis,groups are pre-selected,the total number and types of the groups for the synthesized molecule are limited,and the automatic combination of groups is completed by using a graph algorithm.In the stages of molecular screening,the basic molecular library is formed by using several limited rules of basic physical properties,such as molecular weight and boiling point.The molecules in the basic molecular library are screened when they form the heterogeneous azeotropic with input components to be separated.As a result,a series of entrainer candidates are listed.In the stages of molecular recognition,the fuzzy comprehensive assessment function,which is composed of several important factors,such as temperature and composition of heterogeneous azeotropic point,and heat of vaporization of entrainer,is used to rank entrainer candidates.Consequently,a group of appropriate entrainers are obtained.For acetic acid-water system and acetonitrile-ethyl acetate system,several better entrainers are obtained.It indicates that the CAMD methodology and the computer procedure is practical and reliable,and the resulting entrainers is the basis for research or conceptual design of heterogeneous azeotropic distillation processes.
    An improved time-delay algorithm for chemical processes fault identification
    HE Ding, SHU Yidan, ZHAO Jinsong
    2012, 63(10):  3165-3172.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.023
    Abstract ( 1441 )   PDF (930KB) ( 582 )  
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    In modern chemical processes,disturbances often occur at a local equipment or stream.It will affect the performance of the whole process due to connectivity of streams and complex control system.To identify the root cause of the fault and the path in which the disturbance propagates is of great significance for the safety or economics of chemical production.The algorithm of time-delay analysis is regarded as a practical method for fault identification with some good aspects,such as model-free causal analysis,fully data driven methods,simple interpretation.An improved time-delay approach,which combined wavelet denoising and node-divide techniques was proposed.The new method could overcome the strong noise characteristics of the data from chemical production.And it could reduce the interference of redundancy delay which was inherent of time-delay algorithm used for plant-wide analysis.The approach was applied to the Tennessee Eastman(TE)model and the result proved its good quality for industrial application.
    Identification of wastewater operational conditions based on multi-classification probabilistic extreme learning machine
    ZHAO Lijie, YUAN Decheng, CHAI Tianyou
    2012, 63(10):  3173-3182.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.024
    Abstract ( 1148 )   PDF (1340KB) ( 464 )  
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    Due to the complex varying operational conditions and weak stability to resist the impact loads of influent flow rate and quality,it is difficult to satisfy operational objective of wastewater treatment plants.Therefore,the effective identification of the operational conditions for the complex wastewater treatment processes becomes one of the most important issues due to the potential advantages to be gained from reduced costs,improved productivity and increased production quality.A multi-classification probabilistic extreme learning machine(ELM)was proposed to enhance the reliability of classification by using the combination of extreme learning machine and the Bayesian decision theory.Extreme learning machine was used to build the output coding model between the real time process variables and the operational condition coding in the wastewater treatment process.ELM prediction values fluctuated around the class encoding following a normal Gaussian distribution.A potential function was calculated for each training sample based on the density methods.The potential functions of the training samples for each class were averaged to obtain the probability density function of each class.Parameters of probability density function for each class were estimated by the nonlinear least squares method.It could decrease the misclassification to classify the unknown samples due to the uncertainty of ELM predictions.The proposed method was verified with the data from a small scale industrial wastewater treatment plant,located in Liaoning province,China.Experimental results showed that the proposed method had a relatively better performance than ELM on classification accuracy.
    Predictive controller for nonlinear unsymmetrical systems based on control performance comparison
    WEI Minghui, LUO Xionglin, FENG Aixiang
    2012, 63(10):  3183-3188.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.025
    Abstract ( 861 )   PDF (714KB) ( 239 )  
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    Some nonlinear systems in production process always show unsymmetrical dynamic characteristics. Theoretical results for these systems,especially for its control are very limited compared with their common occurrence in industry.In this paper,state feedback predictive controller based on the positive/negative linear models was designed to handle the shortage of two separate PID controllers based on positive/negative linear models.At each step of the control law calculation,the positive/negative controllers calculated each control action.The ultimate control action was determined by the comparison of control performance index of the positive/negative controllers.Simulation of pH control showed better control performance than two separate PID controllers.
    Analysis of factors effecting acid orange 7 decoloration in pulsed discharge plasma system based on BP neural network model
    LIU Chaohua, WU Chundu, MEI Qiang
    2012, 63(10):  3190-3195.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.026
    Abstract ( 1107 )   PDF (2599KB) ( 373 )  
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    In order to account for the effect of various factors on acid orange 7(AO7)decoloration in a pulsed discharge plasma(PDP)system with a multi-needle-to-plate electrode,the BP neural network model is used in this paper to simulate the oxidation process of PDP under different reaction conditions. This review focuses on the changing trends of AO7 decoloration efficiency under different solution conditions,including initial concentration,initial electrical conductivity and initial pH of AO7 solution.The results show that the differentials between the predicted values obtained from the established BP neural network model and the experimental values are within ?5%,so the BP neural network model can be used to forecast the influence rule of solution conditions on decoloration rate.The analytic results indicate that AO7 decoloration rate is higher under certain initial solution concentration,solution conductivity has little effect on AO7 decoloration efficiency and acid solution condition is favorable for AO7 degradation in the PDP system.
    Diagnosis of status of aluminum reduction cells based on symmetric Alpha-stable probabilistic distribution neural network
    YI Jun, LI Taifu, TIAN Yingfu, YAO Lizhong, HOU Jie
    2012, 63(10):  3196-3201.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.027
    Abstract ( 952 )   PDF (788KB) ( 610 )  
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    The numerous variables in non-steady state of aluminum reduction cells are non-Gaussian and impulsive.Due to correlation of variables,the condition that training samples must be independent and identically distributed is not fulfilled.For these reasons,it is too hard to diagnose the status of aluminum reduction cells in application.A diagnosis method for the status of aluminum reduction cells based on symmetric Alpha-stable(SαS)probabilistic distribution neural network was proposed.In the method,probability density function of SαS was introduced as radial basis function of model layer into the probabilistic neural network because such function had good fitting ability to non-Gaussian distributed data.And it also improved neural network approximation ability of partial pulse burst.By using 40 groups data of 170 kA operating aluminum smelter from a factory,this method could diagnose five statuses of aluminum reduction cells correctly and had not only stronger adaptability and robustness,but also approximation reliability and fast convergence.
    Contact characterizations of end faces in mechanical seals running-in
    WEI Long, GU Boqin, ZHANG Penggao, FANG Guifang
    2012, 63(10):  3202-3207.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.028
    Abstract ( 873 )   PDF (419KB) ( 300 )  
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    In order to study the change of contact characterizations of end faces in mechanical seal running-in,taking into account the difference between real micro contact area and micro contact cross-sectional area of end faces of mechanical seals,the expressions of the micro-contacting areas related to the critical elastic and plastic deformations were revised.The expressions of elastic contact area ratio,elastic-plastic contact area ratio and plastic contact area ratio for mechanical seals were derived.Running-in tests of B104a-70 mechanical seals were made with water as test medium.Test temperature was 20℃. Test pressure was 0.5 MPa. Spring pressure was 0.15 MPa. Rotating speed was 2900 r·min-1.The results showed that the end face of the soft ring tended to be smoothened rapidly and its wear rate decreased quickly in running-in.The contact characterizations between end faces of mechanical seals changed greatly.The normalized real contact area increased from 0.00348 to 0.00567. The elastic contact area ratio increased from 0.716 to 0.822.The elastic-plastic contact area ratio decreased from 0.231 to 0.128. The plastic contact area ratio decreased from 0.053 to 0.050.
    Copolymerization of aniline/pyrrole by cyclic voltmmetric method and its supercapacitor performance
    LI Changxiong, DAI Yatang, ZHANG Huan, MA Huan, JIA Yurong, ZHOU Longping, ZHANG Jie
    2012, 63(10):  3208-3212.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.029
    Abstract ( 981 )   PDF (1037KB) ( 571 )  
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    Poly(anilin-co-pyrrole)(PANPY)was synthesized on A304 stainless steel by the cyclic voltmmetric method from aniline/pyrrole with H2SO4 and p-TSA as dopant.The composition and morphology of PANPY films synthesized by different mole ratios of aniline/pyrrole were characterized by Fourier transfered infared spectroscopy(FT-IR)and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).The supercapacitor performance of the PANPY films were also investigated in 0.5 mol·L-1 H2SO4 solution with cyclic voltammetry(CV)cycling in the range of-0.2 V to 0.7 V(vs SCE),charge/discharge tests and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS).The results showed that more pyrrole units were incorporated into the PANPY films when the concentration of pyrrole increased.The surface of PANPY(1/1)films synthesized from aniline/pyrrole(1:1 mole ratio)was mainly mushroom-like spheres with some network structure.The PANPY(1/1)films displayed much higher ion exchange capacity,better stability and excellent supercapacitor performance than PANPY(1/2)and PANPY(2/1).The charge transfer resistance of the PANPY(1/1)films was as low as 1.97 Ω,and the specific capacitance was up to 227.88 F·g-1.
    Frosting mechanism and suppression on nano/micro-structured hydrophobic surfaces
    DING Yunfei, YIN Shuai, LIAO Yundan, WU Huijun
    2012, 63(10):  3213-3219.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.030
    Abstract ( 1655 )   PDF (1590KB) ( 767 )  
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    Seven kinds of hydrophobic surfaces,which have the typical characteristics of micron particle structure,mixed structure of micron particle and nano-fiber,and nano-fiber structure with the surfaces of nano/micro-structure being controllable,were prepared via adjusting the concentration of spinning solution in the method of electro-spinning.The microstructure of the surfaces was characterized and the hydrophobicity of the hydrophobic surfaces mentioned above was tested.The characteristics of frosting suppression on the nano/micro-structured hydrophobic surface were studied by means of experimental comparison of the process of frosting and the performance of frosting suppression,combined with the analysis of surface fractal dimension.The results showed that although all of the nano/micro-structured hydrophobic surfaces studied were hydrophobic with their static contact angle between 139? and 152?,their hydrophobicity did not closely correlate with its frosting suppression capacity.The capacity for frosting suppression of the hydrophobic surfaces was largely dependent upon the surface characteristics and decreased with increasing fractal dimension of surface structure.
    Anti-scaling effect comparison of high-frequency electromagnetic pulses stimulation in processing chambers with different electrodes
    XIONG Lan, MIAO Xuefei, WU Yimei, CHEN Jiapeng, XIE Zijie
    2012, 63(10):  3220-3224.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.031
    Abstract ( 1323 )   PDF (1105KB) ( 792 )  
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    The software Ansoft Maxwell was used to establish the finite element model to simulate electromagnetic energy distribution in two commonly seen processing chambers.One cylindrical processing chamber was inserted with one needle electrode as anode,namely coaxial electrodes,and the other one was wrapped by spirals,both chambers were applied high-frequency electromagnetic pulses.According to the simulation data,electromagnetic energy in the processing chamber with coaxial electrodes was much stronger than that of spiral wrapped process chamber.Meanwhile,a mini-circulating water system was built and water quality experiments were conducted.Analysis results from experimental data showed that the values of electric conductivity,particle size distribution and also microscopic structures of crystal morphology among two groups and one control group were obviously different.Two kinds of processing chambers under high-frequency pulsed field had anti-scaling effects,and the processing chamber with coaxial electrodes was much better.
    Corrosion inhibition behavior of self-assembled monolayer of 4-aminobenzoic acid Schiff bases for 20# carbon steel in CO2-saturated oilfield water
    CHEN Shiliang, LIU Zheng, LIU Jie
    2012, 63(10):  3225-3235.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.032
    Abstract ( 1266 )   PDF (3062KB) ( 691 )  
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    By using 2-[(4-carboxyl)phenyl iminomethylene]phenoxyacetic acid(K2L1)as corrosion inhibitor,the self-assembled monolayers(SAMs)were prepared on the surface of 20# carbon steel,and the influence factors of the inhibition film,i.e.,synthesis conditions of corrosion inhibitor and best self-assembly time were investigated by electrochemical method.The molar ratio of KOH to o-formylphenoxyacetic acid was 2:1 for the synthesis of the K2L1 inhibitor,and a fairly dense stable inhibition film of SAM could be formed on carbon steel surface after 3 h immersion.The research of corrosion inhibition indicated that K2L1 SAMs changed the structure of the double-electric layer on carbon steel electrode surface.In addition,SAMs restrained the process of cathodic reduction and had good anticorrosion effect with the highest inhibition efficiency up to 95%,which was in good agreement with the results obtained by EIS and polarization curve methods.Electrochemical measurements indicated that the corrosion resistance for carbon steel electrode was enhanced by the K2L1-SAMs. Adsorption behavior of the K2L1-SAMs followed the Langmuir's adsorption isotherm,and the adsorption mechanism was typical chemisorption.Quantum chemistry calculation result showed that K2L1 molecule had planar structure with a number of active centers,and their frontier orbitals could interact with those Fe atom on the surface of carbon steel.Thus they might form an adsorption barrier film on the carbon steel surface to decrease the corrosion rate of carbon steel.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy showed that the stable inhibition film by K2L1 on carbon steel surface was due to the formation of coordination bond.
    Effects of pretreatment condition of MSW on components of leachate and result of MFC treatment
    YUAN Haoran, DENG Lifang, WANG Yazhuo, CHEN Yong, HUANG Hongyu
    2012, 63(10):  3236-3242.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.033
    Abstract ( 1017 )   PDF (1386KB) ( 337 )  
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    For an actual process of production,7—10 days pre-stack treatment,which could remove partial water and improve calorific value of municipal solid waste(MSW),is generally required prior to its incineration or pyrolysis.The pre-treatment has significant impacts on the quality of waste disposal,energy recovery and pollutants emissions.In this study,the effects of pretreatment conditions of MSW on components of leachate and result of MFC treatment were investigated.It was found that the optimal pretreatment condition for MSW prolysis was:6 days stacking at 40℃.In that case,the weight of MSW lost by 30%,the concentrations of BOD and NH4+-N as well as the B/C value in the leachate were 20800 mg·L-1,1410 mg·L-1,and 0.32 respectively,and the content of nutrient materials was suitable for biochemical treatment.In addition,when MFC was employed for treating the leachate,the maximum output voltage could achieve 0.29 V,and the cell operated continuously 7 days,69.4% of BOD and 87.6% of NH4+-N in the leachate could be removed.
    Characteristic of cohesiveness-temperature of coal molten ash and its adaptability to entrained flow gasifier
    ZHOU Zhijie, LI Dexia, LIU Xia, YU Guangsuo
    2012, 63(10):  3243-3254.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.034
    Abstract ( 1784 )   PDF (3915KB) ( 694 )  
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    Based on CaO and Fe2O3 content in coal ash,21 typical Chinese coal samples are categorized into low-calcium-low-ferric,medium-calcium-medium-ferric,medium-calcium-high-ferric,high-calcium-low-ferric,and high-calcium-high-ferric.The characteristic of cohesiveness-temperature of coal molten ash was measured by a high-temperature rotary viscometer,Factsage.The thermodynamic equilibrium of their molten states was calculated and the relationship between liquid molten slag,solid mineral crystal and viscosity of the slag was studied.Influences of initial SiO2/Al2O3 mass ratio,solid crystals and composition of liquid-slag on the behavior of coal ash melting and characteristic of cohesiveness-temperature of the molten slag were analyzed and discussed in detail.A simple and practical method based on ash composition data of coal is provided to predict coal ash melting behavior and evaluate adaptability to entrained flow gasifier.The order of coal adapting to liquid-state slagging of entrained flow gasifier could be,from high to low,as follows:medium-calcium-high-ferric,high-calcium-low-ferric,medium-calcium-medium-ferric,low-calcium-low-ferric,and high-calcium-high-ferric.
    Comparison of different washing agents for disposal of chromium-contaminated construction waste
    WANG Xingrun, ZHANG Yanxia, WANG Qi, SHU Jianmin
    2012, 63(10):  3255-3261.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.035
    Abstract ( 1108 )   PDF (1376KB) ( 388 )  
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    The chromium-contaminated construction wastes of the Haibei Chemical Plant were selected as test sample.The removal efficiencies of the total Cr and Cr6+ of six different washing agents were investigated to find a suitable washing agent by using the modified BCR method.The removal mechanisms of various forms of chromium by six kinds of washing agents were studied.The total Cr and Cr6+ removal rates were very high for citric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid,more than 90% of total Cr,more than 99% of Cr6+. Concentrated citric acid,concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated acetic acid reduced the pH value of the construction waste,and in acidic conditions Cr6+ was reduced to Cr3+ by organic matter.Six kinds of washing agents were very efficient for acid extractable chromium removal.Due to complexation,citric acid was very good for oxidized state chromium removal.Citric acid was the best washing agent after careful consideration of economic and environmental factors.
    Advanced nitrogen removal of landfill leachate in single stage oxic pulsed SBR process
    ZHU Rulong, WANG Shuying, LI Jun, WANG Kai, MIAO Lei, PENG Yongzhen
    2012, 63(10):  3262-3268.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.036
    Abstract ( 957 )   PDF (720KB) ( 485 )  
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    In order to investigate the feasibility and denitrification performance of single stage oxic process,pulsed feeding was employed in sequence batch reactor(SBR)process for treating a real landfill leachate containing much ammonia nitrogen(NH4+-N).Three equal feeds were used in the pulsed SBR process containing four anoxic and three oxic stages.No extra carbon source was demanded in all fourth anoxic stage(An4),and by use of internal carbon source from microorganism NO2--N was deoxidated into nitrogen(N2).The results indicate that the system is of stable and efficient performance of nitrogen removal after the acclimatization of activated sludge,as shown by continuous running of 118 days at 4 various total nitrogen(TN)concentration in influent.When chemical oxygen demand(COD)concentration in influent is a range of 733 mg稬-1 to 3971 mg稬-1,its concentration in effluent can be reduced to between 298 mg稬-1 and 888.15 mg稬-1,while TN concentration can be decreased from 299.78 mg稬-1 to 1100.34 mg稬-1 to between 13.89 mg稬-1 and 36.27 mg稬-1.The mean value of theoretical denitrification rate(TDNRm)by endogenous carbon for An4 is 1.53 mg N穐-1?(g MLVSS)-1.In a single cycle of operating phase,the endogenous denitrification rate(DNR)could be separated into two parts:fast one(DNR1)and slow one(DNR2),the value of DNR1 in a single cycle of phase2(Ph2) could reach 2.80 mg N穐-1?(g MLVSS)-1.Advanced nitrogen removal of landfill leachate can be realized in the single stage oxic process under well-controlled conditions without physicochemical pre-treatment and demand of extra carbon source.
    Impact of salinity Shock on nitrogen removal and N2O output in treating landfill leachate
    LIU Tiantian, PENG Yongzhen, WANG Shuying, LIU Mu, SONG Yanjie, WANG Bo
    2012, 63(10):  3269-3276.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.037
    Abstract ( 1627 )   PDF (1271KB) ( 615 )  
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    Landfill leachate is treated by two-stage UASB-A/O process.Batch tests were conducted with the activated sludge taken from A/O reactor,which is of good properties of biological nitrogen removal. The impacts of salinity shocks on SOUR,ammonia oxidation rate,and nitrite accumulation rate of different microorganisms,as well as profile of pH,are investigated,especially,its effect on N2O production during nitrite denitrification.The results show that the order of inhibition strength by salinity is follows:NOB>AOB>carbon oxidation bacteria;while the reaction for salinity shocks:carbon-oxidizing bacteria and NOB are better than AOB.For all microorganisms tested,the ammonia oxidation rate decrease gradually with increase of salinity,but the reduction level is quite different.At the same concentration of initial ammonia,nitrite accumulation rate goes slightly up with the increase of salinity,from 93.1% at 5 g稬-1 salt to 98.6% at 35 g稬-1 salt.The curve of pH can be used as on-line control parameters,indicating the end of short-nitrification and short-denitrification by salinity shock.The delay of nitrite denitrification and the increase of N2O peak concentration would appear during the process of salinity shock.
    Simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification by using combination of UV/H2O2 oxidation with Ca(OH)2 absorption
    LIU Yangxian, ZHANG Jun, WANG Zhuliang
    2012, 63(10):  3277-3283.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.038
    Abstract ( 1725 )   PDF (560KB) ( 856 )  
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    In a lab-scale UV-bubbling column reactor,the effects of several influence factors[H2O2 concentration,UV radiation intensity,Ca(OH)2 concentration,NO concentration,gas flow rate,solution temperature and SO2 concentration]on simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 from flue gas by using combination of UV/H2O2 oxidation with Ca(OH)2 absorption were studied.Besides,the NO2 in the treated gas after reactor and the anions in the liquid phase were measured by using flue gas analyzer and ion chromatography(IC),respectively.The results indicated that under all experimental conditions,100% removal of SO2 was achieved.With increasing H2O2 concentration,UV radiation intensity and Ca(OH)2 concentrations,NO removal efficiency greatly increased at first,but then changed only a little with further increase of H2O2 concentration,UV radiation intensity and Ca(OH)2 concentration.NO removal efficiency was greatly decreased with the increase of NO concentration and flue gas flow rate.Increasing solution temperature and SO2 concentration slightly decreased NO removal efficiency.The anions in the liquid phase were mainly SO<sup>2- 4 and NO3-,and a small amount of NO2-.The harmful NO2 in the treated gas after reactor was not detected.
    Hydrodynamics and mass transfer in aeration circulating bioreactor
    CHEN Ying, CHEN Rongshi, CHEN Xin, CHEN Dong
    2012, 63(10):  3284-3290.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.039
    Abstract ( 1669 )   PDF (417KB) ( 430 )  
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    Aeration circulating bioreactor is one kind of bioreactor with aerating riser located at letdown area for wastewater treatment,and there often is packing in the down area as carriers for growth of microbes.Hydrodynamics and mass transfer characteristics of the bioreactor were studied by changing flux(Vl)and velocity(Uld)of circulation liquid,and variance of residence time distribution function(σθ2).There is a better power law correlation between Vl and gas flow(Vg)whether there is packing or no packing in the down area and whatever various sectional area ratios of the aerated riser and the bioreactor(Ar/Are).With increase of Ar/Are,Vl and Uld go up first and then down and the extreme values appear at Ar/Are 0.11.Compared with the packing-free bioreactor,for packing bioreactor both Vl and Uld decrease but value of σθ2 increases,so liquid mass transfer is improved.For bioreactor with parking at the conditions of Ar/Are 0.11,liquid influent 0.1 m3·h-1and the gas flow 0.5-3.1 m3·h-1,the flux of circulation liquid flow is 9—28 times larger than that of liquid influent i.e.from 0.9 m3·h-1 to 2.8 m3·h-1 and σθ2 larger than 0.9.Therefore,the aeration circulating bioreactor is of higher liquid mass transfer such as liquid mixing and diluting,and can be directly used for treatment of high concentration wastewater.
    Adsorption characteristics of U(Ⅵ)on tea waste
    LIU Xitao, LI Guangyue, HU Nan, WANG Yongdong, DING Dexin
    2012, 63(10):  3291-3296.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.040
    Abstract ( 1629 )   PDF (1217KB) ( 466 )  
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    The effect of pH,uranium concentration,contact time,particle size of tea waste and temperature on U(Ⅵ)adsorption by tea waste from aqueous solutions was studied by static adsorption experiments.The kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics of the adsorption process were analyzed,and the adsorption mechanisms were also discussed using data from SEM and FT-IR measurement.The results show that the pH affects greatly adsorption of U(Ⅵ)on tea waste,and U(Ⅵ)amount of adsorption were 13.90 and 43.19 mg·g-1 at pH 2 and 6,respectively.This adsorption process is slow,and it takes 12 h for adsorption equilibrium.The adsorption kinetics follows pseudo-second order equations rather than pseudo-first order.The amount of adsorption increases but the uranium recoveries decrease with the increasing initial uranium concentration.For example,uranium concentration increases from 10 to 100 mg·L-1,the U(Ⅵ)adsorption amount goes up from 9.40 to 70.05 mg·g-1,but uranium recoveries decrease from 94.04% to 70.05%.The adsorption equilibrium data fitted Freundlich isotherm better.The —OH,CO,—NO3,P—O,Si—O groups on the surface of tea waste are responsible for adsorption of U(Ⅵ).
    Conversion of carbon dioxide with non-equilibrium electronegative ions of iodine
    GUO Li, XIANG Xiaofeng, WU Xing, MA Xiaoxun, XIA Yashen
    2012, 63(10):  3297-3303.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.041
    Abstract ( 1849 )   PDF (901KB) ( 582 )  
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    Reducing process of carbon dioxide with electronegative ions of iodine,by DC-negative high voltage corona discharge,was investigated.The effects of gas flow,discharge frequencies and molar ratios of the iodine vapor to carbon dioxide on conversions of carbon dioxide were also examined.The results show that tetraiodomethane was synthesized successfully by electronegative ions of iodine at 70℃ and its yield decreases with increasing flow rates of CO2. When the gas flow rate was 0.06 L·min-1,the discharge frequency 9.608 kHz and molar ratio of I2/CO2 2.5,the conversion of CO2 with electronegative ions of iodine reached 88.71%.Reducing reaction mechanism of electronegative ions of iodine and CO2 is also discussed.
    Thermal stability of various amine CO2 absorbents
    ZHAO Wenying, WANG Lixiang, LI Zhenshan, CAI Ningsheng
    2012, 63(10):  3304-3309.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.042
    Abstract ( 1611 )   PDF (636KB) ( 741 )  
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    Four types of solid amines were prepared by impregnating disordered porous silica gel Q-10 in tetraethylenepentamine(TEPA)and polyethylenimine(PEI)with various molecular weight of 600,1200 and 1800.Their absorption capacity and thermal stability were investigated.The experiment results indicate that absorption capacity is higher and thermal stability less for TEPA-SiO2 than for PEI-SiO2.The initial temperature of volatilization for amine on TEPA-SiO2 is 115℃,while the thermal stability of PEI-SiO2 absorbents will be improved with increasing PEI molecular weight.After cycle 10 times and regeneration at N2 gas,the absorption capacity of three PEI-based adsorbents at 105℃ keeps stable and the loss of their mass is only 0.6%,0.2%,0.1% for various molecular weight PEI,indicating that PEI-SiO2 absorbents has excellent thermal stability.Under 80% CO2 the regeneration temperature will be raised above 140℃,the high-molecular weight PEI-based absorbents still have good thermal stability and the volatilization of amine has little influence on its performance in several cycles.
    Experimental study for preparing biochar by pyrolysis of municipal sludge
    YUAN Haoran, LU Tao, HUANG Hongyu, WANG Yazhuo, XING Shiyou, XIONG Zuhong, CHEN Yong
    2012, 63(10):  3310-3315.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.043
    Abstract ( 2581 )   PDF (844KB) ( 662 )  
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    The experiment for preparation of biochar by pyrolysis of municipal sludge was carried out in a tube furnace reactor at 300—700℃.The results show that with increasing temperature from 300℃ to 700℃,yield of biochar decreases from 90.14% to 73.36%,yield of fixed-carbon fluctuates slightly between 8.76%—12.01%,and efficiency of energy conversion decreases from 75.9% to 28.5%.The concentration of all heavy metals in municipal sludge feed and biochar obtained could meet the requirement for agricultural use.The pyrolysis temperature has large influence on volatility of Hg and Cr,and little influence on that of other heavy metals;the residual ratio fluctuates widely for Hg and Cr,and is at high level for Cu,Ni,As,Pb,Zn and Cd.There is no enrichment in biochar for nutrient element nitrogen,while both phosphorus and potassium are enriched in biochar.There is need for further investigation on how to prepare biochar and make it suitable for agricultural use.
    High infrared reflective chromic oxide green pigment prepared by thermal decomposition of CrO3 doped with V2O5
    ZHOU Zhen, LI Ping, ZHANG Hongling, XU Hongbin, ZHANG Yi
    2012, 63(10):  3316-3323.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.044
    Abstract ( 964 )   PDF (1987KB) ( 477 )  
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    A CrO3 thermal decomposition process was used to prepare high infrared reflective chromic oxide green pigment.On the basis of optimized conditions of thermal decomposition of CrO3,the doping conditions and the related mechanism to prepare high infrared reflective chromic oxide green pigment were investigated.Through UV-vis-NIR,FT-IR,SEM,XRD and CIE-L*a*b* analysis,key factors such as thermal decomposition temperature and dopant were studied.In the thermal decomposition step,particle size,as well as infrared reflectance of the chromic oxide green pigment was dependent on decomposition temperature.Under the optimized conditions of 1250℃ and 0.5 h,the infrared reflectivity of the obtained products could be as high as 90%.In the doping step,the maximum reflectivity of the chromic oxide green pigment could reach 98% with doping V2O5.As the content of the V2O5 dopant increased,the infrared reflectivity of the chromic oxide green pigment firstly increased and then decreased;conductivity and dielectric constant followed the same tendency.The mechanism showed that conductive type of the chromic oxide green pigment transformed with V2O5 addition,and change in conductivity resulted in subsequent change in absorptive and reflective capability of photon. At last,the infrared reflectance of the chromic oxide green pigment was improved.
    Thermal stability of PVC-lignin blends miscibilized by poly(ethyl acrylate-co-acrylic acid)
    LIU Feiyue, XU Kai, CHEN Mingcai, CAO Derong
    2012, 63(10):  3324-3329.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.045
    Abstract ( 1303 )   PDF (681KB) ( 385 )  
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    When it is added in poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC),lignin has the potential to improve the thermal stability of PVC due to its sterically hindered phenol structure.However the thermal stability of PVC-lignin blends is practically worse than that of PVC due to the poor miscibility between lignin and PVC.A novel method was adopted to improve the miscibility between lignin particles and PVC matrix in PVC-lignin blends.A copolyacrylate,poly(ethyl acrylate-co-acrylic acid)was prepared.Lignin was treated with the copolyacrylate,and blended with PVC.The results showed that the thermal stability of PVC-lignin blends was well improved after lignin was treated with the copolyacrylate.The temperature of onset decomposition was about 13℃ higher than that of control PVC and the temperature of rapidest decomposition was about 27℃ higher than that of control PVC.Microscopic morphology analysis confirmed that the miscibility between lignin and PVC matrix was well improved.The combination between hydroxyl of lignin and carboxyl of EA-AA copolymer and the smaller lignin particles in the blend weakened the dehydration of lignin.Therefore,the acceleration of lignin's dehydration on autocatalytic dehydrochlorination of PVC was retarded and the inhibition of lignin's sterically hindered phenol structure on the autocatalytic dehydrochlorination of PVC was strengthened.
    Preparation of polyaniline/activated carbon used for supercapacitor film electrode by cyclic voltammetry
    DAI Honglei, TIAN Yanhong, ZHANG Xuejun, ZHANG Sha, MA Xiaofeng
    2012, 63(10):  3330-3336.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.046
    Abstract ( 2031 )   PDF (2009KB) ( 930 )  
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    Cyclic voltammetry was used to deposite polyaniline/activated carbon(PANI/AC)film on flexible graphite paper.The surface morphology of the PANI/AC film was characterized by SEM,and the electrochemical properties of PANI/AC film electrode were investigated by cyclic voltammetry(CV),electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS)and galvanostatic charge-discharge.From SEM graphs,PANI/AC film had different forms with increasing scan cycles,and from electrochemical measuring results,PANI/AC electrode synthesized by three scan cycles had the best electrochemical performance among those different scan cycles electrodes.Specific capacitance was about 504 F穏-1,and only about 14% of the initial capacitance was lost after 2000 cycles in circling life process.
    Reaction mechanism of synthesizing hydroxyterephthalic acid monoester with high selectivity and its application
    JIN Ningren, SUN Gang, XIE Pinzan, ZHAO Deming, ZHANG Jianting
    2012, 63(10):  3337-3344.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.047
    Abstract ( 1103 )   PDF (1103KB) ( 485 )  
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    In order to explore high-performance polymer modified by orderly hydroxy group,the synthesis method of the key intermediates,hydroxyterephthalic acid monomethyl esters(α-MHT and β-MHT),was studied for preparating new AB-type monomers.The theory and reaction mechanism were discussed in different position esterification and mono-hydrolysis,and a current synthesis and purification technology of terephthalic acid mono-esters with unsymmetrical introduction of hydroxy group was established.The results showed that methyl 2-hydroxy-4-carboxy benzoate(α-MHT)was high-selectivity synthesized by di-esterification of hydroxyterephthalic acid(HTA)with methanol in the presence of SOCl2 as promoter,then mono-hydrolysis reaction of the di-ester in alkaline solution,the total yield was up to 76%,and methyl 3-hydroxy-4-carboxybenzoate(β-MHT)was directly prepared by mono-esterification of HTA with methanol under sulfuric acid catalysis,with yield nearly 70%.At the same time the synthesis technology and reaction mechanism were effectively applied to preparing 2,6-dihydroxyterephthalic acid mono-ester compounds:alpha-mono methyl ester(α-MDHT)and beta-monomethyl ester(β-MDHT).
    Recovery of titanium dioxide from titanium-bearing solution by using ammonium as precipitant
    ZHANG Yue, WANG Sijia, XUE Xiangxin
    2012, 63(10):  3345-3349.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.048
    Abstract ( 2068 )   PDF (515KB) ( 654 )  
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    Extraction of titanium dioxide from titanium-bearing blast furnace slag was studied.Firstly,the titanium-bearing blast furnace slag reacted with ammonium sulfate to obtain NH3 and TiOSO4 solution,and then titanium dioxide was precipitated from TiOSO4 solution by using ammonium as precipitant. Finally,the filtered precipitate was calcined in a muffle furnace at 600℃ for 2 h.The effects of quantities of chelate reagent added,pH and holding time on the precipitation rate of titanium were investigated.The results showed that the precipitation rate of titanium,aluminum and iron increased with increasing solution pH since NH3 was used as precipitant and during this stage iron ion hydrolyzed to form Fe(OH)3.The hydrolysis of Fe3+ was restrained by EDTA addition into the solution.At the same time,the content of iron in production decreased and the content of TiO2 increased.The precipitation of silicon was restrained by citric acid(a novel additive)addition into the solution.At the same time,the content of silicon dioxide in production decreased and the content of TiO2 increased.The TiO2 content of the production increased with increasing EDTA/Fe3+ molar ratio.TiO2 with purity 96.35% was obtained when EDTA/Fe3+ molar ratio increased to 3,citric acid /Si molar ratio was 1,solution pH was 2.0 and holding time was 90 min.
    Functional modification of carbon microspheres by 1,6-hexanediamine
    YANG Yongzhen, SONG Jingjing, LI Yong, LIU Xuguang, XU Bingshe
    2012, 63(10):  3350-3357.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.049
    Abstract ( 1165 )   PDF (2620KB) ( 421 )  
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    Carbon microspheres(CMSs)were oxidized by a mixture of concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid(volume ratio of 1:3)to improve their surface activity.Then,the oxidized CMSs reacted with 1,6-hexanediamine to prepare aminated CMSs with N,N'-dicyclohexyl carbodiimide(DCC)as condensation agent.The influences of DCC dosage,reaction time and temperature were studied.The morphology and structure of the products were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy,thermogravimetry and Fourier transformation infrared spectrometry.The results showed that the preferable DCC dosage,amination time and temperature were 0.3 g,36 h,110℃ for 0.3 g of oxidized CMSs.The surface-aminated CMSs had good dispersion in low-polar solvents i.e.ethyl acetate and chloroform,and energy levels were matchable with the most commonly used electron-donor,poly(3-hexylthiophene).The composites from the aminated CMSs and poly(3-hexylthiophene)would lay the foundation for preparation of polymer solar cells.
    Synthesis and properties of new yellowing inhibitor with fluorescent whitening
    ZHANG Guanghua, XU Hailong, GUO Jinge, LIU Guojun
    2012, 63(10):  3358-3364.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.050
    Abstract ( 1622 )   PDF (1659KB) ( 438 )  
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    With cyanuric chloride as the crosslinking monomer and 4,4'-diamino stilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid(DSD acid)as raw material,a new yellowing inhibitor for high-yield pulp was synthesized through joining the free radicals capturer 4-amion-2,2',6,6'-tetramentylniperidine(4-TEMP)and triazine-stilbene fluorescent brighteners in the same molecule by nucleophilic substitutions of three chlorine atoms of cyanuric chloride with amino compounds.The new product had the function of fluorescent whitening and capturing free radicals.Its structure was characterized by FT-IR and 1H NMR,and the physical properties were examined by UV-Vis and photoluminescence(PL)spectra.Besides,the effect of anti-yellowing was evaluated as the surface sizing agent on a hand-sheet of chemi-mechanical pulp by using the ultraviolet aging apparatus.The results showed that the best dosage of the new yellowing inhibitor was 0.8% and the inhibitor could be recommended as an applicable yellowing inhibitor for lignin-content paper products,besides the brightness abilities of chemi-mechanical pulp hand-sheets were increased more by application of the new yellowing inhibitor as surface sizing agent than those by application of fluorescent brighteners and free radicals capturer alone respectively and declining brightness of hand-sheets treated by the new yellowing inhibitor was 3.38%ISO and 6.49%ISO,less than hand-sheets treated by application of fluorescent brighteners and free radicals capturer alone respectively after 48 h UV accelerated irradiation.
    Synthesis of polyborosiloxane flame retardant and its application to polycarbonate
    ZHOU Wenjun, SONG Jian, CHEN Youcai, WANG Xueqin, ZHANG Jingli
    2012, 63(10):  3365-3371.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.0438-1157.2012.10.051
    Abstract ( 2165 )   PDF (2271KB) ( 686 )  
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    Polyborosiloxane(PB)was synthesized through two-step reaction by using alkoxysilanes and boric acid as raw materials and synthesis optimization was studied through adjusting boric acid /silane molar ratio,condensation temperature and hydrolysis time.The effect of PB on flame retardancy and physical properties of polycarbonate(PC)was investigated.The results showed that strict control of boric acid/silane molar ratio and condensation temperature was the key to preparation of high efficiency flame retardant PB.When boric acid /silane molar ratio was 1:1,and condensation temperature was 100℃,PB had the best flame retardancy on PC.After adding 5%(mass)of PB,LOI of PC could increase from 26% to 39.4%.Addition of PB could decrease thermal degradation onset temperature of PC.However PB decreased mass loss rate of PC and increased degradation residue of PC at 800℃.PB could promote the formation of char residue which could serve as a good insulating barrier to reduce the radiant heat of flame and lower decomposition rate of PC.Addition of PB increased tensile strength and flexural strength of PC,but decreased impact strength of PC.In addition,PB had little effect on optical properties of PC,and the PC/PB composites were still transparent.