化工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 72 ›› Issue (9): 4830-4837.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20210357
Xiaojie TANG(),Bo YANG,Hongguang LI(
Hongguang LI
唐晓婕, 杨博, 李宏光. 复杂化工过程调控操纵策略的深度学习方法[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(9): 4830-4837.
Xiaojie TANG, Bo YANG, Hongguang LI. Deep learning approaches to complex chemical process control manipulating strategies[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(9): 4830-4837.
重构类别 | 精确率 | 准确率 | 召回率 | F1-Score |
1 | 95.33% | 89.77% | 94.05% | 91.99% |
2 | 92.98% | 92.86% | 92.86% | 92.86% |
3 | 99.33% | 94.44% | 94.44% | 94.44% |
4 | 94.33% | 95.83% | 87.62% | 91.54% |
5 | 94.1% | 87.14% | 87.14% | 87.14% |
表1 混淆矩阵的关键评价指标
Table 1 Key evaluation indicators of the confusion matrix
重构类别 | 精确率 | 准确率 | 召回率 | F1-Score |
1 | 95.33% | 89.77% | 94.05% | 91.99% |
2 | 92.98% | 92.86% | 92.86% | 92.86% |
3 | 99.33% | 94.44% | 94.44% | 94.44% |
4 | 94.33% | 95.83% | 87.62% | 91.54% |
5 | 94.1% | 87.14% | 87.14% | 87.14% |
过程扰动状态 | 关键变量IAE(监督控制) | 关键变量IAE(学习策略) |
1 | 9989.62 | 9129.6 |
2 | 10003.09 | 9061.3 |
3 | 9949.4 | 9201.5 |
4 | 9960.45 | 10381 |
5 | 9909.4 | 9733 |
6 | 10019.84 | 9061.3 |
7 | — | 10144 |
表2 各类扰动状态下关键变量的IAE指标
Table 2 IAE contrasts of the key variable corresponding to the disturbance states
过程扰动状态 | 关键变量IAE(监督控制) | 关键变量IAE(学习策略) |
1 | 9989.62 | 9129.6 |
2 | 10003.09 | 9061.3 |
3 | 9949.4 | 9201.5 |
4 | 9960.45 | 10381 |
5 | 9909.4 | 9733 |
6 | 10019.84 | 9061.3 |
7 | — | 10144 |
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