CIESC Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (8): 2886-2896.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240228
• Process system engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Jiaqi DING(), Haitao LIU(), Pu ZHAO, Xiangning ZHU, Xiaofang WANG, Rong XIE
Haitao LIU
丁家琦(), 刘海涛(), 赵普, 朱香凝, 王晓放, 谢蓉
CLC Number:
Jiaqi DING, Haitao LIU, Pu ZHAO, Xiangning ZHU, Xiaofang WANG, Rong XIE. Study on intelligent rolling prediction of the multiphase flows in coal-supercritical water fluidized bed reactor for hydrogen production[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(8): 2886-2896.
丁家琦, 刘海涛, 赵普, 朱香凝, 王晓放, 谢蓉. 煤炭超临界水制氢反应器内多相流场智能滚动预测研究[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(8): 2886-2896.
项目 | H2 | CO2 | CO | CH4 |
仿真值/(kg/mol) | 37.82 | 20.86 | 2.67 | 2.22 |
实验值/(kg/mol) | 39.83 | 21.52 | 3.21 | 0.84 |
Table 1 Comparison of simulated gas production of the reactor with experimental values
项目 | H2 | CO2 | CO | CH4 |
仿真值/(kg/mol) | 37.82 | 20.86 | 2.67 | 2.22 |
实验值/(kg/mol) | 39.83 | 21.52 | 3.21 | 0.84 |
区块 | 子模型 | 超参数 | 张量维度 |
输入 | — | — | [500, 512, 32] |
Reshape | — | [500, 16384] | |
降维 | POD | Rank=200 | [500, 200] |
编码 | MLP (ReLU) | [200, 128] | [500, 128] |
MLP (ReLU) | [128, 128] | [500, 128] | |
MLP | [128, 64] | [500, 64] | |
Koopman递推 | MLP (b = False) | [64, 64] | [500, 64] |
解码 | MLP (ReLU) | [64, 128] | [500, 128] |
MLP (ReLU) | [128, 128] | [500, 128] | |
MLP | [128, 200] | [500, 200] | |
还原 | POD | [500, 16384] | |
输出 | Reshape | — | [500, 512, 32] |
Table 2 The POD-Koopman model training configuration
区块 | 子模型 | 超参数 | 张量维度 |
输入 | — | — | [500, 512, 32] |
Reshape | — | [500, 16384] | |
降维 | POD | Rank=200 | [500, 200] |
编码 | MLP (ReLU) | [200, 128] | [500, 128] |
MLP (ReLU) | [128, 128] | [500, 128] | |
MLP | [128, 64] | [500, 64] | |
Koopman递推 | MLP (b = False) | [64, 64] | [500, 64] |
解码 | MLP (ReLU) | [64, 128] | [500, 128] |
MLP (ReLU) | [128, 128] | [500, 128] | |
MLP | [128, 200] | [500, 200] | |
还原 | POD | [500, 16384] | |
输出 | Reshape | — | [500, 512, 32] |
模型处理器 | POD-Koopman | MLP | LSTM |
损失函数 | 潜空间线性误差+重构误差 | 重构误差 | 重构误差 |
递推格式 | RK-4 | —/— | —/— |
训练耗时/s | 593 | 272 | 437 |
Table 3 The configuration comparison of three predictive models
模型处理器 | POD-Koopman | MLP | LSTM |
损失函数 | 潜空间线性误差+重构误差 | 重构误差 | 重构误差 |
递推格式 | RK-4 | —/— | —/— |
训练耗时/s | 593 | 272 | 437 |
PSNR | POD-Koopman | MLP | LSTM |
H2 | |||
CO2 | |||
CO | |||
CH4 | |||
Vol |
Table 4 Mean and standard deviation of the PSNR metric of predictions of different models on the test set (48—70 s)
PSNR | POD-Koopman | MLP | LSTM |
H2 | |||
CO2 | |||
CO | |||
CH4 | |||
Vol |
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