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High pressure hydrogen storage in hollow glass microspheres

ZHANG Zhanwen;TANG Yongjian;WANG Chaoyang;LI Bo;QI Xiaobo   

  • Online:2006-07-25 Published:2006-07-25



  1. 中国工程物理研究院激光聚变研究中心,四川 绵阳 621900

Abstract: High strength hollow glass microspheres with diameter no more than 1 mm are attractive for hydrogen storage and transport.Microspheres were made by drop tower techniques with 150—250 μm diameter and 0.9—4.0 μm membrane thickness.By immersion in high pressure hydrogen for a period of time at an elevated temperature the microspheres could be filled with hydrogen.The hydrogen pressure was equal to that of gas-filled chamber at 350℃ for 6—10 h.With the help of Fick〖DK〗’s first law and the ideal gas law the pressure in the microsphere could be calculated.Based on the Arrhenius expression,permeability coefficient decreased as temperature dropped.The half-life time for hydrogen retention in hollow glass microspheres was about 40—50 d at room temperature.The maximum hydrogen pressure could reach 20—25 MPa in the hollow glass microspheres with 200 μm

摘要: 利用炉内成球技术制备的亚毫米量级空心玻璃微球进行实验,系统研究了玻璃微球高压贮氢技术.玻璃微球直径150~250 μm,壁厚0.9~4.0 μm.采用气体渗透法充氢,在高温时,气体扩散进入微球内,温度降低后气体不容易扩散出来,即可实现贮氢.通过控制外界温度和气氛可实现氢气的贮存和释放.对于直径200 μm,壁厚1 μm的空心玻璃微球,在350℃充气的平衡时间约6~10 h,充气平衡后,微球内外压基本相等.在室温条件下,微球的保气半寿命约40~50 d.对于直径200 μm,壁厚2 μm的空心玻璃微球,球内氢气最高压力可达20~25 MPa,单位质量贮氢效率为13%~16%.