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An industrial experiment for n-butyl acetate synthesis by

LI Baichun,ZHANG Changwei,DUAN Guixian   

  1. Department of Chemical Engineering,Hebei University of Technology,Tianjin 300130,China
  • Online:2010-11-15 Published:2010-09-25



  1. 河北工业大学化工学院,天津 300130


An industrial device for n-butyl acetate synthesis was constructed with strong acidic ion-exchange resin as catalystacetic acid and n-butanol as starting materials. The process was carried out in a continuous pilot plant reactive rectification column with structured packing in the upper part and stereo reactive distillation tray in the lower part. The optimal operation conditions were obtained with 0.60.8 reflux ratio of organic phase3.34.3 reflux ratio and 30%50% acetate acid concentration in the columnunder which 84%90% n-butyl acetate concentration on the column to could be achieved with acetate acid concentration less than 0.003%. Such a catalytic distillation process could be long-term continuously operated steadily with a 5kt n-butyl acetate annual production capacity.


建立了一套以强酸型阳离子交换树脂为催化剂、乙酸和丁醇为原料,催化反应精馏合成乙酸丁酯的工业实验装置,反应精馏段为立体催化精馏塔板,精馏段为陶瓷规整填料。通过实验得到了适宜的操作条件:有机相回流比为0.60.8,水相回流比为3.34.3,釜液中乙酸浓度为30%50%时,塔顶产品的丁酯含量为80%90%,乙酸含量低于0.003%。实验结果表明,该催化精馏工艺可长期连续稳定操作,年产乙酸丁酯5 kt