化工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 72 ›› Issue (7): 3801-3813.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20201928
KE Lanting1(),WANG Yuanpeng1,ZHENG Yanmei1,LI Qingbiao1,2(
LI Qingbiao
明确生物甲烷过程中原料、沼液和沼渣的组成与系统的综合评价,在优化生物甲烷系统、减少污染物排放等方面都具有重要意义。研究了牛粪、猪粪、秸秆、餐厨垃圾和鸡粪等五种典型原料的生物甲烷系统,分析原料、沼气、沼液和沼渣的组成,并在此基础上构建了包含绿色度、甲烷产率、沼液沼渣的重金属污染度和潜在生态风险四个方面的生物甲烷系统综合评价体系。研究结果表明:猪粪原料的生物甲烷系统绿色度和甲烷产率最高,分别达到0.222和212 ml·g-1,但其沼渣的重金属污染度最高;牛粪原料的生物甲烷系统绿色度较高,达到0.200,沼渣的重金属污染度最低,但甲烷产率仅有116 ml·g-1;秸秆原料的生物甲烷系统沼渣的潜在生态风险最低,沼液的重金属污染度和潜在生态风险较低,但绿色度和甲烷产率偏低;鸡粪原料的生物甲烷系统甲烷产率较高,达到183 ml·g-1,但沼液的重金属污染度和潜在生态风险都最高,且绿色度较低;餐厨垃圾原料的生物甲烷系统性能最差,绿色度和甲烷产率最低,并且沼渣的潜在生态风险最高。
柯蓝婷, 王远鹏, 郑艳梅, 李清彪. 生物甲烷系统的组分分析与综合评价[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(7): 3801-3813.
KE Lanting, WANG Yuanpeng, ZHENG Yanmei, LI Qingbiao. Component analysis and comprehensive evaluation of biomethane systems[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(7): 3801-3813.
重金属 | |||
As | 10 | 10 | 15 |
Cd | 30 | 5 | 1.0 |
Cr | 2 | 50 | 90 |
Cu | 5 | 1000 | 50 |
Hg | 40 | 1 | 0.25 |
Pb | 5 | 10 | 70 |
Zn | 1 | 1000 | 175 |
表1 重金属生物毒性系数Tri和背景参考值CRi
Table 1 Toxic response factors and background reference level of heavy metals
重金属 | |||
As | 10 | 10 | 15 |
Cd | 30 | 5 | 1.0 |
Cr | 2 | 50 | 90 |
Cu | 5 | 1000 | 50 |
Hg | 40 | 1 | 0.25 |
Pb | 5 | 10 | 70 |
Zn | 1 | 1000 | 175 |
组分 | ||
As | 0.5 | 40 |
Cd | 0.1 | 1.0 |
Cr | 1.5 | 300 |
Cu | 2 | 400 |
Hg | 0.05 | 1.5 |
Pb | 1 | 500 |
Zn | 5 | 500 |
COD | 500 | — |
NH4+-N | 25 | — |
PO43- | 1 | — |
表2 生物甲烷系统中各组分的背景参考值ciR
Table 2 Background reference level of component in biomethane system
组分 | ||
As | 0.5 | 40 |
Cd | 0.1 | 1.0 |
Cr | 1.5 | 300 |
Cu | 2 | 400 |
Hg | 0.05 | 1.5 |
Pb | 1 | 500 |
Zn | 5 | 500 |
COD | 500 | — |
NH4+-N | 25 | — |
PO43- | 1 | — |
运行参数 | 牛粪 | 猪粪 | 秸秆 | 餐厨垃圾 | 鸡粪 |
原料质量/g | 22.30 | 24.81 | 5.20 | 22.19 | 23.32 |
TS含量/% | 28.14 | 25.01 | 92.03 | 20.67 | 25.16 |
VS含量/% | 17.94 | 16.12 | 76.85 | 18.03 | 17.15 |
初始TS质量/g | 6.28 | 6.20 | 4.79 | 4.59 | 5.87 |
初始VS质量/g | 4.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 |
反应后TS质量/g | 3.51 | 3.03 | 2.82 | 2.69 | 3.05 |
TS移除率/% | 44.11 | 51.13 | 41.13 | 41.39 | 48.04 |
反应体积/L | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 |
表3 五种原料生物甲烷系统的基本运行情况
Table 3 Basic parameters of biomethane systems from five substrates
运行参数 | 牛粪 | 猪粪 | 秸秆 | 餐厨垃圾 | 鸡粪 |
原料质量/g | 22.30 | 24.81 | 5.20 | 22.19 | 23.32 |
TS含量/% | 28.14 | 25.01 | 92.03 | 20.67 | 25.16 |
VS含量/% | 17.94 | 16.12 | 76.85 | 18.03 | 17.15 |
初始TS质量/g | 6.28 | 6.20 | 4.79 | 4.59 | 5.87 |
初始VS质量/g | 4.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 | 4.00 |
反应后TS质量/g | 3.51 | 3.03 | 2.82 | 2.69 | 3.05 |
TS移除率/% | 44.11 | 51.13 | 41.13 | 41.39 | 48.04 |
反应体积/L | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 | 0.20 |
图3 五种典型生物质原料生物甲烷系统沼液的COD(a)、多糖(b)、氨氮(c)和磷酸根浓度(d)
Fig.3 COD (a), polysaccharide (b), NH4+-N (c) and PO43- (d) concentration of slurry from biomethane systems of five substrates
图4 五种原料生物甲烷系统的原料及沼渣中可溶性组分、半纤维素、纤维素、木质素和灰分含量
Fig.4 Solute, hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin and ash content of raw material and residue from biomethane systems of five substrates
图5 五种原料生物甲烷系统原料和沼渣中碳含量(a)、氮含量(b)、硫含量(c)、氢含量(d)、碳氮比(e)和碳氢比(f)
Fig.5 C content (a), N content (b), S content (c), H content (d), C∶N (e) and C∶H (f) of raw material and residue from biomethane systems of five substrates
重金属种类 | 浓度分布 | 牛粪 | 猪粪 | 秸秆 | 餐厨垃圾 | 鸡粪 |
As | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.516±0.061 | 0.773±0.088 | 0.412±0.056 | 0.498±0.084 | 0.731±0.013 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 3.460±0.358 | 9.739±0.401 | 3.904±0.258 | 3.848±0.100 | 16.336±0.996 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.617±0.056 | 0.713±0.077 | 0.541±0.023 | 1.003±0.091 | 0.263±0.027 | |
Cd | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.135±0.004 | 0.287±0.066 | 0.239±0..018 | 0.094±0.008 | 0.201±0.009 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 0.590±0.029 | 0.332±0.050 | 0.162±0.017 | 0.559±0.057 | 1.106±0.098 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.421±0.050 | 0.278±0.008 | 0.376±0.051 | 0.288±0.062 | 0.478±0.010 | |
Cr | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 5.240±0.098 | 10.329±0.935 | 3.049±0.122 | 2.926±0.435 | 1.020±0.313 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 26.466±4.773 | 15.157±0.589 | 17.052±0.846 | 27.126±0.939 | 54.288±5.010 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 3.528±0.077 | 6.546±0.883 | 6.927±0.601 | 2.104±0.624 | 3.550±0.269 | |
Cu | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 25.427±0.925 | 65.325±6.034 | 36.164±2.090 | 15.185±0.751 | 52.814±5.689 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 102.554±8.971 | 59.666±6.817 | 28.726±2.851 | 45.549±2.013 | 178.156±8.678 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 64.140±6.192 | 110.277±8.713 | 71.441±6.191 | 24.857±0.844 | 78.480±4.647 | |
Hg | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.124±0.019 | 0.059±0.002 | 0.048±0.003 | 0.327±0.057 | 0.028±0.002 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 0.236±0.008 | 0.004±0.000 | 0.193±0.015 | 0.117±0.007 | 0.506±0.041 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.179±0.009 | 0.146±0.014 | 0.030±0.002 | 0.835±0.053 | 0.228±0.015 | |
Pb | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.519±0.061 | 0.647±0.084 | 0.419±0.041 | 0.248±0.012 | 0.211±0.040 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 3.420±0.074 | 1.090±0.082 | 1.736±0.093 | 1.311±0.082 | 1.999±0.080 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 1.094±0.053 | 0.987±0.069 | 0.734±0.031 | 0.411±0.034 | 0.500±0.039 | |
Zn | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 173.933±9.156 | 284.267±18.677 | 238.230±19.560 | 54.942±4.733 | 212.408±11.427 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 410.492±30.889 | 172.310±5.965 | 154.432±9.269 | 246.271±8.343 | 497.088±28.334 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 246.751±14.917 | 500.338±47.739 | 463.365±13.419 | 118.443±7.612 | 357.921±20.907 |
表4 五种原料生物甲烷系统的重金属含量
Table 4 Heavy metals content of biomethane systems from five substrates
重金属种类 | 浓度分布 | 牛粪 | 猪粪 | 秸秆 | 餐厨垃圾 | 鸡粪 |
As | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.516±0.061 | 0.773±0.088 | 0.412±0.056 | 0.498±0.084 | 0.731±0.013 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 3.460±0.358 | 9.739±0.401 | 3.904±0.258 | 3.848±0.100 | 16.336±0.996 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.617±0.056 | 0.713±0.077 | 0.541±0.023 | 1.003±0.091 | 0.263±0.027 | |
Cd | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.135±0.004 | 0.287±0.066 | 0.239±0..018 | 0.094±0.008 | 0.201±0.009 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 0.590±0.029 | 0.332±0.050 | 0.162±0.017 | 0.559±0.057 | 1.106±0.098 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.421±0.050 | 0.278±0.008 | 0.376±0.051 | 0.288±0.062 | 0.478±0.010 | |
Cr | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 5.240±0.098 | 10.329±0.935 | 3.049±0.122 | 2.926±0.435 | 1.020±0.313 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 26.466±4.773 | 15.157±0.589 | 17.052±0.846 | 27.126±0.939 | 54.288±5.010 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 3.528±0.077 | 6.546±0.883 | 6.927±0.601 | 2.104±0.624 | 3.550±0.269 | |
Cu | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 25.427±0.925 | 65.325±6.034 | 36.164±2.090 | 15.185±0.751 | 52.814±5.689 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 102.554±8.971 | 59.666±6.817 | 28.726±2.851 | 45.549±2.013 | 178.156±8.678 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 64.140±6.192 | 110.277±8.713 | 71.441±6.191 | 24.857±0.844 | 78.480±4.647 | |
Hg | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.124±0.019 | 0.059±0.002 | 0.048±0.003 | 0.327±0.057 | 0.028±0.002 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 0.236±0.008 | 0.004±0.000 | 0.193±0.015 | 0.117±0.007 | 0.506±0.041 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.179±0.009 | 0.146±0.014 | 0.030±0.002 | 0.835±0.053 | 0.228±0.015 | |
Pb | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 0.519±0.061 | 0.647±0.084 | 0.419±0.041 | 0.248±0.012 | 0.211±0.040 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 3.420±0.074 | 1.090±0.082 | 1.736±0.093 | 1.311±0.082 | 1.999±0.080 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 1.094±0.053 | 0.987±0.069 | 0.734±0.031 | 0.411±0.034 | 0.500±0.039 | |
Zn | 原料浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 173.933±9.156 | 284.267±18.677 | 238.230±19.560 | 54.942±4.733 | 212.408±11.427 |
沼液浓度/(μg·L-1) | 410.492±30.889 | 172.310±5.965 | 154.432±9.269 | 246.271±8.343 | 497.088±28.334 | |
沼渣浓度/(mg·kg-1) | 246.751±14.917 | 500.338±47.739 | 463.365±13.419 | 118.443±7.612 | 357.921±20.907 |
图7 五种原料生物甲烷系统绿色度(a)、甲烷产率(b)、沼液沼渣重金属污染度(c)和沼液沼渣潜在生态风险情况(d)
Fig.7 Green degree (a), methane yield (b), contamination degree (c) and risk indices (d) of biomethane systems from five substrates
Raw materials | |||||||||
EUP | ECP | GWP | EUP | ECP | |||||
Slurry | Residue | Slurry | Residue | ||||||
CAM | -0.24382 | -0.16872 | -0.00741 | -0.00287 | -0.04395 | -0.05687 | -0.00036 | -0.10063 | 0.20044 |
SM | -0.20177 | -0.28099 | -0.00603 | -0.00436 | -0.07127 | -0.05886 | -0.00021 | -0.12024 | 0.22180 |
St | -0.11954 | -0.16757 | -0.00713 | -0.00359 | -0.05011 | -0.05375 | -0.00015 | -0.10172 | 0.07066 |
KW | -0.15366 | -0.09018 | -0.00805 | -0.00256 | -0.16480 | -0.04585 | -0.00023 | -0.07413 | -0.05178 |
CHM | -0.24622 | -0.19075 | -0.00644 | -0.00404 | -0.15710 | -0.05133 | -0.00059 | -0.11157 | 0.10590 |
表5 五种原料生物甲烷系统绿色度情况
Table 5 Green degree of biomethane systems from five substrates
Raw materials | |||||||||
EUP | ECP | GWP | EUP | ECP | |||||
Slurry | Residue | Slurry | Residue | ||||||
CAM | -0.24382 | -0.16872 | -0.00741 | -0.00287 | -0.04395 | -0.05687 | -0.00036 | -0.10063 | 0.20044 |
SM | -0.20177 | -0.28099 | -0.00603 | -0.00436 | -0.07127 | -0.05886 | -0.00021 | -0.12024 | 0.22180 |
St | -0.11954 | -0.16757 | -0.00713 | -0.00359 | -0.05011 | -0.05375 | -0.00015 | -0.10172 | 0.07066 |
KW | -0.15366 | -0.09018 | -0.00805 | -0.00256 | -0.16480 | -0.04585 | -0.00023 | -0.07413 | -0.05178 |
CHM | -0.24622 | -0.19075 | -0.00644 | -0.00404 | -0.15710 | -0.05133 | -0.00059 | -0.11157 | 0.10590 |
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