化工学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (8): 2734-2743.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240261
陈引1,2(), 赵霄1(
), 杜王芳1, 杨竹强2, 李凯1, 赵建福1,3
Yin CHEN1,2(), Xiao ZHAO1(
), Wangfang DU1, Zhuqiang YANG2, Kai LI1, Jianfu ZHAO1,3
陈引, 赵霄, 杜王芳, 杨竹强, 李凯, 赵建福. 喷雾冷却液膜流动特性测试方案优化及传热规律分析[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(8): 2734-2743.
Yin CHEN, Xiao ZHAO, Wangfang DU, Zhuqiang YANG, Kai LI, Jianfu ZHAO. Optimization of diagnostic method for liquid film dynamics in spray cooling and heat transfer characteristics analysis[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(8): 2734-2743.
图9 不同快门速度的成像质量对比(p = 0.2 MPa, H = 110 mm, Tw = 60.48℃)
Fig.9 Comparison of imaging quality under different shutter speed (p = 0.2 MPa, H = 110 mm, Tw = 60.48℃)
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