化工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 72 ›› Issue (9): 4531-4543.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20210304
Fang WANG(),Shengkun JIA(
),Huishu ZHANG,Xigang YUAN(
),Kuotsung YU
Shengkun JIA,Xigang YUAN
王芳,贾胜坤,张会书,袁希钢,余国琮. 基于实验数据的湍流扩散POD模态分析[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(9): 4531-4543.
Fang WANG,Shengkun JIA,Huishu ZHANG,Xigang YUAN,Kuotsung YU. POD modal analysis of turbulent diffusion based on experimental data[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(9): 4531-4543.
图1 实验装置1,2—储水槽;3—潜水泵;4—荧光素钠溶液;5—隔膜泵;6,12—转子流量计;7—Nd:YAG激光器;8—片状透镜;9—反射镜;10—格栅;11—流体通道;13,14—CCD相机;15—计算机
Fig.1 Schematic diagram of experimental apparatus
图7 不同切面平均浓度分布轴向方向距离入口0~50 mm处平均浓度变化
Fig.7 The mean concentration distribution of different sections at 0 to 50 mm away from the outlet in the axial direction
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