CIESC Journal ›› 2022, Vol. 73 ›› Issue (1): 461-469.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20211267
• Process safety • Previous Articles Next Articles
Wentao JI1,2,3(),Lu LI1,2,3,Zhong LI1,2,3,Jia HE1,2,3,Jingjing YANG1,2,3,Yan WANG1,2,3(
CLC Number:
Wentao JI, Lu LI, Zhong LI, Jia HE, Jingjing YANG, Yan WANG. Study on suppression of PMMA dust explosion by ammonium polyphosphate[J]. CIESC Journal, 2022, 73(1): 461-469.
纪文涛, 李璐, 李忠, 何佳, 杨晶晶, 王燕. 聚磷酸铵抑制PMMA粉尘爆炸特性研究[J]. 化工学报, 2022, 73(1): 461-469.
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