CIESC Journal ›› 2022, Vol. 73 ›› Issue (8): 3381-3393.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20220592
• Reviews and monographs • Previous Articles Next Articles
Honglong HU1(), Zhigang ZHENG2, Weihong ZHU1(
Weihong ZHU
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Honglong HU, Zhigang ZHENG, Weihong ZHU. Progress of chiral nematic liquid-crystal systems with light-driven diarylethenes[J]. CIESC Journal, 2022, 73(8): 3381-3393.
胡宏龙, 郑致刚, 朱为宏. 基于光控二芳基乙烯的手性向列相液晶体系研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 2022, 73(8): 3381-3393.
Fig.5 Chemical structures of chiral DAE molecule 3 (a)[68] and molecule 4 (b)[69], and their corresponding reflection spectra under different light irradiation
Fig.6 Chemical structures of chiral DAE molecule 5 (a)[70], molecule 6 (b) [71] and molecule 7 (c) [72], and their corresponding reflection spectra and chirality inversion under different light irradiation
Fig.8 Modulation of cholesteric liquid-crystal helical direction: (a) schematic illustration of near-infrared light driven chiral helix inversion[73]; (b) reflection spectra of the heliconical superstructures modulated by electric field and light[48]; (c) three-dimensional modulation of light-driven cholesteric helical axis[49]
Fig.9 Multicolor pattern display: (a) RGB three-color pattern display[69]; (b) polarization microscopy image of the liquid crystal droplet in reflection mode[50]; (c) reversible, erasable, gradient, angle-dependent multiple anti-counterfeiting technologies[51]
Fig.10 Light modulated laser emission: (a) laser spectra of the heliconical superstructures modulated by electric field and light[48]; (b) light manipulated laser emission and its corresponding reflection spectra[51]; (c) schematic diagram of the quadri-dimensional manipulable laser[74]
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