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05 August 2022, Volume 73 Issue 8
    Focal issues and hot topics
    Origin of low productivity of underground coal gasification: diffusion and reaction in stagnant boundary layer and gasification tunnel
    Zhenyu LIU
    2022, 73(8):  3299-3306.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220760
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    After over 100 years worldwide extensive research and numerous field tests underground coal gasification (UCG) has not been applied in industry even though it had long been asserted to be the future syngas (CO + H2) production technology with many advantages. Although some literatures believe that this technology is the development direction of future coal utilization technology, the phenomenon that it has not yet achieved industrial application shows that it has a key scientific (neck) problem that has not been fully paid attention to. This work compares the productivity and syngas composition of underground coal gasification field tests with those commonly reported for the main types of industrial gasifies used today and analyzes the drawbacks in the UCG from the principle of mass transfer and reaction in the stagnant boundary layer on the coal surface and in the gasification tunnel.

    Reviews and monographs
    Metal-based extreme ultraviolet photoresist
    Hao CHEN, Pengzhong CHEN, Xiaojun PENG
    2022, 73(8):  3307-3325.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220583
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    Due to advantages of short exposure wavelength (13.5 nm) and high patterning resolution, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is the state-of-the-art technology to break through the 3 nm process node in integrated circuit. The corresponding EUV photoresist has drawn considerable attention. However, conventional chemically amplified resists (CAR) based on polymer systems are large in size and show low EUV sensitivity, which greatly limit their application process in EUV lithography. The introduction of metals containing d-orbital electrons into the photoresist molecules can effectively enhance the sensitivity to EUV light. Therefore, it is one of the effective ways to improve the EUV service performance by developing metal-based photoresists of small size and high EUV absorption through molecular design. This paper summarizes the current research progress of metal-based EUV photoresist, including metal-oxo clusters (MOCs), nanoparticles (NPs) and molecular organometallic resists for EUV (MORE), and prospect the further development and challenge of EUV photoresist.

    Application of aluminum-plastic packaging and new recycling technology of the waste
    Shuangqiao YANG, Baojie WEI, Dawei XU, Li LI, Qi WANG
    2022, 73(8):  3326-3337.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220699
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    Packaging is an important guarantee for the use, storage and transportation of products. Due to the lightweight, easy processing and high performance, plastic packaging become the main packaging material in modern society. Aluminum-plastic packaging has the advantages of plastic and aluminum, which meet the barrier, antimicrobial, mechanical and printing performance for multi-functional requirements. However, the fast development and single-use of aluminum-plastic packaging cause serious environmental problems and waste of resources. Aluminum-plastic packaging waste is difficult to separate for recycling, unable to degrade, and difficult to burn, so the caused pollution becomes an urgent problem to be solved. This article introduced the structure, properties and application of aluminum-plastic packaging, and the challenges in waste recycling. We emphatically introduced the works focused on self-designed solid-state shear milling equipment and technology, which achieved ultra-fine grinding and excellent dispersion of waste aluminum-plastic packaging at room temperature. We further produced removable logistics packages and thermal conductive function products by aluminum-plastic packaging powder with improved processability and mechanical properties.

    Review of black liquor supercritical water gasification for hydrogen production with high value-added chemicals recovery
    Xingang QI, Libo LU, Yunan CHEN, Zhiwei GE, Liejin GUO
    2022, 73(8):  3338-3354.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220555
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    Harmless and resourceful utilization of black liquor plays an important role in reducing environmental pollution and alleviating energy shortages. Supercritical water gasification technology is a new and efficient technology for the harmless resource utilization of organic wastewater. It has unique advantages in the harmless and resourceful treatment of papermaking black liquor by utilizing the special properties of water in the supercritical state. The progress of hydrogen production and high value-added chemicals recovery by supercritical water gasification of black liquor in recent years is reviewed. The hydrogen production mechanism is presented and the effects of temperature, pressure, concentration, residence time, and catalyst on hydrogen production by black liquor supercritical water gasification are systematically summarized. The reaction, the separation and recovery mechanism of high economic value salts of black liquor in supercritical water and the development status of supercritical water gasification reaction units for black liquor are introduced. Finally, the prospect of supercritical water gasification of black liquor for hydrogen production and resourceful, harmless treatment to recover useful components is presented.

    Principle and technology of low-NO x decoupling combustion based on restructuring reactions
    Xinhua LIU, Zhennan HAN, Jian HAN, Bin LIANG, Nan ZHANG, Shanwei HU, Dingrong BAI, Guangwen XU
    2022, 73(8):  3355-3368.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220716
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    Decoupling combustion principle was first introduced to achieve low-NO x and smokeless combustion of bituminous coal in 1995. By separating fuel pyrolysis from char combustion to break the spatio-temporal coupling of these reactions in traditional combustion, the principle can achieve complete combustion of volatiles and high-efficient NO x reduction simultaneously through purposely restructuring such reactions. This combustion technology originating essentially from restructuring its involved reactions was formally defined as “decoupling combustion” in 1997. Focusing on the principle of high-efficiency and low-NO x combustion and general concerns for restructuring the combustion-involved reactions, this article summarizes the major progress made in the last thirty years in fundamental research and technical development of decoupling combustion of coal and biomass as well as the typical applications of the technology for civil and industrial utilizations with proven effectiveness in intensifying combustion and reducing NO x emission. The decoupling combustion can be combined with other advanced combustion technologies, such as fuel- and air-staged combustion, reburning and combustion based on the theory of fluidization state specification, to further improve combustion efficiency and lower air emissions. The decoupling combustion technology is especially suitable for high water content fuels, and has strong scientific significance and application value for innovative new technologies of high-efficiency and low-NO x combustion of low-rank coal and organic waste.

    Advances in lignin-derived carbon anodes for alkali metal ion batteries
    Lei ZHONG, Xueqing QIU, Wenli ZHANG
    2022, 73(8):  3369-3380.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220588
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    Alkali metal ions experience large volume expansion during the intercalation/extraction process of commercial graphite anode materials, resulting in rapid capacity decay and poor rate performance. Lignin-derived carbon materials (LDCs) with the characteristics of rich raw materials, economy, easy preparation and controllable structure have promising applications as anode materials, which exhibit excellent rate capability and cycling stability in alkali metal-ion batteries. This review introduces the charge storage mechanism of alkali metal ions in carbon anode materials, and summarizes the recent research advances of LDC in the anode materials for alkali metal ion batteries. Specifically, we discussed the synthesis strategies, structural features, storage mechanism and corresponding electrochemical properties of LDC anodes. Moreover, the relationships between carbon structure (interlayer spacing regulation, carbon layer ordering and surface functionalization) and electrochemical behaviors are outlined. The prospects and potential issues faced by LDC anodes are proposed to provide guidance for the next-step R&D of LDC anodes.

    Progress of chiral nematic liquid-crystal systems with light-driven diarylethenes
    Honglong HU, Zhigang ZHENG, Weihong ZHU
    2022, 73(8):  3381-3393.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220592
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    Liquid crystal systems can achieve self-assembly helical superstructure by incorporating chiral photoswitches with light-induced chirality variation upon the remote optical stimuli. Diarylethenes (DAE) are a traditional class of promising photochromic molecules that exhibit excellent performance as smart photoswitches in chiral nematic liquid-crystal systems. Focusing on structural design, this review summarizes the recent development of chiral DAE photoswitches with different helical twisting power (HTP) and their specific properties in liquid-crystal self-assembled helical structures, such as photoreversible wide-range tunability and light-controlled chirality inversion. The light-driven chiral nematic liquid-crystal systems based on DAEs provide potential applications in chiral modulation, optical display, tunable laser and so on. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities to the future development in this field.

    A review of fault characteristics, fault diagnosis and identification for lithium-ion battery systems
    Jing YANG, Zhenkang LIN, Jun TANG, Cheng FAN, Kening SUN
    2022, 73(8):  3394-3405.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220265
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    Lithium-ion battery systems with high specific energy are widely used in energy storage and power supplies. Fault diagnosis technology for battery systems is an important guarantee for safe and long-lasting operation. However, the chemical properties of lithium batteries are special, and the type of failure is difficult to identify, which increases the safety risk of the battery system. In order to improve the accuracy of fault diagnosis and type identification, and to improve the safety of battery systems, it is necessary to recognize the electrical, thermal and chemical characteristics when different faults occur. Herein, the aim of this review is to introduce the types of faults in battery system and to systematically summarize the electrical, thermal and chemical characteristics of battery system, including battery faults, connection faults and sensor faults. It is proposed that internal electrochemical parameters are key features to reliably discriminate between sensor faults and various battery faults, and that electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is an effective method to obtain internal characteristic parameters. In terms of the voltage fluctuation, current and voltage correlation coefficients are regarded as main factors to discriminate between sensor faults and connection faults. The special connection structure of the battery system can be used as an important means to distinguish between different faults.

    Research progress of the catalytic conversion of ethane and carbon dioxide
    Dan GUO, Yujie FANG, Yihan XU, Zhiyuan LI, Shouying HUANG, Shengping WANG, Xinbin MA
    2022, 73(8):  3406-3416.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220518
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    The reaction of CO2 with ethane is an important means to achieve carbon emission reduction goals and utilize unconventional energy, which is in line with major national needs and international academic frontiers. Carbon dioxide promotes the activation of ethane through “active oxygen” mechanism, “lattice oxygen” mechanism and “reaction coupling” mechanism. Through catalyst design to selectively break the C—H/C—C bonding, the reaction can proceed in two directions, dry reforming of ethane (DRE) and oxidative dehydrogenation to ethylene (ODH). This work reviews the thermodynamics, reactants activation mechanism and catalyst research progress of these two routes, analyzing the principal factors that arise the problems of low product selectivity, sintering and carbon deposition, as well as the design and improvement strategy. At last, we look ahead to the development direction of this research field.

    Research progress of membrane separation materials for different industrial CO2-containing mixtures
    Jiaming WANG, Xuehua RUAN, Gaohong HE
    2022, 73(8):  3417-3432.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220266
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    Membrane carbon dioxide separation has the advantages of no phase change and low energy consumption, and has great potential in the fields of carbon capture and gas purification. Membrane separation is a separation process based on the difference in the permeation rate of components. The difference in the physical and chemical properties of the gas components is the premise of separation, and the effective identification of the difference between the components by the membrane material is the key to efficient separation. The three representative cases about separating CO2 from fired flue gas, natural gas and synthetic gas, have significant difference from each other in mixtures' composition and operating condition. In this instance, membrane material design, including both functional groups and aggregation structures, should thoroughly consider the characteristics of the mixtures to be separated. On the one hand, gaseous molecules' difference should be fully brought into play to enhance separation performance. On the other hand, the difference in operation condition should be regarded properly to ensure high efficiency, toleration ability, and stabilized operation. In this review paper, based on the mechanism for membrane permeation and the strategic difference among mixtures to be separation, i.e., composition and operation condition, we have summarized the research progress of CO2 separation membrane materials in recent years. In addition, a concise outlook on future research directions and challenges on CO2 separation membranes has also been suggested.

    Research progress on electrolytes for carbon dioxide electroreduction
    Wangxin GE, Yihua ZHU, Hongliang JIANG, Chunzhong LI
    2022, 73(8):  3433-3447.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220757
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    Electrochemical reduction of CO2 (CO2RR) to high-value chemicals powered by renewable electricity is an effective way to realize the resourceful use of CO2. The catalytic performance of CO2RR is jointly determined by the electrocatalysts and electrolyte components. Despite significant advances in the design and preparation of high-performance catalysts, the impact of electrolyte components on the local catalytic environment at the interface and methods for optimising the CO2RR process are still poorly understood. This paper reviews the research progress of electrolyte component modulation of the interfacial microenvironment during CO2RR, focusing on cations, anions, solvents, ligands and additives in the electrolytes. These include the effects of electrolyte components on the interfacial chemical environment, such as interfacial electric field, local pH, dipole-field interaction and interfacial water structure, revealing the modulation mechanism of electrolytes and their important roles on improving the catalytic performance. From the perspective of electrolyte regulation, this paper provides new research ideas for designing electrolytic systems with high catalytic performance, and promotes the development of CO2RR.

    Review of ethanol production via biological syngas fermentation
    Yuelin WANG, Wei CHAO, Xiaocheng LAN, Zhipeng MO, Shuhuan TONG, Tiefeng WANG
    2022, 73(8):  3448-3460.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220268
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    Syngas bio-fermentation to produce ethanol has the advantages of mild reaction conditions, high product selectivity, wide source of raw materials, and low-carbon sustainable development. It is a promising new production process for renewable energy. The species of microorganisms and corresponding suitable operating conditions for ethanol production via syngas fermentation are reviewed. The Wood-Ljungdahl pathway of syngas fermentation is analyzed and the extensive sources of syngas are summarized. The effects of the process parameters, such as the composition of syngas, pressure, pH, temperature, medium component and gas-liquid mass transfer on syngas fermentation, are analyzed and discussed. The key problems of poor mass transfer performance of gas substrate and low ethanol yield in the syngas fermentation process are pointed out. The different mass transfer performance of typical bioreactors is compared, and the approaches to enhancing mass transfer are reviewed. Finally, the industrialization progress of ethanol production by syngas fermentation is reviewed, and the future development direction is proposed.

    Recent progress of catalytic pyrolysis of plastics to produce high value-added products
    Haoyu XIAO, Haiping YANG, Xiong ZHANG, Yingquan CHEN, Xianhua WANG, Hanping CHEN
    2022, 73(8):  3461-3471.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220624
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    Catalytic pyrolysis of plastics can be directional preparation or cogeneration of energy products such as light olefins, aromatics, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), and hydrogen. It has the advantages of simple control process, good product selectivity and high-added value, thus become widely attractive. At shorter residence time (<1 s) and higher reaction temperature (>800℃), plastic pyrolysis can yield higher yields of olefin monomers, while the formation of aromatic products is more dependent on catalyst acid sites and pore ​​structure. Fe, Co, and Ni-based catalysts can convert the gaseous carbon source generated by plastic pyrolysis into CNTs and hydrogen-rich gas, and the CNTs yield and hydrogen conversion efficiency can reach more than 30%(mass) and 90%, respectively. This article summarizes the research progress of plastic catalytic pyrolysis to produce high value-added energy products, discusses the mechanism of temperature, residence time, catalyst and other factors on product distribution and quality, the formation mechanism and preparation methods of various products were reviewed and prospected respectively.

    Advances in frontiers of organic synthesis in microreactor
    Jingwei ZHANG, Yiwei ZHOU, Zhuo CHEN, Jianhong XU
    2022, 73(8):  3472-3482.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220403
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    Microreactor generally refers to microreactor with characteristic size ranging from microns to hundreds of microns and is one of the core equipment of microchemical systems. Compared with the traditional tank reactor, microreactors show unique advantages in the synthesis process of dangerous or flammable and explosive products and in the rapid reaction process. Due to its excellent heat and mass transfer performance, the microreactor technology makes these hazardous chemical processes more accurate, efficient and safer. In this way, the microreactor has important industrial application value and is also one of the key development directions in the chemical industry. This paper mainly introduces the Hoffmann rearrangement, cycloaddition, diazotization and coupling, alkylation, nitrogen oxidation involved in the use of microreactor technology in the field of fine chemicals such as medicine, pesticide, dye and pigment in recent years. The research progress of typical “strong exothermic fast reaction” organic synthesis and its development prospects are prospected.

    Review on combustion behavior and flame retardant research of phenolic foams
    Kaihong TANG, Xiaofeng HE, Guiqiu XU, Yang YU, Xiaofeng LIU, Tiejun GE, Ailing ZHANG
    2022, 73(8):  3483-3500.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220284
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    Phenolic foam has been widely used in engineering field due to its excellent thermal insulation properties and flame retardant properties. However, phenolic foam has low mass residue yield, loose char layer and low strength after high temperature combustion, and tends to smolder after the flame leaves. The current research on the combustion behavior of phenolic foams mostly focuses on how to further improve the flame retardant level or improve the brittleness without reducing the inherent flame retardancy, and there is no review of the whole combustion process behavior of phenolic foam. This review introduces the flame combustion and smoldering of phenolic foam, analyzes the factors that affect the combustion behavior of phenolic foam, and summarizes the progress of phenolic foam flame retardant research. The foam shape of the char layer after flame combustion is basically retained but brittle, and smoldering also generates char layer but has low residual carbon rate. The combustion behavior of unmodified phenolic foam is mainly affected by the molar ratio of formaldehyde to phenol. According to the test data of limiting oxygen index and cone calorimeter, the synergistic flame retardant effect of phosphorus-nitrogen is the best. At present, the research on combustion behavior and flame retardant of phenolic foam mainly focuses on flame combustion. The research on smoldering problem of phenolic foam is insufficient, and the behavior and mechanism of the whole combustion process of phenolic foams are lacking. Therefore, this paper proposes to increase the research investment on the smoldering behavior of phenolic foam, pay attention to the mechanism exploration and flame retardant scheme research of the whole process of phenolic foam combustion, and design and develop an effective way to solve the problem of the whole process of phenolic foam combustion.

    First principle study on inhibition of lithium dendrites growth by regulating graphene layer spacings
    Kai HUANG, Sijie WANG, Haiping SU, Cheng LIAN, Honglai LIU
    2022, 73(8):  3501-3510.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220477
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    Inhibiting the growth of lithium dendrites is one of the key problems to be solved in lithium metal batteries (LMBs). Coating graphene on the electrode surface can effectively prevent lithium dendrites growth. However, the effect of graphene layer spacings on lithium dendrites growth is not clear. In this paper, the first principal calculation was employed to explore it from adsorption and diffusion of lithium atoms on the graphene. The calculation results show that the layer spacings section of 0.45—0.55 nm can obviously inhibit the lithium dendrites growth, which exhibits the lower binding energy and diffusion energy barrier of lithium atoms. When the layer spacings are smaller than 0.45 nm, the diffusion of lithium atoms is difficult. For the larger layer spacings (> 0.55 nm), lithium atoms prefer to adsorb and aggregate between the graphene layers, leading to the lithium dendrites growth. Besides, the doping effect of graphene with layer spacing of 0.45 nm on the lithium dendrites growth was investigated. Under the optimal interlayer spacing, the B-doped and N-doped graphene can promote the diffusion of lithium atoms between the graphene layers and avoid the uneven deposition of lithium, thereby suppressing the formation of lithium dendrites.

    A first-principles study of the interaction between TDI-TMP-T313 and AP
    Xiaqi YU, Ge FENG, Jinyan ZHAO, Jiayuan LI, Shengwei DENG, Jingnan ZHENG, Wenwen LI, Yaqiu WANG, Lan SHEN, Xu LIU, Weiwei XU, Jianguo WANG, Shibin WANG, Zihao YAO, Chengli MAO
    2022, 73(8):  3511-3517.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220262
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    Density functional theory (DFT) is used to study the surface energies of four crystal planes of oxidant-ammonium perchlorate (001), (210), (011), (201), and the surfaces' stability is tested by ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulation. The adsorption energies of the matrix components-toluene diisocyanate (TDI), trihydroxymethyl propane (TMP) and boron trifluoride tritylamine complex (T313) on the crystal planes of oxidizing agent are also calculated by DFT. The interaction between matrix and oxidizing agent is analyzed theoretically. Eventually, the T313-AP (201) system with the strongest interaction between adsorbent and crystal plane is selected for bader charge analysis to simulate its molecular electronic structure and observe the charge transfer between atoms. The mechanism of interaction between bonding agent (T313) and oxidizing agent (AP) is revealed on a molecular scale by various theoretical methods. The sources of critical products produced in the ageing process are confirmed.

    Fluid dynamics and transport phenomena
    Research on flow behavior of liquid-phase precipitation reaction in the tubular microchannel reactor
    Hanlin YAO, Zhong XIN
    2022, 73(8):  3518-3528.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220609
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    With the aqueous-phase synthesis of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as the model reaction and based on the magnifying observation of flow-reaction process, the flow behavior characteristics of liquid-phase precipitation reaction in the milli-scale tubular microchannel and the mechanism of channel clogging were analyzed from the rheological properties of the suspension. The results showed that the viscosity of CaCO3-water suspension increased sharply with the increase of solid content at low shear rate and the nature of clogging could be attributed to the formation of local high viscosity area with high solid content on the wall and in the bulk flow, which made the fluidity seriously deteriorate. Increasing the flow rate of the reaction accelerated the formation of sedimentary layer and precipitation particle aggregates, thus the clogging was accelerated. The formation of aggregates was much faster than the accumulation of sedimentary layer, making“bridging”of aggregates the main factor of channel clogging. Based on the local high-viscosity region that destroys the flow wall and main body, two new microchannel reactor models are designed, which may provide new ideas for solving the problem of clogging of the reaction channel.

    Gas-liquid mass transfer coefficients in the gas-liquid-solid micro-fluidized beds
    Kaiyue WANG, Yongli MA, Chen LI, Mingyan LIU
    2022, 73(8):  3529-3540.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220166
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    Gas-liquid-solid micro-fluidized bed combines the advantages of microfluidic system and macro-fluidized bed, and has potential industrial application value, but its application basic research is very lacking. The effects of several conditions including superficial gas velocity and liquid velocity, bed diameter, size of solid particles on the volumetric and liquid-phase gas-liquid mass transfer coefficients of CO2 absorption by NaOH solution were studied by using the three-phase micro-fluidized bed made of 1.6, 2.0, 2.4 mm capillary tubes and solid particles with diameters of 160, 190 and 220 μm based on the investigations of gas-liquid-solid flows. The results show that the gas-liquid volumetric mass transfer coefficient increases with the increase of the superficial gas velocity and liquid velocity, in which the change of superficial gas velocity mainly affects the gas holdup and phase interface area, while the change of superfrical liquid velocity mainly affects the gas-liquid liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient. The mass transfer performance of the micro-fluidized bed with smaller bed diameter is the better, and its interface area and total gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient are enhanced. When solid particles are added into the gas-liquid mini-bubble column with solid holdup of 0.15—0.30 at three-phase bubbling flow regime, the gas-liquid volumetric mass transfer coefficient of this three-phase micro-fluidized bed is 1.1—1.5 times of that in gas-liquid mini-bubble column. Compared with the macro-fluidized bed, the interface area of micro-fluidized bed is 5—10 times of that of macro-fluidized bed under the same conditions, which is the main factor influencing the larger volume mass transfer coefficient of micro-fluidized bed.

    Turbulent heat transfer and mixing enhancement characteristics in Ross LPD static mixer
    Huibo MENG, Tong MENG, Yanfang YU, Zongyong WANG, Jianhua WU
    2022, 73(8):  3541-3552.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220232
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    The performance of turbulent flow and heat transfer in Ross low pressure drop (LPD) static mixer were experimentally and numerically investigated under constant heat flux condition. The effects of Reynolds number Re and staggered angle were evaluated in the turbulent state with a range of Re from 2640 to 17600. The Nusselt number, Darcy friction coefficient, comprehensive heat transfer coefficient, and synergistic angle between velocity field and temperature/pressure gradient were used to evaluate the heat transfer enhancement performance in the mixer. The stretching characteristics of fluid element in the Ross LPD and Kenics static mixers were analyzed based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and Lagrangian particle tracking (LPT) method. The results show that the performance of turbulent resistance and heat transfer in Ross static mixer predicted by SST k-ω model was in good agreement with experimental results. A longitudinal vortex with the similar scale of the flow field is induced in the Ross mixer, and its vortex center shifts periodically between the centers of circular and semicircular sections. The average stretching rate in the cross section of Ross static mixer is 3.36—1.72 times that in Kenics mixer which indicates that the enhancement ability of dispersion micromixing efficiency gradually weakens with the increasing axial length. The comprehensive heat transfer performance of Ross LPD gradually becomes much better with the increase of Re. Furthermore, it is obvious larger than 1 which indicates that η is superior to that in the KSM when Re>7040. When the blade angle is 30°, the comprehensive heat transfer coefficient of performance has the maximum value. The Ross LPD internal inserts have the technical advantages of high efficiency with low flow resistance and the potential for structural improvement.

    Numerical study on vortex characteristics in submerged impinging stream reactor
    Jianwei ZHANG, Weifeng GAO, Xin DONG, Ying FENG
    2022, 73(8):  3553-3564.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220277
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    The large eddy simulation (LES) method was used to study the vortex characteristics in impinging stream reactor, and the fluid flow characteristics in the impact area were analyzed. The distribution of flow field velocity, vorticity magnitude and the average plane vortex energy was studied by changing inlet velocity and nozzle spacing. The flow regime, vortex evolution process and vortex core form were analyzed. The vortex striking near the stagnation point in the reactor had small size and high pulsation. With the increased of impact distance, the fluid velocity magnitude gradually decreased and the influence range of vortex became larger. The average vorticity magnitude and the average vortex plane energy first increased and then decreased with the increased of inlet velocity. The vortex evolution process and the flow regime in the reactor were analyzed based on Q criterion. According to the vortex evolution process of radial jet, the evolution period of vortex on both sides of radial jet was obtained, which was between 0.15 s and 0.20 s. The vortex structures in the impact zone were horseshoe vortex and ribbed vortex, and there was a vortex ring at the outlet. The research results provide a theoretical reference for the in-depth analysis of the fluid motion law of the impingement flow reactor and optimization of the reactor.

    Experimental investigation of turbulent dispersion and hydrodynamic behavior of bubble in Lightnin static mixer
    Yanfang YU, Huanchen LIU, Huibo MENG, Litu LIU, Yu LI, Jianhua WU
    2022, 73(8):  3565-3575.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220313
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    The gas-liquid two-phase bubbly flow in a Lightnin static mixer (LSM) with a diameter of 100 mm and an aspect ratio of 1.0 was investigated. The turbulent dispersion and hydrodynamic behavior of bubble groups was focused under the conditions of liquid phase superficial velocity UL=0.071—0.127 m/s and gas phase superficial velocity UG=0.007—0.042 m/s. The evolution of bubble populations in different axial windows in the mixer was collected by using a high-speed camera Revealer-2F04M with a resolution of 1920×1080. The results show that the flow pattern in the LSM is in bubbly flow at the superficial velocity of continuous phase UL no more than 0.085 m/s and UG=0.025—0.042 m/s. The Sauter mean diameter d32 of bubble groups gradually decreased with the increase of axial mixing length. With the given liquid flow superficial velocity UL≤0.085 m/s, the Sauter mean diameter d32 firstly decreased and then increased with the increase of gas flow superficial velocity. The local minimum of d32 was obtained at UG=0.028 m/s and 53% of the dB/D0 is in the range of 0.02—0.05. The relationship among Sauter mean diameter, the inner diameter and the non-dimensional residence time satisfies the correlation d32/D0=0.031τ-0.14We-0.41. As the gas superficial velocity increases, the density function of the number of bubbles per unit volume increases significantly. The probability of bubble collided with the surfaces of the element is enhanced which increases the intensity of the vortex secondary flow and leads to a significant decrease in the friction coefficient. By fitting the pressure drop of two-phase flow, the empirical correlation prediction formula C=5.26×105UG-0.91/Re0.74 was obtained.

    Catalysis, kinetics and reactors
    Carbonized metal-organic framework for carbon dioxide reduction to ethylene and ethanol
    Lei WANG, Yong JIANG, Dazhong ZHONG, Jiayuan LI, Genyan HAO, Qiang ZHAO, Jinping LI
    2022, 73(8):  3576-3585.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220250
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    Electrochemical catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide provides an efficient route for energy storage. Exploring efficient electrocatalysts with high ethylene selectivity and high yields is highly desirable but still challenging. Here, porous Cu-Cu2O/C catalysts were prepared by simple carbonization of metal-organic framework (Cu-BTC) for efficient and selective electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to C2+ products. The carbonized MOF showed efficient performance for CO2 reduction to C2+, with a maximum FE of 47.8% and a partial current density of 4.33 mA·cm-2 at a potential of -1.3 V (vs RHE). The results show that the lower carbonization temperature is helpful to preserve the morphology of Cu-MOF, and the porous properties can also improve the electrochemical active area of Cu-MOF, and thus improve its performance for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to C2+ products.

    Effect of Si-doped Cu/ZrO2 on the performance of catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation to methanol
    Wenhua DAI, Zhong XIN
    2022, 73(8):  3586-3596.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220614
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    In order to improve the catalytic activity of Cu/ZrO2 catalysts in carbon dioxide hydrogenation to methanol, a series of Si-ZrO2 supports with different Si/Zr were prepared and loaded 5% Cu to obtain the Cu/Si-ZrO2 catalysts. The prepared catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 physisorption measurements (BET), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), hydrogen temperature-programmed reduction (H2-TPR), temperature-programmed desorption of CO2(CO2-TPD) and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The results showed that the doping of Si promoted Cu/ZrO2 system to obtain stable crystal phase, abundant specific surface area and more basic sites, especially medium and strong basic sites. At the same time, higher oxygen vacancy concentration was generated, which promoted the adsorption and activation of CO2, and thus the catalyst with Si/Zr molar ratio 0.2 which possessed higher activity with 4.6% CO2 conversion and 85% CH3OH selectivity was obtained at 220℃ under 3.0 MPa with WHSV=6000 ml·g-1·h-1, H2/CO2 volume ratio 3/1.

    Synthesis process of trinitrophloroglucinol in an ultrasonic microreactor
    Yuehui HOU, Xuan LIU, Yingjiang LIAN, Mei HAN, Chaoqun YAO, Guangwen CHEN
    2022, 73(8):  3597-3607.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220258
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    Trinitrophloroglucinol (TNPG) is an important pharmaceutical intermediate. It is usually synthesized from phloroglucinol (PG) by nitration in a batch reactor. This technology has the problems such as long reaction time, high energy consumption, and poor safety. To develop a novel technology for continuous synthesis is necessary. The process of PG nitration with mixed acid was investigated in an ultrasonic microreactor. By introducing ultrasound, the problems of low mixing of viscous fluids and solid-product clogging were solved, which enabled continuous synthesis of TNPG in much shorter reaction time. Additionally, through mass spectrometry analysis of reactant and product solutions, the reaction mechanism and reaction characteristics were revealed preliminarily. Under optimized conditions (PG concentration, 1.0 mol/L; molar ratio of nitric acid to PG, 4; temperature, 40℃), a yield of 80% and TNPG purity of more than 98% was obtained in reaction time of 6—10 min.

    NHC-Pd functionalized coordination polymer (NHC-Pd@Zn-L): synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance in Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction
    Jie GUO, Fan ZHANG, Shiyu XIE, Lixin YOU, Yaguang SUN
    2022, 73(8):  3608-3614.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220233
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    A two-dimensional coordination polymer [Zn(L)2] n(Zn-L) was synthesized by the reaction of 1,3-bis(1-carboxyethyl) imidazolium salt (HL) and Zn(NO3)2·6H2O. The product was then reacted with K2PdCl4 in tetrahydrofuran solution to introduce nitrogen heterocyclic carbene-palladium (NHC-Pd) catalytic site to prepare the catalyst NHC-Pd@Zn-L, and the structure was characterized by PXRD, TGA, ICP, SEM, EDS and XPS. The results showed that the catalyst had high thermal stability and the framework structure of the modified Zn-L did not change, and Pd was bound in Zn-L in the form of NHC-Pd and uniformly dispersed in the coordination polymer. NHC-Pd@Zn-L was used to catalyze the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction. When phenylboronic acid and bromobenzene were used as substrates, the catalyst dosage was 15 mg, ethanol was used as solvent, and potassium carbonate was used as base for the reaction at 60℃, 6 h, the yield reaches >99%, and the catalyst is easy to recover and can be recycled for 3 times.

    α-MnO2/β-MnO2 catalysts synthesized by one-pot method and their catalytic performance for the oxidation of toluene
    Zhidong LI, Jiaqi WAN, Ying LIU, Yixi TANG, Wei LIU, Zhongxian SONG, Xuejun ZHANG
    2022, 73(8):  3615-3624.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220344
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    A series of MnO2 catalysts were prepared via a hydrothermal method at different pH, characterized by XRD, SEM, N2-adsorption XPS and H2-TPR, and tested in the total oxidation of toluene. Different pH essentially changes the initial H+ concentration of the reaction solution during the synthesis process of different samples, which dramatically affects the crystallization environment of the obtained samples and gives them different crystal phase. The catalytic activity of the as-prepared MnO2 catalysts was evaluated by the catalytic oxidation of toluene, and the result illustrates that the catalytic performance of the catalysts is linearly dependent on the content of α-MnO2. When pH=11, the obtained MnO2-11 catalyst has the largest surface area and the most defect structure, which makes it have the best catalytic activity (T50= 245℃ and T90= 256℃) and excellent cycling stability.

    Preparation of In2O3/Ag:ZnIn2S4 “Type Ⅱ” heterogeneous structure materials for visible light catalysis
    Zhenhe XU, Hongjiang LI, Yu GAO, Zheng LI, Hanyan ZHANG, Baotong XU, Fu DING, Yaguang SUN
    2022, 73(8):  3625-3635.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220238
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    The Ag:ZnIn2S4 nanosheets were grown internal and external surface of hollow In2O3 microtubes, with the reasonable design and construction of a visible light-responsive In2O3/Ag:ZnIn2S4tubular heterostructure photocatalysts. The samples were prepared by a low-temperature oil bath method to ensure the uniform distribution of each component. Experimental preparation process: firstly, In(NO3)3 and 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid were dissolved in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and placed in a low-temperature oil bath to obtain the precursor In-MIL-68. To synthesize the hexagonal In2O3 microtubes, In-MIL-68 was placed in a crucible, and then kept at a constant temperature of 500℃ for 2 h in a muffle furnace. Growth of Ag:ZnIn2S4 nanosheets on both inner and outer surfaces of In2O3 microtubes was achieved by a low temperature hydrothermal method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), UV-visible diffuse reflection spectroscopy (UV-Vis DRS), and photoelectric chemical analysis (PEC) were used to investigate the phase, morphology, elemental combination state and light response characteristics of photocatalysts. After rigorous comparison and analysis, the optimized In2O3/40.0%(mass) Ag:ZnIn2S4 sample exhibited an excellent rate of H2 production (21.85 μmol·h-1) under visible light irradiation, which was 57.5 times and 1.5 times higher than that of pure In2O3 (0.38 μmol·h-1) and Ag:ZnIn2S4 (14.79 μmol·h-1). Simultaneously, in the experiment of MO degradation under visible light irradiation, the photodegradation rate of In2O3/40.0% Ag:ZnIn2S4 was 0.3466 min-1, about 105 times and 2.1 times of In2O3 (0.0033 min-1) and Ag:ZnIn2S4(0.1669 min-1), respectively. These improvements are because of synergetic effect of compact heterojunction by unveiling a greater number of catalytically active sites and effectively enhancing charge-carrier separation and relocation. This is mainly attributed to the “Type Ⅱ” heterostructure formed between In2O3 and Ag:ZnIn2S4, which promotes the rapid migration and separation of photogenerated carriers.

    Synthesis and photocatalysis of SiO2@BiOCl-Bi24O31Cl10 core-shell microspheres
    Xin ZHANG, Rui XU, Xinyu LU, Yong'an NIU
    2022, 73(8):  3636-3646.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220358
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    Tuning the band gap and suppressing the recombination of photogenerated electron-hole pairs are important ways to improve the photocatalytic performance of Bi2O3 semiconductors. Firstly, SiO2@Bi2O3 core-shell microspheres were successfully prepared by solution synthesis and heat treatment methods. And the core-shell composition and coating effect were controlled by the factors of changing feed ratio and heat treatment temperature. In order to further improve the photocatalytic activity, the structure, morphology and composition of SiO2@Bi2O3 core-shell microspheres were changed by Cl doping. According to XRD, SEM and TEM, the shell structure of the microspheres was determined as BiOCl-Bi24O31Cl10 complex. The uniform coating effect of SiO2@BiOCl-Bi24O31Cl10 core-shell microspheres was optimized by adjusting the molar ratio and dosages of ammonia and NaCl, where the photocatalytic degradation efficiency of rhodamine B was greatly improved. Based on the above results, the formation mechanism of SiO2@Bi2O3 core-shell microspheres and the photocatalytic degradation mechanism of SiO2@BiOCl-Bi24O31Cl10 core-shell microspheres were reasonably proposed.

    Process system engineering
    Fault detection method based on kernel entropy independent component analysis
    Jinyu GUO, Zhe WANG, Yuan LI
    2022, 73(8):  3647-3658.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220269
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    Traditional kernel independent component analysis (KICA) reduces the dimension according to the size of eigenvalues, but large eigenvalues do not necessarily obtain the largest contribution of information entropy. To solve this problem, a fault detection method based on kernel entropy independent component analysis (KEICA) is proposed. The training data set is projected into the high-dimensional kernel space. The kernel principal component is selected by the contribution to the information entropy of data, and the independent component analysis (ICA) model is established. The I2 and SPE statistics are obtained for the training sample, and the control limits of the statistics are calculated by using kernel density estimation. The kernel matrix of the test data to the training data is calculated, and projected on the ICA model. The statistics of the test samples are calculated. The samples whose statistics exceed the control limit can be identified as fault samples. This method is used for fault detection of a nonlinear numerical example and the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process, and compared with the traditional kernel principal component analysis (KPCA), kernel entropy component analysis (KECA) and KICA methods. The monitoring effect of KEICA is compared, and it's better than the other three methods.

    Surface and interface engineering
    Synthesis of high viscosity alkylated acenaphthene and investigation of their lubrication property
    Jingze CUI, Qiong TANG, Chen CHEN, Yujie LIU, Hong XU, Lei LIU, Jinxiang DONG
    2022, 73(8):  3659-3668.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220523
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    At present, lubricating base oil mainly comes from petroleum resources. Based on the current situation of rich coal and lean oil in China, it is of great significance to develop a process route for synthesizing lubricating base oil from coal-based raw materials. Acenaphthene and α-olefins are the products of coal coking and coal-to-oils, respectively. Herein, the ionic liquid ([Et3NH][Al2Cl7]) was used as catalyst for the acenaphthene alkylation with α-olefins (C6 and C8) to produce high-viscosity lubricating base oil. Four alkylated acenaphthene products with various alkyl lengths were obtained by adjusting the feeding ratio, and their structures were analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Moreover, the physicochemical properties of synthetic oils were investigated to reveal their structure-properties relationship, the synthetic alkylated products showed high viscosity (10.1—19.5 mm2·s-1, 100℃), the aniline points (<63℃), and the oxidative onset temperatures (>190℃). The alkylated acenaphthenes as base oils displayed excellent tribological performance, the increase of side-chains on acenaphthene was beneficial to enhance their load-carrying capacity and tribological property.

    Biochemical engineering and technology
    Construction of pH sensitive artificial glutathione peroxidase based on the formation and dissociation of molecular machine
    Shaojie AN, Hongfeng XU, Si LI, Yuanhang XU, Jiaxi LI
    2022, 73(8):  3669-3678.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220207
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    Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) is an antioxidant enzyme in vivo. For expanding the application of GPx in vitro, imitating GPx functions has aroused great interest. The pH-sensitive GPx artificial enzymes that utilize natural pH differences in living organisms to achieve responses have a wide range of potential applications. However, up to now, the activities of pH sensitive GPx mimics are relatively low. Thus, organic tellurium compound I, which contains high activity catalytic center of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and two primary amine groups, was designed and synthesized in this research. The enzymatic reaction kinetics measurement results demonstrated that the second order reaction rate constant of compound I was at the level of as high as 101 L·mol-1·min-1. Compound I formed molecular machine with CB[6] at pH=6. In this case, only (0.04±0.02) μmol·min-1·μmol-1 GPx activity was shown as the active site was encapsulated into CB[6] and thereby cannot bind substrate. Molecular machine was partly dissociation when only one of the two primary amine groups was protonated at pH=7. In this case, (0.35±0.06)μmol·min-1·μmol-1 GPx activity was shown as the active site gradually exposed to solution. The high activity pH sensitive artificial glutathione peroxidase was constructed through the formation and partly dissociation of molecular machine formed by compound I and CB[6] by changing pH between 6 and 7.

    Energy and environmental engineering
    The simultaneous synthesis of high-quality forsterite and sintered magnesia from magnesite flotation tailings
    Yafu LI, Liangliang FU, Haolong BAI, Dingrong BAI, Guangwen XU
    2022, 73(8):  3679-3687.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220143
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    This paper proposed producing high-quality forsterite and sintered magnesia by high-temperature solid-state reactions of the waste magnesia ore directly without adding other materials and briquetting in order to realize the value-added utilization of magnesite flotation tailings. The experiments were carried out in a high-temperature tubular reactor at different reaction temperatures and times. The reaction products were characterized by XRD and SEM-EDS. The results confirmed that the proposed method was technically feasible and had noticeable advantages, including the fast reaction rate and high product quality. When the reaction temperature is 1400℃ and above, the SiO2 in the raw material is completely converted within a few minutes, and the product forsterite and sintered magnesia crystals are well developed. The research results provide strong support for the further development of new technologies of efficient utilization of magnesite flotation tailings.

    Preparation of hollow sulfur spheres-MoS2/rGO composite and its application in lithium-sulfur batteries
    Lin PENG, Mingxin NIU, Yu BAI, Kening SUN
    2022, 73(8):  3688-3698.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220263
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    Lithium-sulfur batteries have become a promising energy storage device due to the advantages of high theoretical energy density and high theoretical specific capacity. However, the practical application has been impeded by the insulation of the active material sulfur and the lithium polysulfide, the considerable volume expansion effect during cycling, and the “shuttle effect” caused by the dissolution of polysulfide. Herein, the hollow sulfur spheres (HS) were synthesized by low temperature liquid phase method, while the nanoflower MoS2/reduced graphene oxide (MoS2/rGO) was prepared by the hydrothermal method. Then, MoS2/rGO was coated on the surface of HS to obtain HS-MoS2/rGO composite cathode material. The crystal structure and morphology of the composites were characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM and XPS, while the electrochemical performance of the HS-MoS2/rGO and HS-rGO cathodes was tested by cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and galvanostatic charge-discharge measurements. The results indicate that MoS2/rGO shows strong polysulfide adsorption capability and high catalytic activity to limit the shuttle of polysulfides. Meanwhile, the unique hollow structure of the sulfur spheres can alleviate volume expansion to maintain the structural stability. Consequently, the HS-MoS2/rGO cathode achieves excellent rate performance and cycling stability of lithium-sulfur batteries.

    Effect of atmosphere on active performance of light-burned magnesium oxides from calcined magnesite in fluidized bed
    Gang WANG, Zhihao XIA, Xiyan LI, Hong ZHANG, Zhennan HAN, Xingfei SONG, Guangwen XU
    2022, 73(8):  3699-3707.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220428
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    The light-burned products with different grades of magnesite are obtained by changing the concentrations of CO2 and H2O in a small fluidized bed. The physicochemical properties of the light-burned products are characterized by decomposition rate, iodine absorption value, XRD, BET and SEM. The effects of CO2 and H2O contents in the light-burned atmosphere on the activity of the products are studied. The results show that the activity of the product is determined by the microstructure when the raw material is completely decomposed. With the increase of CO2 concentration, the iodine absorption value of light-burned products gradually decrease, the grain size gradually increase, and the surface structure changed from multiporous to less porous, indicating that the presence of CO2 reduced the product activity. With the increase of H2O concentration, the iodine absorption value of the light-burned products will gradually decrease, the specific surface area will decrease from large to small, and the surface structure will become dense and smooth from loose and porous. Under the same working conditions, the activity of light burning products of high grade magnesite is higher than that of low grade magnesite.

    Investigation on PrBaFe2O6-δ anode material with in-situ FeNi nanoparticle in direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell
    Chengyi AI, Jinshuo QIAO, Zhenhuan WANG, Wang SUN, Kening SUN
    2022, 73(8):  3708-3719.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220264
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    The development of high-performance anode materials is of great significance for the development of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) fueled by solid carbon. In this paper, the application of PrBaFe2O6-δ (PBF)-based layered double perovskite materials in SOFCs with in-situ precipitation of Fe and FeNi alloys was investigated. Ni-doped (PrBa)0.95Fe1.7Ti0.2Ni0.1O6-δ (PBFTN) anode material was prepared by sol-gel method. XRD showed that the as-synthesized material exhibited a perovskite structure and remained stable in an anodic reducing atmosphere. XRD, SEM, TEM, and XPS results showed that a large number of uniformly distributed nano-metal particles are precipitated on the surface of the material under reducing atmosphere, which is crucial for improving the output performance of the cell. When pure nano activated carbon was used as fuel, the electrolyte-supported single cell with PBFTN as anode achieved a maximum power density of 698 mW·cm-2 at 800℃, which is excellent, indicating that it is a potential SOFCs anode material.

    Fluidized bed two-stage gasification of coal with steam/O2 for production of low-tar syngas
    Lianfeng ZHU, Chao WANG, Mengjuan ZHANG, Fangzheng LIU, Xin JIA, Ping AN, Guangwen XU, Zhennan HAN
    2022, 73(8):  3720-3730.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220478
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    The fluidized bed two-stage gasification (FBTSG) decouples the reaction process into fuel pyrolysis in a downer and char gasification in a riser or transport bed. By sending all pyrolysis products into the bottom section of the gasifier, the tars containing in the pyrolysis volatile can be thermally and catalytically cracked in the gasifier via its high-temperature circumstance and catalysis of conveyed char, respectively. Thus, low-tar producer gas is possible for the FBTSG. Taking Yulin bituminous coal as raw material and using steam-oxygen as gasification reagent, the FBTSG was tested in a laboratory facility treating about 10 kg/h fuel to produce low-tar syngas under varied excessive oxygen ratio ER, steam to carbon ratio S/C, and temperature of pyrolysis and/or gasification reaction. The results showed that the continuous steady operation of FBTSG is fully feasible, and for a continuous test lasting for more than 3 h at ER = 0.36 and S/C = 0.15, its characteristic temperatures of pyrolysis and gasifier were stable at 735℃ and 877℃, respectively. The produced syngas contained 14.33% CO, 10.07% CO2, 18.39% H2, 9.89% CH4, 1.82% C n H m and 45.50% N2, giving an LHV of 8.99 MJ/m3. The gas yield was 1.8 m3/kg, and tar content in the gas reached its lower value of 0.437 g/m3, showing the technical characteristics of preparing low-tar syngas. For practical long-term continuous operation, higher gasification temperature will result in better low-tar characteristics of two-stage fluidized bed gasification.

    Cold-state experimental study on ash deposition of convection heating surface of biomass boiler
    Dongwang ZHANG, Hairui YANG, Tuo ZHOU, Zhong HUANG, Shiyuan LI, Man ZHANG
    2022, 73(8):  3731-3738.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220626
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    Serious ash accumulation is prone to occur on the rear heating surface of biomass-fired CFB boilers, which seriously affects heat transfer and may lead to problems such as furnace shutdowns. Inertial impaction is the main mechanism that causes ash deposition in biomass boilers, and temperature affects the degree of ash deposition by affecting the proportion of molten matter in the ash. A mixture of heated molten paraffin and circulating ash was used to simulate a real highly viscous fly ash, and an ash deposition experiment platform was built under the cold state. It is found that the molten paraffin and circulating ash can adhere to the heating surface quickly, which greatly reduces the experimental time. The variation of deposition thickness with time was obtained by image processing, and the growth trend of the deposition process was consistent with real biomass ash deposition experiments. In the cold state, it was found that the ash deposition degree showed an increasing trend with the increase of molten mass ratio, flue gas velocity and particle size, which provided some reference basis for the design and operation of biomass boiler.

    Material science and engineering, nanotechnology
    Preparation of mono-/divalent anion permselective membranes with piperidinium-type long side-chain
    Hongxin YANG, Xingya LI, Liang GE, Tongwen XU
    2022, 73(8):  3739-3748.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220625
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    A comb-shape ether-bond-free polymer backbone containing the carbazole structure, was designed and prepared by superacid-catalyzed polymerization in this article. By adjusting the amount of N-methylpiperidine in the subsequent Menshutkin reaction, polymers with different amount piperidinium ions were obtained. The success of the polymerization and quaternization reaction was proved by 1H NMR result. Thermal gravity analysis (TG) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) results have showed that the series of membranes have excellent thermal stability and mechanical properties. Electrodialysis (ED) results show that this series of membranes have higher ions flux and separation efficiency than commercial membrane Neosepta ACS. In NaCl/Na2SO4 system, the Cl- flux of QPC-Pip-60 reaches 3.24 mol·m-2·h-1, and the permselectivity reaches 11.6. In the NaOH/Na2WO4 system, the microphase separation structure makes the OH- flux up to 3.59 mol·m-2·h-1 and the permselectivity up to 70. Long-term stability test in seawater simulated solution and alkali stability test in alkaline solution indicate this ionic membrane has excellent cycle test stability and alkali resistance.

    Synthesis of nickel-cobalt hydroxide composites as supercapacitor materials by micro-impinging stream reactors and their performance study
    Renjie GU, Jiawei ZHANG, Xueyang JIN, Lixiong WEN
    2022, 73(8):  3749-3757.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220593
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    Nickel-cobalt composite supercapacitor electrode materials such as nickel-cobalt hydroxide composites have attracted extensive attention in the field of electrochemistry due to their advantages of large specific capacitance and excellent cycle performance. The electrochemical properties of nickel-cobalt composites are generally better than those of single transition metal compounds due to the synergic interaction between the transition metal elements. However, the performance of metal composites is closely related to the component element distribution within the particles, which depends strongly on the micromixing efficiency of the precipitation reaction environment. In this work, a micro-impinging stream reactor (MISR) with excellent micromixing performance was applied to the preparation of nickel-cobalt hydroxide composites. The results showed that MISR could significantly reduce the particle scale and improve the size distribution, agglomeration degree as well as the electrochemical performance of the prepared nickel-cobalt hydroxide composites. In the three-electrode testing system, the initial specific capacitance of the MISR-prepared material was 1548.0 F/g, and the capacitance retention was 106.0% after 1000 charge-discharge cycles. In the two-electrode system, the initial specific capacitance of the device was 30.6 F/g, and the capacitance retention was 75.6% after 1000 cycles.

    Preparation and application of chlortetracycline electrochemical sensor based on molecularly imprinting technique
    Shuang HAN, Nan ZHANG, Hui WANG, Xuan ZHANG, Jinluan YANG, Manlin ZHANG, Zhichao ZHANG
    2022, 73(8):  3758-3767.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220199
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    The abuse of chlortetracycline (CTC) has brought serious adverse effects on the natural environment and human health. In this paper, a simple, economical and efficient molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor for CTC was developed. The sensor was constructed by the electropolymerization of o-phenylenediamine on a reduced graphene oxide-polyethyleneimine complex (RGO-PEI) modified glassy carbon electrode. The RGO-PEI composite was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectrum and ultraviolet visible spectrum. The high specific surface area and richness of amino groups of the RGO-PEI composite make it an excellent candidate for the detection of CTC due to the improved detection sensitivity and the stability of the molecularly imprinted film. Under optimized conditions, the sensor exhibited a wide linear range of (5.0×10-7)—(1.0×10-4) mol/L with a detection limit of 1.67×10-7 mol/L (S/N=3). Additionally, there was little response to interfering substances such as kanamycin, oxytetracycline and doxycycline hydrochloride. The proposed method was successfully used for the detection of CTC in real sample with the recoveries of 102.7%—104.7%, showing a simple and efficient electrochemical method in practical application.

    Fabrication and electrical properties of textured PNN-PZT ceramics by stereolithography technology
    Yao LU, Jie DONG, Dawei SUN, Letian XIE, Jiayong LU, Xiaoning DU
    2022, 73(8):  3768-3775.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20220245
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    Textured Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbZrO3-PbTiO3 (PNN-PZT) ceramics which were using spherical PNN-PZT powders as matrix and plate-like BaTiO3 (BT) powders as template were prepared by stereo lithography apparatus (SLA) method. The impact of powder morphology on the fluidity of printing paste, as well as the crystal structure, electrical properties of textured ceramics with different BaTiO3 contents were investigated. The results show that the spherical powder slurry is characterized by low viscosity, which can effectively increase the solid content of the printing slurry and the maximum solid content is 86%(mass). At this time, the critical energy density and curing depth of the ceramic slurry are 127.5 mJ/cm2 and 21.1 μm respectively. Using BT as template can effectively promote the growth of PNN-PZT-BT ceramics along the [00l]c direction, with the BT content increasing from 1% to 5%, the texture degree of ceramic texture increasing from 42% to 92%. The sample has the highest piezoelectric constant d33=1047 pC/N when the BT content is 3%. Compared with the traditional casting method, the process advantages of SLA technology are that the preparation cycle is short and the stability is high, which can effectively reduce the difficulty of preparing textured ceramics.

    The scientific and technological contribution and humanistic spirit of the century-old “Golden Sea”
    Zhanjun FENG, Weichang XU, Xiaonan AN, Guangwen XU
    2022, 73(8):  3776-3785.  doi:10.11949/0438-1157.20223001
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    Golden Sea Research Institute of Chemical Industry is the first chemical research institution in China. In 30 years of development from 1922 to 1952, it had assisted to solve a great number of technical problems encountered in the practical productions of Jiuda and Yongli, the earliest national chemical enterprises in China, and acquired many achievements in several fields including fermentation and bacteriology, technique of production of water-soluble salts crystallization, fertilizers and non-ferrous metals, etc. The institute had published a few academic journals, trained numbers of outstanding scientific talents for the country. It particularly formed the “Golden Sea Spirit” of perseverance, fortitude, dedication, and bold innovation. Looking back on “Golden Sea” for its pioneering work, scientific and technological contributions, and humanistic spirit, it is of profound significance to inspire contemporary scientists to consciously assume the historical responsibility for the prosperity of the nation and the country.