CIESC Journal ›› 2025, Vol. 76 ›› Issue (1): 405-415.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240702

• Process safety • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect of vibration on the stability of on-site mixed emulsion explosive matrix with different water contents

Feng LIU1(), Rujie BI1, Quan WANG2, Zhao KUANG1, Xiangshuai MENG1, Guoqiang HUANG1   

  1. 1.College of Chemical Engineering and Blasting, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, Anhui, China
    2.Anhui Xiangke Chemical Co. , Ltd. , Anqing 246100, Anhui, China
  • Received:2024-06-22 Revised:2024-07-21 Online:2025-02-08 Published:2025-01-25
  • Contact: Feng LIU


刘锋1(), 毕如洁1, 汪全2, 匡照1, 孟祥帅1, 黄国强1   

  1. 1.安徽理工大学化工与爆破学院,安徽 淮南 232001
    2.安徽向科化工有限公司,安徽 安庆 246100
  • 通讯作者: 刘锋
  • 作者简介:刘锋(1976—),男,博士,副教授,
  • 基金资助:


In order to study the effect of vibration on the stability of emulsion explosives matrix with different water contents in field mixing, the microstructure, ammonium nitrate precipitation, internal phase particle size and viscosity changes of matrix specimens before and after the vibration were tested by using a speed-regulated oscillator to simulate the vibration and bumpy conditions that the specimens might undergo during the transportation process. According to the experimental results, the emulsion explosive matrix's internal phase particle size drops from 6.431 μm to 4.904 μm when the water content rises from 16% to 20%. Consequently, the matrix's anti-vibration performance first improves before weakening. After four vibration cycles, the sample with a 20% water content exhibited significant crystallization and demulsification. Following eight cycles, there was the greatest vibration resistance, a 9.72-fold increase in crystallization quantity, and a 161% rise in viscosity. After four cycles, the sample with 18% water content still has a largely intact W/O structure. Following eight cycles, there is the maximum vibration resistance, a 6.71-fold increase in crystallization, and a 144% rise in viscosity. An excessively wet matrix is more prone to demulsification, vibration, and crystallization. When the water content is 18%, the viscosity of the on-site mixed emulsion explosive prepared by this formula meets the pumping requirements, the crystallization amount and viscosity change rate under the influence of vibration are the smallest, the anti-vibration ability is the best, and the stability is the best.

Key words: on-site mixing, emulsion explosive matrix, vibration action, water content, amount of crystallization


为研究振动作用对不同水含量现场混装乳化炸药基质稳定性的影响,通过使用调速振荡器模拟基质试样在运输过程中可能经历的振动和颠簸条件,测试受振动前后基质试样的微观结构、硝酸铵析出量、内相粒径和黏度变化。实验结果表明:随着水含量由16%增长至20%,乳化炸药基质内相粒径由6.431 μm减小至4.904 μm,乳化炸药基质的抗振动性能呈现先改善后削弱的变化趋势。水含量20%的试样在4个振动周期后出现严重的析晶破乳现象,8个周期后析晶量增大9.72倍,黏度增长161%,抗振动性能最差;水含量18%的试样在4个周期后仍保持较为完整的W/O型结构,8个周期后析晶量增大6.71倍,黏度增长144%,抗振动性能最佳。水含量过高的基质更易受振动作用影响而破乳析晶,当水含量为18%时,该配方制备的现场混装乳化炸药黏度满足泵送要求,在振动作用影响下的析晶量、黏度变化率最小,抗振动能力最优,稳定性最佳。

关键词: 现场混装, 乳化炸药基质, 振动作用, 水含量, 析晶量

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