CIESC Journal ›› 2019, Vol. 70 ›› Issue (4): 1272-1281.DOI: 10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20181235
• Fluid dynamics and transport phenomena • Previous Articles Next Articles
Qianqing LIANG1,2(),Xuehu MA1(
),Kai WANG1,Jiang CHUN1,Tingting HAO1,Zhong LAN1,Yaxiong WANG2
Xuehu MA
<named-content content-type="corresp-name">梁倩卿</named-content>(1985—),女,博士,讲师,<email></email>|马学虎(1965—),男,博士,教授,<email></email>
CLC Number:
Qianqing LIANG, Xuehu MA, Kai WANG, Jiang CHUN, Tingting HAO, Zhong LAN, Yaxiong WANG. Gas-liquid Taylor flow pressure drop in rectangular meandering microchannel[J]. CIESC Journal, 2019, 70(4): 1272-1281.
梁倩卿, 马学虎, 王凯, 春江, 郝婷婷, 兰忠, 王亚雄. 矩形截面弯曲型微通道气液两相Taylor流压降的研究[J]. 化工学报, 2019, 70(4): 1272-1281.
Liquid phase | Density, ρ/(kg·m-3) | Viscosity, μ/(mPa· s) | Surface tension, σ/(mN·m-1) |
deionized water | 997 | 0.890 | 72.2 |
2% (mole fraction) propanol aqueous solution (2% NPA) | 987.2 | 1.154 | 41.8 |
5% (mole fraction) propanol aqueous solution (5% NPA) | 975.6 | 1.574 | 30.5 |
methanol(MT) | 786 | 0.546 | 22.2 |
ethanol(EA) | 785 | 1.099 | 22.7 |
propanol(NPA) | 800 | 1.942 | 23.4 |
Table 1 Physicochemical properties of liquid phase[36]
Liquid phase | Density, ρ/(kg·m-3) | Viscosity, μ/(mPa· s) | Surface tension, σ/(mN·m-1) |
deionized water | 997 | 0.890 | 72.2 |
2% (mole fraction) propanol aqueous solution (2% NPA) | 987.2 | 1.154 | 41.8 |
5% (mole fraction) propanol aqueous solution (5% NPA) | 975.6 | 1.574 | 30.5 |
methanol(MT) | 786 | 0.546 | 22.2 |
ethanol(EA) | 785 | 1.099 | 22.7 |
propanol(NPA) | 800 | 1.942 | 23.4 |
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