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Application of a grey forecasting model in the industrialization of Flavomycin fermentation

WU Jiaxin1,2,ZHANG Guodong1,2,QI Peng1,2,ZHENG Yinghua1,2,HE Jihong1,2   

  1. 1China Animal Husbandry Industry Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100095,China;2ZhongMu Institute of China Animal Husbandry Group,Beijing 100095,China
  • Online:2013-12-04 Published:2013-12-05


吴家鑫1,2,张国栋1,2,齐 鹏1,2,郑应华1,2,何继红1,2   

  1. 1中牧实业股份有限公司,北京 100095;2中国牧工商(集团)总公司研究院,北京 100095

Abstract: A grey forecasting model was applied to the industrialization of flavomycin fermentation. The GM(1,8),GM(1,1) and grey Verhulst forecasting models were established to predict the fed-batch fermentation process of flavomycin in 60m3 fermenter by Streptomyces bambergiensis,respectively. The average relative errors of three models were 15.322%,6.093% and 1.776%. The residual sums of square were 4.177 g2/L2,0.680 g2/L2 and 0.053 g2/L2. The result showed that grey Verhulst forecasting model could be employed to predict the industrial fermentation process of flavomycin more effectively.

Key words: bioprocess, flavomycin, Streptomyces bambergiensis, industrial fermentation, grey forecasting model, prediction

摘要: 将灰色预测模型应用于黄霉素工业化发酵过程中。对采用Streptomyces bambergiensis 在60 m3发酵罐中批式补料发酵生产黄霉素的过程分别建立GM(1,8)、GM(1,1)和灰色Verhulst模型。3种模型的预测模拟结果表明都可以模拟黄霉素工业化发酵过程,其平均相对误差分别为15.322%、6.093%和1.776%,残差平方和分别为4.177 g2/L2、0.680 g2/L2和0.053 g2/L2。通过比较3种模型预测模拟结果证明灰色Verhulst模型更适合黄霉素工业化发酵过程的预测模拟。

关键词: 生物过程, 黄霉素, Streptomyces bambergiensis, 工业化发酵, 灰色预测模型, 预测