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向腾龙1(), 王治红1(), 汪贵2, 李龙2   

  1. 1.西南石油大学化学化工学院,四川 成都 610500
    2.中国石油工程建设总公司西南分公司,四川 成都 610095
  • 收稿日期:2024-04-30 修回日期:2024-07-06 出版日期:2024-07-08
  • 通讯作者: 王治红
  • 作者简介:向腾龙(1998—),男,硕士研究生,1569265168@qq.com

Research on multifunctional integrated system for cold energy cascade utilization of liquefied natural gas

Tenglong XIANG1(), Zhihong WANG1(), Gui WANG2, Long LI2   

  1. 1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500,Sichuan, China
    2.China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corp. , Southwest Branch, Chengdu 610095, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2024-04-30 Revised:2024-07-06 Online:2024-07-08
  • Contact: Zhihong WANG


为了从天然气发电厂的烟气中捕获二氧化碳(CO2)并回收液化天然气(LNG)的冷能,提出了一种分级回收 LNG 冷能的工艺。该工艺将液化天然气按温度分为深冷、中冷和浅冷,并将每一段冷能分别与循环介质相匹配,以回收LNG冷能、水和捕获CO2,同时向外界输送电力。在有机朗肯循环(ORC)中,热源是烟道气,冷源是液化天然气。系统的热力学分析表明,该系统的热回收效率、冷能利用率、发电效率和㶲效率分别为 41.55%、14.34%、10.80% 和 53.60%。CO2捕获量和冷能发电量分别为 177.30 kg/t LNG 和 25.86 kWh /t LNG。此外,还对LNG再气化压力进行了研究,在气化压力为 1.00 MPa时,CO2捕集率达到最大。较高的㶲效率表明了分级冷能利用工艺设计的新颖性以及工作流体在 ORC 中使用的适宜性。

关键词: 二氧化碳捕集, LNG, 热力学分析, ORC发电循环, 冷能利用


In order to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from the flue gas of a natural gas-fired power plant and to recover the cold energy of liquefied natural gas (LNG), a hierarchical process for recovering the cold energy of LNG is proposed. The process divides LNG into deep, medium, and shallow cold by temperature and matches each segment of cold energy separately to the circulating medium to recover LNG cold energy, water, and captured CO2 while delivering electricity to the outside world. In the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), the heat source is flue gas and the cold source is LNG. The thermodynamic analysis of the system shows that the heat recovery efficiency, cold energy utilization, power generation efficiency, and exergy efficiency of the system are 41.55%, 14.34%, 10.80%, and 53.60%, respectively. The CO2 capture and cold energy generation are 177.30 kg/ton LNG and 25.86 kWh/ton LNG, respectively. In addition, the LNG regasification pressure is investigated and the maximum CO2 capture rate is achieved at a gasification pressure of 1.00 MPa. Ultra-high exergy efficiency can indicate the novelty of the grading process design and the suitability of the working fluid for use in the ORC.

Key words: CO2 capture, LNG, Thermodynamic analysis, ORC power generation, Cold energy utilization
