化工学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 72 ›› Issue (6): 3421-3432.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20210610
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ZHANG Jie1(),ZHANG Yuanjing1,ZHANG Huiqing1,ZHANG Lei2(
基于基本科学指标数据库(ESI)的高被引论文,通过热点文献、CiteSpace分析工具得到的热点关键词对应的文献分析,得出有机光电高分子材料主要关注点为有机太阳能电池。有机太阳能电池的研究热点为:高性能活性层材料的设计合成;高性能界面材料的设计合成及其界面调控性能的研究;电池器件中有机半导体活性层表界面的可控掺杂;有机太阳能电池活性层能量损失研究。通过高被引论文的共被引分析,关键词突变探测技术和算法对词频的变动趋势分析,得出有机光电高分子领域最新关注前沿:高效太阳能电池的制备;非富勒稀受体的研究;有机半导体材料的设计合成;结构-性能研究;加工及应用性能。有机光电高分子材料研究活跃的前沿领域:高效全聚合物太阳能电池;三元有机太阳能电池;高效的倒置型太阳能电池;超高迁移率的透明有机薄膜晶体管;高迁移率场效应晶体管;二维共轭聚合物;聚合物半导体等。有机太阳能电池研究前沿主题演化趋势:从聚噻吩给体体系——新型给体-受体体系;单层——双层——本体异质结电池结构;富勒烯受 体——非富勒烯受体;高效及稳定性器件发展。本文创新性地将文献计量分析方法同文献具体内容分析相结合,通过大量的高质量文献内容分析,使得出的研究热点和前沿更具体和接近实际情况,为相关科研人员提供有益参考。
张杰, 张元晶, 张慧卿, 张磊. 有机光电高分子材料研究热点和前沿分析[J]. 化工学报, 2021, 72(6): 3421-3432.
ZHANG Jie, ZHANG Yuanjing, ZHANG Huiqing, ZHANG Lei. Research hotspot and frontier of organic optoelectronic polymer materials[J]. CIESC Journal, 2021, 72(6): 3421-3432.
序号 | 共现频次 | 中心度 | 关键词 |
1 | 240 | 0.17 | performance |
2 | 226 | 0.23 | open circuit voltage |
3 | 209 | 0.21 | polymer |
4 | 202 | 0.13 | conjugated polymer |
5 | 184 | 0.18 | morphology |
6 | 175 | 0.22 | power conversion efficiency |
7 | 140 | 0.28 | design |
8 | 135 | 0.11 | polymer solar cell |
9 | 148 | 0.03 | field effect transistor |
10 | 140 | 0.03 | solar cell |
11 | 134 | 0.06 | efficiency |
12 | 128 | 0.12 | high performance |
13 | 118 | 0.05 | electron acceptor |
14 | 110 | 0.1 | thin film transistor |
15 | 107 | 0.17 | donor |
16 | 79 | 0.11 | charge transport |
17 | 83 | 0.1 | copolymer |
18 | 75 | 0.13 | light emitting diode |
表1 有机光电高分子材料高被引论文热点关键词
Table 1 Hot keywords from highly cited papers in organic photoelectric polymer materials
序号 | 共现频次 | 中心度 | 关键词 |
1 | 240 | 0.17 | performance |
2 | 226 | 0.23 | open circuit voltage |
3 | 209 | 0.21 | polymer |
4 | 202 | 0.13 | conjugated polymer |
5 | 184 | 0.18 | morphology |
6 | 175 | 0.22 | power conversion efficiency |
7 | 140 | 0.28 | design |
8 | 135 | 0.11 | polymer solar cell |
9 | 148 | 0.03 | field effect transistor |
10 | 140 | 0.03 | solar cell |
11 | 134 | 0.06 | efficiency |
12 | 128 | 0.12 | high performance |
13 | 118 | 0.05 | electron acceptor |
14 | 110 | 0.1 | thin film transistor |
15 | 107 | 0.17 | donor |
16 | 79 | 0.11 | charge transport |
17 | 83 | 0.1 | copolymer |
18 | 75 | 0.13 | light emitting diode |
1 | 张和康,潘道成. 论具有光、电特性的有机、高分子功能材料[J]. 功能高分子学报, 1992, 5(2): 111-116. |
Zhang H K, Pan D C. Organic and polymer functional materials with optical and electrical properties[J]. Functional Polymer, 1992, 5(2): 111-116. | |
2 | Lu L Y, Zheng T Y, Wu Q H, et al. Recent advances in bulk heterojunction polymer solar Cells[J]. Chem. Rev., 2015, 115(23): 12666-12731. |
3 | Yao H F, Ye L, Zhang H, et al. Molecular design of benzodithiophene-based organic photovoltaic materials[J]. Chem. Rev., 2016, 116(12): 7397-7457. |
4 | 李小涛, 秦萍, 钱玲飞. 图情领域基本科学指标数据库高被引论文的知识图谱分析[J]. 情报理论与实践,2017, 40(2): 111-116. |
Li X T, Qin P, Qian L F. An analysis of knowledge mapping of high cited papers on library and information science in ESI [J]. Information Studies:Theory & Application, 2017, 40(2): 111-116. | |
5 | Sun H L, Liu T, Yu J W, et al. A monothiophene unit incorporating both fluoro and ester substitution enabling high-performance donor polymers for non-fullerene solar cells with 16.4% efficiency[J]. Energ. Environ. Sci., 2019, 12(11): 3328-3337. |
6 | Li K, Wu Y S, Tang Y B, et al. Ternary blended fullerene-free polymer solar cells with 16.5% efficiency enabled with a higher-lumo-level acceptor to improve film morphology[J]. Adv. Energ. Mater., 2019, 9(33): 1901728. |
7 | Liu T, Luo Z H, Chen Y Z, et al. A nonfullerene acceptor with a 1000 nm absorption edge enables ternary organic solar cells with improved optical and morphological properties and efficiencies over 15%[J]. Energ. Environ. Sci., 2019, 12(8): 2529-2536. |
8 | Yu R N, Yao H F, Cui Y, et al. Improved charge transport and reduced nonradiative energy loss enable over 16% efficiency in ternary polymer solar cells[J]. Adv. Mater., 2019, 31(36): 1902302. |
9 | Cui Y, Yao H F, Zhang J Q, et al. Over 16% efficiency organic photovoltaic cells enabled by a chlorinated acceptor with increased open-circuit voltages[J]. Nat. Commun., 2019, 10(1): 2515. |
10 | Liu T, Gao W, Wang Y L, et al. Unconjugated side-chain engineering enables small molecular acceptors for highly efficient non-fullerene organic solar cells: insights into the fine-tuning of acceptor properties and micromorphology[J]. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2019, 29(26): 1902155. |
11 | Fan B B, Zhang D F, Li M J, et al. Achieving over 16% efficiency for single-junction organic solar cell[J]. Sci. China-Chem., 2019, 62(6): 746-752. |
12 | Yao H F, Cui Y, Qian D P, et al. 14.7% efficiency organic photovoltaic cells enabled by active materials with a large electrostatic potential difference[J]. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141(19): 7743-7750. |
13 | Yuan J, Zhang Y Q, Zhou L Y, et al. Single-junction organic solar cell with over 15% efficiency using fused-ring acceptor with electron-deficient core[J]. Joule, 2019, 3(4): 1140-1151. |
14 | Cui Y, Yao H F, Hong L, et al. Achieving over 15% efficiency in organic photovoltaic cells via copolymer design[J]. Adv. Mater., 2019, 31(14): 1808356. |
15 | Fu H T, Wang Z H, Sun M. Polymer donors for high-performance non-fullerene organic solar cells[J]. Angew. Chem.-Int. Ed., 2019, 58(14): 4442-4453. |
16 | Wadsworth A, Moser M, Marks A, et al. Critical review of the molecular design progress in non-fullerene electron acceptors towards commercially viable organic solar cells[J]. Chem. Soc. Rev., 2019, 48(6): 1596-1625. |
17 | Li S X, Zhan L L, Sun C K, et al. Highly efficient fullerene-free organic solar cells operate at near zero highest occupied molecular orbital offsets[J]. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141(7): 3073-3082. |
18 | Yuan J, Huang T Y, Cheng P, et al. Enabling low voltage losses and high photocurrent in fullerene-free organic photovoltaics[J]. Nat. Commun., 2019, 10: 570. |
19 | Yao H T, Bai F J, Hu H W, et al. Efficient all-polymer solar cells based on a new polymer acceptor achieving 10.3% power conversion efficiency[J]. ACS Energ. Lett., 2019, 4(2): 417-422. |
20 | Liu T, Luo Z H, Fan Q P, et al. Use of two structurally similar small molecular acceptors enabling ternary organic solar cells with high efficiencies and fill factors[J]. Energ. Environ. Sci., 2018, 11(11): 3275-3282. |
21 | Zhou Z C, Xu S J, Song J N, et al. High-efficiency small-molecule ternary solar cells with a hierarchical morphology enabled by synergizing fullerene and non-fullerene acceptors[J]. Nat. Energ., 2018, 3(11): 952-959. |
22 | Kan B, Feng H R, Yao H F, et al. A chlorinated low-bandgap small-molecule acceptor for organic solar cells with 14.1% efficiency and low energy loss[J]. Sci. China-Chem., 2018, 61(10): 1307-1313. |
23 | Zhang J Q, Tan H S, Guo X G, et al. Material insights and challenges for non-fullerene organic solar cells based on small molecular acceptors[J]. Nat. Energ., 2018, 3(9): 720-731. |
24 | Zhang H, Yao H F, Hou J X, et al. Over 14% efficiency in organic solar cells enabled by chlorinated nonfullerene small-molecule acceptors[J]. Adv. Mater., 2018, 30(28): 1800613. |
25 | Li S S, Ye L, Zhao W C, et al. A wide band gap polymer with a deep highest occupied molecular orbital level enables 14.2% efficiency in polymer solar cells[J]. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140(23): 7159-7167. |
26 | Zhang S Q, Qin Y P, Zhu J, et al. Over 14% efficiency in polymer solar cells enabled by a chlorinated polymer donor[J]. Adv. Mater., 2018, 30(20): 1800868. |
27 | Zhang G Y, Zhao J B, Chow Philip C Y, et al. Nonfullerene acceptor molecules for bulk heterojunction organic solar cells[J]. Chem. Rev., 2018, 118(7): 3447-3507. |
28 | Cheng P, Li G, Zhan X W, et al. Next-generation organic photovoltaics based on non-fullerene acceptors[J]. Nat. Photonics, 2018, 12(3): 131-142. |
29 | Yan C Q, Barlow S, Wang Z H, et al. Non-fullerene acceptors for organic solar cells[J]. Nat. Rev. Mater., 2018, 3(3): 18003. |
30 | Yao Z Y, Liao X F, Gao K, et al. Dithienopicenocarbazole-based acceptors for efficient organic solar cells with optoelectronic response over 1000 nm and an extremely low energy loss[J]. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140(6): 2054-2057. |
31 | Hou J H, Inganäs O, Friend R H, et al. Organic solar cells based on non-fullerene acceptors[J]. Nat. Mater., 2018, 17(2): 119-128. |
32 | Xu X P, Feng K, Bi Z Z, et al. Single-junction polymer solar cells with 16.35% efficiency enabled by a platinum(Ⅱ) complexation strategy[J]. Adv. Mater., 2019, 31(29): 1901872. |
33 | Wang J Y, Zhang J X, Xiao Y Q, et al. Effect of isomerization on high-performance nonfullerene electron acceptors[J]. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140(29): 9140-9147. |
34 | Qian D P, Zheng Z L, Yao H F, et al. Design rules for minimizing voltage losses in high-efficiency organic solar cells[J]. Nat. Mater., 2018, 17(8): 703-709. |
35 | Meng L X, Zhang Y M, Wan X J, et al. Organic and solution-processed tandem solar cells with 17.3% efficiency[J]. Science, 2018, 361(6407): 1094-1098. |
36 | Lee C, Lee S, Kim G U, et al. Recent advances, design guidelines, and prospects of all-polymer solar cells[J]. Chem. Rev., 2019, 119(13): 8028-8086. |
37 | Meng Y, Wu J N, Guo X, et al. 11.2% Efficiency all-polymer solar cells with high open-circuit voltage[J]. Sci. China-Chem., 2019, 62(7): 845-850. |
38 | Zhao B D, Bai S, Kim V, et al. High-efficiency perovskite-polymer bulk heterostructure light-emitting diodes[J]. Nat. Photonics, 2018, 12(12): 783-789. |
39 | Turren-Cruz S H, Hagfeldt A, Saliba M. Methylammonium-free, high-performance, and stable perovskite solar cells on a planar architecture[J]. Science, 2018, 362(6413): 449-453. |
40 | Wang S H, Xu J, Wang W C, et al. Skin electronics from scalable fabrication of an intrinsically stretchable transistor array[J]. Nature, 2018, 555(7694): 83-88. |
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43 | Zhao W C, Li S S, Yao H F, et al. Molecular optimization enables over 13% efficiency in organic solar cells[J]. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139(21): 7148-7151. |
44 | Zhao W C, Qian D P, Zhang S Q, et al. Fullerene-free polymer solar cells with over 11% efficiency and excellent thermal stability[J]. Adv. Mater., 2016, 28(23): 4734-4739. |
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91 | Li W N, Ye L, Li S S, et al. A high-efficiency organic solar cell enabled by the strong intramolecular electron push-pull effect of the nonfullerene acceptor[J]. Adv. Mater., 2018, 30(16): 1707170. |
92 | Fei Z P, Eisner F D, Jiao X C, et al. An alkylated indacenodithieno [3,2-b]thiophene-based nonfullerene acceptor with high crystallinity exhibiting single junction solar cell efficiencies greater than 13% with low voltage losses[J]. Adv. Mater., 2018, 30(8): 1705209. |
93 | Li M M, Gao K, Wan X J, et al. Solution-processed organic tandem solar cells with power conversion efficiencies >12%[J]. Nat. Photonics, 2017, 11(2): 85-90. |
94 | Cui Y, Yao H F, Gao B W, et al. Fine-tuned photoactive and interconnection layers for achieving over 13% efficiency in a fullerene-free tandem organic solar cell[J]. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139(21): 7302-7309. |
95 | Cui Y, Yao H F, Yang C Y, et al. Organic solar cells with an efficiency approaching 15%[J]. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2018, (2),SI: 223-230. |
96 | Liu G C, Jia J C, Zhang K, et al. 15% efficiency tandem organic solar cell based on a novel highly efficient wide-bandgap nonfullerene acceptor with low energy loss[J]. Adv. Energy Mater., 2019, 9(11): 1803657. |
97 | Zhang F, Kim D H, Lu H P, et al. Enhanced charge transport in 2D perovskites via fluorination of organic cation[J]. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141(14): 5972-5979. |
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102 | Zeng Q S, Zhang X Y, Feng X L, et al. Polymer-passivated inorganic cesium lead mixed-halide perovskites for stable and efficient solar cells with high open-circuit voltage over 1.3 V[J]. Adv. Mater., 2018, 30(9): 1705393. |
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