化工学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 73 ›› Issue (8): 3448-3460.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20220268
王悦琳1(), 晁伟2, 蓝晓程1, 莫志朋2, 佟淑环2, 王铁峰1(
Yuelin WANG1(), Wei CHAO2, Xiaocheng LAN1, Zhipeng MO2, Shuhuan TONG2, Tiefeng WANG1(
Tiefeng WANG
采用合成气生物发酵法制乙醇具有反应条件温和、产物选择性高、原料来源广泛、低碳可持续发展等优势,是一种具有前景的可再生能源新型生产工艺。文章综述了合成气发酵法制乙醇的微生物种类及对应的适宜操作条件,分析了合成气发酵法制乙醇的Wood-Ljungdahl代谢途径;总结了合成气的广泛来源;分析讨论了过程工艺参数如合成气组成及压力、pH、温度、培养基组分、气液传质对合成气发酵的影响;指出合成气发酵法制乙醇面临的底物传质性能差、乙醇收率低等关键问题,比较了典型反应器在传质方面的差异,归纳了传质强化方法;总结了合成气发酵法制乙醇的工业化进展, 并提出了未来的发展方向。
王悦琳, 晁伟, 蓝晓程, 莫志朋, 佟淑环, 王铁峰. 合成气生物发酵法制乙醇的研究进展[J]. 化工学报, 2022, 73(8): 3448-3460.
Yuelin WANG, Wei CHAO, Xiaocheng LAN, Zhipeng MO, Shuhuan TONG, Tiefeng WANG. Review of ethanol production via biological syngas fermentation[J]. CIESC Journal, 2022, 73(8): 3448-3460.
菌种 | 分离来源 | 适宜温度/℃ | 适宜pH | 产物 |
嗜中温菌种 | ||||
Alkalibaculum bacchi[ | 农场土壤 | 37 | 8.0~8.5 | 乙酸、乙醇 |
Acetobacterium woodi[ | — | 30 | 6.8 | 乙酸 |
Butyribacterium methylotrophicum[ | 下水道污泥 | 37~40 | 7.5 | 乙酸、乙醇、丁酸、丁醇 |
Clostridium aceticum[ | — | 30 | 8.5 | 乙酸 |
Clostridium autoethanogenum[ | 兔粪 | 37 | 5.8~6.0 | 乙醇、乙酸、2,3-丁二醇 |
Clostridium carboxidivorans[ | — | 37 | 5.2 | 乙醇、丁醇 |
Clostridium carboxidivorans P7[ | 污水池沉积物 | 38 | 5.0~7.0 | 乙酸、乙醇、丁醇 |
Clostridium coskatii[ | — | 37 | 5.8~6.5 | 乙酸、乙醇 |
Clostridium drakei[ | 沉积物 | 25~30 | 3.6~6.8 | 乙酸、乙醇、丁酸 |
Clostridium ljungdahlii[ | 鸡粪 | 37 | 6.0 | 乙醇、乙酸 |
Clostridium ragsdalei P11[ | 鸭塘底泥 | 37 | 6.3 | 乙醇 |
Clostridium scatologenes[ | — | 37~40 | 5.4~7.0 | 乙酸、乙醇、丁酸 |
Mesophilic bacterium P7[ | 农业潟湖 | 37 | 5.7~5.8 | 乙醇 |
嗜热菌种 | ||||
Moorella sp. HUC22-1[ | 地下热泥浆 | 55 | 6.3 | 乙酸 |
Moorella thermoautotrophica[ | — | 58 | 6.1 | 乙酸 |
表1 合成气发酵法用微生物
Table 1 Microorganisms for syngas fermentation
菌种 | 分离来源 | 适宜温度/℃ | 适宜pH | 产物 |
嗜中温菌种 | ||||
Alkalibaculum bacchi[ | 农场土壤 | 37 | 8.0~8.5 | 乙酸、乙醇 |
Acetobacterium woodi[ | — | 30 | 6.8 | 乙酸 |
Butyribacterium methylotrophicum[ | 下水道污泥 | 37~40 | 7.5 | 乙酸、乙醇、丁酸、丁醇 |
Clostridium aceticum[ | — | 30 | 8.5 | 乙酸 |
Clostridium autoethanogenum[ | 兔粪 | 37 | 5.8~6.0 | 乙醇、乙酸、2,3-丁二醇 |
Clostridium carboxidivorans[ | — | 37 | 5.2 | 乙醇、丁醇 |
Clostridium carboxidivorans P7[ | 污水池沉积物 | 38 | 5.0~7.0 | 乙酸、乙醇、丁醇 |
Clostridium coskatii[ | — | 37 | 5.8~6.5 | 乙酸、乙醇 |
Clostridium drakei[ | 沉积物 | 25~30 | 3.6~6.8 | 乙酸、乙醇、丁酸 |
Clostridium ljungdahlii[ | 鸡粪 | 37 | 6.0 | 乙醇、乙酸 |
Clostridium ragsdalei P11[ | 鸭塘底泥 | 37 | 6.3 | 乙醇 |
Clostridium scatologenes[ | — | 37~40 | 5.4~7.0 | 乙酸、乙醇、丁酸 |
Mesophilic bacterium P7[ | 农业潟湖 | 37 | 5.7~5.8 | 乙醇 |
嗜热菌种 | ||||
Moorella sp. HUC22-1[ | 地下热泥浆 | 55 | 6.3 | 乙酸 |
Moorella thermoautotrophica[ | — | 58 | 6.1 | 乙酸 |
合成气来源 | CO/% | CO2/% | H2/% | N2/% | CH4/% |
煤燃烧气化[ | 31.8~38.5 | 1~6 | 48~66.5 | 0.4~6.4 | 0.3~0.5 |
天然气转化[ | 17.5 | 11.6 | 63.6 | 5.7 | 0.9 |
木质纤维素气化[ | 14.7 | 16.5 | 4.4 | 56.8 | 4.2 |
表2 典型合成气来源及组分
Table 2 Sources and components of typical syngas
合成气来源 | CO/% | CO2/% | H2/% | N2/% | CH4/% |
煤燃烧气化[ | 31.8~38.5 | 1~6 | 48~66.5 | 0.4~6.4 | 0.3~0.5 |
天然气转化[ | 17.5 | 11.6 | 63.6 | 5.7 | 0.9 |
木质纤维素气化[ | 14.7 | 16.5 | 4.4 | 56.8 | 4.2 |
工业尾气类型 | CO/% | CO2/% | H2/% | N2/% | CH4/% |
电石炉尾气 | 78.97 | 3.22 | 6.96 | 10.34 | 0.013 |
碳化硅尾气 | 70~90 | 2~3 | 1~5 | 1~3 | 2~4 |
黄磷尾气 | 75~85 | 0.4 | 10~15 | — | 4 |
醋酸尾气 | 81 | 3 | 12 | 2 | 1.5 |
铁合金尾气 | 65~75 | 10~15 | 5~10 | 5~10 | 0~2 |
转炉煤气 | 60~80 | 15~22 | 0~2.5 | 10~20 | — |
合成氨驰放气 | 25~45 | — | 2.5~8 | 41~64 | — |
高炉煤气 | 25~30 | 9~12 | 1.5~3 | 55~60 | — |
炭黑尾气 | 9~13 | 2~3 | 9~12 | 36~38 | 0.2~0.8 |
焦炉煤气 | 5.5~7 | 1~3 | 54~59 | 3~5 | 25~30 |
表3 典型工业过程的尾气组分[5,39-44]
Table 3 Tail gas components of typical industrial processes[5,39-44]
工业尾气类型 | CO/% | CO2/% | H2/% | N2/% | CH4/% |
电石炉尾气 | 78.97 | 3.22 | 6.96 | 10.34 | 0.013 |
碳化硅尾气 | 70~90 | 2~3 | 1~5 | 1~3 | 2~4 |
黄磷尾气 | 75~85 | 0.4 | 10~15 | — | 4 |
醋酸尾气 | 81 | 3 | 12 | 2 | 1.5 |
铁合金尾气 | 65~75 | 10~15 | 5~10 | 5~10 | 0~2 |
转炉煤气 | 60~80 | 15~22 | 0~2.5 | 10~20 | — |
合成氨驰放气 | 25~45 | — | 2.5~8 | 41~64 | — |
高炉煤气 | 25~30 | 9~12 | 1.5~3 | 55~60 | — |
炭黑尾气 | 9~13 | 2~3 | 9~12 | 36~38 | 0.2~0.8 |
焦炉煤气 | 5.5~7 | 1~3 | 54~59 | 3~5 | 25~30 |
反应器类型 | 转速/(r/min) | 菌种 | 气源 | kLa / h-1 | 文献 |
TBR | n/a | n/a | 合成气 | 22.0 | [ |
TBR | n/a | R. rubrum | 合成气 | 55.5 | [ |
TBR | n/a | SRB mixed culture | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 121, kLa(H2) = 335 | [ |
TBR | n/a | C. ljungdahlii | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 137 | [ |
TBR | n/a | C. ragsdalei | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 664 | [ |
CSTR | n/a | n/a | 合成气 | 38.0 | [ |
CSTR | 200 | B. methylotrophicum | CO | 14.2 | [ |
CSTR | 300 | SRB mixed culture | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 31, kLa(H2) = 75 | [ |
CSTR | 300 | R. rubrum | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 28.1 | [ |
CSTR | 450 | R. rubrum | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 101 | [ |
STR(微气泡喷射器) | 200 | B. methylotrophicum | CO | 90.6 | [ |
STR(微气泡喷射器) | 300 | SRB mixed culture | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 104, kLa(H2) = 190 | [ |
STR | 300 | C. ljungdahlii | CO | 14.9 | [ |
STR | 700 | C. ljungdahlii | CO | 35.5 | [ |
STR | 400 | n/a | CO | 75.6 | [ |
STR | 500 | R. rubrum | 合成气 | 71.8 | [ |
BCR | n/a | n/a | CO | 72 | [ |
HFMR | n/a | C. carboxidivorans | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 1100 | [ |
HFMR | n/a | n/a | CO | 947 | [ |
HFMR | n/a | n/a | 空气 | 1062 | [ |
MBR | n/a | C. carboxidivorans | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 450 | [ |
CSTR | 900 | n/a | 空气 | 116 | [ |
GLR | n/a | n/a | CO | kLa(CO) = 130 | [ |
HFMR+CSTR | 90 | n/a | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 385 | [ |
HFMR+CSTR | 200 | n/a | CO | 1096.2 | [ |
MBR+CSTR | n/a | n/a | CO | 450 | [ |
表4 合成气发酵过程中典型反应器kLa值
Table 4 kLa value of typical reactors in syngas fermentation
反应器类型 | 转速/(r/min) | 菌种 | 气源 | kLa / h-1 | 文献 |
TBR | n/a | n/a | 合成气 | 22.0 | [ |
TBR | n/a | R. rubrum | 合成气 | 55.5 | [ |
TBR | n/a | SRB mixed culture | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 121, kLa(H2) = 335 | [ |
TBR | n/a | C. ljungdahlii | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 137 | [ |
TBR | n/a | C. ragsdalei | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 664 | [ |
CSTR | n/a | n/a | 合成气 | 38.0 | [ |
CSTR | 200 | B. methylotrophicum | CO | 14.2 | [ |
CSTR | 300 | SRB mixed culture | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 31, kLa(H2) = 75 | [ |
CSTR | 300 | R. rubrum | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 28.1 | [ |
CSTR | 450 | R. rubrum | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 101 | [ |
STR(微气泡喷射器) | 200 | B. methylotrophicum | CO | 90.6 | [ |
STR(微气泡喷射器) | 300 | SRB mixed culture | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 104, kLa(H2) = 190 | [ |
STR | 300 | C. ljungdahlii | CO | 14.9 | [ |
STR | 700 | C. ljungdahlii | CO | 35.5 | [ |
STR | 400 | n/a | CO | 75.6 | [ |
STR | 500 | R. rubrum | 合成气 | 71.8 | [ |
BCR | n/a | n/a | CO | 72 | [ |
HFMR | n/a | C. carboxidivorans | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 1100 | [ |
HFMR | n/a | n/a | CO | 947 | [ |
HFMR | n/a | n/a | 空气 | 1062 | [ |
MBR | n/a | C. carboxidivorans | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 450 | [ |
CSTR | 900 | n/a | 空气 | 116 | [ |
GLR | n/a | n/a | CO | kLa(CO) = 130 | [ |
HFMR+CSTR | 90 | n/a | 合成气 | kLa(CO) = 385 | [ |
HFMR+CSTR | 200 | n/a | CO | 1096.2 | [ |
MBR+CSTR | n/a | n/a | CO | 450 | [ |
反应器类型 | 气源组成/% | 菌种 | 乙醇产率 | 醇/酸 | 文献 |
MBR | CO 20 H2 5 CO2 15 N2 60 | C.carboxidivorans P7 | 4.89 g/(L·d) | 2.1 | [ |
BCR | CO 20 H2 5 CO2 15 N2 60 | C. carboxidivorans P7 | 1.54 g/(L·d) | 1.36 | [ |
STR | CO 55 H2 20 CO2 10 Ar 15 | C. ljungdahlii | 6.5 g/L (3weeks) | 1.53 | [ |
STR | CO 20 H2 5 CO2 15 N2 60 | C. ragsdalei P11 | 25.26 g/L (59days) | 6.8 | [ |
CSTR-BC | CO 60 H2 35 CO2 5 | C. ljungdahlii ERI-2 | 0.136 mmol/(L·min) | 3 | [ |
CSTR | CO 55 H2 20 CO2 10 Ar 15 | C. ljungdahlii | 48 g/L (560 h) | 21 | [ |
CSTR | CO 55 H2 20 CO2 10 Ar 15 | C. ljungdahlii | 1.7 mmol/(L·h) | 1.55 | [ |
HFMBR | CO 20 H2 5 CO2 15 Ar 60 | Clostridium carboxidivorans P7 | 3.12 mmol/(L·h) | — | [ |
TBR | CO 38 H2 28.5 CO2 28.5 N2 5 | Clostridium ragsdalei | 5.7 g/L (1662 h) | 0.46 | [ |
CSTR | CO 15 H2 5 CO2 15 N2 60 | Clostridium strain P11 | 0.58 mmol/(L·h) | — | [ |
TBR | CO 38 H2 28.5 CO2 28.5 N2 5 | Clostridium ragsdalei | 3.43 mmol/(L·h) | — | [ |
表5 不同反应器类型及发酵条件下产物结果总结
Table 5 Summary of products under different reactor configurations and fermentation conditions
反应器类型 | 气源组成/% | 菌种 | 乙醇产率 | 醇/酸 | 文献 |
MBR | CO 20 H2 5 CO2 15 N2 60 | C.carboxidivorans P7 | 4.89 g/(L·d) | 2.1 | [ |
BCR | CO 20 H2 5 CO2 15 N2 60 | C. carboxidivorans P7 | 1.54 g/(L·d) | 1.36 | [ |
STR | CO 55 H2 20 CO2 10 Ar 15 | C. ljungdahlii | 6.5 g/L (3weeks) | 1.53 | [ |
STR | CO 20 H2 5 CO2 15 N2 60 | C. ragsdalei P11 | 25.26 g/L (59days) | 6.8 | [ |
CSTR-BC | CO 60 H2 35 CO2 5 | C. ljungdahlii ERI-2 | 0.136 mmol/(L·min) | 3 | [ |
CSTR | CO 55 H2 20 CO2 10 Ar 15 | C. ljungdahlii | 48 g/L (560 h) | 21 | [ |
CSTR | CO 55 H2 20 CO2 10 Ar 15 | C. ljungdahlii | 1.7 mmol/(L·h) | 1.55 | [ |
HFMBR | CO 20 H2 5 CO2 15 Ar 60 | Clostridium carboxidivorans P7 | 3.12 mmol/(L·h) | — | [ |
TBR | CO 38 H2 28.5 CO2 28.5 N2 5 | Clostridium ragsdalei | 5.7 g/L (1662 h) | 0.46 | [ |
CSTR | CO 15 H2 5 CO2 15 N2 60 | Clostridium strain P11 | 0.58 mmol/(L·h) | — | [ |
TBR | CO 38 H2 28.5 CO2 28.5 N2 5 | Clostridium ragsdalei | 3.43 mmol/(L·h) | — | [ |
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