CIESC Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (8): 2852-2864.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240095

• Fluid dynamics and transport phenomena • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Prediction and simulation of flow and heat transfer for printed circuit plate heat exchanger based on machine learning

Qian LI(), Rongmin ZHANG, Zijie LIN, Qi ZHAN, Weihua CAI()   

  1. Energy Resources and Engineering College, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, Jilin, China
  • Received:2024-01-22 Revised:2024-03-10 Online:2024-08-21 Published:2024-08-25
  • Contact: Weihua CAI


李倩(), 张蓉民, 林子杰, 战琪, 蔡伟华()   

  1. 东北电力大学能源与动力工程学院,吉林 吉林 132012
  • 通讯作者: 蔡伟华
  • 作者简介:李倩(1990—),男,博士,副教授,
  • 基金资助:


Based on the numerical simulation results of transcritical methane flow in a Zigzag-channel printed circuit plate heat exchanger, machine learning models were used to predict the local convection heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop in the channel. The local multiple physical parameters along the channel were obtained by the microsegment method to create a database. The input parameters are screened by Mutual Information method, and the optimal network structure and hyper parameters are determined according to the predicting effect of validation set. The predicting results show that the artificial neural network model performs best, with a mean absolute percentage error of 2.228% for predicting heat transfer coefficient and 5.009% for predicting pressure drop. Using machine learning to predict flow heat transfer parameters, a one-dimensional simulation method for Zigzag-shaped channel printed circuit board heat exchangers was developed to achieve rapid and accurate prediction of fluid temperature, wall temperature, convective heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop in the channel, providing a new method for heat exchanger design.

Key words: printed circuit plate heat exchanger, heat transfer, computational fluid dynamics, neural network, one-dimensional simulation



关键词: 印刷电路板式换热器, 传热, 计算流体力学, 神经网络, 一维仿真

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