CIESC Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (11): 3835-3856.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20241241
• Reviews and monographs • Previous Articles Next Articles
Cheng ZHANG1,2(), Xue LI1(
), Mao YE1(
), Zhongmin LIU1
Xue LI, Mao YE
CLC Number:
Cheng ZHANG, Xue LI, Mao YE, Zhongmin LIU. Application of physics-informed neural network in two-phase flow[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(11): 3835-3856.
张橙, 李雪, 叶茂, 刘中民. 物理信息神经网络在两相流中的应用[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(11): 3835-3856.
Fig.2 (a) Illustration of physics-informed neural network for the phase-field method; (b) Different time marching strategies of physics-informed neural networks for the phase-field method: (b1) single network training in the whole time domain, (b2) multiple-networks training in various time sequences[64]
界面演化方程 | 显式形式 | 损失函数 |
普通形式 | ||
深度混合残差形式 |
Table 1 Differences between a normal neural network and a deep mixed residual method network in interface evolution equation[67]
界面演化方程 | 显式形式 | 损失函数 |
普通形式 | ||
深度混合残差形式 |
Fig.5 (a) Predicted results of phase-field variable C at a reverse single vortex based on physics-informed neural network for the phase-field method: (a1) t=0 s, (a2) t=0.5 s, (a3) t=1.0 s, (a4) t=1.5 s, (a5) t=2.0 s; (b) At bubble-rising problem: temporal evolution of bubble center of mass (b1) and rising velocity (b2) (the red solid lines correspond to the present result, while the blue dashed lines correspond to the reference result obtained from Aland and Voigt)[64]
Fig.6 (a) Computational domain and initial condition of RT instability; (b) Comparison of evolution of volume fraction of RT instability : (b1) results from modified PF-PINNs, (b2) results from reference[67]
Fig.7 (a) Computational domain and initial condition of single bubble flow case and multiple bubble flow case; (b) At single flow case: comparison of physical quantity u, v, p, φ between CFD, DNN, BubbleNet (without Poisson equation) and BubbleNet (with Poisson equation); (c) At multiple bubble flow case: comparison of physical quantity u, v, p, φ between CFD, DNN, BubbleNet (without Poisson equation) and BubbleNet (with Poisson equation)[69]
Fig.8 (a) Initial condition of one-dimensional computational domain; (b) Initial condition of two-dimensional computational domain; (c) Evolution of collocation points with new adaptivity (from left to right represent different governing equations and new collocation points after each adaptation step are shown in red)[58]
Fig.9 (a) An illustration of the reservoir model with injector, producer and boundary conditions; (b) The permeability field for the heterogeneous test case; (c) The pressure (c1) and water saturation fields (c2) at the end of simulation for the heterogeneous test case; (d) The change of well-block and bottom-hole pressures of the producer obtained by PICNN for the heterogeneous reservoir, compared to reference solution by the conventional FV approach[68]
Fig.10 (a) Physics-informed neural network with observed values for prediction of pressure, gas saturation and water production;A comparison between the ground truth and predicted value together with the corresponding relative error for (b) gas saturation and (c) pressure field: multi-output data-driven model (top), physics-informed model without interpolated points (middle) and physics-informed model with interpolated points (bottom)[71]
场 | 产水率 | 压力 | 气体饱和度 |
STT | 1.05 | 0.13 | |
MTT | |||
PI w/o interp | |||
PI with interp |
Table 2 Recorded MSE values (original un-normalized scale) for STT (single-output training), MTT (multi-output training), PI w/o interp(physics-informed without interpolated points), PI with interp(physics-informed with interpolated points) for water production rate, pressure field and gas saturation field[71]
场 | 产水率 | 压力 | 气体饱和度 |
STT | 1.05 | 0.13 | |
MTT | |||
PI w/o interp | |||
PI with interp |
Fig.12 (a) PINN predicted average normalized water flux for transient spontaneous imbibition; (b) PINN predicted capillary dimensionless group for transient spontaneous imbibition; (c) Absolute difference in average normalized water flux between PINN and FD results for transient spontaneous imbibition; (d) Absolute difference in capillary dimensionless group between PINN and FD results for transient spontaneous imbibition [73]
Fig.13 Schematic diagram of training the PINN system for solving two-phase steady state flow with capillary heterogeneity at various flow conditions[74]
Fig.14 1D saturation profiles of the actual core-flooding experiment (red crosses) and PINNs predictions (dotted black lines) at fractional flows of 0.50 (a), 0.80 (b), 0.90 (c), and 0.95 (d)[74]
Fig.15 Configuration and training strategy of the PINN algorithm for heat transfer in two-phase flow: (a) network architecture; (b) training strategy[75]
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