CIESC Journal ›› 2025, Vol. 76 ›› Issue (1): 107-119.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20240584

• Thermodynamics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Molecular mechanism analysis of melanoidin adsorption by polyamine-modified chitosan aerogel based on multiple quantum chemical theory calculations

Jiaxin WANG1(), Yanhong WEI1, Shunyang NONG1, Yanshu XIONG2, Mei LI2, Wen LI1()   

  1. 1.Guangxi Collaborative Innovation Center for Chemistry and Engineering of Forest Products, Guangxi Key Laboratory of Chemistry and Engineering of Forest Products, Key Laboratory of Chemistry and Engineering of Forest Products (State Ethnic Affairs Commission), School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Guangxi Minzu University, Nanning 530008, Guangxi, China
    2.School of Light Industry and Food Engineering, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, Guangxi, China
  • Received:2024-05-30 Revised:2024-09-13 Online:2025-02-08 Published:2025-01-25
  • Contact: Wen LI


王佳欣1(), 韦艳红1, 农顺洋1, 熊艳舒2, 李楣2, 李文1()   

  1. 1.广西民族大学化学化工学院,林产化学与工程国家民委重点实验室,广西林产化学与工程重点实验室,广西林产化学与工程协同创新中心,广西 南宁 530008
    2.广西大学轻工与食品工程学院,广西 南宁 530004
  • 通讯作者: 李文
  • 作者简介:王佳欣(2000—),女,硕士研究生,
  • 基金资助:


Existing sugar juice decolorizers have food safety hazards and low adsorption capacity. To address these issues, we have developed a green, non-toxic, and efficient hyperbranched polyethyleneimine-functionalized chitosan aerogel (HPCA) for sugar juice decolorization and conducted preliminary investigations into its ability to adsorb melanoidin (MLD) from sugar juice. However, it is necessary to further explore the theoretical mechanisms of adsorption in order to apply efficient HPCA to industrial settings. In this study, we systematically investigated the potential mechanisms of MLD adsorption by HPCA from a molecular perspective using multiple quantum chemical theoretical calculations. Our findings on the electrostatic potential, average local ionization energy, and electrostatic potential interactions suggested that MLD capture by HPCA was primarily mediated by the charge interaction between protonated amine group on HPCA and carboxylate group on MLD. Three visualized optimal capture configurations were proposed at the molecular level, with Configuration I demonstrating the highest stability due to the strong electrostatic interactions formed from the close contact between HPCA and MLD. Frontier molecular orbitals, independent gradient model, and Hirshfeld surface analysis revealed that the MLD adsorption by HPCA involved weak interactions, such as hydrogen bond and van der Waals force. Notably, the MLD mainly acted as hydrogen bond receptor in various capture configurations. These multiple quantum chemical theory calculations provide valuable insights into the molecular-level mechanisms of adsorption and are significant for advancing the study of adsorption micro-mechanisms.

Key words: computational chemistry, adsorption, gels, melanoidin, sugar juice decolorization



关键词: 计算化学, 吸附, 凝胶, 美拉德色素, 糖汁脱色

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