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陆昕晟(), 郭晓镭(), 王世丞, 陆海峰, 刘海峰   

  1. 华东理工大学,上海煤气化工程技术研究中心,煤液化气化及高效低碳利用全国重点实验室,上海 200237
  • 收稿日期:2024-11-22 修回日期:2024-12-30 出版日期:2024-12-31
  • 通讯作者: 郭晓镭
  • 作者简介:陆昕晟(1999—),男,硕士研究生,xinchengl930@163.com

Study on comminution characteristics of straw biomass

Xincheng LU(), Xiaolei GUO(), Shicheng WANG, Haifeng LU, Haifeng LIU   

  1. East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Coal Gasification, State Key Laboratory of Coal Liquefaction, Gasification and Utilization with High Efficiency and Low Carbon Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
  • Received:2024-11-22 Revised:2024-12-30 Online:2024-12-31
  • Contact: Xiaolei GUO


在生物质气流床气化工艺中,在非烘焙状态下实现原始生物质的高效、低能耗细粉制备是提高生物质气化效率的有效途径之一。研究了五种常见秸秆(玉米、芝麻、小麦、棉花和芦苇)在不同水分含量(0.3% ~ 15.3%)和筛网尺寸(1.0 mm、1.5 mm和2.0 mm)下的锤磨粉碎特性。实验结果表明,水分含量、筛网尺寸和秸秆种类对秸秆粉碎的比能耗和产物粒度影响显著。随着水分含量减小,比能耗降低43.4% ~ 61.6%,最高可以减小至36.9 kW·h/t;同时产物粒径参数d90降低了3.9% ~ 22.4%。相同水分下,1mm筛网比能耗比2mm筛网增加39.0% ~ 170.0%。机械力学测试表明,水分降低使得秸秆的抗剪强度减小12.4% ~ 17.1%,杨氏模量增大1.7% ~ 9.0%,从而导致粉碎机制由塑性变形向脆性断裂转变是能耗降低的关键原因。另一方面,填充于纤维素构架中的木质素强化了秸秆的机械力学强度:棉花秸秆和芦苇的木质素含量约为其余三种秸秆的2倍,所以相同水分下棉花秸秆和芦苇粉碎的比能耗总是高于其他三种秸秆。以小于1 mm粒度的单位质量粉体比能耗为基准,发现2.0 mm筛网的有效比能耗相比于1.0 mm筛网Et减小21.1% ~ 55.5%。建立了基于水分含量和粒度的比能耗预测模型,误差为±15%。

关键词: 生物质, 秸秆, 粉碎, 能耗, 水分含量, 机械性能


One of the effective methods to enhance the efficiency of biomass gasification is to achieve high-efficiency and low-energy consumption in the fine powder preparation of raw biomass in a non-baked state. The comminution characteristics of five common types of straws (corn, sesame, wheat, cotton and reed) were investigated under different moisture content (0.3% ~ 15.3%) and screen sizes (1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm). It is found that moisture content, screen sizes and types of raw material have a significant effect on specific energy consumption and particle size. With the decrease of water content, the specific energy consumption is reduced by 43.4% ~ 61.6%, and can be reduced to 36.9 kW·h/t. The particle size parameter d90 of the product is reduced by 3.9% ~ 22.4%. With the same moisture content, the specific energy consumption of the 1mm screen is increased by 39.0% to 170.0% compared to that of the 2mm screen. Mechanical tests reveal that the reduction of moisture content decreases the shear strength of straw by 12.4% ~ 17.1%, and increases the Young's modulus by 1.7% ~ 9.0%. This leads to a transformation in the grinding mechanism, whereby plastic deformation is replaced by brittle fracture. On the other hand, the lignin filling the cellulose frame enhances the mechanical strength of the straw. The lignin content of cotton straw and reed are approximately twice that of the remaining three types of straw. Therefore, the comminution energy consumption of cotton straw and reed are consistently higher than that of the other three types of straw at the same moisture content. Based on the specific energy consumption per unit mass of powder with a particle size less than 1 mm, it is found that the effective specific energy consumption Et can be reduced a by a range of 21.06% to 55.54% when a 2.0 mm screen is utilized in comparison to a 1.0 mm screen. A prediction model of specific energy consumption based on moisture content and particle size was established with a deviation of less than ±15%.

Key words: biomass, straw, comminution, energy consumption, moisture content, mechanical property
