
• 资源与环境工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


张 珏,邢保山,马 春,王 慧,金仁村   

  1. 杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院,浙江 杭州 310036
  • 出版日期:2013-05-05 发布日期:2013-05-25

Influencing factors of anaerobic digestion foaming

ZHANG Jue,XING Baoshan,MA Chun,WANG Hui,JIN Rencun   

  1. College of Life and Environmental Sciences,Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 310036,Zhejiang,China
  • Online:2013-05-05 Published:2013-05-25

摘要: 针对污水处理厂厌氧消化工艺中易形成泡沫的问题,本文综述了厌氧消化泡沫形成影响因素的最新研究进展,阐述了表面活性剂、丝状菌、温度、有机负荷、搅拌和消化池构型等对于厌氧消化工艺中泡沫形成的影响。其中,表面活性介质累积、丝状菌过度增殖、温度波动、有机负荷过高、搅拌方式欠佳以及消化池构型差异,均能诱发厌氧消化池中泡沫的形成。为有效预防和控制厌氧消化工艺中泡沫形成,本文提出具体措施的同时并对其今后的研究方向进行了展望。通过温度、有机负荷、搅拌效率等参数调控监测,减少温度波动和表面活性物质积累,保持消化池混合适度等,可以针对性地控制厌氧泡沫的形成,提高厌氧消化工艺效率,降低厌氧工艺处理成本。此外指出,探明各影响因素诱发泡沫的机理以及各因素之间交叉作用对于厌氧泡沫形成的影响,同时研发新构型消化池,具有重要的理论和实用价值。

关键词: 厌氧消化, 泡沫, 影响因素, 表面活性剂, 丝状菌

Abstract: To deal with the problems of foam formation arising from the process of sewage treatment,this paper reviewed the influencing factors of anaerobic digestion foaming,and explained the effects of surfactant,filamentous fungus,temperature,organic loading,mixing manners and the configuration of digesters on the formation of foam in anaerobic digester. The accumulation of surfactant,excessive proliferation of filamentous bacteria,temperature fluctuations,high organic loading,poor mixing and different digester configurations,could induce anaerobic digestion foaming. In order to prevent and control the foaming in anaerobic digester,some practical measures and the future research prospects were discussed. Monitoring temperature,organic loading and mixing efficiency,reducing temperature fluctuations and the accumulation of surfactant,and keeping digesters mixed adequately,could contribute to the control of anaerobic bubble formation,improve efficiency of anaerobic digestion process and reduce cost of anaerobic processing technology. In addition,further investigation on mechanism of anaerobic digestion foaming,the interactions among the influencing factors,and research of new configuration digesters,are important theoretically and practically.

Key words: anaerobic digestion, foaming, influencing factor, surfactant, filamentous bacteria