化工学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 70 ›› Issue (10): 3914-3923.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20190636
Junya CAO1(),Shen ZHANG1,Tao ZHANG2,Yumei YONG3(
),Chao YANG3,4
Yumei YONG
曹俊雅, 张绅, 张涛, 雍玉梅, 杨超. 上流式反应器气液相间传质特性的实验研究[J]. 化工学报, 2019, 70(10): 3914-3923.
Junya CAO, Shen ZHANG, Tao ZHANG, Yumei YONG, Chao YANG. Experimental study of gas-liquid mass transfer characteristics in up-flow reactor[J]. CIESC Journal, 2019, 70(10): 3914-3923.
图1 气液相间传质的实验装置流程图 1—计算机;2—溶氧仪;3—溶氧仪探针;4—催化剂床层;5—内构件;6—储液槽;7—溢流槽;8—挡网;9—气液分布器;10—离心泵; 11—液体流量计;12—压力表;13—气体流量计;14—干燥机;15—缓冲罐;16—空气压缩机;17—取样点;18,19—排液阀
Fig.1 Experimental equipment flow chart for gas-liquid mass transfer
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