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张勇(), 赵景波(), 权利敏   

  1. 青岛理工大学信息与控制工程学院,山东 青岛 266520
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-31 修回日期:2024-07-24 出版日期:2024-07-24
  • 通讯作者: 赵景波
  • 作者简介:张勇(2001-),男,硕士研究生, z15263056338@163.com
  • 基金资助:

A prediction method for effluent ammonia nitrogen concentration based on convolutional layer and attention mechanism long short-term memory network

Yong ZHANG(), Jingbo ZHAO(), Limin QUAN   

  • Received:2024-05-31 Revised:2024-07-24 Online:2024-07-24
  • Contact: Jingbo ZHAO


为解决城市污水处理过程出水氨氮浓度难以实时精准测量的问题,本文构建了一种融合卷积层和注意力机制的长短期记忆网络(Convolutional Layer and Squeeze-and-Excitation Attention Mechanism based Long Short-Term Memory Network, CSA-LSTM)模型:首先,通过引入卷积层(Convolutional Layer, CL),深度提取数据中的非线性特征,并通过注意力机制(Squeeze-and-Excitation Attention Mechanism, SEAM) 自适应分配特征通道的权重,实现特征解耦;其次,长短期记忆网络(Long Short-Term Memory network, LSTM)提取时间序列数据长期依赖关系,实现出水氨氮浓度的实时预测;然后,提出一种具有自适应采集函数的贝叶斯优化算法,实现模型参数优化,进一步提高模型精度;最后,基于基准实验和实际污水处理厂数据测试CSA-LSTM的有效性,结果表明模型具有较高的出水氨氮浓度预测精度,能够有效应对城市污水处理中数据的强非线性、耦合性以及时间依赖性问题,具有良好的泛化能力。

关键词: 城市污水处理, 氨氮浓度预测, 神经网络, 特征提取, 优化, 算法


To address the issue of accurately measuring the effluent ammonia nitrogen concentration in real-time during urban wastewater treatment processes, this paper constructs a Convolutional Layer (CL)and Squeeze-and-Excitation Attention Mechanism (SEAM)based Long Short-Term Memory Network (CSA-LSTM) model. Firstly, by introducing the CL, nonlinear features within the data are deeply extracted. The SEAM adaptively allocates weights to feature channels, achieving feature decoupling. Secondly, the Long Short-Term Memory network (LSTM) extracts long-term dependencies in time-series data to realize real-time prediction of effluent ammonia nitrogen concentration. Then, a Bayesian optimization algorithm with an adaptive acquisition function is proposed to optimize model parameters, further enhancing model accuracy. Finally, the effectiveness of CSA-LSTM is tested based on benchmark experiments and actual wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) data. The results show that the model has high predictive accuracy for effluent ammonia nitrogen concentration, can effectively handle the strong nonlinearity, coupling, and time-dependency problems in urban wastewater treatment data, and has good generalization ability

Key words: wastewater treatment plant, ammonia nitrogen concentration prediction, neural network, feature extraction, optimization, algorithm
