CIESC Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (1): 197-210.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20230782
• Fluid dynamics and transport phenomena • Previous Articles Next Articles
Yizhou CUI(), Chengxiang LI, Linxiao ZHAI, Shuyu LIU, Xiaogang SHI, Jinsen GAO, Xingying LAN(
Xingying LAN
崔怡洲(), 李成祥, 翟霖晓, 刘束玉, 石孝刚, 高金森, 蓝兴英(
CLC Number:
Yizhou CUI, Chengxiang LI, Linxiao ZHAI, Shuyu LIU, Xiaogang SHI, Jinsen GAO, Xingying LAN. Comparative study on the flow and mass transfer characteristics of sub-millimeter bubbles and conventional bubbles in gas-liquid two-phase flow[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(1): 197-210.
崔怡洲, 李成祥, 翟霖晓, 刘束玉, 石孝刚, 高金森, 蓝兴英. 亚毫米气泡和常规尺寸气泡气液两相流流动与传质特性对比[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(1): 197-210.
对比方式 | 实验编号 | 表观气速/(m/s) | 表观液速/(m/s) | 鼓泡塔入口处液相CO2浓度/(mol/L) | d32/mm |
基准 | Exp.1 | 0.03226 | 0.04247 | 0.0384 | 0.312 |
对比方 | Exp.2 | 0.06717 | 0.04247 | 0 | 7.77 |
对比方 | Exp.3 | 0.03226 | 0.04247 | 0.0384 | 8.12 |
Table 1 Summary of the operating conditions of the mass transfer experiments
对比方式 | 实验编号 | 表观气速/(m/s) | 表观液速/(m/s) | 鼓泡塔入口处液相CO2浓度/(mol/L) | d32/mm |
基准 | Exp.1 | 0.03226 | 0.04247 | 0.0384 | 0.312 |
对比方 | Exp.2 | 0.06717 | 0.04247 | 0 | 7.77 |
对比方 | Exp.3 | 0.03226 | 0.04247 | 0.0384 | 8.12 |
Fig.16 Comparison of liquid side mass transfer coefficient, gas-liquid interfacial area, and volumetric mass transfer coefficient between sub-millimeter bubbles and millimeter bubbles
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