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05 December 2015, Volume 66 Issue 12
    CIESC Journal(HUAGONG XUEBAO)Vol.66 No.12 November 2015
    2015, 66(12):  0-0. 
    Abstract ( 157 )   PDF (1618KB) ( 224 )  
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    Feasibility of using R1234ze and R152a mixture as alternative for R22
    HUO Erguang, DAI Yuande, GENG Ping, CAO Mengbing
    2015, 66(12):  4725-4729.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151281
    Abstract ( 405 )   PDF (409KB) ( 1061 )  
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    Among current air conditioning refrigerants, R410A and R407C are the main alternative refrigerants of R22. Their ODP is zero, but their GWP is relatively high, with a negative impact on the environment. For the selected mixed refrigerant composed of mass fraction of 40% of R1234ze and 60% R152a (represented by NCUR01), its theoretical analyses according to REFOROP9.0, analyzing its environmental impact index, its temperature glide characteristics, theoretical thermodynamic cycle performance, thermodynamic properties, safety and lubricants, and other factors are carried out and compared with R22, its major alternative refrigerants R410A and R407C. The results show that the mixed refrigerant has very small impact on the environment, presents similar saturation pressure line to that of R22, and has a lower discharge temperature and a higher COP. The discharge temperature of NCUR01 is 18℃ lower than that of R22 and R410A, 6℃ lower than that of R407C. COP of NCUR01 is about 5% higher than that of R22, 19.6% higher than R410A, and 9.7% higher than R407C. Thus it is an excellent near-azeotropic refrigerant, a feasible alternative of R22.

    Effect of feeding sequence on solubility of two salts
    ZHANG Lianming, HU Yangdong, WU Lianying, ZHANG Weitao
    2015, 66(12):  4730-4735.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150232
    Abstract ( 541 )   PDF (452KB) ( 524 )  
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    Study on salt dissolution and salt effect is important for development of chemical technology. The solubility of terephthalic acid disodium in water at different temperatures was measured by using equilibrium method at atmospheric pressure. For seven organic salts and three inorganic salts, the dissolving process of two salts in water was examined under the normal pressure and 298.15 K. It is found that the feeding sequence affects the dissolution of two salts. When difficult ionized salt is dissolved first and easily ionized salt is dissolved later, the dissolution rate of the latter does not change obviously; when easily ionized salt is dissolved first, the dissolution rate of difficult ionized salt is significantly reduced and the solubility decreases. Fixing the amount of one salt, the amount of another salt dissolved in a period of time is defined as the quasi-solubility. The determination of quasi-solubility of terephthalic acid disodium in different concentrations of sodium citrate solution provides the basis for purification of chemical products.

    Chaotic mixing enhanced by punched-flexible impeller in stirred vessel
    LIU Renlong, LI Shuang, LIU Zuohua, TAO Changyuan, WANG Yundong
    2015, 66(12):  4736-4742.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151054
    Abstract ( 388 )   PDF (1915KB) ( 707 )  
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    Rigid impeller is widely used in stirring mixer. Two mixing regions are usually generated easily: chaotic mixing region and isolated mixing region. Reasonable design of impeller is an effective way to enhance fluid mixing, so that the behavior of chaotic mixing can be regulated. In this study, the signal of pressure fluctuation in the fluid and the chaotic characteristic parameter of Kolmogorov entropy are managed by Labview and Matlab software, and the variation of Kolmogorov entropy with revolving speed in punched impeller system is investigated. The results indicate that the punched impeller system has a negligible influence on Kolmogorov entropy comparing to the traditional rigid impeller system. With punched-flexible impeller, the flow field structure can be regulated efficiently by the co-effect between punch hole and flexible impeller, resulting in excellent chaotic mixing in fluid field with the best effect at 180 r·min-1. Simultaneously, the Kolmogorov entropy of punched-flexible impeller system achieves 0.285, while the value is 0.125 for the traditional rigid impeller system. Obviously, the mixing time in punched-flexible impeller system is superior to that in traditional rigid impeller system, which is decreased by about 17% at revolving speed of 120 r·min-1.

    CFD simulation of hydrodynamics of orthogonal wave type tray
    WANG Huajin, XIE Wanni, SUN Yongli, YANG Na, LI Zhijie
    2015, 66(12):  4743-4750.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150409
    Abstract ( 576 )   PDF (5497KB) ( 466 )  
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    The orthogonal wave type (OWT) tray, a new type of dual flow tray, was developed. A 3D transient computational fluid dynamics model in the Eulerian-Eulerian framework is developed to predict the hydrodynamics of OWT tray. Drag force is mainly considered as the interphase momentum exchange term and calculated using the Krishna correlation. Simulated clear liquid height is in good agreement with the experimental value. The hydrodynamics including pressure drop, liquid velocity and gas-liquid distribution under various gas and liquid rates are investigated. Comparison with sieve tray without downcomer shows that OWT tray has an improved turn down ratio and stability.

    Selection of structure parameters for H-finned tube
    ZHAO Bin, ZHAO Lijie, WANG Qinggong, CHAO Junnan, Lü Junfu
    2015, 66(12):  4751-4757.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150588
    Abstract ( 361 )   PDF (3043KB) ( 236 )  
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    Two indicators were proposed to evaluate the performance of H-type finned tube, i.e. the heat exchange per unit mass and the recovered heat transfer per unit power of the fan, and a selection method was derived to determine the structure parameters for the H-type finned tube. Numerical studies were performed to investigate the H-type finned tube with different fin widths and pitches. The results show that with the increase of fin width, the heat transfer per unit mass of finned tube increases first and then deceases, and when this indicator reaches the maximum value with different fin pitches, the fin width is between 55 and 60 mm. With the increase of fin width, the recovered heat transfer per unit power of the fan also increases first and then deceases, but when this indicator reaches the maximum value with different fin pitches, the fin width increases gradually. The fin pitch has the minimum value when both indicators reach the maximum value, so the two indicators as well as the manufacturing process and fouling characteristics should be taken into consideration for selecting the structure parameters.

    Effects of temperature-dependent viscosity on turbulent flow and heat transfer in jackets with triangular helical ducts
    WANG Cuihua, ZHAO Baozeng, GONG Bin, KOU Liping, WU Jianhua
    2015, 66(12):  4758-4766.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150392
    Abstract ( 334 )   PDF (896KB) ( 458 )  
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    Considering fluid temperature-dependent viscosity, turbulent flow and heat transfer in the jackets with helical ducts were investigated numerically. Comparisons between experimental values and simulated values indicated that the simulation method was reliable. Based on the simulated results, the effects of temperature-dependent viscosity on the characteristics of turbulent flow and heat transfer were studied, variations of the mean flow resistance (fRem) and mean Nusselt number (Num) of cross section in the flow direction were analyzed, and the whole flow resistance and the whole Nusselt number of varied viscosity flow were compared with those of constant viscosity flow. The results show that temperature-dependent viscosity affects the features of fluid flow and heat transfer in the jackets to a certain extent. The development of fRem and Num along the axial direction is divided into the early, the middle and the later stages. The difference is obvious at the later developing stage between the trends with varied viscosity and constant viscosity. Under the same incoming flow and thermal boundary conditions, compared to those with constant viscosity, the local flow resistance with varied viscosity is lower, the local Nusselt number is larger, so that the whole flow resistance is lower and the whole Nusselt number is larger. Furthermore, with the decrease of the Reynolds number and the dimensionless curvature ratio, differences between the characteristics of flow and heat transfer for varied and constant viscosities are more obvious, so temperature-dependent viscosity is a greater contributing factor to fluid flow and heat transfer.

    RKPM numerical simulation for photothermal characteristic of n-octadecane with melting process
    TANG Jiadong, HE Zhihong, MU Lei, DONG Shikui
    2015, 66(12):  4767-4773.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150823
    Abstract ( 329 )   PDF (1158KB) ( 504 )  
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    To establish coupling algorithm of radiation and conduction for one-dimensional translucent material with phase change, to understand the melting process of n-octadecane with infrared irradiation source, and to obtain the temperature distribution in the material, the modified equivalent heat capacity method is used for latent heat absorption and release with transient heat transfer, the gradient refractive index method is used for radiative transfer in variable refractive index medium, and a calculation method is established for phase change process of coupling radiation and conduction of one-dimensional semitransparent materials based on the reproducing kernel particle method (RKPM). The temperature response characteristics of n-octadecane with phase change were measured experimentally under the infrared radiation heating condition to verify the accuracy of numerical method. The results show that numerical simulation values match the experimental values well both in the temperature level and time characteristics, indicating that the method has very good accuracy. The selection of convective heat transfer coefficient has a certain influence on the simulation results.

    Mass transfer coefficient for liquid dehumidification based on vapor pressure difference
    ZHANG Runxia, WANG Zanshe, MENG Xiangzhao, WANG Fang, LIU Fengrong, GU Zhaolin
    2015, 66(12):  4774-4779.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150681
    Abstract ( 468 )   PDF (448KB) ( 1088 )  
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    The influencing factors for mass transfer of gas-liquid interface in liquid desiccant system are analyzed. A mass transfer correlation is given in dimensionless form based on the driving force of mass transfer, which is the vapor pressure difference through gas-liquid interface. The constants in the correlation are fitted based on published experimental data of LiCl-H2O-air system in a column packed with cross corrugated cellulose. Another group of published experimental data of LiCl-H2O-air system in a column packed with polyvinyl chloride is used for validating the correlation, with the relative deviation between experimental and calculated results from -10.48% to 5.28%. Moreover, a liquid dehumidification system driven by heat pump is set up, with LiBr-H2O as desiccant and finned tube heat exchanger as packings, and the experimental data are used for validating the correlation. The result shows that the deviation is -1.8%-12.8%. All these results show that the correlation has a high accuracy for mass transfer coefficient prediction in liquid dehumidifier with structured packings.

    Numerical simulation of bubble coalescence in dissolved air flotation tank based on population balance model
    CHEN Aqiang, WANG Zhenbo, SUN Zhiqian
    2015, 66(12):  4780-4787.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151071
    Abstract ( 348 )   PDF (2064KB) ( 827 )  
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    Bubble size distribution influences the separation efficiency of dissolved air flotation (DAF) while it is mainly affected by the coalescence phenomenon. In this study, both experiments and numerical simulation are performed to study the bubble coalescence in the contact zone of a DAF tank. By comparing the simulation results with experimental measurement data, the numerical simulation method based on population balance model is established to investigate the bubble coalescence behavior in the contact zone (c-zone). Luo aggregation model, Free molecular aggregation model and Turbulent aggregation model are adopted to predict the bubble size distribution (BSD), respectively. The results indicate that Turbulent aggregation model reproduces the BSD accurately and is more suitable for bubble coalescence simulation in the c-zone. During the flotation process, the bubble coalescence mainly takes place at the lower part of the c-zone and the bubble diameter does not change at the upper part of the c-zone. Besides, the addition of bubbles enhances the diffusion of flow with eddy occurring at the upper part and horizontal flow from the wall to the center at the lower part of the c-zone.

    Numerical simulation on heat transfer of supercritical LNG in coil tubes of submerged combustion vaporizer
    ZHANG Kang, HAN Changliang, REN Jingjie, ZHOU Yihui, BI Mingshu
    2015, 66(12):  4788-4795.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150403
    Abstract ( 334 )   PDF (2949KB) ( 544 )  
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    Submerged combustion vaporizer (SCV) is widely used in LNG receiving terminals. In order to study the flow and heat-transfer characteristics of supercritical LNG in SCV coil tubes, a three-dimensional computation model is established to analyze the influence on fluid temperature and local heat transfer coefficient, base on pressure, heat flux, inlet velocity and variation of physical properties. The results indicate that the local heat transfer coefficient first increases and then decreases along the flow direction, and the maximum occurs at the pseudo-critical temperature. Due to the secondary flow, the coefficient of local heat transfer increases abruptly. In the range of operational pressure, the maximum of local heat transfer coefficient decreases with increasing tube-side pressure. As the heat flux increases, the maximum of local heat transfer coefficient increases and appears earlier, and drops faster after the maximum. Higher heat flux deteriorates the heat transfer. The maximum of local heat transfer coefficient increases and appears later as the inlet velocity increases. The numerical simulation study provides scientific guidance to the design of SCV.

    Characteristics of outdoor air dehumidifier combined with heat pump system and solid desiccant plates
    TU Rang, QU Shilin, MA Fei
    2015, 66(12):  4796-4805.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150907
    Abstract ( 318 )   PDF (1983KB) ( 491 )  
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    A new type of heat pump driven household outdoor air processor using solid desiccant is proposed. Two stages of square solid desiccant plates are used for dehumidification. For each stage, two desiccant plates are placed in the processed air duct for dehumidification and in the regeneration air duct. Continuous dehumidification is realized by exchanging positions of the desiccant plates in the two air ducts. The cooling capacity and exhaust heat of the heat pump are utilized to cool the processed air and provide regenerative heat to the desiccant. Numerical models and experimental validations of the air processor are discussed. The influences of switching modes (mode 1: exchange positions simultaneously; mode 2: exchange positions alternatively), switching time interval, processed air inlet states, and stage number on the performance (COP) of air processor are numerically investigated. The results show that, the optimal time interval of mode 2 is half of that of mode 1. The optimal time intervals under mode 1 are 8 and 4 min, respectively, for air flow rates of 300 and 500 m3·h-1. COP enhances with the increase of stage number. The cooler and drier the processed air inlet state, the higher the COP. Under the Beijing summer condition and the ARI summer condition, COPs are above 3.5 and 5.5, respectively.

    Experimental and theoretical analysis on reflux flow condensation of vapor inside flat tube
    CHENG Tongrui, DU Xiaoze, YANG Lijun
    2015, 66(12):  4806-4814.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150623
    Abstract ( 254 )   PDF (1086KB) ( 636 )  
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    For investigating condensation heat transfer characteristic inside flat tubes widely applied in air-cooled condenser in large power plant, a water cooled visualization condensation test system is designed and built for an indirect study on the flow regime of condensation process in a condenser. Base on the observed stratified flow regime, a theoretical model is built for condensation flow and heat transfer process including condensate water bath development on the arc wall and condensate film development on the other wall. Especially, for condensate film on the wall, a hyperbolic equation is proposed. Considering the convection and conservation characteristic in the equation, a solution algorithm for steady conservation equation is produced by combination of the conjugate gradient method, the Newton method and simulated annealing method, which can avoid the complex of traditional non-steady method. The visualization results indicate that the flow regime of condensation process is stratified flow regime and the corresponding theoretical calculation results indicate that the condensate film thickness on the wall is far less than condensate bath height, which is in the 1 mm order of magnitude, and leads to high condensation heat transfer coefficient. The results supply grounds for judging the onset position of freezing in flat tube under air cooling condition in power plant in winter.

    Effect of flute structure of circular vortex generators on CaSO4 fouling deposition characteristics in rectangular channel
    XU Zhiming, HAN Zhimin, WANG Jingtao, GENG Xiaoya, ZHANG Yilong
    2015, 66(12):  4815-4822.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150956
    Abstract ( 276 )   PDF (3321KB) ( 413 )  
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    For circular vortex generator structure, the arrangement is studied using numerical simulation method for its influence on rectangular channel wall CaSO4 crystallization fouling deposition process. At temperature of 300 K, velocity 0.5 m·s-1 and CaSO4 concentration about 3.0 g·L-1, the influence of geometrical factors on the surface fouling deposition is analyzed, such as the length of circular vortex generators, arrangement, radius, and spacing. The results show that the fouling resistance decreases and then increases along the length of vortex generator and appears minimum at (4/8)H shocked strengths. It increases with the spacing of vortex generator, and for the spacing more than 55 mm the fouling resistance will gradually tend to that in smooth path. The fouling resistance increases with the radius of vortex generator. The same spacing and radius, length of (4/8)H, and arrangement on one side make the fouling resistance minimal.

    Bumping mechanism of aging oils
    CHEN Hongtao, LIANG Hongbao, MO Rui, ZHU Sha, YANG Zhiping
    2015, 66(12):  4823-4828.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150372
    Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (842KB) ( 374 )  
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    This paper focuses on the relationship between bubble behavior and bumping of aging oil. A visualization boiling vessel is built and relevant mathematical model is established according to the generation, growth, departure and rising of single bubbles, recorded by a high-speed camera. Results show that, with the increase of driving force ΔTs (degree of superheating), the water on the heat transfer surface boils, forming vapor-in-oil bubbles. The departure time of bubbles decreases with the increase of heat flux, while the density of nucleation sites on the heat transfer surface increases. As ΔTs increases continuously, a bubble layer forms when the rupturing rate of bubble is lower than their producing rate. Accumulation of a large number of bubbles will make the bubble layer amplify to the entire container space rapidly to form bumping.

    Influence of new inlet on performance of gypsum hydrocyclone
    YANG Yang, BAI Tao, WANG Fuzhen
    2015, 66(12):  4829-4835.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151060
    Abstract ( 323 )   PDF (592KB) ( 561 )  
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    A new inlet of the gypsum hydrocyclone with separation block and guide plate was presented in this paper. The particle trajectories in conventional hydrocyclone and particle movements in new inlet were simulated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) with the Reynolds stress model (RSM) and discrete phase model (DPM). The simulated results showed that both particle moving radius and distance increased when the particle diameter became greater. Gypsum particles with variable size were separated at the new type of inlet, which was beneficial to the classification performance of the hydrocyclone. Experiments were carried out in order to have further understanding of the new inlet. It was found that the classification efficiency of particles with the diameter between 10 and 30 μm was obviously improved about 15% compared to the conventional hydrocyclone. The classification efficiency of particles with the diameter less than 6 μm presented a certain drop. At the same time, the density of underflow slurry increased apparently.

    Heat transfer characteristics of vertical borehole heat exchanger in stratified soils
    ZHANG Linlin, ZHAO Lei, YANG Liu
    2015, 66(12):  4836-4842.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150818
    Abstract ( 310 )   PDF (567KB) ( 591 )  
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    An analytical heat transfer model was established for a borehole heat exchanger (BHE) with single U-tube in stratified soils based on the moving finite line heat source model, taking the factors such as soil stratifications and groundwater advection into account. This model was validated by the data obtained in an on-site soil thermal response test. The soil temperature responses to the BHE heat injection were obtained by using this model and homogeneous model. Comparison of these two sets of results indicates that the soil temperature around the BHE along axial direction is not uniformly distributed due to the characteristics of soil stratification. It takes different length of time for the borehole wall temperature to reach stable and to maintain at a different stable temperature in every layer, due to the difference of physical properties of soil in each layer. Three cases are calculated and analyzed for homogeneous soil, stratified soil with groundwater advection in whole soil domain, and stratified soil with groundwater advection in some soil layer. It shows that the heat transfer efficiency coefficient is underestimated up to 6.3% if ignoring the soil stratification and the influence of groundwater advection. The thermal effect distance deviation in each soil layer may be up to 43% for cases with and without groundwater advection. In order to assess the soil temperature distribution characteristics around the BHE with the influence of groundwater advection, it is suggested that the stratified soil model is applied to calculate the thermal effect distance in each soil layer and their maximum value is chosen as the borehole spacing. Otherwise, the borehole spacing may be too small for the design of multiple BHEs.

    Production of 2-chloro-5-trifluoromethylpyridine and 3-trifluoromethylpyridine
    DONG Qingqing, YU Wanjin, HU Meng, LIN Shengda, LIU Wucan, ZHANG Jianjun, CHENG Dangguo, CHEN Fengqiu
    2015, 66(12):  4843-4849.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151013
    Abstract ( 383 )   PDF (619KB) ( 463 )  
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    2-Chloro-5-trifluoromethylpyridine and 3-trifluoromethylpyridine are produced by β-picoline reacting with chlorine and hydrogen fluoride in a fluidized-bed reactor. The total yield of 2-chloro-5- trifluoromethylpyridine and 3-trifluoromethylpyridine reaches 66.6% over the CrO-Al catalyst at a space velocity of 288 h-1 and temperature of 300℃. The reactivity of the deactivated catalysts is recovered after regeneration at 350℃ with mixed gas of nitrogen and air at volume ratio of 1:1. The total yield is around 66% with regenerated catalysts under the condition of 288 h-1 and 300℃. According to the reaction result, the mechanism of one-step chlorofluorination reaction is proposed, dehydrochlorination-condensation of intermediate products accounted for coking. The results of BET, TG and NH3-TPD characterizations indicate that the deactivation of the catalysts is caused by the carbonaceous by-products which cover the surface and pores of the catalyst.

    Effect of morphology and exposed facets of Ag3PO4 on photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CH3OH over Ag/Ag3PO4 plasmonic photocatalysts
    HE Zhiqiao, LIN Haiyan, CHEN Jianmeng, SONG Shuang
    2015, 66(12):  4850-4857.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151104
    Abstract ( 315 )   PDF (2561KB) ( 899 )  
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    Different morphology of Ag/Ag3PO4 plasmonic photocatalysts enclosed with single {110}, {100} and {111} facets were synthesized by a facile ion-exchang method followed by light-induced reduction. The X-ray powder diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, UV-visible absorption spectra, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller measurements were employed to investigate the phase structure, micro morphology and absorbance of Ag/Ag3PO4 powders. The correlation between photocatalytic activities and exposed facet as well as the mechanism of photocatalytic reduction of CO2 under visible-light were explored. The results indicated that tetrahedral Ag/Ag3PO4 with exposed {111} facets exhibited the superior quantum yield, the ratio of the energy returned on energy invested and the turnover number. CO2 could be reduced through the process CO2 → ·CO2- → HCOOH → HCHO → CH3OH.

    UV photocatalysis-assisted adsorptive desulfurization of gasoline using bi-functional Ti-Si-O material
    YE Feiyan, MEI Liang, XIAO Jing, XIA Qibin, LI Zhong
    2015, 66(12):  4858-4864.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150961
    Abstract ( 413 )   PDF (557KB) ( 688 )  
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    UV photocatalysis-assisted adsorptive desulfurization of bi-functional Ti-Si-O materials was investigated for clean gasoline. The Ti-Si-O materials were prepared by the sol-gel method and then characterized by N2 adsorption, X-ray diffraction, etc. Desulfurization performances of the Ti-Si-O materials were examined. Sulfur species in gasoline were measured by HPLC, coulomb instrument, GC-MS and GC-SCD. The results showed that at the Ti/Si mole ratio of 3:7, the desulfurization efficiency of the Ti-Si-O material reached the maximum [96%, 11.52 mg S·(g sorb)-1], which was more superior than those of the pure TiO2 and SiO2 materials. The photocatalysis-assisted adsorptive desulfurization (PADS) rates of Ti0.3Si0.7O2 for the three organosulfur compounds followed the order of T > MT > BT. On the basis of GC-MS analysis for desulfurized products, it could be judged that the organosulfur compounds in gasoline were firstly photocatalytically oxidized to polar sulfone over Ti0.3Si0.7O2, and then selectively adsorbed on Ti0.3Si0.7O2. Ti0.3Si0.7O2 can be efficiently regenerated by acetone washing and then hot air oxidation. The regenerated Ti0.3Si0.7O2 exhibited very good activity of oxidation and adsorption after five cycles of oxidation/adsorption and regeneration, and with this PADS technology, the real gasoline can be desulfurized to < 10 mm·g-1 by using Ti0.3Si0.7O2.

    Kinetics for adsorption treatment of diesel oil waste water by multi-walled carbon nanotubes
    ZHU Hui, LIU Hui'e, HUANG Jiankun, CHEN Shuang, DING Chuanqin, QI Xuanliang
    2015, 66(12):  4865-4873.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150595
    Abstract ( 349 )   PDF (577KB) ( 608 )  
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    The adsorption kinetics of diesel oil by multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) was investigated using static adsorption experiment and compared with activated carbon. The results show that the adsorption quantities on both the MWCNTs and activated carbon increase fast in the first 10 min, and the adsorption equilibrium can be reached in about 60 min, while the adsorption capacity on MWCNTs is far higher than activated carbon. The kinetic analysis shows that the adsorption kinetics can be accurately represented by a pseudo second-order model. The activation energy (Ea) of 14.21 kJ·mol-1, determined by the Arrhenius law, suggests that physisorption dominates the adsorption of diesel oil 2# onto MWCNTs. The analyzing results with intraparticle diffusion model show that the adsorption mechanism is complex for MWCNTs, consisting of external surface adsorption, internal diffusion in large interstitial pores and in small interstitial pores between the tubes, while for activated carbon it consists of external surface and intraparticle diffusion stages and is strongly influenced by the boundary layer. Initial adsorption behavior is found in the adsorption process of diesel oil onto MWCNTs. The adsorption of three diesel oils at constant temperature (298 K) and that of diesel oil 2# at different temperatures (288, 298 and 308 K) show intermediately initial adsorption behavior. For diesel oil 2#, with the increase of temperature, the initial adsorption enhances, and at 318 K, intensive initial adsorption occurs.

    Equilibrium and kinetics of phenol adsorption from petrochemical wastewater with activated carbon fiber
    KONG Liming, ZHANG Ting, WANG Peide, ZHOU Xiang, JIA Zhehua
    2015, 66(12):  4874-4882.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150056
    Abstract ( 391 )   PDF (1788KB) ( 539 )  
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    Activated carbon fiber (ACF) was used for the adsorption of phenol in petrochemical wastewater. Adsorption isotherms at 25, 40, 55 and 65℃ were determined and fitted with Langmuir, Freundlich and Redlich-Peterson equations. The results show that the adsorption equilibrium data fit Langmuir and Redlich- Peterson equations better than the Freundlich equation. The phenol adsorption ability of ACF from simulated wastewater decreases with the increase of temperature, while the situation is somewhat different with petrochemical wastewater. The adsorption kinetic data fit the pseudo-second-order kinetic model well in petrochemical wastewater and simulated wastewater. The intra-particle diffusion is the main rate-controlling step in the initial period and kid of phenol adsorption increases with temperature in petrochemical wastewater. The adsorption rate is influenced by intra-particle diffusion and external diffusion in the middle and later period. Thermodynamic analysis shows that the ΔG value is negative, indicating that the adsorption of phenol in petrochemical wastewater by ACF is spontaneous. However, ΔG does not change obviously with temperature owing to the influence of oil on phenol adsorption in petrochemical wastewater.

    Optimal design of hydrogen network with minimum compression work
    DENG Chun, ZHOU Yuhang, ZHOU Yeyang, FENG Xiao
    2015, 66(12):  4883-4887.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151393
    Abstract ( 284 )   PDF (439KB) ( 797 )  
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    Hydrogen consuming units in refineries are operated in high pressure, thus some makeup hydrogen and recycle hydrogen compressors are utilized to increase the pressure of hydrogen streams. It leads to a large increase on compression work and operating cost. Therefore, except for the minimizing the flowrate of hydrogen utility, it is extremely important to reduce the compression work when optimizing hydrogen network. In this paper, based on the concept of the nearest neighbors algorithm, pressure constraints are taken into consideration, a novel nearest neighbors algorithm as well as pressure-impurity concentration diagram are proposed to design hydrogen network with minimum compression work. The results for the case study show that the minimum compression work achieves 16.435 MJ, and the number of compressor is nine which is two less than that in the literature.

    Multi-strategy fruit fly optimization algorithm and its application
    ZHONG Weimin, NIU Jinwei, LIANG Yi, KONG Xiangdong, QIAN Feng
    2015, 66(12):  4888-4894.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151380
    Abstract ( 383 )   PDF (614KB) ( 1125 )  
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    For the demerits of fruit fly optimization algorithm(FOA), such as easily falling into local optimum, slow convergence rate and low convergence precision, an improved FOA is proposed called multi-strategy fruit fly optimization algorithm. It is based on social cognitive part of particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) and the differential vector of differential evolution (DE). For those individuals whose smell concentration values are worse than the average concentration, using social cognition operator generates next generation to accelerate the convergence rate. For others, introducing the differential vector improves the ability to jump out the local optimum. Through the simulation on eight benchmarks and comparison with other algorithms, the experimental results show that SFOA has better global search capability, fast convergence and higher convergence precision. Finally the SFOA is also applied to optimize the operation of a GE gasification process, which is to maximize the syngas yield with two decision variables, i.e., oxygen-coal ratio and coal concentration. The results show that SFOA can quickly find the optimal value, which demonstrates the effectiveness of SFOA.

    LTSA and combined index based MICA and PCA process monitoring and application
    JIANG Wei, WANG Xin, WANG Zhenlei
    2015, 66(12):  4895-4903.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151374
    Abstract ( 320 )   PDF (879KB) ( 348 )  
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    Independent component analysis (ICA) method is mainly used to monitor linear and non-Gaussian process, a method named modified independent analysis (MICA) is proposed to improve the non-Gaussian process monitoring performance. The method uses the information of process data to modify the monitoring process monitoring performance. The method uses the information of process data to modify the monitoring index of ICA. Many industrial process variables have characteristics of nonlinear, non-Gaussian and Gaussian mixture distribution. A method which based on LTSA algorithm and the combined index is proposed to solve these problems of the industrial process. Firstly, the local tangent space alignment (LTSA) algorithm is used to achieve the nonlinear dimensionality reduction of sample data. Then MICA and PCA methods are used to obtain non-Gaussian and Gaussian statistics, and the new statistic, which is weighted by these two statistics, is used for process monitoring. Finally, the proposed method has been applied to monitor the Tennessee-Eastman(TE) process and the ethylene cracking furnace to show its efficiency.

    Surrogate model of acetylene hydrogenation reactor based on bootstrap GEI algorithm
    DUAN Xingchen, DU Wenli
    2015, 66(12):  4904-4909.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151421
    Abstract ( 291 )   PDF (2083KB) ( 656 )  
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    Acetylene hydrogenation reactor is an important device of the ethylene plant, and its working condition directly affects the purity and yield of ethylene products, so it is of great significance to improve the modeling and optimization efficiency of the reaction process for acetylene hydrogenation. However, directly optimizing high precision CFD models are often low efficiency because of the large calculation. This paper from the model accuracy of prediction variance and improvement of the effectiveness of global search, proposes a bootstrap GEI algorithm based on Kriging surrogate model. Through simulation contrast of test functions, compared with bootstrap EI algorithm, this algorithm can find the optimal sample points of global search and reduce the number of sample points, so as to improve the efficiency of the model updating and optimization. And this algorithm is effectively validated in the surrogate model of acetylene hydrogenation reactor.

    Water network synthesis of eco-industrial park considering intra-plant pre-treatment
    WANG Jian, LIU Linlin, LI Jianping, DU Jian
    2015, 66(12):  4910-4915.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151419
    Abstract ( 373 )   PDF (480KB) ( 248 )  
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    As a collection of multiple/various production enterprises, an industrial park is able to produce more opportunities for the cooperative utilization of resources. In this context, specific resource allocation strategies are desired for parks because of their characteristics that different from a single plant. To solve the water allocation problem of parks and also consider the practical production requirements, this study presents a synthesis method considering intra-plant pre-treatment operation in individual plant, which means the inter-plant and intra-plant regenerators are both set and selected during synthesis. The superstructure and the mathematical model are thus established and formulated with the target of minimum fresh water consumption. Finally, an example is illustrated to demonstrate the capability of the method.

    Water utilization networks integration with multiple-property based on environment and treated water reused
    YANG Cailing, LIU Linlin, DU Jian
    2015, 66(12):  4916-4921.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151426
    Abstract ( 297 )   PDF (565KB) ( 581 )  
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    With an increasing shortage of water resources, more rigid regulations regarding waste water discharge, water saving and discharge reduction have become more and more valued by industries. However, the traditional water utilization networks only regard impurity concentration as the restricting factor for controlling material reuse and overlook the effect of stream's characteristic or function on its reuse, thus unable to reflect the actual industrial production requirement. Therefore, it is of great significance to look into the multiple-property integration of water utilization networks. In this paper, a method is proposed where the super structure model of multiple-property water utilization considering the environment problems is presented as a basis, on which a process is added to reuse part of streams in the treated water stream characteristic process for the sinks. This method takes the minimum annual cost as the target function and builds the mixed integer non-linear programming mathematical model with the consideration of environment, the direct reuse of stream in the process and reuse of stream from treated water. The model is then evaluated, whose result reveals that this method reduces not only the annual total cost but also the use of fresh water and waste water discharge, validating the efficacy and superiority of the proposed method.

    A fuzzy association rules mining approach to industrial alarm sequences
    WANG Jia, LI Hongguang
    2015, 66(12):  4922-4928.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150713
    Abstract ( 373 )   PDF (517KB) ( 408 )  
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    In order to find out root alarms so as to avoid alarm flooding in industrial processes, this paper suggests a fuzzy weighted association rules mining method which integrates fuzzy sets, the Apriori mining algorithm and time-series analysis to extract the association rules from alarm sequence data. Considering the temporal characteristics and similarity attributes of the alarm data, the similarity degrees are assigned as the weights of the association rules, enhancing the algorithmic efficiency and accuracy. Further, in contrast to quantitative knowledge representations, the resultant fuzzy association rules are easier identified to the operators. Practical data of an industrial process are employed to illustrate the benefits of the proposed method.

    Fault detection method based on LECA for multimode process
    ZHONG Na, DENG Xiaogang, XU Ying
    2015, 66(12):  4929-4940.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150441
    Abstract ( 332 )   PDF (922KB) ( 647 )  
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    Aiming at the multimode process data which follow complex distribution in industrial process monitoring, this paper proposes a fault detection method based on local entropy component analysis (LECA) algorithm. In order to deal with the multimode characteristic of operating data, k nearest neighbor Parzen window (KNN-Parzen) method is used to estimate the local probability density of each sample. Then, a local relative density estimate function is constructed to decrease the sensitivity to window width parameter. To effectively extract the feature information hidden in the non-Gaussian data, the local entropies of process data are calculated by using information entropy theory. Independent component analysis (ICA) is applied to establish the local entropy component statistic model for fault detection. The simulation results of numerical example and continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) system indicate that LECA can show superior performance in process monitoring.

    Modeling, simulation and analysis for coal and coke-oven gas to synthetic natural gas
    MAN Yi, YANG Siyu, XIAO Honghua, QIAN Yu
    2015, 66(12):  4941-4947.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151375
    Abstract ( 350 )   PDF (540KB) ( 906 )  
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    Coal to synthetic natural gas (SNG) process is regarded as one of promising way to tackle with haze in north China and is developed rapidly in China. However, coal to SNG processes suffer from the high energy consumption and CO2 emission due to the high carbon contents of coal. In China, there is 7×1010 m3 coke-oven gas (COG) produced in coke plants annually. Most of the hydrogen-rich COG is utilized as fuel or discharged directly into the air. Such situation is a waste of precious hydrogen resource and causes serious economic loss and environmental pollution either. The co-feed process of coal and COG to SNG is a promising solution for these problems. In the co-feed process, CH4 of COG reacts with CO2 in a dry methane reforming unit to reduce emissions and H2 of COG can adjust the H/C ratio of syngas. This paper makes a modeling, simulation and system analysis for the co-feed process of coal and COG to SNG. The results show that the energy efficiency of the co-feed process increases by 8%, while at the same time, CO2 emission is reduced by 60% in comparison to the conventional coal to SNG process.

    Sub-grid scale combustion model based on REDIM method and its application
    WANG Caijun, LU Shaojie, WANG Ping
    2015, 66(12):  4948-4959.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150516
    Abstract ( 328 )   PDF (2621KB) ( 549 )  
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    A recently developed method for reducing reaction mechanism, the reaction-diffusion manifolds (REDIM) method, is combined with the presumed filtered density function (PFDF) to construct a new sub-grid scale (SGS) combustion model for large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent combustion. Unlike its predecessor intrinsic low-dimensional manifolds method, the REDIM method takes into account the coupling of reaction and molecular transport processes explicitly, so it is capable of describing fast reaction regions as well as regions where chemical kinetics are slow and diffusion governs the overall process. Because of this advantage of REDIM, the new SGS combustion model is theoretically capable of simulating turbulent partially premixed flames and stratified flames, in which reaction and diffusion processes are both important. For validating its performance, the new model is employed to simulate the benchmark Darmstadt turbulent stratified flame (TSF). First, a grid resolution study is conducted by computing isothermal flow field with two grids. Then the finer grid is used to simulate a turbulent flame with stratified effect. The overall good agreement of the statistics of velocity, temperature and species with the experimental data demonstrates the capability of the LES method and the REDIM-PFDF model for dealing with TSF. More simulations for other Darmstadt TSF cases are still ongoing, to obtain a deeper insight of the complex chemistry-physical process in the TSF combustion.

    Pathway analysis of recombinant Escherichia coli during protein production process under simulated microgravity
    HUANGFU Jie, LI Qian, LI Jun, LI Chun
    2015, 66(12):  4960-4965.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150471
    Abstract ( 346 )   PDF (1484KB) ( 393 )  
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    Microgravity effects were reported to affect the physiological characteristics and perturbations at the molecular levels of the microorganisms. Our previous works reported that the recombinant β-glucuronidase (PGUS) expressing strain Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3)/pET28a-pgus grew faster and the efficiency of recombinant protein production was also enhanced under simulated microgravity (SMG) as compared with the normal gravity (NG). In this study, a quantitative proteomic analysis of triple stable isotope dimethyl labeling using mass spectrometry method to investigate the effects of SMG on the strain and the during recombinant protein production process was performed. A total of 124 differentially expressed proteins under SMG were identified as compared with NG. Among them, 92 proteins were significantly up-regulated and 6 proteins were drastically down-regulated under SMG. The majority of the up-regulated proteins were involved with the metabolism of cell stress response, amino acid metabolism, translation, transcription and carbohydrate metabolic process. The results indicated that the differentially expressed levels of these proteins under SMG were beneficial to the synthesis of the heterologous protein expression of the recombinant Escherichia coli.

    Oil conversion to syngas by rotating arc plasma
    REN Qilong, XUE Wenfeng, ZHANG Ming, WU Jianhua, PAN Tengyun, JIN Junkui, WEN Guangdong, SU Baogen
    2015, 66(12):  4966-4971.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150924
    Abstract ( 339 )   PDF (536KB) ( 298 )  
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    Due to waste oil can cause serious pollution and various social problems, a study of its comprehensive utilization is imperative. In this study, soybean oil was used as substitute of waste oil and converted into syngas in a homemade rotating arc plasma reactor. Effects of water/oil mass ratio, input power and magnetic flux intensity on reaction performance were investigated. It was shown that the main product gas was CO and H2, accounted for more than 91.0% (vol), as well as small amounts of CO2 and hydrocarbons. Water/soybean oil mass ratio has a large impact on syngas compositions and energy conversion efficiency, but little impact on carbon conversion and syngas yield. Carbon conversion increased to 98.5% with the increase of input power and energy conversion efficiency reached the maximum of 72.9% at 17.9 kW. Magnetic flux intensity has a slight effect on results but it could protect the anode from erosion.

    Effects of acidity and alkaline of fly ash on de novo synthesis of dioxins
    ZHAN Mingxiu, CHEN Tong, FU Jianying, HOU Xiali, LI Xiaodong, YAN Jianhua
    2015, 66(12):  4972-4979.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150769
    Abstract ( 322 )   PDF (617KB) ( 459 )  
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    The acidity and alkaline of fly ash could significantly affect the de novo synthesis of dioxins. It could not only influence the total concentration of dioxins, but also the distribution of congeners. In this study, different amounts of Ca(H2PO4)2 and CaO were added to control the pH values of model fly ashes. Experiments were conducted to study the effects of acidity and alkaline of fly ash on de novo synthesis of dioxins. The results suggested that the amount of dioxins increased and the I-TEQ values didn't change when pH values decreased from 5.5 to 4.3 with an addition of 5% (mass) Ca(H2PO4)2. When pH value decreased to 3.6 with an addition of 20% (mass) Ca(H2PO4)2, the total concentration of dioxins and I-TEQ value went down. While with additions of 0.4% (mass), 5% (mass) and 20% (mass) CaO, the pH values increased to 9.8, 12.4 and 12.6 and the total concentration of dioxins went down as well as the I-TEQ values. Therefore, the alkaline environment of fly ash could be better to suppress the formation of dioxins than the acidic environment. Meanwhile, the correlations between the total concentrations of dioxins in fly ash and base/acid ratios were studied. The results revealed that the correlation value for fly ashes produced from fluidized bed was 0.95, however, there is no relationship for fly ashes which were collected from grate furnace.

    Effects of process parameters on hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose
    LIU Juan, CHI Yong, SHU Di
    2015, 66(12):  4980-4987.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150793
    Abstract ( 374 )   PDF (1781KB) ( 938 )  
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    Biomass is the fourth largest source of energy and conventional incineration will not only pollute the environment, but also is a waste of energy. Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a novel biomass conversion technology, yielding carbonaceous products (HTC char) favorable for wider range of applications. The impact of temperature and reaction time on hydrothermal carbonization of microcrystalline cellulose and carbon distribution was studied, and physical, chemical, thermal and structural characteristics of HTC char also investigated. The results show that during hydrothermal carbonization of microcrystalline cellulose a significant fraction of initially present carbon, about 71%-75%, is stayed in HTC char, while only a small fraction of the carbon is transferred the liquid and gas-phases. As the temperature and reaction time increase, the HTC char yield and O/C atom ratio decrease, and its heat value increases. SEM images show that HTC char consists of aggregates of microspheres. FTIR spectra indicate that dehydration and aromatization processes take place during hydrothermal carbonization and HTC char possesses hydroxyl groups and carbonyl groups.

    Measurement of electrostatic accumulation speed of flowing dielectric fluids
    HUANG Yonghua, DONG Juhui
    2015, 66(12):  4988-4993.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150344
    Abstract ( 311 )   PDF (1909KB) ( 1051 )  
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    Accumulation of static electricity is one of the most serious potential hazard factors for transport and storage of flammable insulating fluids. The electrostatic accumulations rate of fluid flow by friction against solid walls is the key issue to reveal the essential characteristics of accumulation process. A rotating disk system was designed and fabricated for simulating the electrification and measuring the instantaneous electric charge of several common insulating fluids such as transformer oil. How the velocity, temperature and viscosity of the fluid contribute to the electrification rate was experimentally investigated under different conditions for these fluids. It is found that the electrification rate is substantially proportional to the linear velocity of fluid flow. Its relationship with temperature is complicated, showing the existence of a minimum electrification rate in a certain range of temperature. And the qualitative behavior that stronger insulating fluid has greater electrification rate has been verified quantitatively.

    Influence of aeration intensity on phosphorus removal granules in SBR
    LI Dong, Lü Yufeng, ZHANG Jinku, FAN Dan, JIANG Shasha, ZENG Huiping, ZHANG Jie
    2015, 66(12):  4994-5001.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150941
    Abstract ( 268 )   PDF (6054KB) ( 323 )  
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    Three column sequencing batch reactors (SBR) (R1, R2 and R3) were operated under various aeration intensity of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 L·min-1, respectively. The influence of aeration intensity on characteristics, treatment performance and biomass of the phosphorus removal granules (PRGs) were investigated. PRGs were formed in all reactors in 30 days and operated steadily for another 30 days. The results showed that the aeration intensity had an important impact on the settling ability, particle size, morphology, moisture content, treatment performance and biomass. With the increase of aeration intensity, the diameter and settling velocity of matured granules were increased, which were 900 μm and 24-144 m·h-1, 1000 μm and 29-162 m·h-1, and 1150 μm and 33-178 m·h-1 in R1, R2 and R3, respectively, while the moisture contents were decreased and were 95.6%, 94.2% and 93.4%, respectively. Therefore, compared with the low aeration intensity, the PRGs under the higher aeration intensity had better physical characteristics, settling ability and treatment performance due to the more biomass and denser structure. PRGs under higher aeration intensity were spherical or elliptic and had regular contours, but the structure and shape of PRGs under lower aeration intensity was loosened and irregular. Meanwhile, the MLVSS/MLSS, biomass layer thickness of PRGs and P release/COD uptake ratios in all reactors at the 51th day were calculated. MLVSS/MLSS and biomass layer thickness of granules in R1, R2 and R3 were 78% and 0.34 mm, 82% and 0.35 mm, and 86% and 0.38 mm, respectively. It demonstrated that granules in the reactor with higher aeration intensity had a relatively thicker biomass layer and more biomass. The P release/COD uptake ratios in R1, R2 and R3 were 0.35, 0.35 and 0.36, respectively, indicating that the content of phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) was high in all reactors of this research.

    Analysis and experimental investigation on mass charge of mixed refrigerantsin Linde-Hampson coolers
    HE Jiaji, LIU Jinping, PANG Weiqiang, XU Xiongwen
    2015, 66(12):  5002-5011.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150402
    Abstract ( 327 )   PDF (877KB) ( 501 )  
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    The refrigerant charging quantity has significant effect on the performance of a refrigeration system. For a specific mixed refrigerant (MR) Joule-Thomson cooler, proper MR charging quantity is determined by operation pressure, temperature and concentration of components. It is difficult to determine the optimal MR charging quantity by means of experimental test, so a MR mass charge prediction model is established in this paper. Using the integral method, the Linde-Hampson cooler is divided into four parts to calculate the MR mass distribution and the liquid hold-up. The calculation result shows that, over 60% of the MR is accumulated in the hot steam of the recuperative heat exchanger, the liquid MR occupies more than 80% of the total charging quantity, and the mass of liquid MR will increase as the refrigerating temperature decreases. An experimental investigation is used to verify the accuracy of this model. The result shows that, in the refrigeration temperature of -100-60℃, the deviation between the calculated MR charging quantity and actual one is not more than 20%. The deviation between the calculated proportion of components and the experimental result is also less than 20%.

    Characteristics of refrigerant hold-up and heat transfer performance of falling film condenser under refrigerating condition
    ZHANG Fayong, LIU Jinping, XU Xiongwen
    2015, 66(12):  5012-5021.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150405
    Abstract ( 304 )   PDF (5546KB) ( 480 )  
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    In order to reduce the refrigerant charging quantity while maintaining the performance of an air conditioner, the refrigerant hold-up in the condenser of a domestic air conditioner is experimentally studied. The results indicate that more than 60% of the total refrigerant charging quantity is in the condenser, since the liquid-phase hold-up in the two-phase and subcooled regions is relatively large. Therefore, a finned tube falling film condenser is proposed and employed since vertical tubes can decrease the refrigerant hold-up. Consequently, the total refrigerant charging quantity is reduced from 1050 g to 550 g while the system performance maintains stable.

    Emission of nitrogen-containing compound from a heavy duty diesel engine
    TAN Piqiang, ZENG Huan, HU Zhiyuan, LOU Diming
    2015, 66(12):  5022-5030.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150830
    Abstract ( 249 )   PDF (678KB) ( 638 )  
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    The emission of nitrogen-containing compound from a heavy-duty diesel engine with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) was studied by using Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR) technology. The main emitted nitrogen-containing compounds including NO, NO2 and N2O under different operating conditions were analyzed. The results showed that the NO emission from the engine without SCR ascended with increasing engine load. The NO2 emission ascended firstly and then declined, while the N2O emission was very low. Compared to the engine without SCR, the NO and NO2 emissions from the engine with SCR significantly descend, and the NO2 emission decreased remarkably at rated engine speed, which was because the rapid SCR reaction rate increased with increasing NO2/NO ratio. The N2O emission from the engine with SCR was more than twice from the engine without SCR, particularly higher at full load, which was due to the existed SCR side reaction. The N2O emission ascended with increasing engine load since that increasing exhaust temperature led to higher oxidation reaction rate of NH3 to N2O. The NO/NOx ratio of the engine with SCR was obviously lower than that of the engine without SCR, while the NO2/NOx ratio and N2O/NOx ratio were 12.8% and 20.7%, respectively, which were much higher than those of the engine without SCR.

    Parametric optimization of organic Rankine cycle for vehicle diesel enginebased on particle swarm optimization
    ZHANG Hongguang, WANG Hongjin, YANG Kai, YANG Fubin, SONG Songsong, CHANG Ying, BEI Chen, MENG Fanxiao
    2015, 66(12):  5031-5039.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150734
    Abstract ( 338 )   PDF (10251KB) ( 387 )  
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    To efficiently recover the waste heat from the diesel engine exhaust, an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) system was employed. The variation tendency of the diesel engine exhaust energy under various operating conditions was analyzed through experiments. Based on the particle swarm optimization, the operating parameters including evaporation pressure, superheat degree, and expansion ratio of ORC systems were optimized with net power output and exergy efficiency selected as objective functions. The optimization results show that, for a certain operating condition of the diesel engine, the optimal values for evaporating pressure, superheat degree, and expansion ratio can be determined. According to the optimization, the ORC system and vehicle diesel engine-ORC combined system are studied. The results show that, at the diesel engine speed of 2200 r·min-1 and engine torque of 1215 N·m, the net power output of the ORC system is 30.61 kW and the power output increasing rate of the combined system is 9.86%. At the diesel engine speed of 1200 r·min-1 and engine torque of 1131 N·m, the brake specific fuel consumption of combined system is 175.0 g·(kW·h)-1.

    Ammonium removal by struvite precipitation with cheap magnesia
    YU Rongtai, HUANG Ping, REN Hongqiang, XIE Zhipeng, WANG Chang'an, MA Xiang
    2015, 66(12):  5040-5044.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150857
    Abstract ( 308 )   PDF (621KB) ( 253 )  
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    The high cost of magnesium is one of the key problems for the practical application of struvite chemical precipitation. Ammonium in wastewater was recycled by changing the initial conditions of struvite precipitation with cheap magnesia. The results showed that when the initial pH was 2, the removal rate of ammonium was above 90% by struvite precipitation technology with cheap magnesia as magnesium, which was above 82% at the conditions of the mole ratio of Mg2+:NH4+:PO43-, 1:1:1 and calcination temperature of magnesia of 200-400℃. The XRD and FTIR results also showed that the crystal structure of magnesia was distorted with changed bond length of Mg O at different calcination temperature, leading to redshift and blueshift. A direct correlation was found between Mg O bond length and ammonium removal ratio.

    Effect of different electron acceptor ratios on removal of nitrogen and phosphorus and conversion and utilization of internal carbon source
    ZHANG Jianhua, PENG Yongzhen, ZHANG Miao, WANG Shuying, WANG Cong
    2015, 66(12):  5045-5053.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150928
    Abstract ( 293 )   PDF (929KB) ( 330 )  
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    The characteristics of removal of nitrogen and phosphorus were investigated by using denitrifying phosphorus activated sludge taken from an anaerobic/anoxic/oxic (A2/O)-biological contact oxidation (BCO) system. Different concentrations of NO2--N and NO3--N(NO2--N+NO3--N=30 mg·L-1) were used to evaluate the influence of different electron acceptor ratios (NO2--N:NO3--N0, 0.2:0.8, 0.4:0.6, 0.5:0.5, 0.6:0.4) on nitrogen and phosphorus removal of denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms (DPAOs). The results showed that sodium acetate was the ideal carbon source for DPAOs to denitrify phosphorus removal and the best concentration was 200 mg·L-1. The more appropriate additive amount of NO3--N was 30 mg·L-1 when NO3--N was the electron acceptor in anoxic phosphorus absorption reaction. It was hard for the DPAOs that using NO3--N as electron acceptor and untamed with NO2--N to use NO2--N in a short time, but a low NO2--N concentration (6 mg·L-1) did not affected nitrogen and phosphorus removal by DPAOs when NO2--N was the electron acceptor. Additionally, the effect of NO2--N on phosphorus absorption was more significant than that of denitrification by NO3--N, and the reaction of phosphorus absorption almost ceased when the concentration of NO2--N achieved 18 mg·L-1. Furthermore, high concentration would inhibit the decomposition and utilization of PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoate), and more energy from PHA decomposition would use for glycogen storage, where PHB (poly-β-hydroxybutyrate) accounted for more than 90% of the PHA decomposition and utilization.

    Achieving partial nitritation in sewage treatment system based on treating activated sludge by FNA
    MA Bin, WEI Yan, WANG Shuying, CHEN Ya, PENG Yongzhen
    2015, 66(12):  5054-5059.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151089
    Abstract ( 283 )   PDF (1142KB) ( 700 )  
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    In order to achieve nitritation/anammox in sewage treatment, the feasibility of achieving partial nitritation using free nitrous acid (FNA) to treat activated sludge was studied in a system treating real wastewater. The results showed that the FNA inhibition on NOB was stronger than that on AOB since the decrease of nitrite oxidation rate was more than that of ammonium oxidation rate, after treating activated sludge by FNA. At the same time, FNA inhibition incresed with increasing FNA concentration at 0-0.75 mg HNO2-N·L-1. The nitrite accumulation rate (NAR) was only 1% after seeding activated sludge obtained from a wastwater treatment plant, indicating that nitrification was happened. When FNA treatment was used with a sludge retention time (SRT) of 15 days, nitritation was achieved since NAR increased to above 90%. The partial nitritation was achieved, and the ratio of of NO2--N/NH4+-N effluent was 1.24 on average when hydraulic retention time (HRT) decreased to 2.5 h. This effluent could meet the requirement of anammox reaction. Thus, partial nitritation could be achieved in sewage treatment system using the activated sludge treated by FNA when SRT and HRT were controlled.

    Treatment of copper-nickel mixed wastewater by spouted bedelectro-deposition method
    CHEN Xi, XU Xinyang, ZHAO Bing, LI Haibo
    2015, 66(12):  5060-5066.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151074
    Abstract ( 248 )   PDF (750KB) ( 277 )  
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    Constant current spouted bed particle electro-deposition method had been studied with simulated wastewater containing copper and nickel as the research object under different experimental conditions such as pH, current, temperature with N2. experimental results showed that under the experiment conditions of pH 3 (first 210 min) and 4.5 (next 270 min), electrolyte concentration 1 g·L-1, constant current 15 A, cathode particle size 1.8 mm, electrolyte temperature 25℃ with blowing N2, the largest removal rate of Cu2+ was 99.88% and Ni2+ was 85.21% after 480 min. During the experiments, DO first rapid increased to the maximum, and then came down slowly. Blowing N2 into electrolyte could significantly reduce the dissolved oxygen concentration, which could effectively inhibit deposited Cu and Ni once again return to dissolve and improve the removal rate of deposited metals. The replacement reaction between Ni and Cu2+ weakened, the corrosion rate of deposited copper while it was intensified for nickel. Thus, the electro-deposition of mixed copper and nickel showed a certain order, which suggested that the separate recycling of metals in wastewater was feasible with the spouted bed particle electro-deposition method under certain conditions.

    Effect of liquid coexistent components on ammonia decarbonization solution desorption using bipolar membrane electrodialysis
    MA Shuangchen, HAN Tingting, MA Jingxiang, MA Lan, CHEN Gongda, YANG Jing, CHEN Fan
    2015, 66(12):  5067-5078.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150971
    Abstract ( 251 )   PDF (2473KB) ( 488 )  
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    The reaction mechanisms of SO2, NOx and CO2 in flue gas with ammonia solution and desorption mechanism of bipolar membrane electrodialysis were described. Furthermore, the operation conditions of self-dissembled experimental system were adjusted and the desorption general rules of ammonia decarbonization solution using bipolar membrane electrodialysis were explored. There were many major liquid coexisting components in rich solution after ammonia decarbonization, such as (NH4)2SO3, (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, NaCl and NH4Cl. Impacts of these major liquid coexisting components on bipolar membrane electrodialysis were studied. Researches have shown that types of liquid coexisting components, mass fraction, pH values and surface tension all can have an impact on the bipolar membrane electrodialysis. Small amounts of NaCl, NH4Cl and (NH4 )2SO4 were good to electrodialysis of absorbing solution, and the effecting degree on electricity desorption was NaCl> NH4Cl> (NH4)2SO4. Existence of (NH4)2SO3 should be avoided in absorption rich solution. Coexistence of NH4NO3 had no significant impact on the electrodialysis of rich solution after ammonia decarbonization.

    Volatilization of arsenic in coal during oxy-fuel combustion
    LIU Huimin, WANG Chunbo, HUANG Xingzhi, ZHANG Yue, SUN Xin
    2015, 66(12):  5079-5087.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20151166
    Abstract ( 360 )   PDF (655KB) ( 437 )  
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    Arsenic volatilization characteristics of SJS bituminous coal were carried out on the high-temperature tube furnace from 600℃ to 1400℃ at different oxy-fuel atmospheres. Combined with FTIR analysis and thermodynamic analysis, and taking air condition into consideration, the effects of O2, CO2 and temperature on arsenic volatilization were studied. Results showed that the releasing proportion of arsenic increased with increasing temperature both in oxy-fuel and air combustion. Two arsenic mass loss peaks were observed at <900℃ and > 900℃ stages, separately. At temperature lower than 900℃ oxygen content was the major fact. The more O2 ratio, the larger volatile proportion of arsenic. But at the same O2 ratio condition, the higher CO2 concentration brought down the emission of arsenic and thus the volatile proportion was decreased. At temperature higher than 900℃ the content of carbon dioxide was the major fact, The higher CO2 concentration in oxy-fuel atmosphere hindered heat transfer, and thus higher temperature was needed for the decomposition of arsenates under the same conditions, which led to the delay of the intensive emission of arsenic compared to air condition. Besides, high CO2 content in oxy-fuel condition resulted in the reductive atmosphere around coal particles, which caused arsenic compounds with high chemical valence being reduced to compounds with lower chemical valence, while the arsenic compounds with lower chemical valence were unstable and their fast decomposition led to the higher mass loss rate of arsenic in oxy-fuel condition than to the air condition.

    Preparation and lithium ion storage performance of nano-sized β-Ni(OH)2
    LI Yanwei, PAN Guanlin, YAO Jinhuan, LI Shiyu, ZHANG Lingzhi
    2015, 66(12):  5088-5095.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150624
    Abstract ( 324 )   PDF (2108KB) ( 379 )  
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    Ni(OH)2 sample is prepared by chemical precipitation method with Ni(NO3)2·6H2O and NaOH as raw materials. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) analysis reveal that the sample is β-Ni(OH)2 with sheet-like hierarchical nanostructure. Cyclic voltammograms (CV) and charge-discharge tests are performed to study the lithium ion storage performance of the β-Ni(OH)2 sample. The results show that the prepared β-Ni(OH)2 sample has a very high lithium ion storage activity. For example, at a charge-discharge current density of 50 mA·g-1, the discharge capacity of the third cycle for the prepared β-Ni(OH)2 is higher than 1550 mA·h·g-1. The carbon content in electrode has a great influence on both the cyclic stability and rate performance of the β-Ni(OH)2 sample. The mechanism of carbon content on lithium storage performance of the β-Ni(OH)2 sample is analyzed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) tests.

    Performance of new absorption refrigeration system driven bydouble low-grade energy
    HE Lijuan, LIANG Jingjing, ZHU Chaoqun, WANG Zheng
    2015, 66(12):  5096-5102.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150608
    Abstract ( 271 )   PDF (464KB) ( 745 )  
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    Since the efficiency of traditional absorption refrigeration system driven by low-grade energy is low, a new CO2-[emim][Tf2N] absorption refrigeration cycle driven by double low-grade energy is introduced based on cascaded utilization energy. Experimental equipment is built to evaluate the performance of the new refrigeration system. Experimental results at constant flow rates indicate that COP and cooling capacity of the new system increase with the increase of heat ratio between the two generators, decrease with the increase of cooling water and pressure in high pressure generator. The new system gives a higher value of refrigeration capacity and a higher value of COP. Compared with the traditional absorption refrigeration system, COP increases by 50%.

    Membrane fouling control enhanced by electric field generated bymicrobial fuel cell
    BI Fanghua, JIA Hui, WANG Jie, ZHANG Chengzhong, QIAO Longsheng
    2015, 66(12):  5103-5110.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150995
    Abstract ( 366 )   PDF (1209KB) ( 587 )  
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    A novel microbial fuel cell (MFC) – membrane bioreactor (MBR) integrated process was designed based on the combination of MBR and MFC for the membrane fouling control conducted by the electric field generated from MFC in wastewater treatment. The performances of the integrated process under different operational conditions were investigated and compared with conventional MBR. The results showed that the electric field generated by MFC was conductive to mitigate membrane fouling and prolong membrane filtration interval by controlling the growth of irreversible fouling resistance in the membrane filtration. The electric field had a significant advantage on the suppression of carbohydrate of small formula weight in LB-EPS under various MLSS, while compared with LB-EPS, the concentration of TB-EPS had no significantly change. Under appending electric field, the absolute value of zeta potential was decreased by 2.7, 7.1 and 4.1 mV, respectively, the growth of filamentous bacteria was promoted, and the larger sludge particles were generated through the improved floc aggregation.

    Comparison of impact of influent substrate concentration on fermentative hydrogen production by ethanol-type and butyric-type fermentation
    CHANG Sheng, LIU Feng
    2015, 66(12):  5111-5118.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150854
    Abstract ( 342 )   PDF (548KB) ( 462 )  
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    In the present study, the anaerobic contact reactor (ACR) was used to produce hydrogen from diluted molasses by anaerobic fermentation, and an ethanol-type fermentation and butyric-type fermentation were established by keeping the effluent pH of the two reactors at 4.5-5.0 and 5.5-6.0, respectively. And then the comparison of the impact of influent substrate concentration on the performance of the above two reactors was investigated. For the ethanol-type fermentation system, the fermentative hydrogen-producing efficiency was enhanced when the influent chemical oxygen demanding (COD) was increased from 5000 to 12000 mg·L-1 under the HRT of 6 h, whereas, the feedback inhibition was turn to be functioned as the influent COD was increased to 15000 mg·L-1. It was found that the hydrogen production rate (HPR), specific hydrogen rate of sludge (SHPR) and hydrogen yield (HY) was peaked at 68.8 L·d-1, 744.5 ml H2·(g VSS·d)-1 and 2.3 mol H2·(mol glucose)-1, respectively, when the influent COD was 12000 mg·L-1. For the butyric-type fermentation system, the hydrogen producing efficiency was decreased on the whole as the influent COD was increased from 5000 to 20000 mg·L-1 under the HRT of 8 h. It also showed that the maximum value of SHPR and HY was 159.6 ml H2·(g VSS·d)-1 and 1.0 mol H2·(mol glucose)-1, respectively, when the influent COD was 5000 mg·L-1. It indicated that the hydrogen-producting capability of ethanol-type fermentation was better than that of butyric-type fermentation.

    Combustion characteristics of syngas under oxygen steam conditions
    SUN Shaozeng, MENG Shun, ZHAO Yijun, XU Huanhuan, GUO Yangzhou, LIU Mo, QIN Yukun
    2015, 66(12):  5119-5126.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150725
    Abstract ( 485 )   PDF (691KB) ( 246 )  
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    Oxygen steam combustion technology is concerned greatly with the characteristics of high efficiency and near-zero emissions. The combustion characteristics of syngas under oxygen steam conditions were studied experimentally in this paper. The gas composition and flame temperature in the center of the combustor chamber were measured under the H2O/O2 of 2.0 on a diffusion combustion experimental setup. The effects of excess amount of oxygen on the combustion process of syngas under the oxygen steam conditions were discussed. The results showed that most of the H2 and CO combusted within the first 28 ms when the excess amount of oxygen was zero. The burn rate of H2 was greater with higher burnout, but the burn rate of CO was lower and the content in the exit of combustor was still high. When the excess coefficient of oxygen was increased from 0 to 10%, the overall concentration of CO reduced with increasing burning rate and the combustion flame temperature increased in the earlier stage. The concentration of CO in the combustor exit decreased gradually with increasing excess coefficient of oxygen. The concentration of CO in the combustor exit decreased rapidly with the small excess oxygen, while continuing to increase the amount of excess oxygen, the concentration of CO decreased slowly.

    Preparation and thermal properties of high performance shape-stabilized phase change composites using stearic acid and expanded graphite
    WU Si, LI Tingxian, YAN Ting, DAI Yanjun, WANG Ruzhu
    2015, 66(12):  5127-5134.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150931
    Abstract ( 359 )   PDF (1555KB) ( 982 )  
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    A modified method is proposed to prepare shape-stabilized phase change composites by employing “heating adsorption of liquid stearic acid (SA) into expanded graphite (EG) matrix and compressing stable-shape composite”. Sixteen samples with different EG contents and packed densities are prepared using SA as the phase change material and EG as porous matrix. The microstructures, thermal properties and thermal stabilities of different EG/SA samples are analyzed and investigated. Scanning electron microscopy is first used to observe the microstructures of EG/SA samples and the results show that SA is well dispersed into the graphite flakes and the laminar structures become more inerratic with increasing packed density. The data obtained from differential scanning calorimetry show that the EG/SA composites nearly have no supercooling problem. Moreover, the addition of EG and compressing operation have negligible effect on the latent heat and phase change temperature of pure SA. Hot-disk thermal constants analyzer is used to evaluate the effect of EG content and packed density on the thermal conductivity and the anisotropy of the EG/SA samples, including axial and radial thermal conductivity. The results show that both axial and radial thermal conductivity can be enhanced significantly by using the additive of EG, and the radial thermal conductivity is as high as 23.77 W·m-1·K-1. The difference between axial and radial thermal conductivity becomes more remarkable by increasing the packed density, and the largest difference reaches 5.4 times. Finally, the thermal stability of EG/SA samples is evaluated by repeating charging and discharging processes of SA. The samples with relatively high density or low EG content are susceptible to liquid leak. However, the thermal stability of EG/SA composites can be regulated by optimizing the combination of EG content and packed density. The shape-stabilized phase change composites present better comprehensive performance with EG content about 25% and packed density about 950 kg·m-3. In comparison with the traditional method for preparing shape-stabilized phase change composite, the proposed method can improve the overall thermal performance of composites, and the thermal conductivity can be enhanced more than 130 times higher than that of pure SA.

    Preparation and characterization of waterborne acrylic magnetic pressure sensitive adhesive modified by nano-Fe3O4 particle
    CHEN Weifeng, FU Heqing
    2015, 66(12):  5135-5141.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150565
    Abstract ( 301 )   PDF (1099KB) ( 1010 )  
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    To obtain a kind of nano-Fe3O4 with double linkage, nano-Fe3O4 particles were surface functionalized by a silane coupling agent KH-570. Then a series of waterborne acrylic magnetic pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) modified by nano-Fe3O4 and surface functionalized nano-Fe3O4 were prepared through in situ polymerization, respectively. The nanoparticles and PSA were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermalgravimetry analysis (TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The experimental results showed that the waterborne acrylic pressure sensitive adhesives with good magnetic properties were successfully prepared with the addition of nano-Fe3O4, The magnetic properties of PSA were improved with the increasing of nano-Fe3O4 content. When the content of KH570-Fe3O4 was about 4% (mass), the PSA had the perfect adhesive properties. The thermal stability and adhesion properties of acrylate PSA were obviously improved by the addition of nano-Fe3O4 particles, especially by surface functionalized Fe3O4 particles. Furthermore, Compared to the pure Fe3O4, the surface functionalized Fe3O4 was better dispersed in acrylate PSA while the value of saturation magnetization of PSA decreased slightly.

    Preparation and performance of sodium acetate trihydrate/formamide composite phase change material
    FANG Yutang, JIN Ce, LIANG Xianghui, GAO Xuenong, ZHANG Zhengguo
    2015, 66(12):  5142-5148.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150687
    Abstract ( 437 )   PDF (1628KB) ( 639 )  
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    Formamide (FA) as modifier, a novel sodium acetate trihydrate (SAT)/formamide (FM) composite phase change material (CPCM) was prepared by melt blending method. The influence of the formamide mass fraction (the same as below) on the phase change enthalpy and the temperature of SAT/FA mixture (matrix) was discussed. The effects of nucleating agent and thickening agent on the phase separation, the degree of supercooling and the release time of composite material were systematically investigated by melting-solidification cycle and step cooling curve. The structure and performance of novel CPCM were characterized by FTIR, XRD and DSC. The results showed that the SAT/FA eutectic mixture formed by adding 25% formamide into SAT. The SAT/FA CPCM formed by adding 2% disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate (DSP) as the nuclear agent and 2% polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as thickening agent, had a low degree of supercooling (2.67℃), long heat release time (10170 s) and excellent cycling stability. Its phase change enthalpy and temperature were 233.9 kJ·kg-1 and 40.88℃, respectively, indicating that it can be applied to floor radiant heating with phase change thermal storage.

    Synthesis and structural characterization of layered double hydroxide usingsteel slag as raw material
    CHEN Yan, WANG Liqiu, WANG Chenye, LI Huiquan
    2015, 66(12):  5149-5156.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150658
    Abstract ( 313 )   PDF (4861KB) ( 479 )  
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    Ca-Mg-Al-Fe quaternary layered double hydroxide (LDHs) was successfully synthesized using the abundant and cheap steel slag as raw material via a convenient chemical process: acetic acid-leaching and coprecipitation. The influences of pH value, crystallization temperature and time on the synthesis of Ca-Mg-Al-Fe quaternary LDHs were investigated. The samples were characterized by XRD, XRF, SEM, FT-IR, TEM, DTA/TG and BET. The results showed that pH was the dominant factor for the synthesis of LDHs, and pure LDHs could be synthesized when pH value was controlled in the range of 10.5-11.8 during coprecipitation process. Crystallization temperature and time were important factors influencing the crystal cell parameters and layer spacing. As the crystallization temperature and time increased, lattice parameters a, c and the spacing of layer first reduced and then increased. Crystal grain size of LDHs along the axis of a was larger than that along the axis of c. When LDHs was synthesized at the conditions of pH of 11.8, crystallization temperature of 150℃ and crystallization time of 16 h, it presented well-defined structure and crystal shape, clear layered structure, large aperture and well thermal stability.

    Preparation and properties of bisphenol siloxane benzoxazine/silica composites
    LI Ming, SHI Tiejun, YUAN Wei, XU Guomei, ZHU Linlin
    2015, 66(12):  5157-5162.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150503
    Abstract ( 333 )   PDF (4027KB) ( 587 )  
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    BZ was synthesized by using BPA, KH-550 and paraformaldehyde as raw materials. PB was formed by curing of BZ. Then PBS was obtained by curing of co-mixed BZ and modified silica. The chemical structure of BZ was characterized by FT-IR, 1H NMR. The curing characteristics was studied by DSC and the thermostability was analyzed by TG. The results showed that ring opening polymerization of BZ was 181℃ in N2. To PB, the temperature of 5% weight loss was 302℃ and that of 10% weight loss was 375℃, while carbon residue was 53% in 800℃. For PBS, the temperature of 5% weight loss was 316℃ and that of 10% weight loss was 407℃, while carbon residue was 59% in 800℃. The SEM image of polymers indicated that bisphenol siloxane benzoxazine with modified silica had a good compatibility and ductibility.

    Pyrolysis characteristics and preparation of WPP/NWPCB/POE composites
    CHEN Yizhong, WU Man, XIE Henglai, LIU Xinmin, GUO Qingjie
    2015, 66(12):  5163-5170.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150671
    Abstract ( 338 )   PDF (4154KB) ( 447 )  
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    With the waste polypropylene (WPP) as matrix and the modificated non-metallic powder from waste printed circuit boards (NWPCB) as filler, the WPP/NWPCB composites were prepared by means of the melt blending. To enhance the mechanical characters, the WPP/NWPCB composites were synergistically modified by ethylene octene copolymer (POE) and maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (PP-g-MAH). The mechanical properties and morphology analysis showed that POE greatly improved the impact strength of WPP/NWPCB composite materials. When the content of POE was 15 g·(100 g)-1, the impact strength of WPP/NWPCB composites was increased by 129%. The interface bonding strength between filler and matrix was improved with modification by 9 g·(100 g)-1 PP-g-MAH. The impact strength, tensile strength and flexural strength were increased by 7.8%, 23.4% and 20% respectively. The pyrolysis characteristics of WPP/NWPCB/POE composite materials were investigated by means of TGA-FTIR at nitrogen atmosphere. It indicated that the heat stability of WPP material in the composites was improved by the addition of NWPCB. The alkanes, olefins and CO2 were released during the pyrolysis process of WPP/NWPCB composites, whereas a small amount of harmful gas such as phenol aromatic compounds and hydrogen bromide was also produced.

    Modification of commercial BC dry chemical powder suppressant and experiments on suppression of methane-air explosion
    WANG Xinqun, WANG Ting, XU Haishun, YANG Jian, P. Wolanski
    2015, 66(12):  5171-5178.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20141869
    Abstract ( 459 )   PDF (5776KB) ( 596 )  
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    Three kinds of superfine sodium bicarbonate explosion suppression powder were prepared from commercial BC dry powder with different process and surface modification. Scanning electron microscopy and laser particle analyzer were used to investigate the surface properties and particle size distributions. Preliminary suppression experiments on methane-air mixture explosion at chemical equivalent ratio were carried out with the prepared superfine sodium bicarbonate powder in 200 L chamber. The key physical parameters of the suppression powder such as particle size and distribution, surface area, and surface properties are improved significantly with two of the preparation processes. For the designed explosion suppressor with optimized parameters, the total spray time of the suppression powder is in the range of 12 ms and the maximum jet velocity can reach 5-15 m·s-1 at the opening pressure of diaphragm of 8 MPa. The efficiency of explosion suppression is not only related to the average particle size, the particle size distribution is also important, and powder with irregular surface shape can suppress the explosion more effectively. Compared to the normally commercially available BC powder, the ability of explosion suppression is improved eight to ten times when the powder is refined to the order of magnitude of ten micrometers.

    Influences of KCl content on pressure desensitization of emulsion explosives
    DU Mingran, WANG Xuguang, YAN Shilong
    2015, 66(12):  5179-5184.  doi:10.11949/j.issn.0438-1157.20150228
    Abstract ( 283 )   PDF (618KB) ( 432 )  
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    An emulsion matrix was mixed with 0%, 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% by the mass of KCl separately, and then expanded perlite and chemical foaming agent as sensitizing agent were used separately to make two groups of emulsion explosives. Their explosion shock waves were tested in water before and after compression by shock waves produced by the host charge underwater. The pressure desensitization degrees of these emulsion explosives were calculated with the peak pressure values of tested shock waves and compared, and the influence of KCl content was analyzed. Results show that when KCl content is between 0% and 2%, the pressure desensitization degrees of the emulsion explosives are unchanged; when KCl content is between 2% and 8%, KCl content shows strong influence, desensitization degree increases with the KCl content. It means that the anti-pressing performance of explosives is worse with the increase of KCl content, the change of the quality and crystallization point of dispersed phase is a factor to change the pressure desensitization degree. These results can provide reference for coal mine blasting and further study on mechanism of pressure desensitization.