化工学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (5): 1735-1749.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20231191
Yu DING1(), Changze YANG1, Jun LI2, Huidong SUN2, Hui SHANG1(
丁禹, 杨昌泽, 李军, 孙会东, 商辉. 原子尺度钼系加氢脱硫催化剂的研究进展与展望[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(5): 1735-1749.
Yu DING, Changze YANG, Jun LI, Huidong SUN, Hui SHANG. Research progress and prospects of atomic-scale molybdenum-based hydrodesulfurization catalysts[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(5): 1735-1749.
图1 Pecoraro等[9]观察到的二苯并噻吩在400℃时的HDS周期性变化趋势(由Toulhoat等[10]改编)
Fig.1 The periodic variations in the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of dibenzothiophene at 400℃ observed by Pecoraro et al.[9]
图4 在H2/H2S混合气氛中Au负载的MoS2边缘结构的Ab initio热力学相图[24](1 bar=0.1 MPa)
Fig.4 Ab initio thermodynamics phase diagram of the MoS2 edge structures in H2/H2S mixtures for Au-supported MoS2[24]
位点 | 第一次加氢/(kJ/mol) | 第二次加氢/(kJ/mol) | 第一次碳硫键断裂/(kJ/mol) | 路径 | 文献 |
MoS2角位 | 68.76 | 39.52 | 125.96 | HYD(PH) | [ |
MoS2角位 | 68.76 | 39.52 | 200.18 | HYD(FH) | [ |
MoS2角位 | 68.76 | 49.50 | 72.76 | DDS | [ |
CoMoS硫边 | 42.45 | 0 | 161.13 | HYD | [ |
CoMoS硫边 | 42.45 | 92.63 | 60.79 | DDS | [ |
MoS2硫边 | 77.19 | 0.00 | 79.12 | HYD | [ |
MoS2钼边 | 55.00 | 0.00 | 109.03 | HYD | [ |
MoS2硫边 | 77.19 | — | 20.26 | DDS | [ |
MoS2钼边 | 55.00 | — | 106.13 | DDS | [ |
NiMoS硫边 | 94.56 | 98.41 | 50.17 | DDS | [ |
表1 活性位点的加氢和碳硫键断裂能垒
Table 1 Hydrogenation and carbon-sulfur bond-breaking energy barriers at the active sites
位点 | 第一次加氢/(kJ/mol) | 第二次加氢/(kJ/mol) | 第一次碳硫键断裂/(kJ/mol) | 路径 | 文献 |
MoS2角位 | 68.76 | 39.52 | 125.96 | HYD(PH) | [ |
MoS2角位 | 68.76 | 39.52 | 200.18 | HYD(FH) | [ |
MoS2角位 | 68.76 | 49.50 | 72.76 | DDS | [ |
CoMoS硫边 | 42.45 | 0 | 161.13 | HYD | [ |
CoMoS硫边 | 42.45 | 92.63 | 60.79 | DDS | [ |
MoS2硫边 | 77.19 | 0.00 | 79.12 | HYD | [ |
MoS2钼边 | 55.00 | 0.00 | 109.03 | HYD | [ |
MoS2硫边 | 77.19 | — | 20.26 | DDS | [ |
MoS2钼边 | 55.00 | — | 106.13 | DDS | [ |
NiMoS硫边 | 94.56 | 98.41 | 50.17 | DDS | [ |
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