化工学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 75 ›› Issue (4): 1256-1269.DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20231215
Mingze SUN(), Helai HUANG(), Zhiqiang NIU()
Zhiqiang NIU
孙铭泽, 黄鹤来, 牛志强. 铂基氧还原催化剂:从单晶电极到拓展表面纳米材料[J]. 化工学报, 2024, 75(4): 1256-1269.
Mingze SUN, Helai HUANG, Zhiqiang NIU. Pt-based oxygen reduction reaction catalysts: from single crystal electrode to nanostructured extended surface[J]. CIESC Journal, 2024, 75(4): 1256-1269.
图1 酸性条件下二电子和四电子ORR基本步骤(a);*OOH和*OH中间体的线性相关关系(b)[27];ORR过程的“火山型曲线”关系(c)[28]
Fig.1 2e- and 4e- mechanisms of ORR (a); Scaling relationship of *OOH and *OH intermediates (b)[27]; Volcano plot of ORR (c)[28]
图2 台阶位点ORR提升的来源(a)[39];Pt(111)腔体凹面结构会提升ORR活性(b)[40];应变效应示意图(c)[44];Pt与3d-过渡金属形成的合金薄膜材料ORR活性的实验(d)以及理论计算结果(e)[45]
Fig.2 Origin of the increase of ORR activity by step sites (a)[39]; Increase of ORR activities for defective Pt(111) cavity (b)[40]; Schematic illustration of strain effect (c)[44]; Specific activity (d) as well as theory calculation (e) of Pt and Pt3M electrodes[45]
图3 八面体颗粒的尺寸与平台位点比例关系(a)[71];在高电流密度下降低载量对催化剂性能的影响(b)[72]
Fig.3 Relationship between particle size and terrace site fraction (a)[71]; Influence of low Pt loading for ORR activity especially at high current density (b)[72]
图4 NSTF催化剂的合成方法示意图(a)[84];纳米气凝胶催化剂的合成示意图(b)[85];螺旋式介孔网络Pt薄膜的合成示意图(c)[89]
Fig.2 Schematic illustration of the preperation and structure of NSTF catalyst (a)[84]; Schematic illustration of the synthesis of aerogel (b)[85]; Schematic illustration of the synthesis of meso-structured Pt (c)[89]
图5 单个八面体纳米笼的HAADF-STEM图像(a);八面体纳米笼、立方体纳米笼和TKK Pt/C在0.9 V时的SA和MA(b)[96];PtPb/Pt六方纳米板的TEM图像(c);稳定性测试后PtPb/Pt六方纳米板催化剂的SA和MA的变化(d)[97]
Fig.5 HAADF-STEM image of an individual octahedral nanocage (a); Specific activities and mass activities at 0.9 V (RHE) of octahedral nanocages, cubic nanocages, and TKK Pt/C (b)[96]; TEM image of PtPb/Pt hexagonal nanoplates (c); Specific activities and mass activities of hexagonal nanoplates after stability test (d)[97]
图6 PtCuNi 纳米管的合成示意图(a);拓展面催化剂透射电镜表征 (b);EDS mapping 呈现出Cu@PtNi的核壳结构 (c);PtCuNiAu纳米管、PtCuNi 纳米管、PtCuNi NPs 和商用Pt/C在0.9 V时的SA和MA(d);PtCuNi纳米管和商用Pt/C的H2-空气燃料电池极化曲线和功率密度(e)[102]
Fig.6 Schematic illustration of the synthesis of extended PtCuNi catalyst (a); Representative HAADF-STEM image of Cu@PtNi core-shell nanowire (b); EDS elemental mapping of Cu@PtNi core-shell nanowire (c); Specific activities and mass activities at 0.9 V (RHE) of extended PtCuNiAu, extended PtCuNi, PtCuNi NPs and commercial Pt/C (d); H2-air fuel cell polarization and power density plots of commercial Pt/C and extended PtCuNi (e)[102]
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